US Representative Calls Arizona Audit Launchpad for Audits Across America

Gathering forensic evidence is the way to go. Actually gathering any evidence is the way to go.
It's shaping up that Maricopa County taxpayers are going to get screwed for millions. They were forced to turn over their 400 electronic tabulators to a bunch of clowns who broke the chain of custody to the point the machines can no longer be trusted and need to be replaced. I'm sure a lawsuit against Cyber Ninjas is already in the works.

you want to repeat that in the whole country?
Oh shut the fuck up, you whiney prog slave....Millions of dollars was spent on a bogus fake Dossier used by the Hitlerly campaign about Russian Collusion. You fuckers love to waste money when it can profit you....
Nobody knew about the dossier until after the 2016 vote.
Also, the money spent on it was private campaign funds, not tax payer dollars.
by contrast, this fake audit is wasting taxpayer dollars to destroy democracy.
He is so right. Elections should be sacred in America.

---Matt Gaetz Calls Arizona Audit 'Launchpad' for Audits Across America---

Free and fair elections in America....

Anyone still confused why fuhrer Biden has sicked completely corrupt and treasonous homo AG merrick garland on gaetz?
Yes, because he may be complicit with a man who just confessed to 33 counts of federal law violations. Next...
Wow! What a great opportunity for the Democrats to show us how up and up this election really was!
No doubt Dems will continue to fight against these fact finding audits.
Yeah, if I were a member of the Loonie Left, I would welcome the second looksee. but as Shakespeare quoted: "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
I agree. If the loony left thinks the election was fair they should be actively supporting all audits on the election.

Since they are fighting it and the looney left on this board is laughing at it anyone with a working brain cell knows why.

It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and the audits will prove it. Or not.
It's not a legitimate audit. A bunch of clowns with no experience with audits, and who claimed the election was stolen long before any kind of audit was even considered are not capable of a legitimate audit. It's a fishing expedition, and they don't even know what to look for.
They are making a mockery of the audits now because they can and will for political purposes, the truth is something they care very little about.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets just make sure, audit the vote.
2. Not knowing is bad.

Real audits are good. However real auditors don't tweet lies and accuse folks of crimes that haven't been committed. As the case in Arizona where such action exposed the real agenda of the circus being conducted.

From latest letter (5/21/21) Maricopa County sent to Arizona Senate president:



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Wow! What a great opportunity for the Democrats to show us how up and up this election really was!
No doubt Dems will continue to fight against these fact finding audits.
Yeah, if I were a member of the Loonie Left, I would welcome the second looksee. but as Shakespeare quoted: "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
I agree. If the loony left thinks the election was fair they should be actively supporting all audits on the election.

Since they are fighting it and the looney left on this board is laughing at it anyone with a working brain cell knows why.

It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and the audits will prove it. Or not.
60 court cases for Trump to show any fraud, recounts on machines, then recounts by hand, audits on signatures, forensic audits on machinery, duplicative ballot audits, Republican legislature attempts, election canvassing by board of supervisors and certification process of checks,

WERE ALL DONE prior to the electoral college vote....

And YOU think we are looney?

The perfect definition of INSANITY is repeating the SAME THING over and over and over, and expecting a different outcome....

EVERY ONE OF YOU TRUMPERS, are insane. please for the love of god, seek help, you so desperately need it!!!!!!

Seriously! :(
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets double check, triple check if needed, we need to know.

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Sorry bout that,

1. For some one who didn't campaign, to get over 80 million votes, the most votes ever for president, isn't that just a little alarming, and suspicious?
2. Seems you too might be having some doubts about the authenticity of this election.
3. Lets count again to make sure alrightie?

Sorry bout that,

1. For some one who didn't campaign, to get over 80 million votes, the most votes ever for president, isn't that just a little alarming, and suspicious?
2. Seems you too might be having some doubts about the authenticity of this election.
3. Lets count again to make sure alrightie?

He probably wouldn't have gotten that many votes if trump wasn't his opponent. People really hate trump.
I never thought that I would miss Antonin Scalia, but, win, lose, or draw, he stopped the election debacle in 2000.
Sorry bout that,

1. For some one who didn't campaign, to get over 80 million votes, the most votes ever for president, isn't that just a little alarming, and suspicious?
2. Seems you too might be having some doubts about the authenticity of this election.
3. Lets count again to make sure alrightie?

He probably wouldn't have gotten that many votes if trump wasn't his opponent. People really hate trump.
Sorry bout that,

1. There wasn't a huge turn out by Democrats, the polls show, and yet, Biden still got 80 millions votes, more than anyone in history.
2. I couldn't make this up, its facts.

Sorry bout that,

1. I remember seeing Biden at Rallies, 4 people showed up many times, the news reporters out numbered to supporters more often than not.
2. Why is this so hard for many, things don't add up, lets just count again and verify.

He is so right. Elections should be sacred in America.

