US sailors attacked in Turkey

This is one of the reasons Turkey has no friends. They deny the genocide of the Armenians and the ethnic cleansing of Greeks and Assyrians much to their ever-lasting shame. Turkey will never be part of Europe but rather a pariah surrounded by enemies.

So should we accept somethings never happened to be friend with you ? what kind of friends would demand such things from their friends ? Europe needs Turkiye more than Turkiye needs Europe. Our membership for EU would be the for the benefit of both sides. We have a rapidly growing economic power and Europe have rapidly decreasing economic power and Middle East is not only mean oil but more things. For example temperate climate and water resources. This informations are not shared by Western governments with their people. The future of the World is ME.
You working on the caliphate?
As is the case with most of our costly entangling alliances around the world, we don't belong in that Country. We never did. So save the Taxpayer cash and end this kind of awful humiliation of our Soldiers. I mean come on People, this isn't the first incident in Turkey. They spit on our Soldiers for God's sake. Just shut the base down and come home. Period, end of story.
This is one of the reasons Turkey has no friends. They deny the genocide of the Armenians and the ethnic cleansing of Greeks and Assyrians much to their ever-lasting shame. Turkey will never be part of Europe but rather a pariah surrounded by enemies.

So should we accept somethings never happened to be friend with you ? what kind of friends would demand such things from their friends ? Europe needs Turkiye more than Turkiye needs Europe. Our membership for EU would be the for the benefit of both sides. We have a rapidly growing economic power and Europe have rapidly decreasing economic power and Middle East is not only mean oil but more things. For example temperate climate and water resources. This informations are not shared by Western governments with their people. The future of the World is ME.
No, you should acknowledge your past and perhaps once again become a proud people. As for the countries of the ME, most want nothing to do with you for historical reasons. Don't worry, there's not much of a future there either. The future is the Pacific Rim and like Africa, the ME will only serve to exploited by China and India.
Turkey is actually guilty of Genocide against the Armenian and Kurdish Peoples. It isn't a worthy ally. I'm actually a little ashamed of our close relationship with Turkey. Just close the base and come home.
The genocide was against the Armenians with the Kurds only too happy to help and take their houses and goodies. It was an abysmal failure of a state and human rights. Today the Turks are a friendless people surrounded by enemies.

I don't consider Turkey a worthy ally. I've always questioned our close relationship with it. I would like to see us close the base over there and come home. I think it would be the moral thing to do.

I agree, Turkey is the enemy I don't even understand why it belongs to NATO!

Close the bases in Turkey!
And, if Turkey is not YET siding with The Enemy, it soon will be, the way it is going.

Perhaps you're right.

Perhaps it's time to cease interaction with Turkey, and let them complete the process of drifting into the Militant Islamic camp - a process already well underway.

It is entirely possible that it is too late to prevent them from reverting back to medieval Islamic practices.

Pity... they were one of a mere handful of Muslim states that actually had a chance of joining the modern world.

Ataturk is rolling over in his grave.
Turkey is actually guilty of Genocide against the Armenian and Kurdish Peoples. It isn't a worthy ally. I'm actually a little ashamed of our close relationship with Turkey. Just close the base and come home.

There are no such "genocides", these things never happened. This is why Turkiye will never accept these baseless claims. Our government has invated Armenians to create a joint commission to examine different historical documents about the history but was rejected by Armenian diaspora by applying different pretexts. Turkiye is not interested with such claims. Armenians or any other nations are welcome Turkiye as long as they dont disrespect our values.
Goat droppings...

No, you should acknowledge your past and perhaps once again become a proud people. As for the countries of the ME, most want nothing to do with you for historical reasons. Don't worry, there's not much of a future there either. The future is the Pacific Rim and like Africa, the ME will only serve to exploited by China and India.

We are ready to face with our past everytime under equal conditions. Exploring the history will be always for your loss more than our loss. If we will find one more bad thing occurred because of us, be sure we will find five more bad things occurred because of you. I said ME is the future because of what I have learned that Gulf Stream which starts from Mexica Gulf and reaches to the Northern Britain and backed by North Equatorial Stream, soften the harsh climate of Europe and makes it livable. So while there are only polar bears at Siberia despite they are on the same latitude with London, life goes on in full swing in London, because of Gulf Stream. This stream also brings life to Florida and eastern coasts of USA. According to American and British scientist, this stream will lose its warm effect in time and these regions will be colder each passing day. When this happens, ME will be the World's safest place to live. So there are much more important things than oil. Stop to behave hostile and please learn to be friend. This is for your benefits more than ours.
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No, you should acknowledge your past and perhaps once again become a proud people. As for the countries of the ME, most want nothing to do with you for historical reasons. Don't worry, there's not much of a future there either. The future is the Pacific Rim and like Africa, the ME will only serve to exploited by China and India.

