US removing from N.Iraq Airspace


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
New US Ambassador to Iraq is James Jeffrey. Before his appointment, he served as US Ambassador to Turkey.
In his last interview to CNN Türk he says, that since 2007 US Air Force and Turkish Air Force cooperated in North Iraq airspace. He describes this as a "complicated procedure".
He then says, that US Air Force is removing from N. Iraq Airspace by the request of Turkish government.

"Kuzey Irak hava sahas?n? bo?alt?yoruz"

"Kuzey Irak hava sahas?n? bo?alt?yoruz" CNN TÜRK Video
I don't know how true this is but if we do this it is wrong. If we pull out who will stop the Kurds and Turks from killing each other. Not that we should give a damn, they've been doing it for hundreds of years.
Other keynotes of James Jeffrey in CNN Türk interview
- Turkey of today mirrors De Gaulle's France in seeking own interests
- US does not care about domestic politics of Turkey (Secularism)

Also, a Turk is now being appointed as deputy secretary-general of NATO.

Next Chairman of the NATO Military Committee will also be a Turk.
Current Chairman is Giampaolo Di Paola from Italy (will still serve some years).

USrael Congress can "talk the talk" about kicking Turkey out of NATO.
Appointment of ex-Ankara Ambassador to Baghdad is good policy.
USA is going to leave Iraq and it is good for USA to have a man in Baghdad who is capable of reading Turkey.
I don't know how true this is but if we do this it is wrong.
It is true.

If we pull out who will stop the Kurds and Turks from killing each other. Not that we should give a damn, they've been doing it for hundreds of years.

General Petraeus defines "Turks killing Kurds" at the Committee on Armed Services of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Also speaking in the session, Gen. David Petraeus (...) Turkey had invested some 10 billion USD in north of Iraq so far, Petraeus also said.
U.S. Commander Defines Incirlik as Pivotal Base
Foreign Policy . com :
- More then 1.000 Turkish Companies operate in North-Iraq
- North Iraq has appointed Minister of Industry and Trade with dual Turkish citizenship to facilate interconnection with Turkish business.
Under the Radar Rapprochement: Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds | The Middle East Channel

German Marshall Fund, funded by German Government as thank you for Marshall Plan Aid. --->
Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds:
From Red Lines to Red Carpets
PDF download: Amberin_Analysis_Turkey_0510_Final.pdf

North Iraq Kurds are already owned economically by Turkey.
Natural balance will sort things out.
Like mother nature does between sand-rat and sand-fox in Israelian desert, which in its periphery is agricultured with stolen water from West-Bank.
( Israelis get four-fifths of scarce West Bank water, says World Bank )

This balance is not limited to N. Iraq. Hence appointment of James Jeffrey to Baghdad, the US Ambassador that will serve his most time as Ambassador in a post-USA Iraq.
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I don't know how true (...)

STRATFOR's confirmation:

The (...) special ground force exclusively dedicated to fighting Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) (...) will operate in conflict zones in southeastern Turkey (and northern Iraq if needed) for long periods, unlike conscripted soldiers.
The plan (...) comes shortly after outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Turkey James Jeffrey said the United States has cleared the airspace over northern Iraq for Turkey’s use, and said military cooperation with Turkey is more “flexible” now.
Free Article for Non-Members | STRATFOR
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STRATFOR's confirmation:

The (...) special ground force exclusively dedicated to fighting Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) (...) will operate in conflict zones in southeastern Turkey (and northern Iraq if needed) for long periods, unlike conscripted soldiers.
The plan (...) comes shortly after outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Turkey James Jeffrey said the United States has cleared the airspace over northern Iraq for Turkey’s use, and said military cooperation with Turkey is more “flexible” now.
Free Article for Non-Members | STRATFOR

The conscripts are meant to marry or go into economy after 15 month service.
It would be very unpopular to send them abroad in active missions.
Now, Turkey will additionally establish Units with 5 and 10 year serving time.
Those will be probably send to N. Iraq.

