US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

3 minutes ago by Alexis Webb, The Conversation

As a researcher funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), since October 1, I've known that I will be not be receiving my monthly fellowship. This has meant that my work, investigating genes' role in vertebrate development, has been put on hold.

Like many other scientists faced with the US government shutdown, I was not told how to prepare for this, or if any contingency plans would be offered. Because of furloughs, officials at the NSF are unreachable for help. National parks, museums and research institutes are all shut, with scientists and staff sent home. This means suspension of many critical aspects of research.

Now I have to continue my work without financial support, living and working in London with no salary until funding is restored. Because I'm in the UK, my host laboratory does not rely on US grant money to operate, and I continue to have access to equipment and supplies. Other researchers have not been as lucky: 73% of employees at the National Insitutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda are unable to remain at the bench during the shutdown, stalling advances in biomedical research. The minimal staff allowed to stay are able to keep crucial materials like cell lines alive, but worries linger for what will happen when the limited supplies run out.

As the budget impasse enters its third week, the list of programs and facilities affected is growing. Researchers in health sciences worldwide have probably noticed the effects on critical tools such as PubMed, an online database of more than 23 million journal articles, currently being operated with minimal staff. Geologists and meteorologists must make do with limited resources, as only systems with a direct impact on health and safety remain accessible. If the shutdown isn't dealt with before October 18, astronomers will be unable to use telescopes at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona to scan the skies.

Researchers submitting grants for funding find themselves in a holding pattern, uploading their proposals without acknowledgement. Alec Davidson, associate professor of neurobiology at Morehouse School of Medicine said, he is "not sure what will happen with the October 16 deadline for the R21 grant (a smaller, shorter-term grant than the standard R01)" and has received "no response from program officers" at the NIH.
Read more at: US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

Probably tens of billions of dollars of research is on the line. Our leadership within science is at risk....

Not only do you bastards threaten our dollar, economy but also scientific edge.
Scientists should be prohibited by law from working for any government. They get paid solely to advance whatever the government wants them to advance. That's how the hoax of global warming got so big. Scientists get told what result the government wants, then they fix conclusions to support that result and ignore all conclusions that don't.
You republicans really don't give a shit about America remaining number one.

You're against hundreds of thousands of workers.

Fuck off!
You republicans really don't give a shit about America remaining number one.

You're against hundreds of thousands of workers.

Fuck off!

You are almost right. I'm against hundreds of thousands of government workers who are paid to pervert "science" to advance the government's agenda.
Why are American tax dollars funding a researcher in London instead of a researcher in the United States?? :dunno:
US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

3 minutes ago by Alexis Webb, The Conversation

Read more at: US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

Probably tens of billions of dollars of research is on the line. Our leadership within science is at risk....

Not only do you bastards threaten our dollar, economy but also scientific edge.

You know what threatens our scientific edge MORE than a shutdown?

A govt that REFUSES to manage a budget (hasn't had a new one in 4 yrs)
A govt that REFUSES to address crisis (Soc Sec is bankrupt 6 yrs ahead of sched. NOW)
A govt that can't launch a website with 3 yrs and $$BILLS but wants to run my healthcare.

If problems are not addressed, the Medicare/SS/Pension/ObamaCare issues will bury that inept disfunctional govt SOOO DEEP --- you won't HAVE those programs you like anymore.

I'm for ANY tactic short of violence to get them addressed..

And YOU KNOW that ALL those guys and gals are gonna get paid. They SHOULD BE at work during the shutdown.. EVEN IF by some miracle, the budget gets edited and their jobs or office go away --- they would still be paid.

No reason on Earth -- for all those sad stories Matthew.. Except poltical pride and predjudice.... THEY SHOULD BE IN THEIR CHAIRS working. EVEN during a "shutdown".. Just issue vouchers and food stamps.. Govt is good at that..

It's theatre -- It's inflicting pain --- It's the only way 2 party politics in Washington can be FORCED to do it's job...
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Before FlaCalTenn became an independent consultant -- I stayed in MY CHAIR without pay for months at Silicon Valley start-ups that couldn't pay its bills.. Some paid off -- others didn't..