We are ready to face with our past everytime under equal conditions. Exploring the history will be always for your loss more than our loss. If we will find one more bad thing occurred because of us, be sure we will find five more bad things occurred because of you. I said ME is the future because of what I have learned that Gulf Stream which starts from Mexica Gulf and reaches to the Northern Britain and backed by North Equatorial Stream, soften the harsh climate of Europe and makes it livable. So while there are only polar bears at Siberia despite they are on the same latitude with London, life goes on in full swing in London, because of Gulf Stream. This stream also brings life to Florida and eastern coasts of USA. According to American and British scientist, this stream will lose its warm effect in time and these regions will be colder each passing day. When this happens, ME will the World's safest place to live. So there are much more important things than oil. Stop to behave hostile and please learn to be friend. This is for your benefit more than ours.
That's an extremely convoluted argument which has little to do with your command of the English language. Simply put. in the eyes of the rest of the world, Turkey will continue to be a pariah with very few allies. Coming to terms with your past would be a small step forward, but Turkey does not have the courage.
No, you should acknowledge your past and perhaps once again become a proud people. As for the countries of the ME, most want nothing to do with you for historical reasons. Don't worry, there's not much of a future there either. The future is the Pacific Rim and like Africa, the ME will only serve to exploited by China and India.

We are ready to face with our past everytime under equal conditions. Exploring the history will be always for your loss more than our loss. If we will find one more bad thing occurred because of us, be sure we will find five more bad things occurred because of you. I said ME is the future because of what I have learned that Gulf Stream which starts from Mexica Gulf and reaches to the Northern Britain and backed by North Equatorial Stream, soften the harsh climate of Europe and makes it livable. So while there are only polar bears at Siberia despite they are on the same latitude with London, life goes on in full swing in London, because of Gulf Stream. This stream also brings life to Florida and eastern coasts of USA. According to American and British scientist, this stream will lose its warm effect in time and these regions will be colder each passing day. When this happens, ME will the World's safest place to live. So there are much more important things than oil. Stop to behave hostile and please learn to be friend. This is for your benefit more than ours.
That's an extremely convoluted argument which has little to do with your command of the English language. Simply put. in the eyes of the rest of the world, Turkey will continue to be a pariah with very few allies. Coming to terms with your past would be a small step forward, but Turkey does not have the courage.
Yes. It is quite possible that Turkey lacks the courage to come to grips with its brutal and imperial past, and, therefore, will not obtain the forgiveness it needs from its neighbors and others whom it has greatly wronged for centuries, in order to complete the process of joining the modern world as a respected and beloved member and participant. It is also far easier to blame others than to look in the mirror and realize your own failures and shortcomings and earlier viciousness - that seems to be a favorite Turkish pasttime.
That's an extremely convoluted argument which has little to do with your command of the English language. Simply put. in the eyes of the rest of the world, Turkey will continue to be a pariah with very few allies. Coming to terms with your past would be a small step forward, but Turkey does not have the courage.

Turkiye will never be alone due to various reasons. For example there are about 350-360 million total Turkish population in the World. When we take the numbers of half-Turkish persons (because of Turkish immigrants in many countries), this number increases to 450-500 million. This is a huge number.

If we think about the Turkish states of the World (Azerbaijan, Kazakhistan, Kirghizistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Caucasian autonomous republics etc, Northern Cyprus), we would have one of the World's biggest country as land width as the result of the combination of all these states.

There are also huge Arab, African and Eastern European population who want to live under the leadership of Turkiye.

Highly probable Turkiye will be the World's most strong country in years 2060-2070.

You should choose to be friend with us, not enemies, this is a friendly offer, the choice is yours.
That's an extremely convoluted argument which has little to do with your command of the English language. Simply put. in the eyes of the rest of the world, Turkey will continue to be a pariah with very few allies. Coming to terms with your past would be a small step forward, but Turkey does not have the courage.

Turkiye will never be alone due to various reasons. For example there are about 350-360 million total Turkish population in the World. When we take the numbers of half-Turkish persons (because of Turkish immigrants in many countries), this number increases to 450-500 million. This is a huge number.

