US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Nixon is Obama if you remove love of America from him and a respect for the Constitution.

Nixon loved Nixon.

He was also a sociopath who hated Jews.

And he went behind congress' back to bomb Cambodia and Laos.

President Obama is nothing like President Nixon.

And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Obama went behind the back with his bombing of Libya and Syria and did Clinton with his 72 days of terror bombing Serbia.
The real question should be, how many American lives did Obama trade for one?
We'll get that answer in the future, when the murderers Obama released make good on their sworn commitments to kill Americans.

You Lefties are defending the indefensible.
Nixon is Obama if you remove love of America from him and a respect for the Constitution.

Nixon loved Nixon.

He was also a sociopath who hated Jews.

And he went behind congress' back to bomb Cambodia and Laos.

President Obama is nothing like President Nixon.

And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?
I dunno..

Invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

Try to nation build?

And what's unsupported?

Al Qaeda was grabbing Americans and beheading them. Then they posted the vids.

Those were some fat skillz your boy Bush had..there ace.

So according to the Conservatives it seems as though if we had gotten 4 more soldiers back, they'd be okay with this?

Unpatriotic fucks.

I remember when those beheading were happening Conservatives would:

A. Blame the terrorists as being animals.
B. Blame the victims as being stupid.

It was never Bush's fault.

finally..., some truth in all your diatribes, but..., you still deserve a good big :fu:
Obama broke the law, by not informing Congress 30 days in advance before he released these five murderers.

On the other hand, they have been remanded to Qatar custody for the next year. They will receive worse treatment there than they were getting at GITMO. They may not survive any challenges by the UN.

All this does is remove a major headache from Obama on what to do with guys we cannot allow to go free. It is purely symbolic.

He thinks it will solve a problem. It will only create more.

What it does is simply show that he has no understanding of terrorism. He has no idea what his real job is. That is to protect us.
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Nixon loved Nixon.

He was also a sociopath who hated Jews.

And he went behind congress' back to bomb Cambodia and Laos.

President Obama is nothing like President Nixon.

And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

Direct U.S. military involvement in Vietnam ended on 15 August 1973, Nixon left office August 9, 1974 . So you are wrong once again. I may start charging for history lessons. The war ended with the fall is Saigon in 1975.

Your second sentence, what the hell does that even mean? If you remember the tanks rolled into Waco under Clinton/Reno's watch. If you remember that it is the Obama administration that rates veterans as a bigger threat to the state then radical Muslims. So apparently you just say things that pop into your head.

The sugar keeps rolling in..


If the soldier is released, Obama's weak.

If the soldier was killed, Obama's weak.

Actually, the truth is this.

Every single day conservatives undermine our country's leaders, even on the world stage, and that means that they are the ones who truly make America look weak in the eyes of the world.

Consequently, we should make conservatives honorary anti-American rhetorical terrorists since they aid and abet the enemy so much and so often.

You sorry, lying, piece of shit! Were you around during the Bush Administration? The Republicans don't even come close to the Democrats when it comes to aiding and abetting, undermining our foreign policy, and making our President look weak to our enemies!

This is fun.

Because you guys like to, over and over again, point out that many Democrats voted for the AUMF.

And that in fact, for a very long time, they supported the effort to invade Iraq and oust Saddam Hussien. That is, up until it was found out that he had nothing to do with 9/11 and had no significant "Weapons of Mass Destruction".

However, about 60% of Americans were not in favor of that.

And they were puzzled how this administration, surmised, that a Bin Laden, who called Hussien an infidel was somehow in league with him. And that Iraq, after being at war with Iran for over a decade, was invaded and shelled by America, could possibly pose any threat to the United States.

Or how Iran/Iraq and North Korea, three countries with nothing to do with each other, and indeed, 2 of which were engaged in a very bloody decade long war, were somehow in an "unholy" alliance called the "Axis of Evil".

Not sure how old you are..but your memory is pretty faulty.
And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

Direct U.S. military involvement in Vietnam ended on 15 August 1973, Nixon left office August 9, 1974 . So you are wrong once again. I may start charging for history lessons. The war ended with the fall is Saigon in 1975.

Your second sentence, what the hell does that even mean? If you remember the tanks rolled into Waco under Clinton/Reno's watch. If you remember that it is the Obama administration that rates veterans as a bigger threat to the state then radical Muslims. So apparently you just say things that pop into your head.

