US Rep who "thinks" islands can capsize "thinks" free markets don't work.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

That's right a moonbat democrook who can only be elected by people even dumber than him believes an island can capsize.

Rep. Hank Johnson: ‘Free Market Way of Thinking Doesn’t Work’ - Breitbart

A blithering idiot said:
“There has been a movement over the last 30, 40 years to turn people against the government. This mantra is that government is too big, we don’t need any rules to govern human conduct, let everything work itself out and the free market system will make it rain for everybody. Well, we’ve seen after 30, 40 years of practicing that free market way of thinking, that it doesn’t work.”

If free markets had been allowed to work, and the political whores who allow elitist pigs to escape prosecution in exchange for campaign cash been prosecuted there would be no democrook party, and the republicrats would be fighting the libertarian Party for influence.


That's right a moonbat democrook who can only be elected by people even dumber than him believes an island can capsize.

Rep. Hank Johnson: ‘Free Market Way of Thinking Doesn’t Work’ - Breitbart

A blithering idiot said:
“There has been a movement over the last 30, 40 years to turn people against the government. This mantra is that government is too big, we don’t need any rules to govern human conduct, let everything work itself out and the free market system will make it rain for everybody. Well, we’ve seen after 30, 40 years of practicing that free market way of thinking, that it doesn’t work.”

If free markets had been allowed to work, and the political whores who allow elitist pigs to escape prosecution in exchange for campaign cash been prosecuted there would be no democrook party, and the republicrats would be fighting the libertarian Party for influence.

Dear Pete7469
A. Even in a free market, where we can choose to join a socialist group, a Catholic church, an environmental nonprofit, or start a business;
all collective organizations run into the same battle of wills between individuals and the greater goal of the group. This is human nature.
We are social, we are interconnected, and need to balance and resolve conflicts so that everyone's interests and consent are included in decisions to get along.

So we all need the same "checks and balances" and "due process of laws" just to manage our own affairs in the given groups of our choosing.
Free market works, but each community, each organization has its structures, process and rules to follow.

The difference is we CHOOSE what groups and what rules we want to be under.
Of course there are still rules, even in a free market we are going to need those to organize.

What people don't want is big groups like global corporations running so amok with free market and capitalism, there is no check.
They can do whatever they want because they wield greater COLLECTIVE resources and influence than any individual. So individuals are not protected equally.

Instead of asking govt to micromanage corporations, why not require that any large collective entity that registers to operate within a state
be required to subscribe to some grievance or petitioning process so any abuses of resources power or influence can be addressed, similar to
the Bill of Rights applied to federal govt to protect INDIVIDUAL rights.
Require some similar "due process" in place where people affected by that group's actions or policies can report any abuse or violation and get it resolved.
Would that help to prevent corporate or collective abuses, while respecting the free market right to set up and manage private entities, businesses, churches, schools, nonprofits, etc.

so there can be free market, but some way to prevent abuse of such freedom by corporations claiming personhood and individual rights,
when in fact, these larger groups have the same collective influence and resources as govt that does have the Bill of Rights to check against.

B. About fallacies and judging people

1. Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius at scientific and artistic innovations
But I read that he falsely theorized that breath is what caused the penis to stay erect and thus there might be some connection between the
lungs and the lower genitalia
Now, if this is true, are you or I going to disregard Da Vinci's historic contributions as nonsense
just because of this?

2. Walt Disney has been criticized for his racist beliefs of white supremacy. Jefferson for his belief that slaves needed to be deported back to Africa.
The Nobel winning economist in "Beautiful Mind" also has been criticized for racist beliefs, in addition to schizophrenic voices in his head he knew weren't real.

Can you really take one bad flaw out of context with the rest,
and dismiss a person's value based on their worst faults?

What are we missing out on when we do this?
1. The island tipping over was satire.

2. Trump doesn't think free markets work either. It's one thing he's generally right about.
[QUOTE="emilynghiem, post: 13218334, member: 22295"
Can you really take one bad flaw out of context with the rest,
and dismiss a person's value based on their worst faults?

What are we missing out on when we do this?[/QUOTE]

When the flaw is abject stupidity, not even just ignorance because it's excusable when people don't have access to facts, but are actively engaged in suppressing rational thought there is no excuse.

Libturds like Hank Johnson may just be remarkably ignorant tools of the marxist agenda, but people that stupid have handlers. People who make sure he stays in offices they can control.

I agree that corporate influences have undermined our government at the expense of the people who are supposed to control it, and that is the point. The people have allowed the government to obtain power that can be sold to the highest campaign contributors.

