US Military's Knee on the Throat of the World

The great menace in 1945 was communism where no free elections were ever held
This was the great menace in 1945

and Harry knew how to use it.
"Freedom loving Americans" who have killed millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Kandahar since 1945 don't qualify as genocidal?

Don't ask stupid questions, commie. YOu want to make a charge of genocide against America, name the fucking time and place or STFU.
Can you deny Trump is the most ignorant/stupid POTUS in history?

I don't know if any of the Presidents are really ignorant or stupid. Obama certainly had his moments....

Certainly Obama, the man that surprised that Supreme Court might overturn his popular policy, just because it was unconstitutional, he was really fucking ignorant.

Trump is brilliant. His campaign, where he went against what ALL the experts, in two fields said, and crushed them all, proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
US policy in Korea, post WWII, was driving by legitimate foreign policy concerns.
Your narrow view of legitimate US foreign policy concerns explains much about your lack of understanding about how American Exceptionalism functions on the other side of the planet:

Containing Internal Aggression

"The central concern, with regard to the Third World, is to defend the right to rob and to exploit, to protect 'our' raw materials.

"More generally, the concern is to maintain the Grand Area subordinated to the needs of US elites and to ensure that other powers are limited to their 'regional interests' within the 'overall framework of order' maintained and controlled by the United States.

"In the words of George Kennan, the leading dove among early postwar planners, we must put aside 'vague and … unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization,' and be prepared to use violence if necessary to achieve our objectives, not 'hampered by idealistic slogans.'"

Are you surprised the richest empire in history regards human rights as "vague and unreal objectives"?

How about using violence to achieve our objectives?

Why do you swallow every load of shit the star-spangled capitalists shovel down your throat; are you afraid of the truth?
Your narrow view of legitimate US foreign policy concerns explains much about your lack of understanding about how American Exceptionalism functions on the other side of the planet:

Containing Internal Aggression

"The central concern, with regard to the Third World, is to defend the right to rob and to exploit, to protect 'our' raw materials.

"More generally, the concern is to maintain the Grand Area subordinated to the needs of US elites and to ensure that other powers are limited to their 'regional interests' within the 'overall framework of order' maintained and controlled by the United States.

"In the words of George Kennan, the leading dove among early postwar planners, we must put aside 'vague and … unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization,' and be prepared to use violence if necessary to achieve our objectives, not 'hampered by idealistic slogans.'"

Are you surprised the richest empire in history regards human rights as "vague and unreal objectives"?

How about using violence to achieve our objectives?

Why do you swallow every load of shit the star-spangled capitalists shovel down your throat; are you afraid of the truth?

Wah.....communism lost......wah!
Your narrow view of legitimate US foreign policy concerns explains much about your lack of understanding about how American Exceptionalism functions on the other side of the planet:

Containing Internal Aggression

I made a point about the Korean War having a legitimate basis in national security interest as opposed to your conspiracy theories of Evul Capitalism being the reason.

The obvious step for you to take to support your claims, if you really believed them would have been to get specific and make an argument over how or why Evul Capitalism started the war in Korea.

Instead you took a step back and got even MORE VAGUE and THEORETICAL....

You made a claim, and you cannot back it up, yet you stand by it, because you need to believe in it, to justify your treasonous anti-American positions.

The Cold War was real. Containment was the policy used to fight it. YOur pretense that it was driven by Evul Capitalism, you did not even try to defend.
Woodrow Wilson is the one that moved the United States away from it by intervening in World War I, European affairs. The Monroe Doctrine was about keeping affairs in Europe and the America's separate.
Wilson was a rabid racist whose administration put people in prison for publicly opposing US involvement in WWI. He also refused to acknowledge another great pandemic because he thought speaking about it would diminish the war effort.

The great American cover-up: Did Woodrow Wilson cause the spread of Spanish flu worldwide?

"The 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic swept across the world aided by the soldiers who moved around during World War I resulting in a death toll of around 21 million to 100 million.

"There was not enough warning nor information on the deadly outbreak which claimed the lives of over hundreds of millions of people, only to be buried in the past forever."
Wilson was a rabid racist whose administration put people in prison for publicly opposing US involvement in WWI. He also refused to acknowledge another great pandemic because he thought speaking about it would diminish the war effort.

The great American cover-up: Did Woodrow Wilson cause the spread of Spanish flu worldwide?

"The 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic swept across the world aided by the soldiers who moved around during World War I resulting in a death toll of around 21 million to 100 million.

"There was not enough warning nor information on the deadly outbreak which claimed the lives of over hundreds of millions of people, only to be buried in the past forever."

