US Now Leads the World in Cases... Trumpers Underestimate the Threat AGAIN...

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The 2019-2020 flu season, charted

March 24, 2020

Between 38 million and 54 million people have been stricken with the flu as of March 14, according to the latest CDC data.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had been at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.

Current US COVID-19 death rate trajectory?
nowhere near the common flu numbers.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
No ones buying it bro
Ok so you are still in the denial camp??

pathetic. A true sheep.

How's it feel to be a complete and total moron????

You might want see your doctor.

It sounds like you picked up a virus that makes you talk out your ass.
When you compare equal populations the US is doing much better than the EU.
WTF does the "fake news" MSM gain by publishing trash?
View attachment 315757

Time will tell you and your denialist cohorts. Why did americans sit on their asses when Clinton deregulated the FCC just like they sit on their asses now, knowing their economic and political system sold them out? A graph sans a citation? Home schooled?

What part of fucking math don't you get? Non-sequitur writers are tough to reply to, so if you have a point to make fine, otherwise the drugs you're on aren't helping your writing skills.
Enjoy the trajectory.

The FT isn't a medical health publication, so I'm not sure how much cred their projections have.
So interpret your graphs. How many US deaths does the FT predict? 2,000,000 or more?
Why isn't their prediction a bell curve like most pandemics?
The chart is bullshit because it doesn't normalize for population.
Look at how the US is doing compared to Italy adjusting for population:
View attachment 315775
Any hominid with a high school education would have seen the data is from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 tracking data.

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

BS...........Your last comments to me were in second person........Where the fuck are you from.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The 2019-2020 flu season, charted

March 24, 2020

Between 38 million and 54 million people have been stricken with the flu as of March 14, according to the latest CDC data.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had been at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.

Current US COVID-19 death rate trajectory?
nowhere near the common flu numbers.
See the term "trajectory" and try not to pre-ejaculate just yet.

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

BS...........Your last comments to me were in second person........Where the fuck are you from.

You were informed, eat it.
When you compare equal populations the US is doing much better than the EU.
WTF does the "fake news" MSM gain by publishing trash?
View attachment 315757
Oh right on cue, kyzr the person who stupidly claimed the virus was "under control" because we had less cases than other countries...

You look stupid now, and US cases are set to skyrocket as the US is the epicenter for the virus.

What if the US cases don't skyrocket? Would you be disappointed?
Only coxuckers root for the virus.

Pence's 15-days of shutdown either helps get the virus under control, or we need more shutdown time.
The warm weather should help, as well as new medications.
We'll see what we see next week, I'm hoping the virus fades and we can get back to work.

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

It's amazing that you support a system (socialism) that has killed hundreds of millions of people throughout the world lol

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

BS...........Your last comments to me were in second person........Where the fuck are you from.

You were informed, eat it.

You are like all TDS drones.........where da hell are you from........Do you come from a place that LOVES AMERICANS DEATHS.......and WEARS A DRESS......

You are a camel jockey aren't you........because you are in here rooting for Americans to die.

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The 2019-2020 flu season, charted

March 24, 2020

Between 38 million and 54 million people have been stricken with the flu as of March 14, according to the latest CDC data.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had been at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.

Current US COVID-19 death rate trajectory?
That picture hurt just looking at it! That kind of pain could get a missile to our shores!

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

It's amazing that you support a system (socialism) that has killed hundreds of millions of people throughout the world lol

Did you miss the corporate Wall Street socialism we just ran back to like in 2007-08?

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

So.........which country are you from...........We may need to come there and give you some Freedom and Democracy..............

Oh I was born and raised in the same county of southeast MO as Rush Limbaugh, so I know what we bring is not freedom or democracy, we have none to bring. What we bring is predatory global capitalist death and destruction. And now we can enjoy some at home.

BS...........Your last comments to me were in second person........Where the fuck are you from.

You were informed, eat it.

You are like all TDS drones.........where da hell are you from........Do you come from a place that LOVES AMERICANS DEATHS.......and WEARS A DRESS......

You are a camel jockey aren't you........because you are in here rooting for Americans to die.

TDS, like corona viruses, has vartiant strains, have you been tested? You seem to know you've been infected.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
No ones buying it bro


"Disrespect science" biology?
Like looking down at a floppy penis but 'identifying' as woman?
That kind of disrespect?

Countryfvck dumbass. Enjoy the objective reality of that trajectory of dead US bodies your economic/political system deemed necessary for "progress". Same as america ever was.

View attachment 315767

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The 2019-2020 flu season, charted

March 24, 2020

Between 38 million and 54 million people have been stricken with the flu as of March 14, according to the latest CDC data.

According to CDC, this year's flu season has led to at least 17 million medical visits and 390,000 hospitalizations. CDC found that the percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness increased to 5.8% in the week ending on March 14, up from 5.2% the previous week. The national baseline for those visits is 2.4%.

CDC in its latest report estimated that there had been at least 23,000 deaths related to the flu as of March 14.

Worst flu season for children in a decade
This flu season has been especially bad for children, according to CDC. The report shows 149 total pediatric deaths were reported as of March 14. Five new pediatric deaths occurred in the week ending on March 14. The cumulative hospitalization rate for children ages four and under so far this season is 92.5 per 100,000 people.

Current US COVID-19 death rate trajectory?
That picture hurt just looking at it! That kind of pain could get a missile to our shores!

It is what the aristocracy has done to americans.

How many idiot Trumpers on here have said: "we have less cases than the other countries"....

A lot of idiot Trumpers. Trump and his sheep followers have been 100% wrong about this threat every step of the way.

We can easily bring up all the stupid posts and threads that all the idiot Trumpers have made underestimating this virus.

Trumpers put partisan politics ahead of common sense. They care more about party than country. If Trump would have responded to this threat more responsibly, quickly, and seriously then maybe we could have protected our country and economy.

I'm wondering is there a Trumper out there man enough to admit they underestimated this virus???

It's easy to do, just admit it... like a man...

(insert generic response about TDS or any other lie/diversion)

Trump has failed us and his sheep followers have followed him every step of the way.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
No ones buying it bro

That is quite the analogy

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