The 17th Amendment needs to be repealed, so that snake oil salesmen like the moonbat messiah end up as janitors.
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Free markets do not work for tyrant regressives indeed. And that is why they work so well for everybody else.

Trade works for those who are not thieves.
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QUESTION-------> Why did The United States of America surpass every nation and continent on the globe in living standards and wealth within 150 years?

It sure wasn't because we adhered to European socialism or USSR Communism! The government was to young to get so many fingers in the pie during that time.

It is beyond educational comprehension that a lefty does NOT understand, or see this. The reason that much of the modern left came to be was inequities. So they pushed, and they pushed, then created more inequities when they ran out of them, and pushed more. The further they pushed, the more the U.S. economy turned from exceptional, to leaning towards average, and the living standards of the country suffered.

The final insult from them to insist that after all their lefty moonbat tinkering with the economy, all of their diverting money from the economy into their special social programs, after allowing 11 to 30 million more workers into this country swamping job opportunities and pay the world according to them, this is all the fault of the Republicans! And some Americans believe them!!

And we wonder why some people are so brainwashed, they will strap a bomb onto themselves and commit suicide in the name of a religion. Go ask lefty supporters what the mindset of these suicide bombers are, and they can probably give you an answer, since they are almost of the same mindset when it comes to logical economics.
QUESTION-------> Why did The United States of America surpass every nation and continent on the globe in living standards and wealth within 150 years?

It sure wasn't because we adhered to European socialism or USSR Communism! The government was to young to get so many fingers in the pie during that time.

It is beyond educational comprehension that a lefty does NOT understand, or see this. The reason that much of the modern left came to be was inequities. So they pushed, and they pushed, then created more inequities when they ran out of them, and pushed more. The further they pushed, the more the U.S. economy turned from exceptional, to leaning towards average, and the living standards of the country suffered.

The final insult from them to insist that after all their lefty moonbat tinkering with the economy, all of their diverting money from the economy into their special social programs, after allowing 11 to 30 million more workers into this country swamping job opportunities and pay the world according to them, this is all the fault of the Republicans! And some Americans believe them!!

And we wonder why some people are so brainwashed, they will strap a bomb onto themselves and commit suicide in the name of a religion. Go ask lefty supporters what the mindset of these suicide bombers are, and they can probably give you an answer, since they are almost of the same mindset when it comes to logical economics.

Indeed, and ironically enough the more government got involved the more inequality increased as well. Who thought that concentrating all power into hands of a few could increase inequality... Sounds impossible to those whose ideology is that of a regressive.
Name one country that is of the first world that doesn't regulate its economy and invest tax dollars into needed areas. If you can't then he has a good point!
Free markets do not work for tyrant regressives indeed. And that is why they work so well for everybody else.

Trade works for those who are not thieves.

Kind of like the tyrants in the corporate management that wants to use slave labor and cut all cost. Please learn something about the 19th and early 20th century as unions, anti-trust laws and regulations built our middle class...This nation would of never had 1/10th the power it enjoyed in the 20th century if it wasn't for such ideas...It is pretty fucking obvious that reaganism has caused most of our problems.
Free markets do not work for tyrant regressives indeed. And that is why they work so well for everybody else.

Trade works for those who are not thieves.

Kind of like the tyrants in the corporate management that wants to use slave labor and cut all cost. Please learn something about the 19th and early 20th century as unions, anti-trust laws and regulations built our middle class...This nation would of never had 1/10th the power it enjoyed in the 20th century if it wasn't for such ideas...It is pretty fucking obvious that reaganism has caused most of our problems.

No, what built the middle class what government staying out of the business. That is indeed the grant idea that made the country. If a corporate manager does not offer a good deal, you can simply say no and walk elsewhere. Freedom is not tyranny, only a regressive would think so.

"Reaganism" has caused most of your problems. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaa.... Good one. So original of you to not blame everything on Bushhhhh. Not the most typical of a regressive.
Free market doesn't work...well unless you are rich.

Please move to North Korea to see how well the poor are doing under controlled markets... The paradise of a regressive.
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Yeah that capsizing island thing is soooo Sarah Palin.

....except she didn't say that. That was hank.

Follow if you can. It was something Sarah Palin would say, like 'seeing Russia from my house'.

Same dullness of thought.
actually on a really clear day, its not impossible to see Russia from Alaska, its only 60 miles.
However, why are you trying to tie Sarah Palin to the comment by the idiot from the left?
can you just accept that fact that the left is not as bright as they want people to think they are?

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