US signs trade deal with Japan that’s set to benefit American farmers

Don't really care that monocroppers were left out of the deal. The digital matters are the future and reportedly are much better deal than the TPP chumps have.

You really need to translate that to easy to understand English. I have a feeling your lost most of us with your post. Expand on it a bit so we can understand it.

"The main improvement over TPP comes from the U.S.-Japan digital trade agreement, say congressional aides and tech industry officials. They described it as “TPP-Plus” and in line with U.S. goals to set global internet and e-commerce rules.

It includes stronger rules to prohibit cross-border taxation of digital downloads and data localization requirements than TPP. Cloud computing and new financial technologies were still new and being developed during the many years TPP was negotiated, so that deal included carve outs that would have allowed some countries to require local housing of financial sector data.

USTR said the deal protects against the forced disclosure of proprietary computer source code and algorithms, demands that it says China frequently makes of U.S. firms. It also said the deal promotes open access to government-generated data."

Where the US-Japan trade deal falls short of Trans-Pacific pact abandoned by Trump

For the most part, it sounds like a deal the US needs to make and enforce. It's pretty much the deal we have with Canada and Mexico. We win on this one. it's also the deal we need to make with China but China won't budge.

China is never going to budge in my life time at least. We got upset about IP theft so they replaced it with IP extortion to keep their exports patent friendly. Just as a pragmatic matter, they are still a government with massive internal demands and challenges, and very limited resources. They have to be where they are out of necessity.
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.
"Trump withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, which had been negotiated by the Obama administration. The other 11 Pacific Rim countries, including big farm producers such as New Zealand and Canada, went ahead without the United States and were enjoying preferential treatment in Japan."

Now America has to play catch-up due to tRumps stupidity.

You truly are a Russian troll.
Ignoramus thinks the TPPA was a good deal for America.

Dude, this deal with Japan is basically the deal from the TPPA, almost word for word
You Leftards never stop with the lies.

Nope, no lies. Just the one thing you are missing...knowledge.

Sorry, only one TDS Demon Creation per Day per Message thread.
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?
Aren't these the same American farmers who are going to be terribly hurt by Trump's terrible "trade wars"? Funny how these things keep working the opposite of how the globalists say they will work.


US signs trade deal with Japan that's set to benefit American farmers

And Taiwan last month
When they ban masks ..paint Yer face

American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?

You can't eat airplanes or cars. I think it's important that America be able to feed itself.
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?

You can't eat airplanes or cars. I think it's important that America be able to feed itself.

We can feed ourselves quite well, and much of the world as well. Why should farmers be denied the same rights as other business?
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?

You can't eat airplanes or cars. I think it's important that America be able to feed itself.

We can feed ourselves quite well, and much of the world as well. Why should farmers be denied the same rights as other business?

Don't you think theres value in being self-sufficient? More and more of the US produce is imported. Some say in a decade it will be over 50%.
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?

You can't eat airplanes or cars. I think it's important that America be able to feed itself.

We can feed ourselves quite well, and much of the world as well. Why should farmers be denied the same rights as other business?

Don't you think theres value in being self-sufficient? More and more of the US produce is imported. Some say in a decade it will be over 50%.

We import things that do not grow well here or that are cheaper to grow elsewhere and import. That is how our economy works in all areas.

It is a big world out there, try not to let it frighten you too much
American farmers should grow crops for the American market and if they can't make a living doing that then too bad for them.

Do you feel that way about every company in America?

Should Boeing only make aircraft for the US and too bad if they cannot make a living doing that?

Should Ford only be allowed to sale cars in the US?

You can't eat airplanes or cars. I think it's important that America be able to feed itself.

We can feed ourselves quite well, and much of the world as well. Why should farmers be denied the same rights as other business?

Don't you think theres value in being self-sufficient? More and more of the US produce is imported. Some say in a decade it will be over 50%.

We import things that do not grow well here or that are cheaper to grow elsewhere and import. That is how our economy works in all areas.

It is a big world out there, try not to let it frighten you too much

Big corporations are the real power in this country. Who we vote for doesn't matter nearly as much. And the more dependent the corporate world becomes to chinese markets, the more beholden they will be to chinese law.
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.
Aren't these the same American farmers who are going to be terribly hurt by Trump's terrible "trade wars"? Funny how these things keep working the opposite of how the globalists say they will work.


