US sharply cuts air operations in Syria fearing Russian Missiles

CONFIRMED: US sharply cuts air operations in Syria fearing Russian missiles
Good. If US isn't going to fight ISIS etc in Syria they need to fuck off and let Iran,Syria and Russia deal with it.
Nah, Russia, Iran and Assad should get out of Syria so the Syrian people can deal with it.
Oh yeah so the US and Israel can attack Syria without anyone helping to defend Syria.
CONFIRMED: US sharply cuts air operations in Syria fearing Russian missiles
Good. If US isn't going to fight ISIS etc in Syria they need to fuck off and let Iran,Syria and Russia deal with it.
Nah, Russia, Iran and Assad should get out of Syria so the Syrian people can deal with it.

How the hell are the general population going to fight ISIS and AQ? Put down the bong.

It's Assads country and his allies have been asked to fight the terrorist invasion. It's not a civil war.
It is Assad and his allies that constitute the greatest danger to the Syrian people,not ISIS.


Now passing off ISIS propaganda.....sad sad sad.
The Syrian people clearly need to be protected from Assad and Russia.

add Iran to that mix. and add--- *** the whole world needs to be protected
from the AXIS POWERS------Iran and Russia (and its lap-dog---SYRIA)
Iran, Syria and Russia are allies with each other and enemies of the USA. Any attempt to let the AXIS alliance deal on its own with their and the US's enemy ISIS---will result in the AXIS manipulation of the entire situation AGAINST the USA. It happened in Afghanistan----we thought the TALIBAN was on OUR SIDE

But they were on our side, just ask Reagan. He was helping them fight the Russians.

he miscalculated------btw Reagan died

I was saying ask Reagan in a metaphorical sense. I know he's dead. However, all you have to do to see how he supported the Taliban is to google it.

I know that Reagan supported the Talban----and even back then----in the mid 1980s I knew that the program would COME TO NO GOOD. The white house
had not asked me. Way back in the 1980s that which became the Taliban were
called MUJHAHDEEN----they were and are PAKISTANI ISLAMISTS-----no less
islamist than are the present day Taliban----than Osama bin Laden and al quaeda and ISIS. No matter how "SEEMINGLY" useful by virtue of 'common cause'
it is NEVER good to try to make alliances with islamists or baathists

Get your time line right. The Taliban were a different group formed in the 90's. We armed the Mujahideen. Mainly warlords and their jihadists. Now some no doubt went on to join AQ and the Taliban. The Taliban actually trained in Pakistan.
The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance that helped throw the Taliban out of Afghanistan.
CONFIRMED: US sharply cuts air operations in Syria fearing Russian missiles
Good. If US isn't going to fight ISIS etc in Syria they need to fuck off and let Iran,Syria and Russia deal with it.
Nah, Russia, Iran and Assad should get out of Syria so the Syrian people can deal with it.
Oh yeah so the US and Israel can attack Syria without anyone helping to defend Syria.
Nah, Russia, Iran and Assad should get out of Syria so the Syrian people can deal with it.

How the hell are the general population going to fight ISIS and AQ? Put down the bong.

It's Assads country and his allies have been asked to fight the terrorist invasion. It's not a civil war.
It is Assad and his allies that constitute the greatest danger to the Syrian people,not ISIS.


Now passing off ISIS propaganda.....sad sad sad.
The Syrian people clearly need to be protected from Assad and Russia.

add Iran to that mix. and add--- *** the whole world needs to be protected
from the AXIS POWERS------Iran and Russia (and its lap-dog---SYRIA)
No shit! You seen how many countries Syria and Iran and Russia have invaded or bombed over the last 100 years!? Amazing!



But they were on our side, just ask Reagan. He was helping them fight the Russians.

he miscalculated------btw Reagan died

I was saying ask Reagan in a metaphorical sense. I know he's dead. However, all you have to do to see how he supported the Taliban is to google it.

I know that Reagan supported the Talban----and even back then----in the mid 1980s I knew that the program would COME TO NO GOOD. The white house
had not asked me. Way back in the 1980s that which became the Taliban were
called MUJHAHDEEN----they were and are PAKISTANI ISLAMISTS-----no less
islamist than are the present day Taliban----than Osama bin Laden and al quaeda and ISIS. No matter how "SEEMINGLY" useful by virtue of 'common cause'
it is NEVER good to try to make alliances with islamists or baathists

Get your time line right. The Taliban were a different group formed in the 90's. We armed the Mujahideen. Mainly warlords and their jihadists. Now some no doubt went on to join AQ and the Taliban. The Taliban actually trained in Pakistan.
The Mujahideen became the Northern Alliance that helped throw the Taliban out of Afghanistan.

different Mujahideen------thems was afghani heroes. The young Pakistanis who
were called Muhahideen who went to Afghanistan, Ostensibly to fight the
USSR incursion in the 1980s--------they are the ones who morphed into THE TALIBAN. Tiny claims BENZAIR invented and funded them for her own EMPIRE BUILDING PURPOSES (yeah right)

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