A. I'm not wrong. Ford pulled the US presence is Vietnam.

The Whiskey Rebellion.
The Utah War.
The Civil War.

All conservative causes against America.

That's what it means.
Nixon loved Nixon.

He was also a sociopath who hated Jews.

And he went behind congress' back to bomb Cambodia and Laos.

President Obama is nothing like President Nixon.

And he got us out of Vietnam......don't forget that.

Nixon, as Commander in Chief, had every right to bomb Cambodia. He was trying to win a war. Congress was trying to win elections.

Why is it, that thru-out our history, Democrats have always been so useful to our enemies?

Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

We withdrew from Vietnam March 29, 1973. Nixon resigned August 9, 1974.

You have a very warped view of history Sallow.


40th Anniversary Of Vietnam War Withdrawal: Memories Still Strong

Richard Nixon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quite a quandary..

First you conservatives bitch about Obama not freeing a law breaking marine.

Then you attack the soldier actually freed by the work of President Obama.

You guys really can't get it together..can ya?


It only took obama 5 years to negotiate his release.

They killed him..well..just because..

You folks are seriously in another universe.

Must you prove Reagan right so many times? I really do believe you think what you are posting is true but in reality is just stuff that just ain't so. So you are more ignorant then not telling the truth.

Did you not say that Pearl was killed because of the Iraq war, why yes you did. Were you shown that he was killed BEFORE the Iraq war, why yes you were. So you doubled down on your ignorance.

Here is the reason for his capture given by whom? His captors, the truth, in my opinion, is because he was an American jew;

The group claimed Pearl was a spy and—using a Hotmail e-mail address[15]—sent the United States a range of demands, including the freeing of all Pakistani terror detainees, and the release of a halted U.S. shipment of F-16 fighter jets to the Pakistani government.

The message read:

"We give you one more day if America will not meet our demands we will kill Daniel. Then this cycle will continue and no American journalist could enter Pakistan."

Daniel Pearl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well no..I didn't say that.

Pearl was killed because America gets involved in the internal affairs of other countries. So much so, it determines the leadership and in some cases, completely runs them.

Simple as that.

If that's not clear to you..then maybe you support having a Russian military base near your house.


Well did say exactly that.

Unlike George W. Bush's remarkable negotiating skillz that got Daniel Pearl and Nick Berg beheaded right?

Better outcome for ya?

What specifically did Bush do that caused those guys to lose their heads? I understand that you don't like Bush, but hurling unsupported bullshit just makes you look more stupid than you usually do.

I dunno..

Invade Iraq and Afghanistan?

Try to nation build?

And what's unsupported?

Al Qaeda was grabbing Americans and beheading them. Then they posted the vids.

Those were some fat skillz your boy Bush had..there ace.
Obama broke the law, by not informing Congress 30 days in advance before he released these five murderers.

According to whom. What Federal court made that determination.

And in what court of law were the detainees convicted of ‘murder.’

GWB reaffirmed the doctrine that the Constitution authorizes the Executive to interpret and execute laws as he sees fit:

President Bush used signing statements "in an aggressive way to imply that he might not faithfully execute more than 1,000 provisions of statutes," writes James Pfiffner, a professor and presidential expert at George Mason University in Arlington, Va.
For instance, Mr. Bush added a signing statement to a bill with an amendment that outlawed torture.

Obama's Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap: Was it illegal? -
Following this precedent, President Obama affixed a signing statement to the ’30-day notification law’ that the Constitution authorizes the Executive to interpret the law in a manner consistent with being the C-in-C, such as releasing Guantánamo detainees pursuant to securing the freedom of an American soldier.

If you or others on the right take issue with what the president did, you need to take it up with GWB; where you and others on the right had the opportunity to oppose the doctrine of signing statements by not voting for Bush in the first place.
Actually that was President Ford.

And why is it Conservative constantly make war on Americans?

Perhaps you can explain it?

Direct U.S. military involvement in Vietnam ended on 15 August 1973, Nixon left office August 9, 1974 . So you are wrong once again. I may start charging for history lessons. The war ended with the fall is Saigon in 1975.

Your second sentence, what the hell does that even mean? If you remember the tanks rolled into Waco under Clinton/Reno's watch. If you remember that it is the Obama administration that rates veterans as a bigger threat to the state then radical Muslims. So apparently you just say things that pop into your head.