US signs trade deal with Japan that's set to benefit American farmers

"This is a huge victory for America's farmers, ranchers and growers. And that's very important to me," Trump said in a signing ceremony at the White House.

...and you believe him, because Trump ALWAYS tells the truth!
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.

Mexico jumped at it and Ratified it. Canada has not. There are a few things that still have to be ironed out in the Rump Trade Organization. It's not ready to be voted on. Neither the US nor Canada are ready to ratify it. And even if the House were to give a positive up vote for it and the Senate rubber stamped it, until Canada ratifies it it's worthless. There are many Dems that want it to go to vote this year but it probably won't go to vote until after the first of the year. As of right now, it's in Rumps court to come up with the fixes that needs to be done. It's pretty close but not quite there yet.

This isn't party politics, it's trade. And badly needed to be resolved. Right now, Rump is too busy playing patty cakes, tweeting and throwing temper tantrums to get the job done. A real President would already have gotten it taken care of.
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.

Mexico jumped at it and Ratified it. Canada has not. There are a few things that still have to be ironed out in the Rump Trade Organization. It's not ready to be voted on. Neither the US nor Canada are ready to ratify it. And even if the House were to give a positive up vote for it and the Senate rubber stamped it, until Canada ratifies it it's worthless. There are many Dems that want it to go to vote this year but it probably won't go to vote until after the first of the year. As of right now, it's in Rumps court to come up with the fixes that needs to be done. It's pretty close but not quite there yet.

This isn't party politics, it's trade. And badly needed to be resolved. Right now, Rump is too busy playing patty cakes, tweeting and throwing temper tantrums to get the job done. A real President would already have gotten it taken care of.

Why do you hate the people that grow the food that you put on your table?
Putting party before Country does that to you.
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.

Mexico jumped at it and Ratified it. Canada has not. There are a few things that still have to be ironed out in the Rump Trade Organization. It's not ready to be voted on. Neither the US nor Canada are ready to ratify it. And even if the House were to give a positive up vote for it and the Senate rubber stamped it, until Canada ratifies it it's worthless. There are many Dems that want it to go to vote this year but it probably won't go to vote until after the first of the year. As of right now, it's in Rumps court to come up with the fixes that needs to be done. It's pretty close but not quite there yet.

This isn't party politics, it's trade. And badly needed to be resolved. Right now, Rump is too busy playing patty cakes, tweeting and throwing temper tantrums to get the job done. A real President would already have gotten it taken care of.

Why do you hate the people that grow the food that you put on your table?
Putting party before Country does that to you.

And how many cattle have you branded? How many days and weeks and months have you spent irrigating crops. How much time have you spent working the Harvests? I spent the first 19 years of my life doing exactly that. And then I went to College and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business while I was in the United States Air Force for 20 years and lived across the globe. I think I have a pretty good idea on what is going on here. Much better than you do obviously.

I won't go into the areas that still need to be ironed out but the House Speaker knows them and won't be railroaded into a vote until Rump addresses those weaknesses. And neither will Canada.
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.

Mexico jumped at it and Ratified it. Canada has not. There are a few things that still have to be ironed out in the Rump Trade Organization. It's not ready to be voted on. Neither the US nor Canada are ready to ratify it. And even if the House were to give a positive up vote for it and the Senate rubber stamped it, until Canada ratifies it it's worthless. There are many Dems that want it to go to vote this year but it probably won't go to vote until after the first of the year. As of right now, it's in Rumps court to come up with the fixes that needs to be done. It's pretty close but not quite there yet.

This isn't party politics, it's trade. And badly needed to be resolved. Right now, Rump is too busy playing patty cakes, tweeting and throwing temper tantrums to get the job done. A real President would already have gotten it taken care of.

Why do you hate the people that grow the food that you put on your table?
Putting party before Country does that to you.

And how many cattle have you branded? How many days and weeks and months have you spent irrigating crops. How much time have you spent working the Harvests? I spent the first 19 years of my life doing exactly that. And then I went to College and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business while I was in the United States Air Force for 20 years and lived across the globe. I think I have a pretty good idea on what is going on here. Much better than you do obviously.

I won't go into the areas that still need to be ironed out but the House Speaker knows them and won't be railroaded into a vote until Rump addresses those weaknesses. And neither will Canada.

