US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Peach is on our side, anus.

I have no real "side" except for pro American, anti extremists. That includes Muslim extremists, Russian Orthodox extremists, and any others that pose a danger to liberty.

How about Christian extremists?

Russian Orthodox are Christian, in fact Archbishop Kirill states they are the "true Christians", the USA has none, according to him.
What about sodomite LGBTQ extremists?? .. :cool:

I do not know of any, but if any threaten the USA yes. Gay Americans are many different political beliefs, so no problem here :D Of course, oral sex qualifies as sodomy, even among heterosexuals, so.......I will leave this discussion. :lol:
I served under Reagan I didn't see this mass exodus.. I saw the cuts under Carter though.

Ollie, you and I were both serving in those last Reagan years, and you know we saw those leaving because of Iran-Contra.

Please admit the truth. You are better than to be saying what you are saying.
You really are coming apart at the seams, aren't you? We're talking JoeB level here.

The seam splitters are the far right who have lowered themselves to attack veterans.
The Taliban aren't terrorists.

They are just Afghan citizens fighting to rid their country of foreign occupation forces. .. :cool:
Next time maybe they'll think twice about attacking us.

The attackers were 15 Saudis, 2 from the UAE, 1 from Eygpt, 1 from Lebanon. And the Taliban is not al Qaeda, the question is, can they rid themselves of that element?

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States
Bin Ladin also stresses grievances against the United States widely shared in the Muslim world. He inveighed against the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, which is the home of Islam's holiest sites, and against other U.S. policies in the Middle East.

Upon this political and ideological foundation, Bin Ladin built over the course of a decade a dynamic and lethal organization. He built an infrastructure and organization in Afghanistan that could attract, train, and use recruits against ever more ambitious targets. He rallied new zealots and new money with each demonstration of al Qaeda's capability. He had forged a close alliance with the Taliban, a regime providing sanctuary for al Qaeda.

After the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole, evidence accumulated that it had been launched by al Qaeda operatives, but without confirmation that Bin Ladin had given the order. The Taliban had earlier been warned that it would be held responsible for another Bin Ladin attack on the United States. The CIA described its findings as a "preliminary judgment"; President Clinton and his chief advisers told us they were waiting for a conclusion before deciding whether to take military action. The military alternatives remained unappealing to them.

As final preparations were under way during the summer of 2001, dissent emerged among al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan over whether to proceed. The Taliban's chief, Mullah Omar, opposed attacking the United States. Although facing opposition from many of his senior lieutenants, Bin Ladin effectively overruled their objections, and the attacks went forward.
West has a right to his opinion, but his opinion has no weight because he has no objective evidence.
Got it, the US should have let him "rot" then. Why is Afghanistan still an enemy? Why did we not finish the work there instead of wandering into Iraq? We just created MORE Islamic states.

Afghanistan isn't the enemy.

The Taliban is.

Yet, we let the Taliban control at least part of Afghanistan. Why?

Ask Obama.

I don't think we have the will nor the manpower to dictate anything in Afghanistan.
Ollie, you and I were both serving in those last Reagan years, and you know we saw those leaving because of Iran-Contra.

Please admit the truth. You are better than to be saying what you are saying.
You really are coming apart at the seams, aren't you? We're talking JoeB level here.

The seam splitters are the far right who have lowered themselves to attack veterans.

Why don't you STFU Jake.

I see you attacking veterans constantly on this site.

Fucken piece of shit.
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Afghanistan isn't the enemy.

The Taliban is.

Yet, we let the Taliban control at least part of Afghanistan. Why?

Ask Obama.

I don't think we have the will nor the manpower to dictate anything in Afghanistan.

As noted, Mullah Omar saw the futility of attacking the US, others may also be rational, and reject Muslim extremism. A few hundred million to the "rational" never hurts. Didn't hurt in Japan, Italy, Spain, and Germany, post WWII. Actually, during WWII in the case of Spain.
Has anyone noticed Bergdahl was captured as a PFC and released as an E-5?

The Taliban must have held his E5 board while he was in confinement.

Obama probably knows them personally.

Sallow, are you claiming we were still fighting the war in 1975 because we had Marine Guards at our Embassy? Really?

Even though we did have a small screwed up battle a few days after the fall of Siagon.

Ever heard of Battle of Koh Tang.....

The war wasn't over until we left and Vietnam unified.

Ten Marine Guards don't count...

The troops involved in the screw up were not stationed in Vietnam...And actually they were fighting Cambodians...
Sallow, are you claiming we were still fighting the war in 1975 because we had Marine Guards at our Embassy? Really?

Even though we did have a small screwed up battle a few days after the fall of Siagon.

Ever heard of Battle of Koh Tang.....

The war wasn't over until we left and Vietnam unified.

You are a serious dumb-ass.

The war ends when one side quits. Especially since it never was declared a war in the first place.
Has anyone noticed Bergdahl was captured as a PFC and released as an E-5?

Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

He can be promoted to E4 automatically at 18 months, but not E5 unless he stands before the E5 board.

Just a technicality that is hard to get around. Then again Obama probably likes that he deserted and promoted him for it.
Has anyone noticed Bergdahl was captured as a PFC and released as an E-5?

Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

Was he under orders when he left the base and voluntarily went with Taliban agents? Wouldn't that make him a spy?

No you stupid shit. Do you ever post anything with a source or is the little voice in your mind your source?'re an idiot. Try to stay out of adult conversations.

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