US Soldier Freed From Captivity in Afghanistan

Has anyone noticed Bergdahl was captured as a PFC and released as an E-5?

Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

He can be promoted to E4 automatically at 18 months, but not E5 unless he stands before the E5 board.

Just a technicality that is hard to get around. Then again Obama probably likes that he deserted and promoted him for it.

Seriously cuz. How does he get this new designation when he was a deserter?
Just a quick aside. Doesn't anyone in this crazy administration realize that they have been calling him a deserter for forever?
Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

He can be promoted to E4 automatically at 18 months, but not E5 unless he stands before the E5 board.

Just a technicality that is hard to get around. Then again Obama probably likes that he deserted and promoted him for it.

Seriously cuz. How does he get this new designation when he was a deserter?

When was he adjudicated a deserter?
CaféAuLait;9189703 said:
Terrorists we gave to ensure his release:

•Mohammad Fazl, the former Taliban defense minister during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, chief of staff of the Taliban army, and commander of its 22nd Division. According to a U.S. Department of Defense document obtained by Wikileaks, Fazl is believed to be an associate of Supreme Taliban Commander Mullah Omar and was “wanted by the UN for possible war crimes including the murder of thousands of Shiites,” surrendered to the Northern Alliance commander Gen. Dostum in November 2001.
“Detainee is assessed to be a HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies,” his Guantanamo detainee file reads. “If released, detainee would likely rejoin the Taliban and establish ties with ACM [anti-coalition militia] elements participating in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan.”

•Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s former deputy minister of intelligence, had direct connections to Taliban leadership and was “central to the Taliban’s efforts to form alliances with other Islamic fundamentalist groups” to fight against U.S. and coalition forces, according to his Defense Dept. file obtained by Wikileaks.
He also used his position to support al Qaeda, assist Taliban personnel in eluding capture, and arranged for al Qaeda members to train Taliban intelligence staff, according to the file.

He seems to have later turned informant, as his file notes that Wasiq was arrested after a meeting with two Americans and a translator, in which he was supposed to deliver information leading to the capture of Mullah Omar. Shortly after the meeting, U.S. forces arrested him

What the U.S. Gave Up to Get Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Back - ABC News

We negotiated the release of terrorists, some wanted by the United Nations for mass murder of Sunni Muslims.... not to mention other acts of terrorism.

Well..if they had such "compelling" cases against them?

Why weren't they tried?


For the same reason I suppose we can kill US citizens and non-citizens by decree without any trial at all.

Why does the United Nations want some of these guys too? The UN making shit up too?

Strange these are some of the very same the Taliban have been demanding the release of for years. And they were to be sent to Qatar in previous negotiations.

In March 2012, it was reported that Ibrahim Spinzada, described as "Karzai's top aide" had spoken with the five men, in Guantanamo, earlier that month, and had secured their agreement to be transferred to Qatar.[13] It was reported that Karzai, who had initially opposed the transfer, now backed the plan.

Mohammad Fazl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taliban's Mullah Omar celebrates prisoner-swap 'victory'

The Afghan government, which was not informed of the deal until after the exchange had taken place, has condemned it as a "breach of international law".

BBC News - Taliban's Mullah Omar celebrates prisoner-swap 'victory'
You really are coming apart at the seams, aren't you? We're talking JoeB level here.

The seam splitters are the far right who have lowered themselves to attack veterans.

Why don't you STFU Jake.

I see you attacking veterans constantly on this site.

Fucken piece of shit.

You see nothing of the sort, mud. But I will attack the occasional veteran like you who does not respect the service and what it has done for you. I will out you every time you do that.

Ollie is not a seam splitter, merely in error on this issue.

You, on the other hand, are a seam splitter who undermines veteran integrity before the rest of America.
Afghanistan isn't the enemy.

The Taliban is.

Yet, we let the Taliban control at least part of Afghanistan. Why?

Ask Obama.

I don't think we have the will nor the manpower to dictate anything in Afghanistan.

Because, you mutt, we cannot control Afghanistan any more than we were Vietnam by Tet.

Bush threw the opportunity to do something good in Afghanistan when he removed spec ops, mountain troops, and chopper assets to support the coming debacle in Iraq.
Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

Was he under orders when he left the base and voluntarily went with Taliban agents? Wouldn't that make him a spy?