But the lights were on and my work was in the lab..
You republicans really don't give a shit about America remaining number one.


Republicans care about America, that is why we are in a shutdown. America is teetering towards a fiscal calamity and the Bozo Administration along with Dems in the Senate don't care.
US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

3 minutes ago by Alexis Webb, The Conversation

Read more at: US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

Probably tens of billions of dollars of research is on the line. Our leadership within science is at risk....

Not only do you bastards threaten our dollar, economy but also scientific edge.

You know what threatens our scientific edge MORE than a shutdown?

A govt that REFUSES to manage a budget (hasn't had a new one in 4 yrs)
A govt that REFUSES to address crisis (Soc Sec is bankrupt 6 yrs ahead of sched. NOW)
A govt that can't launch a website with 3 yrs and $$BILLS but wants to run my healthcare.

If problems are not addressed, the Medicare/SS/Pension/ObamaCare issues will bury that inept disfunctional govt SOOO DEEP --- you won't HAVE those programs you like anymore.

I'm for ANY tactic short of violence to get them addressed..

And YOU KNOW that ALL those guys and gals are gonna get paid. They SHOULD BE at work during the shutdown.. EVEN IF by some miracle, the budget gets edited and their jobs or office go away --- they would still be paid.

No reason on Earth -- for all those sad stories Matthew.. Except poltical pride and predjudice.... THEY SHOULD BE IN THEIR CHAIRS working. EVEN during a "shutdown".. Just issue vouchers and food stamps.. Govt is good at that..

It's theatre -- It's inflicting pain --- It's the only way 2 party politics in Washington can be FORCED to do it's job...

Then attack welfare and the real problems. We put more into science in the 60's then we're today....fact.
US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

3 minutes ago by Alexis Webb, The Conversation

Read more at: US shutdown means one sad tale after another for scientists

Probably tens of billions of dollars of research is on the line. Our leadership within science is at risk....

Not only do you bastards threaten our dollar, economy but also scientific edge.

You know what threatens our scientific edge MORE than a shutdown?

A govt that REFUSES to manage a budget (hasn't had a new one in 4 yrs)
A govt that REFUSES to address crisis (Soc Sec is bankrupt 6 yrs ahead of sched. NOW)
A govt that can't launch a website with 3 yrs and $$BILLS but wants to run my healthcare.

If problems are not addressed, the Medicare/SS/Pension/ObamaCare issues will bury that inept disfunctional govt SOOO DEEP --- you won't HAVE those programs you like anymore.

I'm for ANY tactic short of violence to get them addressed..

And YOU KNOW that ALL those guys and gals are gonna get paid. They SHOULD BE at work during the shutdown.. EVEN IF by some miracle, the budget gets edited and their jobs or office go away --- they would still be paid.

No reason on Earth -- for all those sad stories Matthew.. Except poltical pride and predjudice.... THEY SHOULD BE IN THEIR CHAIRS working. EVEN during a "shutdown".. Just issue vouchers and food stamps.. Govt is good at that..

It's theatre -- It's inflicting pain --- It's the only way 2 party politics in Washington can be FORCED to do it's job...

Then attack welfare and the real problems. We put more into science in the 60's then we're today....fact.

EVERYONE is on welfare.. The world doesn't wait on govt science.. True fact. There are no priorities, little or no management and TONS of political - inspired horseshit..

Time to clean the barn.. Than you and I can GET some basic research out of govt funding again.. NOT --- a $75 tax credit to GE for selling an Energy Star dishwasher, and NOT subsidizing trophy E-cars for Millionaires..

You are in the same boat as many of the lefty orgs who rely on public funding to lobby for subsidies and handouts. MANY of them today realize that government fiscal incompetence will CURTAIL and possibly END their gravy train..

Some of the newest ardent supporters of GOOD govt and fiscal sanity are folks who are LOBBYING for welfare and handouts. Because they've seen the train wreck starting..

What we agree on Matt is that we are now a nation of BEGGARS and WHINERS --- instead of THINKERS and DOERS.. Bigger govt exascerbates that problem.. Doesn't cure it..
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And why AREN'T they working today Matthew? Who decided to give them PAID VACATION?
Piss poor management and judgement ---- that's who...

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