US Sending 1500 Troops To Border

Most will claim asylum and therefore not be illegal.

Fuck Congress.
So what? These people are welcome. They are hard working and do not complain.
Plus they know how to make delicious food. A win win for America.
Joe, you keep hitting grand slams! Great article, well written, concise, factual, great layout.

Yeah....because America needs record inflation,empty store shelves,failing banks,high gas prices and the destruction of our food supply lines.
You're a regular visionary.
And you are misinformed. All countries around the world are experiencing this. So you think Biden is doing this to the world?

Peanut Gallery: Prepare for NWO :abgg2q.jpg: "it's NWO, NWO I tell you!" :confused: or is it China "Joe is in bed with China! CHI-COM JOEY!" :smoochEE: :hhello:

Good article, factual of course.
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So what? These people are welcome. They are hard working and do not complain.
Plus they know how to make delicious food. A win win for America.
Joe, you keep hitting grand slams! Great article, well written, concise, factual, great layout.

View attachment 781650

No...dems want them because they're easy to control and dont understand American freedoms.
Jesus Christ are you ever a dumbass!
And you are misinformed. All countries around the world are experiencing this. So you think Biden is doing this to the world?

Peanut Gallery: Prepare for NWO :abgg2q.jpg: "it's NWO, NWO I tell you!" :confused: or is it China "Joe is in bed with China! CHI-COM JOEY!"

Why was none of this happening while Trump was in office?
You have a terrible grasp of world politics.
That'd sure be nice but after seeing all the RINOs acting against Americans best interest I just dont see it happening.

It's not just RINOs. It's everyone. Both sides have had control of Congress and neither advances any new legislation.

Of course Trump had a pretty good grip on the problem right up until the dems and RINO's stole the election and opened the floodgates on our southern border.

Trump may have had a little success, tough to tell when considering how COVID shook things up.

He was to obsessed with his stupid wall and didn't concentrate on other areas.

Didnt' Congress agree to give him money for his wall at one point but he wouldn't concede on a daca compromise and lost everything?

I swear I just dont get it....dem voters should be able to see whats going on. When dems and some so called Republicans are against the man who did so much for our country you'd think it would set of some alarm bells in their heads.
It's obvious they dont want an outsider to upset their gravy train.
Honestly, even if Trump had somehow magically stopped immigration, it wouldn't be worth it considering all his other nonsense...but I don't want this thread to turn into a Trump is great/Trump is bad arguments.
Refugee claimants are not "illegals".
Do not worry. No Americans will stop this. It is part of the globalism, and it will be done. It is preordained. And frankly, if anyone has taken shit from their fellow Americans, well let it happen.
Oh politicians will say they were not trained for that sort of thing.. plus no one wants to be labled as being racist by protecting the border, even though it isnt. Again, we have elected people who have no imagination, no will, no sense of urgency when it comes down to actually doing things for the people.... other than speaking in platitudes.

Our military has billions of dollars worth of equipment... that we all paid for ...and guarding a border against people who are mostly unarmed except for the drug gangs ..THATS impossible.. It's too complicated!! makes you wonder how our soldiers defeated the German army as they were nearly freezing to death in the forests... again... we have politicians with no sense of history.

We still have thousands of homeless people living on the streets and politicians think its a good thing to bring in millions more who will need a place to live, before they even try and solve that first problem... that they created.

Not just politicians. Democrat politicians.
What really sucks is all it would take is one strong standing even if that meant shooting a few illegals.
That would put an end to this shit once and for all.
Of course you'd have to keep troops on the border but why the hell not?
They get paid one way or another and it might as well be protecting our borders., gunning down unarmed civilians would not put a stop to desperate people fleeing violence and poverty in their own countries.

And anyone who would obey such an order doesn’t belong in the military to begin with.
yeah, Joe wouldn't have to send the troops to the border but you know who played a lot of golf and did nothing to control it.
Joe is going to fix Trumps mess. Joe is getting it done. Good article. Joe is doing what is the best for the USA as the article indicates.

View attachment 781641
LOL. Biden and the democrats do nothing about stopping illegals from coming here. In fact, they welcome illegals with open arms.
It's not just RINOs. It's everyone. Both sides have had control of Congress and neither advances any new legislation.

Trump may have had a little success, tough to tell when considering how COVID shook things up.

He was to obsessed with his stupid wall and didn't concentrate on other areas.

Didnt' Congress agree to give him money for his wall at one point but he wouldn't concede on a daca compromise and lost everything?

Honestly, even if Trump had somehow magically stopped immigration, it wouldn't be worth it considering all his other nonsense...but I don't want this thread to turn into a Trump is great/Trump is bad arguments.
Regardless.. Biden is really kicking ass and taking names and pulling all the punches to get this nation united and back on track after 4 miserable years of the ORANGE DIVIDER

Heck of an article as well. I liked the graphics. I know the Governor and the people of the State of Texas will definitely think about voting democrat next election. Who knows, Joe might flip Texas to BLUE.... that would be a real shocker. long overdue.
Biden is our President. He is GREAT and he is doing his job GREAT and I see him easily being reelected.
Excellent article by the way. So much information.

Congress can go to hell or "F" congress as you would say Catsnmeters :abgg2q.jpg: or both for all I care. :dance:
Sure. I think Biden is doing a decent job...better then expected.

That said, changing amnesty laws is done via Congress, not the executive branch.
Regardless.. Biden is really kicking ass and taking names and pulling all the punches to get this nation united and back on track after 4 miserable years of the ORANGE DIVIDER

Yeah. He's doing pretty good and Trump along with his fellow seditionists are pieces of shit.

Heck of an article as well. I liked the graphics. I know the Governor and the people of the State of Texas will definitely think about voting democrat next election. Who knows, Joe might flip Texas to BLUE.... that would be a real shocker. long overdue.
Good lord, that would be epic if Texas went blue but I don't think the governor will be voting blue...just saying.
It's not just RINOs. It's everyone. Both sides have had control of Congress and neither advances any new legislation.

Trump may have had a little success, tough to tell when considering how COVID shook things up.

He was to obsessed with his stupid wall and didn't concentrate on other areas.

Didnt' Congress agree to give him money for his wall at one point but he wouldn't concede on a daca compromise and lost everything?

Honestly, even if Trump had somehow magically stopped immigration, it wouldn't be worth it considering all his other nonsense...but I don't want this thread to turn into a Trump is great/Trump is bad arguments.

I dont want it to turn into a ra,ra thread for a mental retard who opened our borders., gunning down unarmed civilians would not put a stop to desperate people fleeing violence and poverty in their own countries.

And anyone who would obey such an order doesn’t belong in the military to begin with.

Fuck em.
They aren't fleeing violence they're invading America with bidens encouragement.
And they're being taught what to say to enter the US.

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