No you stupid shit. Do you ever post anything with a source or is the little voice in your mind your source?'re an idiot. Try to stay out of adult conversations.

9 of 10 voices in my head tell me i need to clean my weapons today
Has anyone noticed Bergdahl was captured as a PFC and released as an E-5?

No. He was promoted twice, once to Specialist and once to Sergeant, E-4.

Unlike your promotion to blubbering fool.
E-4 is not a Sergeant you nitwit.

You claim to be a Vet.

Yea, right....... :eusa_liar:


An E-4 in the AF used to be called Sgt., now it's Senior Airman. Bergdahl was promoted twice, once to E-4 (Specialist) and then to E-5 (Sergeant).

I stand corrected.
Captured U.S. soldier receives second promotion in two years -

that link is an article about his promotions from 2011

Yes, which means the military did not consider him AWOL.

He can be promoted to E4 automatically at 18 months, but not E5 unless he stands before the E5 board.

Just a technicality that is hard to get around. Then again Obama probably likes that he deserted and promoted him for it.

Seriously cuz. How does he get this new designation when he was a deserter?
Photo Credit: Courtesy U.S. ArmyBrig. Gen. Rick Mustion, the adjutant general of the U.S. Army, presents Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's promotion certificate in Hailey, Idaho, to Robert Bergdahl, Bowe Bergdahl's father.

Yeah, there has even been some ex military stories posted saying part of his platoon were killed trying to find him and how they think he has blood on his hands, as he deserted. Also some interesting tweets from his father. Worth reading through the threads when you have time.

I don't know if anyone has posted it yet, but there seems to be more of this story coming out.

I remember a couple of years ago in a Boise newspaper that it had appeared that the soldier was a deserter.

I couldn't find the article, but Rolling Stone has a good article about this.
Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone
The seam splitters are the far right who have lowered themselves to attack veterans.

Why don't you STFU Jake.

I see you attacking veterans constantly on this site.

Fucken piece of shit.

You see nothing of the sort, mud. But I will attack the occasional veteran like you who does not respect the service and what it has done for you. I will out you every time you do that.

Ollie is not a seam splitter, merely in error on this issue.

You, on the other hand, are a seam splitter who undermines veteran integrity before the rest of America.

How the fuck am I in error? I have said I will wait to see...And I'm in error? I'm the only motherfucker here who even knew this kids name before this shit came down...Fuck you Jake...Go back to sniffing Obama farts..........
Why don't you STFU Jake.

I see you attacking veterans constantly on this site.

Fucken piece of shit.

You see nothing of the sort, mud. But I will attack the occasional veteran like you who does not respect the service and what it has done for you. I will out you every time you do that.

Ollie is not a seam splitter, merely in error on this issue.

You, on the other hand, are a seam splitter who undermines veteran integrity before the rest of America.

How the fuck am I in error? I have said I will wait to see...And I'm in error? I'm the only motherfucker here who even knew this kids name before this shit came down...Fuck you Jake...Go back to sniffing Obama farts..........

Once again, you're incorrect.

Here's what I had to say....

A long time ago on my blog, we were discussing the right wing's hatred of PfC Bowe Bergdahl, who had been captured by the Taliban.

Fox News, of course, being the home of all hatred, led the charges that Bergdahl was a traitor and should be hung. From our very own demented lilMike:

“This soldier just couldn’t have walked off base, he would have had to sneak away. And now he gets to make videos? I’m not sure he is a prisoner.”

Here's Fox's LtCol Ralph Peters, claiming Bergdahl is a traitor:

[ame=]Fox News Military Pundit Calls Bowe Bergdahl "A Liar" - YouTube[/ame]

PJ Tobias, a right wing shill, joined in the condemnation, accusing Bergdahl of switching sides:

I’ve been reporting for over a week (along with the AP and WaPo) that Bowe Bergdahl, the US soldier who’s gone missing in eastern Afghanistan, walked off the base on his own accord.

Now, somebody close to the people searching for Bergdahl has repeated this assertion saying that the soldier left “a note behind that said he was going to the mountains to find himself. He took a journal and 4 or 5 knives with him.” My source tells me that Bergdahl arrived at a village and asked if anybody spoke English. That’s when he was captured.

