US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

Don't ask stupid questions, commie. YOu want to make a charge of genocide against America, name the fucking time and place or STFU.
You're confused about the role genocide played in Making America Great?o_O

California Slaughtered 16,000 Native Americans. The State Finally Apologized For the Genocide
rump is brilliant. His campaign, where he went against what ALL the experts, in two fields said, and crushed them all, proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Trump's stupidity and ignorance are matched only by his venality and arrogance; anyone who actually believes he is "brilliant" isn't paying attention.

Five claims in Trump niece's tell-all book
I made a point about the Korean War having a legitimate basis in national security interest as opposed to your conspiracy theories of Evul Capitalism being the reason.
Your point is laughable; the US in 1945 was the only major economy whose homeland's infrastructure was untouched by the bombs that reduced Russia and the UK to ruins. The US was the only country with nuclear weapons. You appear to believe the constant lies designed to terrify timid souls into paying any price and assuming any debt to stop "them" from taking over this country. "They" are not the problem; gullible tykes like you are.
Why is the President of the United States considered to be the responsible party for controlling the world wide spread of the Spanish Flu?
Aside from spreading the flu from US military bases to Europe, you mean? Wilson lied to the American voter when he promised to remain "neutral" in WWI, and then he made matters worse by refusing to tell Americans about the epidemic that would claim 600,000 of their lives.

The great American cover-up: Did Woodrow Wilson cause the spread of Spanish flu worldwide?

"Even with the number of sick and infected soldiers, President Wilson went against his chief physician's advice and sent in thousands of more soldiers on transport ships to the frontlines in France which seemed to have resulted in the virus spreading across the world."
Truman and churchill were concerned that the soviets enslaved eastern europe and were working to turn greece and italy communist also
Truman and Churchill were both well aware communists fought against Nazis in Greece and Italy during WWII while many capitalists and Royals in those states collaborated with Hitler. The same reality held true in Korea; free elections in those countries would have brought Korean, Greek, and Italian communists to power, and that was deemed unacceptable by white supremacists like Harry and Winnie. That is why Truman started the Cold War.
Truman and Churchill were both well aware communists fought against Nazis in Greece and Italy during WWII while many capitalists and Royals in those states collaborated with Hitler.
They also know that stalin murdered thousands of polish officers as well as russians in the ukraine

he also invaded finland and occupied all of eastern europe

communism is one of the worst ideas in human history
What are you talking about?

#3 works to undermine US military strength
No, it doesn't.

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As an imperial power and as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency, though, America can never have a balanced trade account.

This dilemma was first noted by the Belgian economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s.

"If America’s trade account was in balance, foreigners would not be able to access the additional dollars needed to purchase imports from one another and to hold as reserves.

"Without reliable access to dollars, global trade would become very difficult as 80% of global payments are made in dollars.

"Were global trade to collapse, so too would global prosperity.

"Finally, without the tribute payments represented by its persistent trade deficits, how could America continue to fund its military commitments? "
What are you talking about?

#3 works to undermine US military strength
No, it doesn't.

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As an imperial power and as the issuer of the world’s reserve currency, though, America can never have a balanced trade account.

This dilemma was first noted by the Belgian economist Robert Triffin in the 1960s.

"If America’s trade account was in balance, foreigners would not be able to access the additional dollars needed to purchase imports from one another and to hold as reserves.

"Without reliable access to dollars, global trade would become very difficult as 80% of global payments are made in dollars.

"Were global trade to collapse, so too would global prosperity.