---Matt Gaetz Calls Arizona Audit 'Launchpad' for Audits Across America---

Matt Gaetz will say anything if he thinks it will distract from him getting caught diddling little girls.
That was a sleazy attemp to smear him, moron. It shows how corrupt the Democrat party is, not Gaetz.
No doubt Dems will continue to fight against these fact finding audits.
Yeah, if I were a member of the Loonie Left, I would welcome the second looksee. but as Shakespeare quoted: "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
I agree. If the loony left thinks the election was fair they should be actively supporting all audits on the election. Since they are fighting it and the looney left on this board is laughing at it anyone with a working brain cell knows why.

Claudette, if the election were so obviously aboveboard and well supervised as the MSM has immediately contended since last November, the Left would have long ago offered up their overwhelming proof of its authenticity that they themselves apparently have, being so stoutly convinced of its integrity! They have not.

They would have offered it 10,000 times over, not only to shut Trump up, but his supporters and all naysayers of the election, especially after the protest at the Capitol.


Instead, all we've gotten is vacuous alibis in locked sync that since most of the courts declined to prosecute the cases that there must not be any case! Of course, we all know that courts NEVER decline cases for other reasons, just as we all know that the full weight and merit of the evidence in the 29 odd cases could NOT have been determined without allowing the full scope of the prosecution to go forward naturally.

SO WHAT BETTER, EASIER WAY now to vindicate Bidden's election finally, for the good and unity of the nation than to allow careful audits of the questioned states to go forward? I can't think of one. Instead, the Democrats and Left are fighting the audits tooth and nail, dragging their feet every inch of the way.

"Unity of the country" is NOT in the designs or plans much less the lexicon of the fascist totalitarian DNC.
Wow! What a great opportunity for the Democrats to show us how up and up this election really was!
No doubt Dems will continue to fight against these fact finding audits.
Yeah, if I were a member of the Loonie Left, I would welcome the second looksee. but as Shakespeare quoted: "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
I agree. If the loony left thinks the election was fair they should be actively supporting all audits on the election.

Since they are fighting it and the looney left on this board is laughing at it anyone with a working brain cell knows why.

It was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history and the audits will prove it. Or not.
60 court cases for Trump to show any fraud, recounts on machines, then recounts by hand, audits on signatures, forensic audits on machinery, duplicative ballot audits, Republican legislature attempts, election canvassing by board of supervisors and certification process of checks,

WERE ALL DONE prior to the electoral college vote....

And YOU think we are looney?

The perfect definition of INSANITY is repeating the SAME THING over and over and over, and expecting a different outcome....

EVERY ONE OF YOU TRUMPERS, are insane. please for the love of god, seek help, you so desperately need it!!!!!!

Seriously! :(
Way to much evidence out there. Evidence you don't want to even see. Hell hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by those who were there. One guy was a Dem and he said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Ballots that arrive in the middle of the night after the counters are gone. Ballots in boxes under desks. Trump votes given to Biden by the Dominion machines?? Rep watchers kicked out and paper put up over the windows so no one could see what was being done. Sound like a fair election to you??

Oh yeah. Loads of evidence that no Judge even wanted to look at.
No doubt Dems will continue to fight against these fact finding audits.
Yeah, if I were a member of the Loonie Left, I would welcome the second looksee. but as Shakespeare quoted: "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
I agree. If the loony left thinks the election was fair they should be actively supporting all audits on the election. Since they are fighting it and the looney left on this board is laughing at it anyone with a working brain cell knows why.

Claudette, if the election were so obviously aboveboard and well supervised as the MSM has immediately contended since last November, the Left would have long ago offered up their overwhelming proof of its authenticity that they themselves apparently have, being so stoutly convinced of its integrity! They have not.

They would have offered it 10,000 times over, not only to shut Trump up, but his supporters and all naysayers of the election, especially after the protest at the Capitol.


Instead, all we've gotten is vacuous alibis in locked sync that since most of the courts declined to prosecute the cases that there must not be any case! Of course, we all know that courts NEVER decline cases for other reasons, just as we all know that the full weight and merit of the evidence in the 29 odd cases could NOT have been determined without allowing the full scope of the prosecution to go forward naturally.

SO WHAT BETTER, EASIER WAY now to vindicate Bidden's election finally, for the good and unity of the nation than to allow careful audits of the questioned states to go forward? I can't think of one. Instead, the Democrats and Left are fighting the audits tooth and nail, dragging their feet every inch of the way.

"Unity of the country" is NOT in the designs or plans much less the lexicon of the fascist totalitarian DNC.
I couldn't agree more. The left should be applauding those audits.

Instead all they have done is say they aren't needed. Are a waste of tax dollars and the election was fair and Biden won.

In a pigs ass.
Sorry bout that,

1. Lets double check, triple check if needed, we need to know.

The question is, with all the court cases, the DOJ and Homeland Security Cyber Division scouring, the recounts, the different audits, the canvassing of ballots, etc etc etc..... WHY don't YOU know already, that Biden won, overwhelmingly???

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