My source tells me that there is no doubt Bergdahl deserted, which in a time of war is punishable by a court martial at the least, or even execution.

I’m not the only one saying this. Lt. Col. *Ralph Peters (Ret.) told Fox News that Bergdahl is *“an apparent deserter,” and intimates that he wouldn’t feel badly if the Taliban killed Bergdahl. At the end of the segment he does say that we should wait until all the facts come in to pass judgement, but even Michelle Malkin smells something fishy.

Some idiot on a neocon blog had this to say:

Today, it's being reported that Bergdahl has attempted to escape from his captors.

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl made a bold escape from his Taliban captors while imprisoned in Pakistan, avoiding them for three days before they recaptured him, according to a report published by The Daily Beast on Wednesday.

The news website's account - compiled by two correspondents for Newsweek, which the site is affiliated with - offers a window into the Hailey soldier's life of captivity in the hands of he Taliban.

The story is hard to corroborate - even that Bergdahl was confirmed still alive was news to U.S. Central Command, according to The Daily Beast. But the website appeared confident in its report, based on interviews with "three reliable militant source"who heard the details from fighters present when Bergdahl made the escape attempt.

Bergdahl, 25, has been a prisoner of the Taliban since his capture on June 30, 2009, in Afghanistan. Since then, he has appeared in a least five Taliban propoganda videos, one of which was released in May. He is the only known U.S. soldier to be captive of the Taliban.

The Daily Beast reports that Bergdahl made his escape in late August or early September, after several months when his jailers became more trusting of him. He reportedly jumped from a first-floor window of a mud-brick house in Pakistan where he was held, and went into underbrush and forested mountains.

His captors found him three days later hiding in a trench, covered with leaves, according to the report. The sources described Bergdahl fighting "like a boxer"when found.

As pointed out in the blog, the silence is deafening from those who labeled Bergdahl a traitor and deserter. Will they apologize to his family now?

the part that strikes me is, the details of his capture are finally known and the scumbags who said this kid should be beheaded for desertion are nowhere in sight begging forgiveness for making statements like that about a POW who was beaten,stripped and kidnapped at gun point.. They should rot in hell for being such spineless Fox/GOP sycophants…who aren’t even man enough to admit they were tragical wrong in their delusional assumption..
Is he a deserter? I just want the truth on what happened with this man. It makes no difference to me on the trade because this man is just a pawn in the bigger game.

But is he a deserter?
You see nothing of the sort, mud. But I will attack the occasional veteran like you who does not respect the service and what it has done for you. I will out you every time you do that.

Ollie is not a seam splitter, merely in error on this issue.

You, on the other hand, are a seam splitter who undermines veteran integrity before the rest of America.

How the fuck am I in error? I have said I will wait to see...And I'm in error? I'm the only motherfucker here who even knew this kids name before this shit came down...Fuck you Jake...Go back to sniffing Obama farts..........

Once again, you're incorrect.

Here's what I had to say....

A long time ago on my blog, we were discussing the right wing's hatred of PfC Bowe Bergdahl, who had been captured by the Taliban.

Fox News, of course, being the home of all hatred, led the charges that Bergdahl was a traitor and should be hung. From our very own demented lilMike:

Here's Fox's LtCol Ralph Peters, claiming Bergdahl is a traitor:

Fox News Military Pundit Calls Bowe Bergdahl "A Liar" - YouTube

PJ Tobias, a right wing shill, joined in the condemnation, accusing Bergdahl of switching sides:

Some idiot on a neocon blog had this to say:

Today, it's being reported that Bergdahl has attempted to escape from his captors.

As pointed out in the blog, the silence is deafening from those who labeled Bergdahl a traitor and deserter. Will they apologize to his family now?

the part that strikes me is, the details of his capture are finally known and the scumbags who said this kid should be beheaded for desertion are nowhere in sight begging forgiveness for making statements like that about a POW who was beaten,stripped and kidnapped at gun point.. They should rot in hell for being such spineless Fox/GOP sycophants…who aren’t even man enough to admit they were tragical wrong in their delusional assumption..

Wow so you knew his name at some point and wrote a blog doing nothing more than denouncing Fox News. How precious....Go back to your blog And try being impartial....Of course you will first have to remove your nose from Obamas ass.

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