US Professor Predicts Hispanic Nation Republica Del Norte before end of Century!


Apr 22, 2007
Charles Truxillo is a man who holds US citizenship and poisons young minds on a ridiculous government salary at the University of New Mexico. He states that the Republica Del Norte (commonly known as the Nation of Atlzan) is going to happen before the turn of the century. The leftards will wave him off as a nut (interestingly they won't demand that he gets fired from his six figure teaching job), but does he have a point? I say absolutely. The Democrats are selling the country out to illegal immigration, because the Hispanic vote is the only way they can win elections. If they push and win amnesty more will come. There immediate goal is to true Texas blue. It could happen with the influx of Hispanics. If Texas becomes blue, the Presidential elections will solely be the Democrat Primary. Yet they will neglect to recognize the fear of selling out the country to people who don't share their end values or view this as their home or nation.

In CA, NM, AZ, NV and TX, the Hispanic population is growing. NM already has Hispanic majority. CA, NV and AZ will have a Hispanic majority in not to long and if the current trend keeps up so will TX (and even parts of CO). Yes a Hispanic majority doesn't mean they will seek to secede from the Union.

However, what happens when that majority grows to 70%, 80%, 90% etc. What happens when they say Spanish is their language and you must speak it (like Quebec does with French)? What happens when their failed policies lead to so many people on the government tit that their state economy is destroyed? Who will the 'activist' blame? Themselves? No way, we don't see it from the Black Activists in the amongst African Americans. No, they will blame White Racism. They will claim to be a separate nation in a foreign nation. You will hear how the Whites stole the US SW from the Hispanics (not Mexicans - Hispanics). In the end, a seccession movement could easily gain steam. We see it throughout the world.


Professor Predicts 'Hispanic Homeland'
A University of New Mexico Chicano Studies professor predicts a new, sovereign Hispanic nation within the century, taking in the Southwest and several northern states of Mexico.

Charles Truxillo suggests the “Republica del Norte,” the Republic of the North, is “an inevitability.”

He envisions it encompassing all of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado, plus the northern tier of Mexican states: Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.

Along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border “there is a growing fusion, a reviving of connections,” Truxillo said. “Southwest Chicanos and Norteño Mexicanos are becoming one people again.”

Truxillo, 47, has said the new country should be brought into being “by any means necessary,” but recently said it was unlikely to be formed by civil war. Instead, its creation will be accomplished by the electoral pressure of the future majority Hispanic population in the region, he said.

Other UNM professors were skeptical

Felipe Gonzáles, director of UNM's Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, said there's a “certain homeland undercurrent” among New Mexico Hispanics who believe land was stolen and promises broken. But, he said, a new nation would need much more widespread support.

“Educated elites are going to have to pick up on this idea and run with it and use it as a point of confrontation if it is to succeed,” Gonzáles said.

Truxillo contends states have the right to secede under the Articles of Confederation of 1777, in which states retained “sovereignty, freedom and independence.” He contends the Articles were not superseded in that regard by the U.S. Constitution and that although the Civil War settled the question militarily, it was never resolved by courts.

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