US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

I've never seen such selfish, self centered people as the ones here.

You think all those unemployed people getting gvt help haven't paid taxes all their lives to the gvt and you are bitching about the gvt helping them, when they finally need it?

Who raised you to be this me me me me me me me type people without any thought or concern about others, who through no fault of their own, are now unemployed? Seriously....what makes you so special ....or even a human being?

We are concerned for others. We are concerned for people who have been out of work for 3 years because Obama's stimulus package was the biggest failure in economic history. We are concerned that the drop in asset values most families have experienced has also eroded family life. We are concerned with the loss of dignity and independence that using gov't services life welfare brings. That's why we all want Obama gone in January 13 if not sooner so this country can begin getting back to work. Because Obama's not working.

Have not problem with those on UE.

Have a big assed problem with those who have sucking off the welfare tit for ages.

As for being a human being. I'm a great on in my opinion. I just have no use for freeloaders who my taxdollar has to support because they sure do want that free ride.

Nothing is free. Someone pays for it and you can bet your ass it ain't them.
The latest government figures reveal that an astonishing number of people are collecting public benefits such as food stamps and disability checks, revealing an alarming trend of dependence on government rather than self-sufficiency associated with the American dream.

A record 5.4 million workers have applied for federal disability checks since President Obama took office, according to a news report that cites recent government figures. This is straining already-stretched government finances while posing a long-term economic threat by creating an ever-growing pool of permanently dependent working-age Americans, the report says.

Since the recession supposedly ended in mid 2009, the number of people who have applied for disability benefits is double the job growth figure, according the report which includes an informative chart. In just the first four months of this year, 539,000 joined the disability rolls and more than 725,000 applied for the federal benefit. That means nearly 11 million people are on disability, according to the Social Security Administration.

Also this week, government figures reveal that a record number are getting food stamps and the figure will keep rising. This is not surprising since the Obama Administration has promoted the program like there’s no tomorrow in an effort to eradicate “food insecure households.” In fact, the administration has spent millions of dollars to recruit even more food-stamp recipients and has doled out hefty cash rewards to states that sign up the most people. One state even bragged about a $5 million performance bonus it got from the feds for its “swift processing of applications.”

This week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reveals that 45 million people—one out of every seven U.S. residents—got food stamps in 2011, a whopping 70% increase from 2007. This represents a cost of $72 billion for U.S. taxpayers, which is a substantial increase from $30 billion four years earlier. For at least the next two years the food-stamp rolls will get even bigger, according the CBO, which studies economic and budgetary issues for Congress.

I agree, what is the exit strategy on the War on Poverty...funny liberals never have an answer....Noone knows any metrics on this

Their answer is that the Republicans didn't let them take, from the producers, and spend enough money. Always the same tune from the liberal left, if we only spent more money.

The problem is the poor and middle class don't have ANY MONEY to spend, you fucking dolt. Hence the rise in the poverty rate. It started with Reagan and got much worse under the fucking idiot Dubya.

It's funny how you ignorant unsophisticated dumb fuck Repugs constantly whine about welfare for the poor, but you sure as hell don't care about welfare for the rich. The 2008 and 2009 Wall Street bailouts are a perfect example. You fuckholes are silent as a mouse about the billions spent on that.

I guess the Koch brothers told you stupid Repug serfs to keep your mouths shut about that and you enthusiastically obliged like the pathetic lap dogs that you are.

The bottom line -- All poor and middle class Repugs are little peasant suckers who vote against their best economic interest year after year. Your racist beliefs are more important to you than your pocketbook. Sad, but true.

There seems to be a high correlation between rising poverty and the sharp increase in the level of violence. Rather than gun control, the Dems should be focused on restoring the economy through liberating the private sector. Your tax and spend policies have never worked and they won't get us out of this mess now.
When can we call the Great Society a Great liberal failure?

US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

My Way News - US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s

WASHINGTON (AP) - The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.

Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest since 1965.

You can thank Reaganomics and bullshit supply side trickle down economics. The middle class was thriving in the 1970s before idiot Reagan took over. Of course, you Repug dumb fucks will NEVER understand that because you are fucking serfs sucking the cocks of rich Repugs.

It is your poor white trash duty after all to do the bidding of your rich Repug feudal masters, just like the poor white trash who fought for the plantantion owners during the Civil War.

Yes, I recall unemployment being high and interest rates through the roof during Carters term.

