US soldiers killed in Syria,you warmongers ready to pull out now!?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.
I call BS on this being an ISIS attack. This was close to Turkey and Kurdish forces control the city...I think Turkish forces did this because they don't want Kurdish forces controlling the city. This is just too perfect timing to try and make President Trump not pull out.
You think Isis did it?

Oh wait, didn't Trump suggest he personally destroyed Isis?
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.
My hatred for Trump may be intense but in this case I agree with him.. Assad isn`t leaving Syria any time soon and we`re having our people blown to bits for no good reason. On the same day these soldiers were killed Pence also said ISIS has been defeated. A few weeks ago a young man from my neck of the woods was killed in Afghanistan. Was he involved in a firefight with terrorists? Hell no, he was riding around on some sort of military vehicle manning a machine gun of some sort when an IED blew him up. It was his third tour of riding around accomplishing nothing other than pissing off the people who lived there. Nobody likes foreign troops occupying their countries for any reason whether it`s real or just made up (WMDs in Iraq).
Pence declares 'ISIS has been defeated' on the same day as deadly Syria attack - CNNPolitics
I call BS on this being an ISIS attack. This was close to Turkey and Kurdish forces control the city...I think Turkish forces did this because they don't want Kurdish forces controlling the city. This is just too perfect timing to try and make President Trump not pull out.
ISIS bombings deep inside Kurdish held territory are nothing new.
Well, so much for ISIL being defeated. This moment of jumping the gun is even worse than Jr's "mission accomplished" banner.
ISIS will never be defeated, because ISIS was always more of an idea than an actual group. Half of the major "ISIS" attacks were people who likely had no contact with the original group in Syria or Iraq. Pull the fuck out already. We did what we had to do in Iraq. Let Assad deal with his own problems.
ISIS will never be defeated, because ISIS was always more of an idea than an actual group. Half of the major "ISIS" attacks were people who likely had no contact with the original group in Syria or Iraq. Pull the fuck out already. We did what we had to do in Iraq. Let Assad deal with his own problems.

Then why have Trump and Pence been crowing about ISIL being defeated for the past month?
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.
Your OP asks the wrong question. Why did we go there to begin with? Good thing about that is, we have the answer; Who Was the Founder of ISIS?
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.

Completely preventable. Trump said he was going to pull the troops out about 2 months ago. I guess he lied about that too?
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.

Completely preventable. Trump said he was going to pull the troops out about 2 months ago. I guess he lied about that too?

Because the Dems and neocons cried that we can’t leave too early. They should had listened to him. This is Obama’s quagmire. Let the Syrians and Turks deal with this shit.
I think we should level the place, but there are certain elements of the population that doesn't want the US Military to win wars anymore.
U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS

This was COMPLETELY avoidable! I am TIRED of seeing US soldiers die for foreign countries! You war mongers ready to call it quits yet or will you go down whining that just because President Trump wants to pull out its good to stay there? That's the ONLY reason the people want us to stay in Syria is because your hate for President Trump is deeper than ANY love for this country.
Your OP asks the wrong question. Why did we go there to begin with? Good thing about that is, we have the answer; Who Was the Founder of ISIS?

The founder of ISIS was Barack Hussein Obama. He declared the same goals as ISIS: the overthrow of Libya and Syria, and even tried it in Egypt. He wanted new wars in the ME to create the refugee crisis and have a Muslim invasion of Europe.
I think we should level the place, but there are certain elements of the population that doesn't want the US Military to win wars anymore.

We should had bombed the entire Middle East the day after the Sept. 11 attacks. They are all barbarians that only understand violence.

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