A. I'm not wrong. Ford pulled the US presence is Vietnam.

The Whiskey Rebellion.
The Utah War.
The Civil War.

All conservative causes against America.

That's what it means.

The civil war was a wage waged by democrats to preserve the aristocrats hold on slavery. It was also started by the southern progressives.
We released the wrong five terrorists. They should have been tried by the military and executed ten years ago. Bush played too nicey-nice with the bleeding heart liberals!
With all the hoopla about the "marine" taking three very powerful guns into Mexico, running from police and winding up in Jail, many conservatives seem to have forgotten an American soldier actively fighting in Afghanistan was being held by the Taliban.

He's free today..thanks to President Obama.

The only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan has been freed by the Taliban in exchange for the release of five Afghan detainees from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Obama administration officials said Saturday.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was handed over to U.S. special forces by the Taliban Saturday evening, local time, in an area of eastern Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border. Officials said the exchange was not violent and the 28-year-old Bergdahl was in good condition and able to walk.

In a statement, President Barack Obama said Bergdahl's recovery "is a reminder of America's unwavering commitment to leave no man or woman in uniform behind on the battlefield."
US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan - ABC News

Now give the Prez some sugar.


hmm one person for five terrorists. not too good negotiating there prez

Does this mean that 1 American equals 5 Islamic terrorists? Are Muslims 1/5 equal parts to an American citizen?

I had no idea Obama was a bigoted racist.

Also, there appears to be a fire storm sale. That's right, if you capture one American serviceman you too could free 5 or more terrorists at club Gitmo!!

Barak Obama, closing down club Gitmo one freed terrorist at a time.

I also hear that Obama did not follow the law and consult Congress before making this negotiation, but then, this is the president we have all grown to know and love.
Attacking the soldier and his family...unpatriotic fucks. Maybe wait until he makes it home and the investigation is over....

Just a thought.

It's the nature of conservatives.

They are scorpions on the backs of frogs.

They enjoy this.

wow, you two are the ones who should be ashamed for trying to shut down People freedoms of speech with this ugly nonsense
but you will use ANYONE for your agenda and excusing what your wonderful dear leader does, no matter he breaks his own fucking law he put in and releases dangerous prisoners who has Amercian blood on their hands
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CaféAuLait;9189703 said:
Terrorists we gave to ensure his release:

•Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, chief of staff of the Taliban army, and commander of its 22nd Division. According to a U.S. Department of Defense document obtained by Wikileaks, Fazl is believed to be an associate of Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar and was “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.
“Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies,” his Guantanamo detainee file reads. “If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with ACM [anti-coalition militia] elements participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

•Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups” to fight against U.S. and coalition forces, according to his Defense Dept. file obtained by Wikileaks.
He also used his position to support al Qaeda, assist Taliban personnel in eluding capture, and arranged for al Qaeda members to train Taliban intelligence staff, according to the file.

He seems to have later turned informant, as his file notes that Wasiq was arrested after a meeting with two Americans and a translator, in which he was supposed to deliver information leading to the capture of Mullah Omar. Shortly after the meeting, U.S. forces arrested him

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News

We negotiated the release of terrorists, some wanted by the United Nations for mass murder of Sunni Muslims.... not to mention other acts of terrorism.

Well..if they had such "compelling" cases against them?

Why weren't they tried?


Good question, ask Obama and Holder........
PFC Bergdahl left his outfit in a combat zone under suspicious circumstances which the media, once again, is ignoring. Here's the Wiki article which includes his last email to his parents @ Bowe Bergdahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And here's his Tweet:

To every single person who worked so hard to make this recovery possible, WE LOVE YOU! GOD IS GREAT AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER!
— Robert Bergdahl (@bobbergdahl) May 31, 2014

From American Power: Robert Bergdahl's #Taliban Tweets: All?hu Akbar!

More @ American Power: Backlash as Bowe #Bergdahl Swapped for Top Five Taliban Commanders at Guantánamo

And even more Obama Gives Up 5 High Risk GITMO Terrorists for Defector @ Obama Gives Up 5 High Risk GITMO Terrorists for Defector | The Foxhole

The Convening Authority should call for an Article 32 hearing to determine whether he should be Courts-Martialed for desertion and treason. How many of the guys he left died or were wounded due to information on the camp he gave to his hosts?

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