US sailors attacked in Turkey

As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.

Really ? Now you really scared me, okay I will consider your warning. Thank you.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.

Every muslim is jihadist, me too. I would suggest you to stop behave hostile based on your biases. We dont threaten anyone, we just do. Thanks for conversation.
You can jihad all over each other all you want. But bring that shit where it doesn't belong and you'll get your filthy asses kicked. Just remember, leaders in China, Russia and much of the world are not as whimpy as Obama who'll be gone in a couple of years anyway.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.

Every muslim is jihadist, me too. I would suggest you to stop behave hostile based on your biases. We dont threaten anyone, we just do. Thanks for conversation.
Forgive me if I am hostile to people that want to kill me. If all muslims are jihadist, we will just have to kill you all. I recommend we get on with the
Forgive me if I am hostile to people that want to kill me. If all muslims are jihadist, we will just have to kill you all. I recommend we get on with the

Forgiveness is belong to Allah. Ask for forgiveness from him, not me. Please dont waste your time, bye bye.
As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.

Really ? Now you really scared me, okay I will consider your warning. Thank you.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.

Isn't that the job the War Party assigned to them - irritate the Muslims and act like trip wires so the warmongers can continue the "war on terror"?

How do you guys feel about iran? Will you need your own nuke arsenal?

In these days we conduct joint studies about nuclear power together Russians and Japanese. Probably we will also produce our own nuclear guns, maybe we also have who knows, not to use it but the prevent some dangerous countries (Iran,Israel,Usa,Russia,China) to use it as a blackmail tool. One of Nuclear centrals which is in the final step of its construction is so close to the city where I live. We will build a technical university about Nuclear power together Japan. We started to produce our aircraft carriers which will be powered by nuclear fuel. We also buy new generation co-production F-35 war planes from you and change their all softwares with our own softwares, who knows maybe these planes will be loaded with nuclear guns. We dont have so much Uranium reserves but we are fourth country in the World who have Thorium reserves, some authorities says the real numbers are hidden and its 4 times more. But still it is unavailable to use.
If Turkey's diplomatic initiatives, nuclear initiatives, motives and intentions and attitude, are accurately portrayed by your own, as articulated here, then, the United States and the EU should waste no time in obtaining authoritative clarification from the Turkish Government, and, if that government does, indeed, confirm such things, then the United States and the EU should waste no time, in ejecting Turkey from NATO, closing down further Turkish immigration into the EU and the US, repatriating existing Turkish immigrants, severing any trade relationship and repudiating any trade agreement which might prove advantageous to Turkey with respect to weaponry or advanced technologies, and hold Turkey at arm's length, with no further advantageous interaction with the US or The West at large. If what we read, above, is true, then - with friends like that, who needs enemies?
As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.

Really ? Now you really scared me, okay I will consider your warning. Thank you.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.

Isn't that the job the War Party assigned to them - irritate the Muslims and act like trip wires so the warmongers can continue the "war on terror"?

Better to irritate the Muslims than to be seen cowering before them and kissing their asses.
Very interesting. I wonder if our president knows about these may be a surprise to him...but then what isn't a surprise to him.

Ofcourse they know everything, these are not hidden from anyone. The long range missile deal we have made with China was also a rest against USA about F-35 planes. So we want to produce some important parts of F-35 planes and some countries rejects it. But I think we have solved the problem.
I was more talking about your statement that you would develop "nuclear guns"...

And why would you worry about the US blackmailing you...have we done that in the past?
Now, now... patience... they were a regional Imperial Power for 600 or 700 years, before they degenerated into their present condition... they're still pissed, 90 years after WWI and the extinction of the Ottoman imperial line... and they still have delusions of grandeur of restoring the so-called 'glories' of their corrupt imperium. This is just the latest rash that the Sick Man of Europe has developed. They'll continue to blame everybody but themselves for a while, until they figure out that nobody but their own are buying into that.
As a former commander of a nuclear missile crew, I believe that nuke weapons lose their value if no one thinks you will ever use them. It been 70 years since we demonstrated their deterrent value. The world needs a reminder. Muslim nations who refuse to eliminate the radicals among them should be warned about our capability. If they fail to respond, remind of a lesson to the others.

Really ? Now you really scared me, okay I will consider your warning. Thank you.
It was not meant to scare you. It was meant as an idea to get muslim nations to start ridding their populations of jihadists so we don't have to do it for them over the next 100 years, one bullet at a time.

Isn't that the job the War Party assigned to them - irritate the Muslims and act like trip wires so the warmongers can continue the "war on terror"?

Better to irritate the Muslims than to be seen cowering before them and kissing their asses.

Dingle berry, wouldn't it be better to stop cowering before the zionists and kissing their asses?

Wouldn't it be better if we were NEU-FUCKING-TRAL?!?!?!?!?!?

You spit on our Soldiers, it's a done-deal for me. Let's wrap it up over there. Just shut it down. Our Soldiers deserve better. Bring em home.
You spit on our Soldiers, it's a done-deal for me. Let's wrap it up over there. Just shut it down. Our Soldiers deserve better. Bring em home.

No one should spit on another, but why are our soldiers and sailors in foreign lands? Time to bring them all home and mind our own business. Foreign interventions and the wars they spawn, has never worked for the American people...but they work well for the power elite.
You spit on our Soldiers, it's a done-deal for me. Let's wrap it up over there. Just shut it down. Our Soldiers deserve better. Bring em home.

No one should spit on another, but why are our soldiers and sailors in foreign lands? Time to bring them all home and mind our own business. Foreign interventions and the wars they spawn, has never worked for the American people...but they work well for the power elite.

I agree. No more foreign entanglements. In this case, our Soldiers deserve so much better. Turkey is not a worthy ally. Its atrocities against the Armenian and Kurdish People alone, should be enough reason to end the close alliance. For me, it ended once and for all when they spat on our Soldiers. Time to bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.
should be enough reason to end the close alliance. For me, it ended once and for all when they spat on our Soldiers. Time to bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.

Even you want to be ally with us or not, we will destroy all the imperialist movements in the World, includes the imperialist structure in USA. You have no chance about this issue. Imperialism and its supporters have to get on their knees in front of us. This is not mean we cant be friends. When these countries stop to harm World people because of their interests, we will always be good friends.
should be enough reason to end the close alliance. For me, it ended once and for all when they spat on our Soldiers. Time to bring the Tax Dollars and Soldiers home.

Even you want to be ally with us or not, we will destroy all the imperialist movements in the World, includes the imperialist structure in USA. You have no chance about this issue. Imperialism and its supporters have to get on their knees in front of us. This is not mean we cant be friends. When these countries stop to harm World people because of their interests, we will always be good friends.
Do you honestly think the rest of the world will be as helpless as the Armenian minority in your midst who you slaughtered?

You are stupid even by Turkish standards.

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