US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan


A soldier who served with Bergdahl describes how Bergdahl deserted to join the Taliban, and how badly our troops suffered, were wounded, and died because of it.


And there we have the logic that will cause Comrade Obama to hold a White House ceremony to confer a "Hero" medal.....
Get your head out of your ass you old fool. Thanks for your service and efforts on behalf of our MIA's and POW's, but in this specific case it is the RW, the Tea's and Republicans who are demonizing Bowe Bergdahl for the selfish motive of limiting any positive credit given to Obama. They will fuck over a 5 year POW because of the hate they hold for Obama.
If Bowe needs or deserves punishment it has to be the US that hands it out, not the Taliban. No American serviceman or servicewoman should ever be left behind for any reason.
You're a world class idiot. No one was calling for trading him for 5 top Taliban leaders. Or even one. How did you miss that?

Got it, the US should have let him "rot" then. Why is Afghanistan still an enemy? Why did we not finish the work there instead of wandering into Iraq? We just created MORE Islamic states.
Before you crow about our traitor President, you might ask yourselves why he waited 5 years before negotiating with terrorists. One word. Elections.
I read all of it and your comment.

You are prevaricating, Ollie.

And all of us veterans have been there for our veterans, from the far left to the far right.

You are no better than any of us, so climb down, Ollie.

I'm sorry, where did I say I was better than anyone? I'm telling the idiots to stop being political. And where is Jake, right there on the far left as usual.
Now truthfully, how many of these people on here knew his name? How many even knew he existed...they should hang their heads in shame for even posting here...No matter who they are or what they are posting.....

Tell me jake how the far left nutcases have been there for our veterans?

And how am I prevaricating....

You know Jake, every day you prove where you stand, and it isn't to the right of center.....But you knew that.....

Get your head out of your ass you old fool. Thanks for your service and efforts on behalf of our MIA's and POW's, but in this specific case it is the RW, the Tea's and Republicans who are demonizing Bowe Bergdahl for the selfish motive of limiting any positive credit given to Obama. They will fuck over a 5 year POW because of the hate they hold for Obama.
If Bowe needs or deserves punishment it has to be the US that hands it out, not the Taliban. No American serviceman or servicewoman should ever be left behind for any reason.

You know there are very few reasons for me to neg someone, Stupidity is one of them.
You are too far up Obama's ass to even read what i say. How many times have i said I was glad he was home, and that sign I'm holding is still in the front window of my house. it will come down when Bowe gets to the states. I know I've said this...
I know i've said to stop being political and I've included both sides, veterans and none veterans. Still isn't one person stepped up to admit they knew who he was before this story broke. And you are still throwing that broad brush out there when you haven't a fucking clue what the truth is.

I don't know if he was AWOL when he was captured. I don't know if his father is a Muslim. I don't know if he was taking a crap when captured. What I know is he is an American service member who apparently has been a POW for the last 5 years.

What I do know is that Obama was an idiot for giving up 5 top Taliban leaders.

What I want to know is the whole truth. What was Bowe doing and why?
How did we know his health condition yet not know where he was?
Is his father a Muslim?
Is he a Muslim?
Is he a Hero?

I don't know and not one person in this thread knows.

Now STFU, you haven't a clue.......
And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

We withdrew from Vietnam March 29, 1973. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.

You have a very warped view of history Sallow.


40th Anniversary Of Vietnam War Withdrawal: Memories Still Strong

Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You guys are amazing.


May 9, 1974 - Congress begins impeachment proceedings against President Nixon stemming from the Watergate scandal.

August 9, 1974 - Richard M. Nixon resigns the presidency as result of Watergate. Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the 38th U.S. President, becoming the 6th President coping with Vietnam.

September 1974 - The U.S. Congress appropriates only $700 million for South Vietnam. This leaves the South Vietnamese Army under-funded and results in a decline of military readiness and morale.

September 16, 1974 - President Gerald R. Ford announces a clemency program for draft evaders and military deserters. The program runs through March 31, 1975, and requires fugitives to take an oath of allegiance and also perform up to two years of community service. Out of an estimated 124,000 men eligible, about 22,500 take advantage of the offer.

October - The Politburo in North Vietnam decides to launch an invasion of South Vietnam in 1975.

November 19, 1974 - William Calley is freed after serving 3 1/2 years under house arrest following his conviction for the murder of 22 My Lai civilians.

December 13, 1974 - North Vietnam violates the Paris peace treaty and tests President Ford's resolve by attacking Phuoc Long Province in South Vietnam. President Ford responds with diplomatic protests but no military force in compliance with the Congressional ban on all U.S. military activity in Southeast Asia.

December 18, 1974 - North Vietnam's leaders meet in Hanoi to form a plan for final victory.


January 8, 1975 - NVA general staff plan for the invasion of South Vietnam by 20 divisions is approved by North Vietnam's Politburo. By now, the Soviet-supplied North Vietnamese Army is the fifth largest in the world. It anticipates a two year struggle for victory. But in reality, South Vietnam's forces will collapse in only 55 days.