Since January 1st, there were already 369 terrorist incidents with PKK:
(official Figures from General Staff)
Genelkurmay Baþkanlýðý Resmi Kurumsal Ýnternet Sitesidir - Anasayfa - Turkish General Staff Official Web Site - Main Page

Only in June 2010, 33 soldiers have been killed:

Within last 21 days, 20 tree-fires have been set intentionally in border area:
TSK 21 günde 20 alanda yang?n ç?kard? | ANF

Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline has been bombed by PKK:
PKK bombs Iraq to Turkey pipeline in rare attack | Reuters

Iran-Turkey gas pipeline has been bombed by PKK:
Suspected PKK militants blow up Iran-Turkey gas pipeline - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Those m*f* are really provoking an invasion.
The POINT being with OUT US approval you 3rd world dumb asses would not be doing much of anything. The US has supported Turkey ALL ALONG with the Kurd terrorists. And what do we get for it? Retards like you making statements about how great Turkey is and how they will do as they please. YOU attack the US on every issue. People like you, hopefully, do not run your military. Because if they do, You will discover just how bad the US can hurt someone in a war.

We even went to bat for you on the European Union fight. The US SIDED with Turkey and against all of Europe. And again what did we get for it? YOU whining about how bad your country is and how it will do as it pleases. And of course the routine attacks on the US over Middle East Policy.

Ohh ya, I have a question for you? How will your military work if they sever ties with Israel, your military is so tied into Israel I doubt they relish any conflict with that Country.

Last question..... When is your Prime Minster going to lead that flotilla of Turkish gunboats into Gaza Harbor?
The POINT being with OUT US approval you 3rd world dumb asses would not be doing much of anything. The US has supported Turkey ALL ALONG with the Kurd terrorists. And what do we get for it? Retards like you making statements about how great Turkey is and how they will do as they please. YOU attack the US on every issue. People like you, hopefully, do not run your military. Because if they do, You will discover just how bad the US can hurt someone in a war.

We even went to bat for you on the European Union fight. The US SIDED with Turkey and against all of Europe. And again what did we get for it? YOU whining about how bad your country is and how it will do as it pleases. And of course the routine attacks on the US over Middle East Policy.

Ohh ya, I have a question for you? How will your military work if they sever ties with Israel, your military is so tied into Israel I doubt they relish any conflict with that Country.

Last question..... When is your Prime Minster going to lead that flotilla of Turkish gunboats into Gaza Harbor?

Turkey presented three options to Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani when he visited Ankara last month:
- take unilateral action against the PKK in northern Iraq;
- let the trilateral mechanism set up by Turkey, Iraq and the U.S. take action;
- or see Turkey carry out “military-power-backed diplomacy,” which would result in large-scale unilateral military action against PKK hideouts in northern Iraq.
Turkey Tallies Options in Fight Against PKK

We have given list with 248 leading cadre of PKK to Iraq and USA last week for immediate capturing.

Whole world knows where they are.
BBC visited them just yesterday:

Seeking out the PKK gunmen in Iraq's remote mountains
In Iraq's northern mountains, Kurdish rebels the PKK plan and launch their attacks on Turkey. The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse sought them out.
BBC News - Seeking out the PKK gunmen in Iraq's remote mountains

This week the PKK threatened to make terrorist acts in western urban centres of Turkey:
The PKK has threatened to spread violence to urban centres in western Turkey.
AFP: Six Turkish soldiers killed by Kurdish rebels
The POINT being with OUT US approval you 3rd world dumb asses would not be doing much of anything. The US has supported Turkey ALL ALONG with the Kurd terrorists. And what do we get for it? Retards like you making statements about how great Turkey is and how they will do as they please. YOU attack the US on every issue. People like you, hopefully, do not run your military. Because if they do, You will discover just how bad the US can hurt someone in a war.

We even went to bat for you on the European Union fight. The US SIDED with Turkey and against all of Europe. And again what did we get for it? YOU whining about how bad your country is and how it will do as it pleases. And of course the routine attacks on the US over Middle East Policy.

Ohh ya, I have a question for you? How will your military work if they sever ties with Israel, your military is so tied into Israel I doubt they relish any conflict with that Country.

Last question..... When is your Prime Minster going to lead that flotilla of Turkish gunboats into Gaza Harbor?

