US Set to Pump Record Amount of Oil in 2023, Surpassing 2019 !

So if we drill more, then that additional oil should not leave our shores. Not one ounce. Somehow it will leave though. And those who scream america first are supportive of it leaving. They want it both ways.
So if we drill more, then that additional oil should not leave our shores. Not one ounce. Somehow it will leave though. And those who scream america first are supportive of it leaving. They want it both ways.

We haven't nationalized the US oil industry. You can't dictate who private companies sell to
We haven't nationalized the US oil industry. You can't dictate who private companies sell t.
Well then perhaps it's time to look at nationalizing it and letting the private companies agree to be american first or go somewhere else.
Well then perhaps it's time to look at nationalizing it and letting the private companies agree to be american first or go somewhere else.
There are kinds of incentives we can give American businesses. There is no need to nationalize. It would just mean more power for them to abuse.
Biden is the energy president.

Biden has the US set to pump 12.6M barrels/day in 2023, higher than 2019. Biden also has the US set to pump and export record Nat gas, and produced record renewable energy. The US is set to increase oil production by 9% this year !

Biden is the energy president.

People can post any lie they want, but the facts are rock solid, Biden has the most oil and nat gas pumping in US history, and also record renewable energy, and energy export.


The US has half the oil reserves of Russia, and a sixth that of Saudi Arabia.
So the US should NOT be pumping ANY oil at this point, when it is still plentiful and cheap.
All our oil reserves should be reserved for when the world starts running out.

Biden is likely the single worst president ever, and his pushing EVs is a disaster, since carting around a ton of batteries in each vehicle, is extremely wasteful.
Mandated by Congress not the president all the executive branch does is announcements then the Dept. of Energy awards the contracts after a silent bidding process, Biden never handles any of the oil nor does he ship it anywhere, to do what you claim takes several hundred people not just one.

Not true.
While Congress has mandated the sale of strategic oil in the past, that does not apply to the 260 million barrels Biden sold this year.
Strategic oil sales were only mandated for certain emergencies, which is no longer true.
Biden placing illegal economic sanctions on Russia is a crime, not an "emergency".
It's spelled with a Y

Oh sweetie, you are back pedaling. Yesterday you claimed it was an American company. You've fallen so far.......
You need to wrap your head around the fact that China is our enemy.

It is a US company. You must be a teenager.

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