January 14, 1975 - Testifying before Congress, Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger states that the U.S. is not living up to its earlier promise to South Vietnam's President Thieu of "severe retaliatory action" in the event North Vietnam violated the Paris peace treaty.

January 21, 1975 - During a press conference, President Ford states the U.S. is unwilling to re-enter the war.

February 5, 1975 - NVA military leader General Van Tien Dung secretly crosses into South Vietnam to take command of the final offensive.

March 10, 1975 - The final offensive begins as 25,000 NVA attack Ban Me Thuot located in the Central Highlands.

March 11, 1975 - Ban Me Thuot falls after half of the 4000 South Vietnamese soldiers defending it surrender or desert.

March 13, 1975 - President Thieu decides to abandon the Highlands region and two northern provinces to the NVA. This results in a mass exodus of civilians and soldiers, clogging roads and bringing general chaos. NVA then shell the disorganized retreat which becomes known as "the convoy of tears."

March 18, 1975 - Realizing the South Vietnamese Army is nearing collapse, NVA leaders meet and decide to accelerate their offensive to achieve total victory before May 1.

March 19, 1975 - Quang Tri City falls to NVA.

March 24, 1975 - Tam Ky over-run by NVA.

March 25, 1975 - Hue falls without resistance after a three day siege. South Vietnamese troops now break and run from other threatened areas. Millions of refugees flee south.

March 26, 1975 - Chu Lai is evacuated.

March 28, 1975 - Da Nang is shelled as 35,000 NVA prepare to attack.

March 30, 1975 - Da Nang falls as 100,000 South Vietnamese soldiers surrender after being abandoned by their commanding officers.

March 31, 1975 - NVA begin the 'Ho Chi Minh Campaign,' the final push toward Saigon.

April 9, 1975 - NVA close in on Xuan Loc, 38 miles from Saigon. 40,000 NVA attack the city and for the first time encounter stiff resistance from South Vietnamese troops.

April 20, 1975 - U.S. Ambassador Graham Martin meets with President Thieu and pressures him to resign given the gravity of the situation and the unlikelihood that Thieu could ever negotiate with the Communists.

April 21, 1975 - A bitter, tearful President Thieu resigns during a 90 minute rambling TV speech to the people of South Vietnam. Thieu reads from the letter sent by Nixon in 1972 pledging "severe retaliatory action" if South Vietnam was threatened. Thieu condemns the Paris Peace Accords, Henry Kissinger and the U.S. "The United States has not respected its promises. It is inhumane. It is untrustworthy. It is irresponsible." He is then ushered into exile in Taiwan, aided by the CIA.

April 22, 1975 - Xuan Loc falls to the NVA after a two week battle with South Vietnam's 18th Army Division which inflicted over 5000 NVA casualties and delayed the 'Ho Chi Minh Campaign' for two weeks.

April 23, 1975 - 100,000 NVA soldiers advance on Saigon which is now overflowing with refugees. On this same day, President Ford gives a speech at Tulane University stating the conflict in Vietnam is "a war that is finished as far as America is concerned."

April 27, 1975 - Saigon is encircled. 30,000 South Vietnamese soldiers are inside the city but are leaderless. NVA fire rockets into downtown civilian areas as the city erupts into chaos and widespread looting.

April 28, 1975 - 'Neutralist' General Duong Van "Big" Minh becomes the new president of South Vietnam and appeals for a cease-fire. His appeal is ignored.

April 29, 1975 - NVA shell Tan Son Nhut air base in Saigon, killing two U.S. Marines at the compound gate. Conditions then deteriorate as South Vietnamese civilians loot the air base. President Ford now orders Operation Frequent Wind, the helicopter evacuation of 7000 Americans and South Vietnamese from Saigon, which begins with the radio broadcast of the song "White Christmas" as a pre-arraigned code signal.

At Tan Son Nhut, frantic civilians begin swarming the helicopters. The evacuation is then shifted to the walled-in American embassy, which is secured by U.S. Marines in full combat gear. But the scene there also deteriorates, as thousands of civilians attempt to get into the compound.

Three U.S. aircraft carriers stand by off the coast of Vietnam to handle incoming Americans and South Vietnamese refugees. Many South Vietnamese pilots also land on the carriers, flying American-made helicopters which are then pushed overboard to make room for more arrivals. Filmed footage of the $250,000 choppers being tossed into the sea becomes an enduring image of the war's end.

April 30, 1975 - At 8:35 a.m., the last Americans, ten Marines from the embassy, depart Saigon, concluding the United States presence in Vietnam. North Vietnamese troops pour into Saigon and encounter little resistance. By 11 a.m., the red and blue Viet Cong flag flies from the presidential palace. President Minh broadcasts a message of unconditional surrender. The war is over

The History Place - Vietnam War 1969-1975

Doesn't being wrong 100% of the time, suck?
The fruits of Obama's Phony Smart Diplomacy:

The Taliban just released a statement on the swap of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, held in captivity for five years, for five Guantanamo detainees:

We heartily congratulate the whole nation, Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate, particularly the kith and kin of the released ones that five heads of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan namely Mulla Muhammad Fazal Akhund, Mulla Noorulla Noori, Mulla Khairulla Khairkhwa, Mulla Abdul Haq Waseeq and Moulavi Muhammad Nabi who had been incarcerated for the last thirteen years in ‘Guantanamo Jail’ are released due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.