"Finally, without the tribute payments represented by its persistent trade deficits, how could America continue to fund its military commitments? "
You seem to have an unlimited supply of America-hating eggheads to do your talking for you

and they are all full of shit
I'd rather have a benevolent nation like the U.S. with the knee on the throats of Totalitarian Oppressive countries than the other way around.
but thank God that America is still strong enough to stand up to russia and china and iran even after foolishly giving away half our economic advantage
Russia, China, and Iran don't possess the combined military assets required to threaten the US Homeland. The first two have nuclear capabilities; however, since elites in all three nuclear powers recognize they will pay the same price as the poor, MAD still holds. Your blind trust in American Exceptionalism makes me think you would be happier living somewhere the government tells you what to believe.
but thank God that America is still strong enough to stand up to russia and china and iran even after foolishly giving away half our economic advantage
Russia, China, and Iran don't possess the combined military assets required to threaten the US Homeland. The first two have nuclear capabilities; however, since elites in all three nuclear powers recognize they will pay the same price as the poor, MAD still holds. Your blind trust in American Exceptionalism makes me think you would be happier living somewhere the government tells you what to believe.

Yes they do. Russia and China have ICBMs that can reach the US. MAD won't hold forever.
You think China doesnt want to rule the world? :cuckoo:
I KNOW China doesn't currently have over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries. I KNOW China has not killed millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet since 1945.

US military bases – geographical imaginations
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today?
It's not China.

China killed hundreds of millions of its own citizens with communism. Mao even had his own wife killed. Have to do better than that gp. You're slipping big time.
That would be in their country, not around the world. Try to pay attention.
but thank God that America is still strong enough to stand up to russia and china and iran even after foolishly giving away half our economic advantage
Russia, China, and Iran don't possess the combined military assets required to threaten the US Homeland. The first two have nuclear capabilities; however, since elites in all three nuclear powers recognize they will pay the same price as the poor, MAD still holds. Brainless patriots who imagine they are under
or 70 years NATO has improved the security of Europe and has only been a threat to those that seek to invade and annex other countries. NATO does not annex other countries territory, that's a move of Hitler's Germany or Putin's Russia.
People living in the Balkans have a different view of NATO security, especially since its members ratified the New Strategic Concept (proposed by US arms makers) which permitted NATO to go beyond its defensive role and intervene militarily without a UN mandate.

Serbian Lawsuits over NATO Bombing ‘Likely to Fail’
You think China doesnt want to rule the world? :cuckoo:
I KNOW China doesn't currently have over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries. I KNOW China has not killed millions of innocent civilians on the opposite side of the planet since 1945.

US military bases – geographical imaginations
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today?
It's not China.

China killed hundreds of millions of its own citizens with communism. Mao even had his own wife killed. Have to do better than that gp. You're slipping big time.
That would be in their country, not around the world. Try to pay attention.

Communism has killed hundreds of millions around the world and if it comes here, it will do the same thing. You love communism, we get it.
Only in your mind. Being a successful country, with a strong economy and strong military does not make that country and Empire. Not even close
When the successful country has 170,000 active-duty servicemen and women stationed in 150 foreign countries and its dollar serves as a global reserve currency, it is as much of an empire as Rome, although its methods of receiving taxation and tribute are different:

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"As other nations need U.S. dollars to buy oil and other imports, they also need to hold U.S. dollars as foreign currency reserves.

The simplest way to acquire dollars is to sell goods and services to the U.S. while accepting dollars (which will never be used to purchase American goods) in payment.

"Looking at the flow of goods and services, we can easily detect a pattern of tributary states sending treasure to the imperial power.

"Oil from the Middle East, electronics and apparel from East Asia, minerals from Africa, tropical fruits from Latin America and automobiles and automobile parts from Canada, Mexico and the E.U. all flow into the U.S. from around the world in exchange for dollars which will henceforth be used only outside the U.S.

"As I wrote in a previous column, the U.S. is the only country in the world able to write cheques (issue dollars) which will never be cashed (used to purchase American goods and services)."
The United States has used military force to preserve global peace and prevent global war on the scale of the previous World Wars.
Where has that happened in the last 75 years?

One of the first discussions of political economy I can remember took place in 1950 when I overheard my dad and grandfather voicing support for the coming Korean bloodshed because they thought it would prevent the next recession/depression.

The US economy has been based on its military/industrial/congressional complex as long as I've been alive, and that means "clearing the shelves" every once in a while in pursuit of more profits for a few and misery for millions.

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