US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Do I think he left to join the taliban? Probably not. But did he go awol? Yes, it sounds like it. Could he be brainwashed bybthe taliban in his state of mind? Maybe.

Glad he is freed? Yes. But at the possible expense of many others? I don't know, time will tell. This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists, the ramifications can be far reaching. Do I think he should be investigated? Absolutely.
The polls are beginning to show that Americans will vote against politicians who demonize this subject.
Funny how quick they have that poll out alrdy........cant wait for some fake vet group to show up and support the President too
What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.

The curious case of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl | Allen B. West -
You're such an idiot.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

The katzndog post is an outright lie and the rabbi post is a deflection to help cover up the lie. All the defensive post that followed are efforts to perpetuate the lie. If I am wrong show a link that the POW and his father are radicalized Muslims.
I'd like to know this kid's real story. He walked away because of what we were doing but those who "captured" him didn't embrace him either, they just held onto him? It sounds like we got him back just so we didn't have to say he was a POW?

If the first casualty of war is the truth, God only knows what it is in this case.
What was that you were saying? Hagel seems to disgree with you.

As Delivered by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Simi Valley, CA, Saturday, November 16, 2013
In 1981, President Reagan inherited a military that was still grappling with the legacy of the Vietnam War.* The transition to an all-volunteer force, and the financial and institutional struggles of the 1970s.His Army chief of staff at the time, General Shy Meyer coined the term "hollow force" in 1980.* He coined it to describe the condition of his service in the United States Army.* The military suffered from poor recruiting and retention, social problems, including drug abuse and low morale. *Its people lacked the equipment and training necessary to perform required missions.As we all know, President Reagan's policy stopped this drift, and we began the rebuilding of America's military readiness and capabilities.* But it took leadership, it took time, and it took resources.* More funding went into military recruiting and training, and pay and benefits were increased to attract more qualified people into the military.* And the investments associated with his defense build-up helped forge today's modern active and reserve force, while increasing readiness across the board.
Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.

I served under Reagan I didn't see this mass exodus.. I saw the cuts under Carter though.

Ollie, you and I were both serving in those last Reagan years, and you know we saw those leaving because of Iran-Contra.

Please admit the truth. You are better than to be saying what you are saying.
@ABalkhi I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!
— Robert Bergdahl (@bobbergdahl) May 28, 2014
His Fathers tweet..........which he took down......
The Jawa Report: Yes, Let's Trade Five Terrorists For The Guy Who Deserted His Post

"They" did not take down his farther's post about Nieburh however. Any proof Bob Bergdahl is a Muslim?

His twitter account has now been pulled.
The polls are beginning to show that Americans will vote against politicians who demonize this subject.
Wow, HuffPo did a poll that fast huh? I think the poll that matters will say something different when people get wind of the illegal actions by the White House and the harm it puts the troops in. And how people died for his gross selfish stupidity.
Reagan sold not a single round of ammo to anyone.[/COLOR]

Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.

I'd love to meet with you personally and discuss that Jake Snarkey.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

The katzndog post is an outright lie and the rabbi post is a deflection to help cover up the lie. All the defensive post that followed are efforts to perpetuate the lie. If I am wrong show a link that the POW and his father are radicalized Muslims.

in 2012 "freedomoutpost" said Obama was letting rot in prison; the question of his father being a Muslim remains unanswered. His father DID study Pushto, no question.
The polls are beginning to show that Americans will vote against politicians who demonize this subject.

Polls aren't always right.

Running your government off of polls is seriously stupid.

I'm just glad this guy will stand trial, and maybe we'll get a chance to kill those 5 bastards rather than pamper them and feed them. Basically treating them better than our veterans.
At the end of brief event, the soldier’s father, Bob Bergdahl, recited the most frequent phrase in the Koran — “Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim” —which means “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate.” Obama Submits to Taliban's Demands, Allows Praise for Allah | The Daily Caller

His father studied Pushto, no question. Until recently however, some very conservative sites demanded his release;


What changed?

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

The katzndog post is an outright lie and the rabbi post is a deflection to help cover up the lie. All the defensive post that followed are efforts to perpetuate the lie. If I am wrong show a link that the POW and his father are radicalized Muslims.

The information is coming out. By the end of the week there will be plenty of proof.
Why did the guy just walk off the base? You understand that doesnt happen, right?
"We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are.
and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Sean Linnane: PRISONER EXCHANGE
"We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are.
and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Sean Linnane: PRISONER EXCHANGE

STORMBRINGER? This is a news site?

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