These five heads were released in the result of an indirect negotiation between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States mediated by Qatari government. They will remain with their families inside Qatar and will lead a normal life.

To get the preceding five heads released, it is worth mentioning that the Islamic Emirate handed over the American soldier to the US who was captive with us approximately for the last five years.

These five heads of the Islamic Emirate were handed over on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time to the delegation of Qatar who has been waiting there in ‘Guantanamo Bay’ for the previous three days. This delegation, including five heads of the Islamic Emirate, left Guantanamo at 10:00 pm and will arrive in Qatar today Sunday. They will be received and welcomed by the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate inside Qatar and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate. Similarly, the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ was handed over in the suburbs of ‘Khost’ province to the other side on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been taking all possible measures since long to get all the Afghan prisoners released whether they are incarcerated inside the country or outside and to let them enjoy a free and peaceful life.

In the future too, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is determined to get all the Mujahidin prisoners released as soon as possible. In this regard, we expect all the legal and human rights societies particularly the United Nations to share and accelerate their efforts with Afghan people and the Islamic Emirate on the basis of human sympathy so that all the incarcerated people are freed and their basic legal and human rights are safeguarded and they could lead an independent and peaceful life of their own accord.

The PJ Tatler » Taliban Joyous Over Bergdahl Swap, Vow to Get All Mujahideen Released ASAP
A soldier who served with Bergdahl describes how Bergdahl deserted to join the Taliban, and how badly our troops suffered, were wounded, and died because of it.

If that story is true the guy needs to be shot. If the White House knew about it, it's truly a crime against our troops.
Get your head out of your ass you old fool. Thanks for your service and efforts on behalf of our MIA's and POW's, but in this specific case it is the RW, the Tea's and Republicans who are demonizing Bowe Bergdahl for the selfish motive of limiting any positive credit given to Obama. They will fuck over a 5 year POW because of the hate they hold for Obama.
If Bowe needs or deserves punishment it has to be the US that hands it out, not the Taliban. No American serviceman or servicewoman should ever be left behind for any reason.
You're a world class idiot. No one was calling for trading him for 5 top Taliban leaders. Or even one. How did you miss that?

The poster is foolishly joining into the blame game by pointing a finger at another poster with a different political attitude, as if it makes a difference. The first basic step in demonizing is to place people with opposing opinions in positions of finger pointing blame. That quickly interprets into one side or the other or both of being of evil origin and acting with malicious intent, hence, acting in a demonic way. In the meantime, folks will disregard and forget that the promise made to our service persons is that everyone comes home and nobody gets left behind. The promise becomes background noise and of secondary importance while the demonizing talking points become the primary focus of attention. The mass's hear about the emotionally charged talking points. The promise of never leaving anyone behind becomes a barely heard whisper in the background.
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Got it, the US should have let him "rot" then. Why is Afghanistan still an enemy? Why did we not finish the work there instead of wandering into Iraq? We just created MORE Islamic states.
Afghanistan is not the enemy. We spent boo-coo bucks helping to build infrastructure and train Afghanis. The Taliban and al Qaeda are our enemies. At least for most of us.
Get your head out of your ass you old fool. Thanks for your service and efforts on behalf of our MIA's and POW's, but in this specific case it is the RW, the Tea's and Republicans who are demonizing Bowe Bergdahl for the selfish motive of limiting any positive credit given to Obama. They will fuck over a 5 year POW because of the hate they hold for Obama.
If Bowe needs or deserves punishment it has to be the US that hands it out, not the Taliban. No American serviceman or servicewoman should ever be left behind for any reason.
You're a world class idiot. No one was calling for trading him for 5 top Taliban leaders. Or even one. How did you miss that?

Got it, the US should have let him "rot" then. Why is Afghanistan still an enemy? Why did we not finish the work there instead of wandering into Iraq? We just created MORE Islamic states.

Afghanistan isn't the enemy.

The Taliban is.
The poster is foolishly joining into the blame game by pointing a finger at another poster with a different political attitude, as if it makes a difference. The first basic step in demonizing is to place people with opposing opinions in positions of finger pointing blame. That quickly interprets into one side or the other or both of being of evil origin and acting with malicious intent, hence, acting in a demonic way. In the meantime, folks will disregard and forget that the promise made to our service persons is that everyone comes home and nobody gets left behind. The promise becomes background noise and of secondary importance while the demonizing talking points become the primary focus of attention. The mass's hear about the emotionally charged talking points. The promise of never leaving anyone behind becomes a barely heard whisper in the background.
I'm not interested in the deflection. We have had a long standing policy of not negotiating with terrorists for obvious reasons.
Sallow, are you claiming we were still fighting the war in 1975 because we had Marine Guards at our Embassy? Really?

Even though we did have a small screwed up battle a few days after the fall of Siagon.

Ever heard of Battle of Koh Tang.....
Here we have Chimpy…
negotiating with terrorists
acting without Congressional approval
What a fucking disgrace….

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