Last military order given to Israel was in 2005.
Everything we ordered from Israel was meant as interims solution.
Currently the Israelian HERONs are delivered to Turkey, with the indigenious solution already in roll-out: TIHA-A

Likewise with the Battle Tank Sabra-3 upgrade.
Indigenious solution already in works: ALTAY

In September, last HERONs will be delivered. After HERONs there is nothing to be delivered, as last order was placed in 2005 as I stated.
Turkey needed Israel in the 90's to modernize the Army in mid-technology level.
That modernization is complete, we don't need them anymore.
Our prime defence partners are now Italy and South Korea.
The US when we buy aviation, currently orders for 30 F-16 and level-3 production partner for first batch of 120 F-35.

Korea is offering us to join Korea-Indonesia development of a KFX figter jet:
Indonesia Joins South Korean Fighter Effort - Defense News
With the Koreans we already develop Battle Tanks, Torpedoes, Training Aircrafts, Aircraft Simulators.

In March, we awarded the Koreans to build the 2nd nuclear plant in Turkey with 5.600 MW capacity:
Turkey, S Korea envision tripling trade - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

RetiredSeargent said:
How will your military work if they sever ties with Israel, your military is so tied into Israel I doubt they relish any conflict with that Country.

Look, what Israel expert says:

Defence deals with Israel have been particularly affected. "We haven't seen big military deals since 2003, when Erdogan took office," said Alon Liel, a former Israeli ambassador to Ankara. He professed concern that "military ties will fade away", adding: "Apart from tiny deals, I don't think there will be further Turkish contracts for Israeli defence companies." / UK - Israel-Turkey dispute hurts business ties

It is not a loss for Turkey, but an income loss for Israel.
(...) When is your Prime Minster going to lead that flotilla of Turkish gunboats into Gaza Harbor?

There was never such statement by the Prime Minister.
If Prime Minister goes to Palestine, he goes with "Air Force 1".
(...) When is your Prime Minster going to lead that flotilla of Turkish gunboats into Gaza Harbor?

There was never such statement by the Prime Minister.
If Prime Minister goes to Palestine, he goes with "Air Force 1".

Your Prime Minister never said he would send Turkish Warships with the next Turkish aid flotilla? Be careful what you answer here, you do not have a lot of posts I can easily check them all if forced to.
Your Prime Minister never said he would send Turkish Warships with the next Turkish aid flotilla? Be careful what you answer here, you do not have a lot of posts I can easily check them all if forced to.

(...) how great Turkey is (...)

Turkey is a mini-Power on global stage, which will transform into medium-Power in next years. socio-economics of Turkey

Within influence area of Turkey, from Balkans to Central Asia, Turkey is a big-Power, which according to Carnegie Endowment so far punched below its weight:
Turkey Emerges as Middle East Leader - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Not all continents on earth have same strategic value. The region Turkey resides in is game-setter for global dynamics. This will stay so for 5-10 years and then will gradually shift into Pacific-Asia, which increasingly faces Hegemony of China.
(...) how great Turkey is (...)

Turkey is a mini-Power on global stage, which will transform into medium-Power in next years. socio-economics of Turkey

Within influence area of Turkey, from Balkans to Central Asia, Turkey is a big-Power, which according to Carnegie Endowment so far punched below its weight:
Turkey Emerges as Middle East Leader - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Not all continents on earth have same strategic value. The region Turkey resides in is game-setter for global dynamics. This will stay so for 5-10 years and then will gradually shift into Pacific-Asia, which increasingly faces Hegemony of China.
Yep keep to your delusion. Just letting you know you are losing against the PKK, and you have and continue to fail to destroy Armenia. :doubt:
Yep keep to your delusion. Just letting you know you are losing against the PKK, and you have and continue to fail to destroy Armenia. :doubt:

General Staff:
“We’ve neutralized 30,000 terrorists in 26 years, with an additional 10,000 surrendering or wounded. The [PKK] has approximately 6,000 members in the mountains; 30,000 divided by six equals 5,000. Mathematically, security forces have finished off the terrorist organization five times in 26 years.”
Turkey's rhetorical guns trained on northern Iraq - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

In the past, the logistic space of PKK was in Syria. PKK's leader was also in Syria.
General Attila Ates went to Syria-Turkey border and threatened war if Syria does not stop supporting PKK:
(CNN Video of General's speech on border)
Suriye ile nereden nereye? CNN TÜRK Video

After that, Syria stopped support for PKK and expelled PKK leader. PKK leader then was captured by Intelligence Service in Nigeria.

