US Serially Violates Its Own Constitution

The same thought crossed my mind immediately after I posted this thread; however, I wonder how many Americans have ever considered this definition of "national interest?"

"American Exception questions the notion of the United States as a democracy, as the state does not serve the masses, rather it serves the interests of the 'elites'” what politicians call the national interest."

Exceptionism in U.S. Empire | MR Online

"national interest" like all these buzz words, are based around what the rich want.
Perhaps younger Americans see capitalism more clearly than earlier generations?

Political views of Generation Z - Wikipedia.

"Generation Z views socialism more positively than previous generations, especially in the United States.

"In a 2018 Gallup poll, 51% of Americans aged 18 to 29—young Millennials and older Gen Z—have a positive view of socialism, compared to 45% having a positive view of capitalism."
I’m not surprised. Capitalism as it’s practiced now fails most Americans. The enormous income inequality and unfairness must be more obvious to younger Americans struggling to make ends meet.
Nothing new here. America fell into the same trap as the Romans, the British and every other major empire:

Wealthy people engage in and invest in commercial activities in foreign countries.

As their interests conflict with the natives of those countries, they turn to our government for help.

Our government is required to take actions to 'protect' the interests of those wealthy Americans .

Those actions range from influencing the political system is those countries to full scale invasions.

The American tax payer foots the bill for those actions - and has to send their sons to fight.

The American tax payer gains nothing from the actions our government does in these countries. The government goes into massive debt

The Wealthy investors make a fortune - which they use to control our government.

At least the French Public realized this back in the 1950s and refused to support further French government actions in Vietnam. So the wealthy French suckered the American government into trying to save their investments.
We are a dying empire run by a bunch of psychopathic criminals.
This crazy proxy war in a Nazi infested nation of zero interest to 99% of Americans, proves your point in spades.

There was a time when we fought for independence and justice ie revolutionary war, civil. Now, our war machine needs to be fighting at all times, around the world. Mcdonnel, northrupp, lockheed,, even pfizer, wonder what kind of weapon they have?,...... is moving up that ladder.
We still don't know if the former, former president adhered to the Constitution and was born in the USA because nobody ever saw his real B.C. and democrats and their media minions didn't care. The 2nd Amendment is attacked every day and democrats want to change the Constitutional makeup of the Supreme Court and meanwhile we get a lecture from the left about the Constitution based on the opinion of somebody named Aaron Good who might be a trombone player for all we know.
Anyone paying attention knows Obama served rich elites as fervently as Trump and Biden and every other POTUS since the first. Possibly you know more US history than Aaron Good, but I've seen no evidence of that possibility so far based on your posts. :auiqs.jpg:
incorrect,, democrats and republicans serially violate the constitution,,

although some are OK with it when it follows their ideology most want it to stop,,
Republicans and Democrats control US government, and neither corporate cabal hesitates to support American hegemony.

Exceptionism in U.S. Empire | MR Online

"The U.S. hegemon demands that all nation states, excluding itself, must adhere to the rules based order, which is not the same as the rule of law.

"In this rules based international order, elitists in the periphery benefit themselves by subordinating their nation states to the U.S. hegemon."
After WW 2 the workload decreased as the income increased. Those working in all of our post war manufacturing did quite well. Until the rest of the world slowly caught up. The 1970's saw the decline of many manufacturing ways here. The government and monopoly employment rose up in a huge way with service employment promised to give us the same huge wages. Service employment has not done that. Privileged employment is any that the salaries and benefits are higher even with people who are not very good. With work rules that are near stagnant as infrastructure projects can take ten times longer to complete easily than they should as just one example.

Can American Manufacturing be Saved - Book Excerpt

The FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) function as a giant vacuum designed to suck wealth upwards from the middle class to the richest one percent, and you can't change that by "choosing" between Republican or Democrat.
The reign of the more or less intelligent sociopaths has been continuous throughout history. Morals, religion, ideology and human empathy mean nothing to them, except as attributes to be exploited.
I’m not surprised. Capitalism as it’s practiced now fails most Americans. The enormous income inequality and unfairness must be more obvious to younger Americans struggling to make ends meet.
I'm wondering if many of those young people have the attention span to fully understand the problem of capitalism?

"In this article I aim to show why and how the corporate and financial leaders in the United States took the initiative to shape the world to their economic and political liking after World War II.

"I do so through the analysis of two very different instances among several that could have been chosen, the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the origins of the Vietnam War.

"These initiatives were undertaken by the high and the mighty of the corporate world, with invaluable assistance from a wide range of hired experts, because they were convinced they needed far-flung trading partners and investment outlets to make the American economy productive and profitable in a way that was acceptable to them.

"Otherwise, they might have to acquiesce in a liberal-labor solution to the country’s economic problems that was anathema to them: greater government direction of the economy.

"Nor did they want to risk the higher taxes that would come with more government involvement.

"As part of their efforts to regain full dominance after the liberal-labor advances during the Great Depression and the New Deal, they also wanted to roll back the rapid growth of unions."
The reign of the more or less intelligent sociopaths has been continuous throughout history. Morals, religion, ideology and human empathy mean nothing to them, except as attributes to be exploited.
What do you think happens when intelligent sociopaths monetize AI?

  • "A team of researchers asked an AI system if artificial intelligence could ever be ethical.
  • The AI in question, the Megatron Transformer, said that it could never be ethical, owing to the fact that 'it is a tool'.
  • It added that like any tool, it can be used for good or bad, but that it is itself neither, as there are only good or bad humans."
Will AI ever be ethical? Not according to itself

Aaron Good argues US foreign policy operates independently of which party controls government and raises the question who profits?

"uffice it to state that the U.S. Guardian Elite are very much of and for the overworld of private wealth.

"Since the end of World War II, the U.S. Guardian Elite have functioned most decisively as executors of dark power.

— Aaron Good, American Exception, p 107"

"The author identifies the U.S. as exceptionist in that it serially violates its own constitution.

"The United Nations Charter forbids warmaking and covert operations, and since the United States government has ratified the UN Charter it is legally applicable as per the U.S. Constitution.

"Thus, the launching of wars and CIA cloak-and-dagger missions are in contravention of the U.S. Constitution, adducing the exceptionism of the U.S."

Exceptionism in U.S. Empire | MR Online
I'm wondering if many of those young people have the attention span to fully understand the problem of capitalism?
The problem isn’t capitalism. Capitalism is by far the best economic method to create wealth and spread it among the masses.

The problem with the world is lack or morals and ethics, the problem is so many don’t believe in God.
"American Exception questions the notion of the United States as a democracy, as the state does not serve the masses, rather it serves the interests of the 'elites'” what politicians call the national interest
Well duh, that is globalism. They want to destroy the middle class and empower the elites.

You are just figuring this out?

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