Why is the President of the United States considered to be the responsible party for controlling the world wide spread of the Spanish Flu?
That's a constructed fantasy. Yes, Noam Chomsky is a believer. Don't read or listen to Chomsky, at least for a while. Look at the raw data for yourself and then draw your conclusions.
Do you believe Chomsky is misquoting George Kennan in this example:

Containing Internal Aggression

"In the words of George Kennan, the leading dove among early postwar planners, we must put aside 'vague and … unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization,' and be prepared to use violence if necessary to achieve our objectives, not 'hampered by idealistic slogans.'"

When you consider how the US has used violence to advance its interests over the past 75 years from Korea to Indochina to the Middle East, what "raw data" would you suggest consulting to deconstruct Chomsky?
Empires don't exist in the 21st century. The United States has never been an Empire at any time in its history. Not even close.
The US is an Empire at this very moment.

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"The American empire is, in the words of John Perkins, the author of the books 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' and 'The Secret History of the American Empire,' the first truly global empire, and the first empire based on indirect economic rather than direct military power.

However, it nonetheless resembles every empire the earth has ever known in its basic structure."
Truman announced his 'Truman Plan' to Congress on March 12, 1947, and further developed it on July 12, 1948, when he pledged to contain Soviet threats to Greece and Turkey.
Truman and churchill were concerned that the soviets enslaved eastern europe and were working to turn greece and italy communist also

Sez your revisionist historian:
  • President Truman adopted an explicit anti-Soviet policy with his Truman Plan, a vision to support suffering nations to prevent the spread of Communism; many date the start of the Cold War to Truman’s speech about the plan in 1947.
but the real announcement to the world that soviet aggression will not be tolersted came with Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech in 1946

Thats how the world worked in 1945
And it works the same way today.
In 1945 the US had about 6% of the worlds population and 50% of global wealth; today we have around 4% of population and 25% of the world's wealth.

That reality rests on three pillars:

(1) US military supremacy around the world which requires a (2) global reserve currency and (3) persistent trade deficits.

And, of course, a willingness to murder, maim, and displace millions of civilians from Korea to Kandahar.
1) US military supremacy around the world which requires a (2) global reserve currency and (3) persistent trade deficits.
What are you talking about?

#3 works to undermine US military strength

but thank God that America is still strong enough to stand up to russia and china and iran even after foolishly giving away half our economic advantage
Two people in the State Department discussing the situation in Ukraine and what would be best for the United States in that situation. GOOD. That's their job! Its not an intervention. Nuland don't charge into Yanukovych's house forcing him to leave. Yanukovych was forced out by the Ukrainian people. The United States was critical of the human rights abuses of Yanukovych and they he treated people who were protesting his regime.
It's ironic how the US is only critical of "human rights abuses" in countries it perceives as threatening to its national interests and not to loyal allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The US meddling in Ukraine in 2014 didn't rise to the same level as US interference in Russian's 1996 presidential election, but it was still instrumental in the violence that followed.

America's Ukraine Hypocrisy

"Washington’s conduct not only constituted meddling, it bordered on micromanagement.

"At one point, Pyatt mentioned the complex dynamic among the three principal opposition leaders, Yatsenyuk, Oleh Tyahnybok, and Vitali Klitschko.

"Both Pyatt and Nuland wanted to keep Tyahnybok and Klitschko out of an interim government.

"In the former case, they worried about his extremist ties; in the latter, they seemed to want him to wait and make a bid for office on a longer‐term basis.

"Nuland stated that 'I don’t think Klitsch should go into the government. I don’t think it’s necessary.' She added that what Yatseniuk needed 'is Klitsch and Tyanhybok on the outside.'"
Why does Ukraine even need Javelin Missiles? Think about that carefully for a second.
Because of NATO military exercises on its borders.
What actions have western nations taken over the past century to make Russia worry about its near-abroad?

For 70 years NATO has improved the security of Europe and has only been a threat to those that seek to invade and annex other countries. NATO does not annex other countries territory, that's a move of Hitler's Germany or Putin's Russia.
Empires don't exist in the 21st century. The United States has never been an Empire at any time in its history. Not even close.
The US is an Empire at this very moment.

Trade Deficits And The American Empire

"The American empire is, in the words of John Perkins, the author of the books 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' and 'The Secret History of the American Empire,' the first truly global empire, and the first empire based on indirect economic rather than direct military power.

However, it nonetheless resembles every empire the earth has ever known in its basic structure."

Only in your mind. Being a successful country, with a strong economy and strong military does not make that country and Empire. Not even close.
Isn't it great. No other country pose us a threat. But don't think they wouldn't give their right arm to destroy us.
What historical evidence in the last two hundred years can you point to to support that claim? Just because the US demands full spectrum dominance over the entire globe doesn't mean other countries seek the same advantage, and even if they did, the US military is capable of defending its homeland against any threat without hundreds of foreign bases.

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