US pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

US pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By JON GAMBRELL

In this satellite photo provided by Planet Labs Inc., an area of Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia that once saw Patriot missile batteries stationed with one advanced Terminal High Altitude Air Defense unit stands empty Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen's Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show. (Planet Labs Inc. via AP)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen’s Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show.
The redeployment of the defenses from Prince Sultan Air Base outside of Riyadh came as America’s Gulf Arab allies nervously watched the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, including their last-minute evacuations from Kabul’s besieged international airport.
...Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby acknowledged “the redeployment of certain air defense assets” after receiving questions from the AP. He said the U.S. maintained a “broad and deep” commitment to its Mideast allies....
...“I think we need to be reassured about American commitment,” the prince told CNBC in an interview aired this week. “That looks like, for example, not withdrawing Patriot missiles from Saudi Arabia at a time when Saudi Arabia is the victim of missile attacks and drone attacks — not just from Yemen, but from Iran.”,...

Joey Xi retreats from Afghanistan in the middle of the night, He leaves the Taliban with more military materiel than even Australia has. Now he removes the missile defense system... of a country with one of the largest oil reserves in the world, as he attempts to move away from fossil fuels. Nothing to see here..
Some may argue that this is simply part of the Obama/Biden administration's war against Israel, others will argue that this is just part of a scheme of the Bai Dung administration to undermine and eventually destroy America, both will be right. I, for one, have posted countless times before the November election that the replacement of Donald Trump would result in an ultimate victory for China over the United States.
Our understandable reluctance to engage in Middle Eastern conflicts cannot be reflexive but must be carried out discriminately or Islamists and their Chinese fellow schemers win a different way.
As usual, Joey Xi Bai Dung's way is doing the complete opposite of what is logical.
Consistent. This administration is working against American interests. Nothing they do makes sense, and the American media does not question anything, so the average Joe has no idea.
Biden must be gearing up for the next great fuck up: Iraq.

Will he abandon Iraq to Iran and ISIS?

How many Iraqi refugees will we need to take in when he blows that place up? A million?
.........from the country that those who carried out 9-11 came from.

Hopefully we start pulling everything and simply come home.

How much did Saudi Arabia know? FBI release first secret 9/11 files showing anonymous Saudi embassy staffer 'helped two hijackers in LA and let them stay at his apartment before the attack.​


US pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By JON GAMBRELL

In this satellite photo provided by Planet Labs Inc., an area of Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia that once saw Patriot missile batteries stationed with one advanced Terminal High Altitude Air Defense unit stands empty Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen's Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show. (Planet Labs Inc. via AP)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. has removed its most advanced missile defense system and Patriot batteries from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks, even as the kingdom faced continued air attacks from Yemen’s Houthi rebels, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show.
The redeployment of the defenses from Prince Sultan Air Base outside of Riyadh came as America’s Gulf Arab allies nervously watched the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, including their last-minute evacuations from Kabul’s besieged international airport.
...Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby acknowledged “the redeployment of certain air defense assets” after receiving questions from the AP. He said the U.S. maintained a “broad and deep” commitment to its Mideast allies....
...“I think we need to be reassured about American commitment,” the prince told CNBC in an interview aired this week. “That looks like, for example, not withdrawing Patriot missiles from Saudi Arabia at a time when Saudi Arabia is the victim of missile attacks and drone attacks — not just from Yemen, but from Iran.”,...

Joey Xi retreats from Afghanistan in the middle of the night, He leaves the Taliban with more military materiel than even Australia has. Now he removes the missile defense system... of a country with one of the largest oil reserves in the world, as he attempts to move away from fossil fuels. Nothing to see here..
Some may argue that this is simply part of the Obama/Biden administration's war against Israel, others will argue that this is just part of a scheme of the Bai Dung administration to undermine and eventually destroy America, both will be right. I, for one, have posted countless times before the November election that the replacement of Donald Trump would result in an ultimate victory for China over the United States.
Our understandable reluctance to engage in Middle Eastern conflicts cannot be reflexive but must be carried out discriminately or Islamists and their Chinese fellow schemers win a different way.
As usual, Joey Xi Bai Dung's way is doing the complete opposite of what is logical.
Good let Saudi Arabia fight their own wars. And Biden did what he has to do after tramp made a deal with the taliban, and the taliban got the spoils of war from the afghan army.

