US-Soldier flees to North Korea

Yep, know all about it. Funny that the US would let a soldier due to face disciplinary action free reign to lose himself at the border where he can get lost and disappear! No doubt now the Norks will want him to give them info in exchange for their good will.
He seems like just the kind of guy that would be proud of giving them info. To him it's sticking it to the man. For slavery fo sho n shizzle.
Yeonmi Park (Korean: 박연미; born 4 October 1993) is a North Korean defector and activist whose family fled from North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. Her family turned to black-market trading during the North Korean famine in the 1990s.[2] She alleges that her father was sent to a labor camp for smuggling[3] before the family travelled to China, where Park and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers and she was sold into slavery before escaping to Mongolia.[4] Park came to wider global attention following her speech at the 2014 One Young World Summit in Dublin, Ireland.[5][6] Her speech, about her experience escaping from North Korea, received 50 million views in two days on YouTube and social media, with a current total of more than 100 million.[7] Park's memoir In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom was published in September 2015.[8]

Since Mr. King is an African American, Sleepy Joe can't let him stew in a NK prison. Similar to the Brittney Griner case.

Mr. Un has Biden over a barrel here. Expect King to be released, but the price will be huge.
And when Biden gets him back, you will complain that he sold out to the North Koreans. You know, Anger Issues, like your side did with Bergdahl. "Why isn't Obama doing more to get this poor man back?" to "Obama sold out by releasing Taliban leaders to get him back!"

This guy sounds like someone, like Bergdahl, who had mental problems, and never should have been enlisted to start with, but the military is fairly desperate.
My statement stands.
Yes. A black hood rat would really blend in with North Korean society and they would share all kinds of big secret stuff with it.
He’s a fuck up and a nut job

How you made this about race is a mystery… oh wait

You’re a fucking racist. Never mind
Doesn’t matter, both are Americans, that legal problems or not need to be returned to the US.

I am a fan of personal responsibility, you freely choose to go to NK, you can work the rest out yourself.

I do not think the US should lift one finger to bring him back. He is an adult, let him make his own choices.
He’s a fuck up and a nut job

How you made this about race is a mystery… oh wait

You’re a fucking racist. Never mind

Sucks to be you, never having any points, just relying on parroting fake stuff all day.

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