PKK shifted its logistic space to Iraq afterwards. There, we have continously decimated them, like the General Staff says above. With 2003 invasion of Iraq by USA, the Neo-Cons intentionally declared N.Iraq as no-go area for Turkish Army, without the USA firing one bullet against PKK in N.Iraq.
People like Seymour Hersh showed up, that reported the US funds and gives weapons to PKK and the US was building a sister organization from PKK to operate in Iran. PEJAK it is now called and reality.

In 2004 attacks by the PKK dramatically increased against Turkey, and US-Turkish relations likewise decreased, till 2007 Bush - under the threat that Turkey would invade Iraq against US will - gave OK for small-scale incursions and hot pursuit of PKK by land and air within N-Iraq.
But, since 2007 we did not launch any attack on main base of PKK in Kandil mountains (N.Iraq), just on camps near the Iraq-Turkish border.

We now want them to completely finish and go after the leader cadre, hence Iraq and USA have been given a list 248 names. If they are not captured, it is likely we will attack Kandil mountains and kill or capture them by ourself. This would be a medium-scale invasion.
Operation "Günes" in 2008 had the aim to destroy border camps. This was done with 5.000 - 10.000 Soldiers:
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now the aim is to finish the main base in Kandil mountains and capture or kill the leaders of PKK. Hence more soldiers would be involved.
After this has been achieved, there is no other country in region that would harbour the PKK.
So, the presence of PKK in Iraq is the last puzzle to close the PKK book.

you have and continue to fail to destroy Armenia. :doubt:

Unlike PKK, Armenia is a sovereign State. If the aim of Turkey was to destroy Armenia, this would be a classical conventional war. There is no such war.
Yep keep to your delusion. Just letting you know you are losing against the PKK, and you have and continue to fail to destroy Armenia. :doubt:

General Staff:
“We’ve neutralized 30,000 terrorists in 26 years, with an additional 10,000 surrendering or wounded. The [PKK] has approximately 6,000 members in the mountains; 30,000 divided by six equals 5,000. Mathematically, security forces have finished off the terrorist organization five times in 26 years.”
Turkey's rhetorical guns trained on northern Iraq - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

In the past, the logistic space of PKK was in Syria. PKK's leader was also in Syria.
General Attila Ates went to Syria-Turkey border and threatened war if Syria does not stop supporting PKK:
(CNN Video of General's speech on border)
Suriye ile nereden nereye? CNN TÜRK Video

After that, Syria stopped support for PKK and expelled PKK leader. PKK leader then was captured by Intelligence Service in Nigeria.

PKK shifted its logistic space to Iraq afterwards. There, we have continously decimated them, like the General Staff says above. With 2003 invasion of Iraq by USA, the Neo-Cons intentionally declared N.Iraq as no-go area for Turkish Army, without the USA firing one bullet against PKK in N.Iraq.
People like Seymour Hersh showed up, that reported the US funds and gives weapons to PKK and the US was building a sister organization from PKK to operate in Iran. PEJAK it is now called and reality.

In 2004 attacks by the PKK dramatically increased against Turkey, and US-Turkish relations likewise decreased, till 2007 Bush - under the threat that Turkey would invade Iraq against US will - gave OK for small-scale incursions and hot pursuit of PKK by land and air within N-Iraq.
But, since 2007 we did not launch any attack on main base of PKK in Kandil mountains (N.Iraq), just on camps near the Iraq-Turkish border.

We now want them to completely finish and go after the leader cadre, hence Iraq and USA have been given a list 248 names. If they are not captured, it is likely we will attack Kandil mountains and kill or capture them by ourself. This would be a medium-scale invasion.
Operation "Günes" in 2008 had the aim to destroy border camps. This was done with 5.000 - 10.000 Soldiers:
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now the aim is to finish the main base in Kandil mountains and capture or kill the leaders of PKK. Hence more soldiers would be involved.
After this has been achieved, there is no other country in region that would harbour the PKK.
So, the presence of PKK in Iraq is the last puzzle to close the PKK book.

you have and continue to fail to destroy Armenia. :doubt:
Unlike PKK, Armenia is a sovereign State. If the aim of Turkey was to destroy Armenia, this would be a classical conventional war. There is no such war.
1. They say the same thing about Afghanistan, Pakistan,etc then the terrorists pop out of nowhere and start up again.
2. Undeclared war doesn't mean its not a war.

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