How much did Saudi Arabia know? FBI release first secret 9/11 files showing anonymous Saudi embassy staffer 'helped two hijackers in LA and let them stay at his apartment before the attack.​

Since 1952 Saudi students have helped each other get settled, find an apartment, rent furniture, set up their banking, find a doctor etc ..

Why don't you name the Saudi Embassy staffer and then we'll look up his job description.
Since 1952 Saudi students have helped each other get settled, find an apartment, rent furniture, set up their banking, find a doctor etc ..

Why don't you name the Saudi Embassy staffer and then we'll look up his job description.
the students are also "helped" by the Saudi government --BUT
that fact does not necessarily mean that the Saudi government
knows EVERYTHING they are up to or that EVERYONE in the Saudi
government knows
the students are also "helped" by the Saudi government --BUT
that fact does not necessarily mean that the Saudi government
knows EVERYTHING they are up to or that EVERYONE in the Saudi
government knows

Of course they are helped by the SAG.. Full scholarships even for graduate schools.

Atta's team were not part of that program.
Of course they are helped by the SAG.. Full scholarships even for graduate schools.

Atta's team were not part of that program.
OK----but that does not mean that there was not lots of money
being thrown around-----on the side. I have worked with
several "scholarshipped" Saudis and "students" of other
geographical origin. You raise an interesting point-----was
Atta's family INDEPENDENTLY rich in Egypt besides being
OK----but that does not mean that there was not lots of money
being thrown around-----on the side. I have worked with
several "scholarshipped" Saudis and "students" of other
geographical origin. You raise an interesting point-----was
Atta's family INDEPENDENTLY rich in Egypt besides being

The 9/11 plot wasn't expensive. Probably cost less than a half million dollars. It was a closely held conspiracy designed to hurt the US and the Saudis who OBL hated.

Atta's family were by all accounts successful and affluent.

yes-----and easily financed by SAUDI MONEY----whether
government or private or both and INSPIRED by Saudi
culture and religion

You sure are keen to blame the Saudis. Osama Bin Laden was not Wahabbi. He followed Hassan Al Banna and Sayeed Qubt who both came out of Egypt and Palestine because of the Zionists.

Both are banned in Arabia since 1970 when Faisal was King.

Why do you think the Saudis revoked OBL's citizenship in 1994?
Since 1952 Saudi students have helped each other get settled, find an apartment, rent furniture, set up their banking, find a doctor etc ..

Why don't you name the Saudi Embassy staffer and then we'll look up his job description.

Let me go through my notes from back then..............................................................{roll eyes}

Biden Removes US Missiles from Saudi Arabia, In an Obama-Like Move to Appease Iran

13 Sep 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

The wheels of insanity in the OBiden Administration are about to fall off again. Rather than solidifying President Trump’s policy of peace in the Middle East, OBiden’s actions are likely to blow the entire region up into another OBiden mess.

President Trump went to the Middle East and visited world religious leaders on his first overseas visit in an effort to bring peace to the Middle East. President Trump inherited ISIS terrorizing the Middle East as well as Iran and both these terrorist entities were backed by the OBiden gang.
President Trump’s strategy was peace, not horror and destruction. He shared his vision with Arab leaders and asked them to remove terrorists out of their communities.

But this is not OBiden’s plan. OBiden shows that it wants destruction, murder and pain in the Middle East. This is the only plausible reason for the current Administration’s actions. The AP reports:

OBiden shows through its actions that it has no desire for peace in the Middle East or anywhere. Our allies can no longer rely on us. These are indeed dark days.

So,, Joey Xi is putting the the cherry on his clusterfuck by abandoning Saudi Arabia to placate Iran and his retreat from the Middle East.
This plays directly into the hands of Putin's Russia and Xi Jinping's asperations.

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