US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

This really isn't unfolding very well. Robert Bergdahl is a radicalized muslim. What are the odds that out of all the thousands of military in Afghanistan, the one son of an American muslim that had been radicalized himself would be "captured"?

Terrorists have had more success in radicalizing Americans than we have had in civilizing terrorists. There are now American suicide bombers. There is a question as to all the events around the capture and release of Bowe Bergdahl.

What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.

The curious case of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl | Allen B. West -
You're such an idiot.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

And those weapons as described by the Bushies were never found.

Chemistry sets, asshole, don't count.

All in here asshole, From Saddam's General....

Your propaganda does not count, son, and it never will.

Now give us the Bush admin "we found the WMDs" release.

You militia bed wetters are simply the laughing stock of the nation.
Reagan sold not a single round of ammo to anyone.[/COLOR]

Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.
A 5 to 1 "price" floor is now entrenched. Think of it as a minimum wage for kidnappers and murderers.

When crime pays handsomely enough crime grows. Will Democrats start thumping their tubs for an increase in that minimum wage, too?

Taliban knows it has a little over two more years (at minimum) of freedom to do their thing.
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You need to use your head and look at what we gave them............

And if you think it was a good deal I've got some property to sell you........

It was a great deal for our soldier, and I am ashamed for you, Ollie. You are a guy I respect, but not on this OP.

You haven't read it all and once again you are showing your true colors......

I have nothing but gladness that Bowe is home, and i will take down the "Bring Bowe home Alive" sign that has been hung in my window when he sets foot in the states.
I do not like giving up 5 top level Taliban prisoners....

As i have said before, most of these clowns didn't even know his name before today....

I was there for him Where were the rest of you.....Especially those who claim to be better because they are veterans.

I read all of it and your comment.

You are prevaricating, Ollie.

And all of us veterans have been there for our veterans, from the far left to the far right.

You are no better than any of us, so climb down, Ollie.
How long was Barry jerking around with this issue? The timing is awfully convenient don't you think, right on the heals of the VA scandal? True to form he broke the law without consulting with Congress before releasing terrorist prisoners. So we released five hardened terrorists from Gitmo in a trade for a Soldier who may well have been a traitor himself. He wasn't captured in battle. He walked off and joined the enemy. We send drones to kill Alqueda and Taliban leaders but somehow the CIA managed to find one to negotiate a deal when the administration needed the hype. Something ain't right.

And they thinking right now is that he suffered enough and shouldn't have any charges brought against him ????
Attacking the soldier and his family...unpatriotic fucks. Maybe wait until he makes it home and the investigation is over....

Just a thought.

It's the nature of conservatives.

They are scorpions on the backs of frogs.

They enjoy this.

wow, you two are the ones who should be ashamed for trying to shut down People freedoms of speech with this ugly nonsense
but you will use ANYONE for your agenda and excusing what your wonderful dear leader does, no matter he breaks his own fucking law he put in and releases dangerous prisoners who has Amercian blood on their hands

They really have no sense of decency.

Anything Obama does is good, regardless of the consequences. It's the thought that counts to them. Facts are simply mumbo jumbo to them.
Can't you read? They were obsolete TO US, not the ragheads. Go back and read it again, slowly, maybe get some kid to help you with the big words.

And those weapons as described by the Bushies were never found.

Chemistry sets, asshole, don't count.
Maybe that's because we sold them to the Iranians, not the Iraqis, you dumb shit. :lol:

You are so delusional.

Do you understand that is why your nonsense is discounted by the overwhelming number of Americans.
Reagan sold not a single round of ammo to anyone.[/COLOR]

Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.

I served under Reagan I didn't see this mass exodus.. I saw the cuts under Carter though.
I think somebody might have mixed up the real and decaf coffee and poured the wrong one into the feeding tube!

Weak = strong.
Lies = truth.
and caving in to terrorists discourages terrorism.


What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.

The curious case of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl | Allen B. West -
You're such an idiot.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

I know nothing of what was posted and you are questioning, but were you aware he had even sent his uniform back home to his parents?
Reagan sold not a single round of ammo to anyone.[/COLOR]

Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.

I served under Reagan I didn't see this mass exodus.. I saw the cuts under Carter though.

Ollie, you and I were both serving in those last Reagan years, and you know we saw those leaving because of Iran-Contra.

Please admit the truth. You are better than to be saying what you are saying.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

I know nothing of what was posted and you are questioning, but were you aware he had even sent his uniform back home to his parents?

And you have no idea why.

I am glad real GOP leadership is telling the nay sayers in the party to shut the fuck up.
Another far right neo-con bed wetter lie.

Hundreds of officers and thousands of NCOs left the military because of Reagan's lies and his actions that put American personnel at risk.

Bed wetting assholes of the far right are simply grins and chuckles for the 98% of the rest of America.

I served under Reagan I didn't see this mass exodus.. I saw the cuts under Carter though.

Ollie, you and I were both serving in those last Reagan years, and you know we saw those leaving because of Iran-Contra.

Please admit the truth. You are better than to be saying what you are saying.
You really are coming apart at the seams, aren't you? We're talking JoeB level here.
What are the odds you can back up your bullshit. Surely you have a really cool and reliable source for calling the POW and his dad radicalized muslims. Oh wait, Katzndogz, nevermind.

The curious case of Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl | Allen B. West -
You're such an idiot.

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

I realize that subtlety is beyond you. And I realize that if we had a YouTube video of the guy calling for jihad you would ask whether we care about all Americans.
In other words, you're an ignorant dumbshit poseur who is wasting everyone's time here.

West raises a point: What soldier just walks off the base in a war zone? It doesnt happen. Period. The implication is he went over to the Taliban and this whole thing was simply a ruse to get the US to release the 5 assholes in Gitmo. We'll see what kind of stink comes out in the next few weeks. But it is a guarantee that there is more here than the adminsitratiion is letting on.
Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone magazine quoted emails Bergdahl is said to have sent to his parents that suggest he was disillusioned with America's mission in Afghanistan, had lost faith in the U.S. Army's mission there and was considering desertion.Bergdahl told his parents he was 'ashamed to even be American'.Bergdahl, who mailed home boxes containing his uniform and books, also wrote: 'The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong.'

Not a shred of evidence in the link provided. Just an opinion piece by West. Not even a mention of the topic in question. An accusation was made of a POW and his father not only being Muslim, but radicalized Muslims. Is that true or just a made up lie? What is it based on? A link is provided that has absolutely nothing to do with the question, and you call the person asking the question an idiot. Like for some reason folks should just believe the shit you people spew out. Better idea is to just call you out and call your bluffs and lame attempts to be worthy of paying attention to by anybody outside of your circle jerk.

I know nothing of what was posted and you are questioning, but were you aware he had even sent his uniform back home to his parents?

And you have no idea why.

I am glad real GOP leadership is telling the nay sayers in the party to shut the fuck up.
His "capture" was very fishy.....sounds more like a traitor than a hero.

Of course, Obama would free a traitor for's a win-win for him with his kook base.

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