The middle class was smokin'.

You should know about sucking.

And I recall WIN (Whip Inflation Now) and wage and price freezes during the Nixon administration.
I've never seen such selfish, self centered people as the ones here.

You think all those unemployed people getting gvt help haven't paid taxes all their lives to the gvt and you are bitching about the gvt helping them, when they finally need it?

Who raised you to be this me me me me me me me type people without any thought or concern about others, who through no fault of their own, are now unemployed? Seriously....what makes you so special ....or even a human being?
My parents raised me to:
  • work for my rewards
  • pay for what i buy or use
  • provide my own basic needs first
  • share with others the excess

Generosity toward others should not be mandated by the government. Our government enables and nurtures poverty by rewarding people for remaining poor.
What goes on? In the politics forum I read that this thread has been moved. (to where no one knows)

I click on the thread and and it tells me I am still in the politics forum. Weird!

Really, what could be more political than the discussion of poverty?

Discussing conservative thought patterns got relegated to the flame zone. Maybe this should be put into a brand new "Goodie Two Shoes" section.
What goes on? In the politics forum I read that this thread has been moved. (to where no one knows)

I click on the thread and and it tells me I am still in the politics forum. Weird!

Really, what could be more political than the discussion of poverty?

Discussing conservative thought patterns got relegated to the flame zone. Maybe this should be put into a brand new "Goodie Two Shoes" section.

Pick up a fucking dictionary and learn the difference between merged and moved.
Again people, this is the ObamaNation

now get out there and vote for him AGAIN to MAKE IT WORSE
Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty .
Another rider on the partisan bigot train.
I warned people when this dunce took office. Our entire Nation will someday resemble his Third World Chicago Hell-Hole. And that's exactly what's happening. How could anyone expect it to go any other way? He was an inexperienced 'Community Organizer' moron. His job was to divide the People with hateful Race-Baiting and Class Warfare. That was his job. That was the only job he ever had. He's simply a radical ideologue with no real-life experience in running Businesses. Divide & Conquer agitation is all he knows. It is what it is.
I warned people when this dunce took office. Our entire Nation will someday resemble his Third World Chicago Hell-Hole. And that's exactly what's happening. How could anyone expect it to go any other way? He was an inexperienced 'Community Organizer' moron. His job was to divide the People with hateful Race-Baiting and Class Warfare. That was his job. That was the only job he ever had. He's simply a radical ideologue with no real-life experience in running Businesses. Divide & Conquer agitation is all he knows. It is what it is.

Yep, the most ugly divisive President I have lived under.
Hope enough people have woken up come November
I warned people when this dunce took office. Our entire Nation will someday resemble his Third World Chicago Hell-Hole. And that's exactly what's happening. How could anyone expect it to go any other way? He was an inexperienced 'Community Organizer' moron. His job was to divide the People with hateful Race-Baiting and Class Warfare. That was his job. That was the only job he ever had. He's simply a radical ideologue with no real-life experience in running Businesses. Divide & Conquer agitation is all he knows. It is what it is.

Yep, the most ugly divisive President I have lived under.
Hope enough people have woken up come November

Race-Baiting/Class Warfare agitation was his only job. That's what 'Community Organizers' are paid to do. He knows absolutley nothing about real-world Business struggles. He lives in a comfortable Saul Alinsky Anti-American Marxist cocoon. He is completely isolated from the real world. Our entire Nation is rapidly becoming his miserable Third World Chicago nightmare. But i'm not surprised. I predicted it. Hopefully the People will want something different in November. I guess we'll see though.
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Those who wish to blame liberal policies , which none are noted , are usually the same folks who don't even dare whisper the name of Dubya , the creator of the failed policies that has put more people into poverty . The gap between the halves and have nots greatly increases under republican stewardship , that's an undeniable fact . And what does the party of God mean to do to alleviate poverty ? why more tax cuts for the one percenters while raising them on the middle class and the poor . Forget job creating , even though they said they would laser in on job creating is they got congress back all they've done was push more of the same failed economic policies that have pushed more people into poverty then at any other time in history . The republican party doesn't care about America , if they did those blaming Obama would put forth examples of their accomplishments in contrast to what ths president has actually done , created more jobs than all of the Bush years combined .


Read more: Quick! Guess How Many Jobs Were Created Per Month During The Bush Administration... - Business Insider

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