US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

How long was Barry jerking around with this issue? The timing is awfully convenient don't you think, right on the heals of the VA scandal? True to form he broke the law without consulting with Congress before releasing terrorist prisoners. So we released five hardened terrorists from Gitmo in a trade for a Soldier who may well have been a traitor himself. He wasn't captured in battle. He walked off and joined the enemy. We send drones to kill Alqueda and Taliban leaders but somehow the CIA managed to find one to negotiate a deal when the administration needed the hype. Something ain't right.
And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

We withdrew from Vietnam March 29, 1973. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.

You have a very warped view of history Sallow.


40th Anniversary Of Vietnam War Withdrawal: Memories Still Strong

Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, you call bullshit and claim somebody else has a warped view of history with confidence as you spew misinformation. America didn't withdraw on 29 MAR '73. Marines, McMahon and Judge were KIA on 29 APR '75, over two years after your misinformed claim.
Youtube is full of video's of US evacuating Vietnam in '75.
CaféAuLait;9189703 said:
Terrorists we gave to ensure his release:

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News

We negotiated the release of terrorists, some wanted by the United Nations for mass murder of Sunni Muslims.... not to mention other acts of terrorism.

Well..if they had such "compelling" cases against them?

Why weren't they tried?


Good question, ask Obama and Holder........

There was a trial underway at Gitmo when Obama took office, it had been through all the ACLU roadblocks and appeals all the way through the Supreme Court and there was no more roadblocks to throw at it, then Obama took office and cancelled all further trials in Gitmo.

Let me remind you short memory Democrat scumbags of something; Under the Obama Regime Eric Holder tried to begin trying these murdering terrorists in New York City but was blocked by the citizens of New York. Since then Eric Holder, under Obama's orders has placed a hold on any trials of these murdering killers. His stand is, "If we can't try them in Civilian Court we won't try them at all". Obama hates anything Military, especially Military Courts. Any show of respect for our military by him and his Queen is purely for political show.
This really isn't unfolding very well. Robert Bergdahl is a radicalized muslim. What are the odds that out of all the thousands of military in Afghanistan, the one son of an American muslim that had been radicalized himself would be "captured"?

Terrorists have had more success in radicalizing Americans than we have had in civilizing terrorists. There are now American suicide bombers. There is a question as to all the events around the capture and release of Bowe Bergdahl.
Obama has given every terrorist in the world the signal we are weak and open for any and all attacks

Kidnapping of our military men and women will now become norm

We need to be prepared here on the home front
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We released the wrong five terrorists. They should have been tried by the military and executed ten years ago. Bush played too nicey-nice with the bleeding heart liberals!

They were POW's when they were captured . If they were guilty of crimes they should have been charged and tried. They weren't because we labeled them as terrorist for political and propaganda purposes. If Bush had followed your advise every NATO troop would have been withdrawn from Afghanistan in protest with formal notice of disapproval of Bush's war crime.
So much for not negotiating with terrorists. You of course did not include the 5 Taliban released from Gitmo in return.

It was a victory for the Taliban. And now we have 5 more terrorists circulating do finish the job they started. Congratulations Obama. You scored another loss for America.

That pen and that phone.....:eusa_whistle:

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A senior U.S. official told The Associated Press that the Army would make the decision on any charges but that the feeling at the moment was that Bergdahl had suffered enough in his ordeal. All the officials who discussed details of Bergdahl's transfer insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to be identified.

Hagel: Soldier's health required urgent action

WTF ??:cuckoo:

Personally I call bull.

I'd like to know what the named health concerns are as no notice was given to Congress.
Attacking the soldier and his family...unpatriotic fucks. Maybe wait until he makes it home and the investigation is over....

Just a thought.

It's the nature of conservatives.

They are scorpions on the backs of frogs.

They enjoy this.

I told you fools to put away your broad brushes,,,,All you do is prove you have your head up Obamas ass....
Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

We withdrew from Vietnam March 29, 1973. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.

You have a very warped view of history Sallow.


40th Anniversary Of Vietnam War Withdrawal: Memories Still Strong

Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, you call bullshit and claim somebody else has a warped view of history with confidence as you spew misinformation. America didn't withdraw on 29 MAR '73. Marines, McMahon and Judge were KIA on 29 APR '75, over two years after your misinformed claim.
Youtube is full of video's of US evacuating Vietnam in '75.

Don't know much about Nam do you.......
This really isn't unfolding very well. Robert Bergdahl is a radicalized muslim. What are the odds that out of all the thousands of military in Afghanistan, the one son of an American muslim that had been radicalized himself would be "captured"?

Terrorists have had more success in radicalizing Americans than we have had in civilizing terrorists. There are now American suicide bombers. There is a question as to all the events around the capture and release of Bowe Bergdahl.

What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.
Personally I call bull.

I'd like to know what the named health concerns are as no notice was given to Congress.

I'd like to know how we had intel about his health but not about where he was being held..........

I'd like to know when a POW's medical records became something the public could demand access to. Are we now going to demand public access to the medical records of all veterans?
This really isn't unfolding very well. Robert Bergdahl is a radicalized muslim. What are the odds that out of all the thousands of military in Afghanistan, the one son of an American muslim that had been radicalized himself would be "captured"?

Terrorists have had more success in radicalizing Americans than we have had in civilizing terrorists. There are now American suicide bombers. There is a question as to all the events around the capture and release of Bowe Bergdahl.

What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.

The curious case of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl | Allen B. West -
You're such an idiot.
I'd like to know what the named health concerns are as no notice was given to Congress.

I'd like to know how we had intel about his health but not about where he was being held..........

I'd like to know when a POW's medical records became something the public could demand access to. Are we now going to demand public access to the medical records of all veterans?

I'd like to know what psychotropic drugs you're taking.
I'd like to know what the named health concerns are as no notice was given to Congress.

I'd like to know how we had intel about his health but not about where he was being held..........

I'd like to know when a POW's medical records became something the public could demand access to. Are we now going to demand public access to the medical records of all veterans?

ObamaCare grants the government access to ALL OF OUR HEALTH records, bub.

That's why there is a massive electronic records and coding requirement.
He had even mailed home his uniform??

Rolling Stone magazine quoted emails Bergdahl is said to have sent to his parents that suggest he was disillusioned with America's mission in Afghanistan, had lost faith in the U.S. Army's mission there and was considering desertion.Bergdahl told his parents he was 'ashamed to even be American'.Bergdahl, who mailed home boxes containing his uniform and books, also wrote: 'The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong.'
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I'd like to know what the named health concerns are as no notice was given to Congress.

I'd like to know how we had intel about his health but not about where he was being held..........

I'd like to know when a POW's medical records became something the public could demand access to. Are we now going to demand public access to the medical records of all veterans?

Reading comprehension problem?

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