US Sending 1500 Troops To Border

Fuck em.
They aren't fleeing violence they're invading America with bidens encouragement.
And they're being taught what to say to enter the US.

They absolutely are fleeing violence. That’s a pretty undisputed fact. Much of countries like Mexico are active war zones.

Anyone who’d obey an order to gun down unarmed civilians has no place in the military.
Regardless.. Biden is really kicking ass and taking names and pulling all the punches to get this nation united and back on track after 4 miserable years of the ORANGE DIVIDER

Heck of an article as well. I liked the graphics. I know the Governor and the people of the State of Texas will definitely think about voting democrat next election. Who knows, Joe might flip Texas to BLUE.... that would be a real shocker. long overdue.

You mean kissing ass.
People like you need to be dealt with in the most efficient way possible.
They absolutely are fleeing violence. That’s a pretty undisputed fact. Much of countries like Mexico are active war zones.

Anyone who’d obey an order to gun down unarmed civilians has no place in the military.

Here's an idea,how about we invade mexico and put an end to the cartels?
You'd be fine with that right?
Thank God Biden has finally realized that our border patrol agents need help in helping illegals out of the water, giving the illegals goody bags, giving the illegals free food, lodging, healthcare, transportation, and processing before we let them all loose in the US - never to be seen again. Then Biden can officially declare there is no more emergency at the border.

Too little .. too late.
Here's an idea,how about we invade mexico and put an end to the cartels?
You'd be fine with that right?

That‘s a terrible idea. There is nobody in Mexico who’d welcome an invasion. Afghanistan all over again, just south of the Rio Grande.

And it’s not “bullshit” at all. Anyone willing to kill unarmed civilians does not belong in the military, period.
So you're a mexican....
I should have known.

Nope, actually. I am just aware of Mexican public opinion, and public opinion in Latin America in general. If you want to push the entire region into alliance with China and Russia, invading Mexico is the fastest way to do it.

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