US-Soldier flees to North Korea

But Little Kim is a basketball fan, remember when Dennis Rodman got in trouble for going there?

Mr. Border Walker is probably playing basketball with Little Kim, even as we speak. He might already have a wormy NORK baby mamma too.

Asians have a thing for trained monkeys, especially those dressed up like fags.
Joe will leave him sit, just like the Marine in Russia. Unless he’s non binary, then it’s all out effort.

And when Biden gets him back, you will complain that he sold out to the North Koreans. You know, Anger Issues, like your side did with Bergdahl. "Why isn't Obama doing more to get this poor man back?" to "Obama sold out by releasing Taliban leaders to get him back!"

This guy sounds like someone, like Bergdahl, who had mental problems, and never should have been enlisted to start with, but the military is fairly desperate.
kim loves basketball.

don't you even wonder why this kid would choose freedom in north korea over a career in the army, or a return to the streets?

He wants trained monkeys' yes. If this dumbass isn't any good at it, he's not going to be kept as a pet, he will disappear, and good riddance. He chose to defect because he's a fucking idiot, like most hood rats, especially ones who have been fed the usual idiot racist nonsense by black teachers and gangbanger Homies all bout Evul Whitey N Stuff.

In a week he will be crying to be 'saved'. That should be met with laughter and a 'go fuck yourself' from the U.S.
Did you read the story? He was escorted to the airport to be sent back home to Texas and his home unit. Either his escort was a buddy that let him go or they just left him once he had passed security.
Did you read my post? I said that.

He is a low level scout that just got out of ROK jail. It is very doubtful he has any useful information at all
Then I wouldn't put much hopes in him living a very long and fruitful life there.
Have you read about it?

Good for him. If he wants to live in NK then let him. Don't know how long that will be though before Kim uses him for what he can get out of him and then he suffers an excruciating execution.
Good for him. If he wants to live in NK then let him. Don't know how long that will be though before Kim uses him for what he can get out of him and then he suffers an excruciating execution.
Our country is not lilly white. We are persecuting people because of their political ideology.
Good for him. If he wants to live in NK then let him. Don't know how long that will be though before Kim uses him for what he can get out of him and then he suffers an excruciating execution.

President Joe will probably exchange a North Korean arms dealer for him, like he did for that guy Brittney Griner.
Political persecutions in the United States continue while Biden talks about how democratic the country is.

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