If we think about the Turkish states of the World (Azerbaijan, Kazakhistan, Kirghizistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Caucasian autonomous republics etc, Northern Cyprus), we would have one of the World's biggest country as land width as the result of the combination of all these states.

There are also huge Arab, African and Eastern European population who want to live under the leadership of Turkiye.

Highly probable Turkiye will be the World's most strong country in years 2060-2070.

You should choose to be friend with us, not enemies, this is a friendly offer, the choice is yours.
How do you guys feel about iran? Will you need your own nuke arsenal?
How do you guys feel about iran? Will you need your own nuke arsenal?

In these days we conduct joint studies about nuclear power together Russians and Japanese. Probably we will also produce our own nuclear guns, maybe we also have who knows, not to use it but the prevent some dangerous countries (Iran,Israel,Usa,Russia,China) to use it as a blackmail tool. One of Nuclear centrals which is in the final step of its construction is so close to the city where I live. We will build a technical university about Nuclear power together Japan. We started to produce our aircraft carriers which will be powered by nuclear fuel. We also buy new generation co-production F-35 war planes from you and change their all softwares with our own softwares, who knows maybe these planes will be loaded with nuclear guns. We dont have so much Uranium reserves but we are fourth country in the World who have Thorium reserves, some authorities says the real numbers are hidden and its 4 times more. But still it is unavailable to use.
How do you guys feel about iran? Will you need your own nuke arsenal?

In these days we conduct joint studies about nuclear power together Russians and Japanese. Probably we will also produce our own nuclear guns, maybe we also have who knows, not to use it but the prevent some dangerous countries (Iran,Israel,Usa,Russia,China) to use it as a blackmail tool. One of Nuclear centrals which is in the final step of its construction is so close to the city where I live. We will build a technical university about Nuclear power together Japan. We started to produce our aircraft carriers which will be powered by nuclear fuel. We also buy new generation co-production F-35 war planes from you and change their all softwares with our own softwares, who knows maybe these planes will be loaded with nuclear guns. We dont have so much Uranium reserves but we are fourth country in the World who have Thorium reserves, some authorities says the real numbers are hidden and its 4 times more. But still it is unavailable to use.
Very interesting. I wonder if our president knows about these may be a surprise to him...but then what isn't a surprise to him.
Very interesting. I wonder if our president knows about these may be a surprise to him...but then what isn't a surprise to him.

Ofcourse they know everything, these are not hidden from anyone. The long range missile deal we have made with China was also a rest against USA about F-35 planes. So we want to produce some important parts of F-35 planes and some countries rejects it. But I think we have solved the problem.
The Turks have been sliding onto Radical Islam ever since Erdogan got religion.
Very interesting. I wonder if our president knows about these may be a surprise to him...but then what isn't a surprise to him.

Ofcourse they know everything, these are not hidden from anyone. The long range missile deal we have made with China was also a rest against USA about F-35 planes. So we want to produce some important parts of F-35 planes and some countries rejects it. But I think we have solved the problem.
I was more talking about your statement that you would develop "nuclear guns"...

And why would you worry about the US blackmailing you...have we done that in the past?
I was more talking about your statement that you would develop "nuclear guns"...

And why would you worry about the US blackmailing you...have we done that in the past?

Personally I dont have any biases or hesitations about American people and their intentions about Turkiye, but the Zionist lobby is a big danger for the World and Usa which is controlled by Zionists is also a big danger. If you think that today Usa is ruled by Obama, you are falling into a big mistake. Not only Usa but all countries who have the weapon advantage are blackmailing each other. But a Turkiye with nuclear weapon power would be quite dissuasive to blackmail initiatives by others. Even to make news about how many nuclear warheads a country have is to blackmail and I think Usa has been blackmailed totaly all the World in these kind of smart ways, many times, not only Turkiye.
I was more talking about your statement that you would develop "nuclear guns"...

And why would you worry about the US blackmailing you...have we done that in the past?

Personally I dont have any biases or hesitations about American people and their intentions about Turkiye, but the Zionist lobby is a big danger for the World and Usa which is controlled by Zionists is also a big danger. If you think that today Usa is ruled by Obama, you are falling into a big mistake. Not only Usa but all countries who have the weapon advantage are blackmailing each other. But a Turkiye with nuclear weapon power would be quite dissuasive to blackmail initiatives by others. Even to make news about how many nuclear warheads a country have is to blackmail and I think Usa has been blackmailed totaly all the World in these kind of smart ways, many times, not only Turkiye.
As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.
As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.

Really ? Now you really scared me, okay I will consider your warning. Thank you.

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