Canada signed the USMCA agreement on Nov. 30th, 2018!
Anti-AMERICAN Democrats just cannot bring themselves to giving Trump (and U.S. farmers) any kind of win.
One thing is for sure......Democrats don't give a crap about U.S. farmers.
Otherwise, if they did they would take time off from impeaching phantoms and pass the USMCA (the 'new' Nafta) which would help our farmers.

Mexico jumped at it and Ratified it. Canada has not. There are a few things that still have to be ironed out in the Rump Trade Organization. It's not ready to be voted on. Neither the US nor Canada are ready to ratify it. And even if the House were to give a positive up vote for it and the Senate rubber stamped it, until Canada ratifies it it's worthless. There are many Dems that want it to go to vote this year but it probably won't go to vote until after the first of the year. As of right now, it's in Rumps court to come up with the fixes that needs to be done. It's pretty close but not quite there yet.

This isn't party politics, it's trade. And badly needed to be resolved. Right now, Rump is too busy playing patty cakes, tweeting and throwing temper tantrums to get the job done. A real President would already have gotten it taken care of.

Why do you hate the people that grow the food that you put on your table?
Putting party before Country does that to you.

And how many cattle have you branded? How many days and weeks and months have you spent irrigating crops. How much time have you spent working the Harvests? I spent the first 19 years of my life doing exactly that. And then I went to College and earned a Bachelor of Science in Business while I was in the United States Air Force for 20 years and lived across the globe. I think I have a pretty good idea on what is going on here. Much better than you do obviously.

I won't go into the areas that still need to be ironed out but the House Speaker knows them and won't be railroaded into a vote until Rump addresses those weaknesses. And neither will Canada.

Canada signed the USMCA agreement on Nov. 30th, 2018!
Anti-AMERICAN Democrats just cannot bring themselves to giving Trump (and U.S. farmers) any kind of win.

Trudeau signed it but it has yet to be ratified by Canada's Legislature. Canada has the same misgivings that the House in Washington has. And only Rumps Trade Reps can address those issues for the US as well as Trudeau's Trade Reps for Canada. Canada is waiting for the US to make the changes and present it to Canada for resigning.
Pelosi won't bring a vote to the floor MAINLY because it would give Trump too big of a bi-partisan win.
Additionally, Dem nominees oppose it along with the 'squat squad'.
It's pure political obstruction.
American farmers need to remember this come 2020!
Pelosi won't bring a vote to the floor MAINLY because it would give Trump too big of a bi-partisan win.
Additionally, Dem nominees oppose it along with the 'squat squad'.
It's pure political obstruction.
American farmers need to remember this come 2020!

The Japanese agreement Rump made doesn't even come close to bringing it back to where it was before the trade embargoes. but it's a start. Japan likes to trade with the US. But it has entered into one year contracts with Argentina, Brazil and Australia that have to be honored. I told you what would happen starting in September when the trade agreements were going to be agreed upon. It's going to take 4 or 5 years to get Japan back to the amount that the Japan used to trade for our Farm Products. And that ain't Politics, that's reality.

As for China, they have already entered into agreements for Pork, Beef and grains with Australia, Brazil and Argentina. They don't have a thing to gain going back to the US for those products until the trade contracts of next September. Those trade agreements are for the following year. That means, next year, they won't be trading heavily with the US no matter what for our Farm Products. So there is no reason for them to enter into the same agreement like Japan did. Forget Politics, it's reality and just business. It's capitalism.

And Pelosi has nothing to do with any of this. It's strictly up to Rump to get a program that both the various countries can ratify and the US congress can ratify. So far, Mexico is the only country that has ratified anything. Rump owns this.

I will give Rump credit for his Japanese trade agreement that will probably be the cornerstone for the Asian (not China) trade agreement. That should have no problem with the House and Senate. No, it's not as good in some areas as the old agreement but it's better in other areas. But after the bungling of the Trade Wars, it's about as good as the US can expect.

It won't take much to get to an agreement with Canada but there are still some things that need to be worked out and that is strictly up to Rump and his Executive Branch. All the Congress does is get to vote up or down. Without Canada ratifying it there can be no up or down vote for the same reasons that there will be no up or down vote from our congress. There are still some points to iron out. And that is on Rump. Pelosi has already sent a letter to Rump on those conditions. And they are fair conditions, quite easy to obtain. But Rump is not acting on it because "He won't act on anything" coming from the House at this time because he's throwing a temper tantrum. At least Clinton, during the time they were jamming him up continued to work with congress. Rump has brought Congress to a complete standstill with the assistance of Moscow Mitch.

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