US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

The nature of a woman in a certain age range is to menstruate and bear children, and when they can't, we rightly say something is wrong.
Who is we? I don't know what you really mean when you say that its in the nature of women to bear children. For women who are biologically incapable of conceiving it is objectively not in their nature to bear children. Nor would I argue is it in the nature of women to bear children who have no desire to bear children. They may have the biological capability but they lack the desire and desire and feelings are a part of all our natures as well.
A man simply cannot either menstruate or bear children, no matter how hard he wishes he could, so we say something is wrong. What's wrong is that he's not a woman. The bottom line is that he's just not comfortable being a man. That doesn't mean that he becomes a woman just because he thinks he wants to, any more than putting a prosthetic leg on makes an amputee whole.
Actually some intersex men do menstruate.
Who is we? I don't know what you really mean when you say that its in the nature of women to bear children. For women who are biologically incapable of conceiving it is objectively not in their nature to bear children. Nor would I argue is it in the nature of women to bear children who have no desire to bear children. They may have the biological capability but they lack the desire and desire and feelings are a part of all our natures as well.

Actually some intersex men do menstruate.
Got a link that men have a uterus and menstruate?
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own. Your identity come from your brain chemistry, not your sexual anatomy. That's shown by the people who only discover much later in life that their chromosomes and anatomy aren't entirely male or female. Just saying science really isn't informing me how you imagine science connects to your argument.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?

What delusion?
Nice pile of spun bullshit there Charlie. Or are you Charlene?
Genetics is either two "X" chromosomes = female, has a vagina. ...
... or one "X" and one "Y" = male, has a penis.

Two earliest organs developed in a fetus are the genitals and the brain. Brain structure, female or male neurons, etc. ("wiring") are determined by the genitals (see XX vs XY) which set ratios of female vs male hormones.

Basic biology blueprint (all species) is female, altered in presence of male genetic 'Y'. One could say males are mutated females. sometimes the changes and transitions don't complete properly in making the males. As science improves we should be able to note the flaws in vitro and through adolescence and administer treatments that will complete the transition into male.



by Anne Moir & David Jessel ‧ RELEASE DATE: June 1, 1991

If men and women are equal, why have males been the dominant sex virtually throughout history? Here, geneticist Moir and BBC- TV writer-producer Jessel argue convincingly that the answer lies in the difference between the male and female brain. Writing with clarity and style, and documenting their data every step of the way, Moir and Jessel explain how the embryonic brain is shaped as either male or female at about six weeks, when the male fetus begins producing hormones that organize its brain's neural networks into a male pattern; in their absence, the brain will be female. Not surprisingly, there are endless variations in degree of maleness, and mishaps can lead to a male brain in a female body and vice versa. Moir and Jessel include a brain sex test that lets the reader discover just how masculine or feminine his (or her) brain is. For the nonscientist, they translate considerable research into the structural and organizational differences between male and female brains, demonstrating how these differences make men more aggressive and competitive and better at skills that require spatial ability and mathematical reasoning, and women more sensitive to nuances of expression and gesture, more adept at judging character. Women, it seems, are more people-oriented than men, who are more interested in things. Moir and Jessel assert that it is necessary to ``accept who we are before arguing about what we should be,'' and that denying gender differences means ignoring their value. A literate, entertaining, and, for some, surely wrath- provoking presentation of scientific data about the differences between the sexes.
Ok, that's a good place to start then. Why do your feelings matter on this issue? Are you educated in mental health?

Well one set of people is just asking for the respect to address them as they want to be addressed. You're asking me to respect your assessment of someone else's mental health and for they I need to understand your qualifications
Why do Bree Fram's feelings matter in this issue?
Is it educated in mental health?
Why does one need to be educated in mental health to have a position on this issue?
Are you educated in mental health?

What are your qualifications to advocate and/or assess the mental health of Bree Fram?

As a citizen, voter, and taxpayer I object to Bree Fram demanding special treatment beyond basic rights all are entitled to. My experiences with and in leadership positions make me question it's soundness for making the objective decisions the position it holds require. It can remain in the military in a position that has no authority over others, but would not be fit for command in my experience.

Those who decline to identify as either male or female I will address as "it". Whether they like or want that doesn't matter to me, I'll call them as what they are.
Who is we? I don't know what you really mean when you say that its in the nature of women to bear children. For women who are biologically incapable of conceiving it is objectively not in their nature to bear children.
That's why we say there's something wrong.
Nor would I argue is it in the nature of women to bear children who have no desire to bear children. They may have the biological capability but they lack the desire and desire and feelings are a part of all our natures as well.
A woman's body is designed to bear children. Her attitude about bearing children is irrelevant to that design.
Actually some intersex men do menstruate.
Are they the ones we are talking about, who live as men, then decide they want to be women? I don't think so.
That's why we say there's something wrong.
That's what you said. I never said any such thing. In what context do you mean wrong?
A woman's body is designed to bear children. Her attitude about bearing children is irrelevant to that design.
Not all women's bodies. Some women don't have the ability to conceive.
Are they the ones we are talking about, who live as men, then decide they want to be women? I don't think so.
Did they decide? Did you decide your identity or is it innate to you?
As she should, if a subordinate disrespects her.

You've obviously never served.
A sicko trannie doesn't deserve any respect and Potatohead's filthy woke military is a shit organizational for letting "it" wear an uniform.

The higher ups in the military should have had the courage to tell Potatohead to go fuck himself when he came up with all this disastrous and sicko woke shit but the problem is that Gay Barry purged the military of all the officers that had balls. All we have now are incompetent pussy yes men and DEI dumbasses. Look how they fucked up the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Gay Barry said that Potatohead would fuck up everything he touched and he fucked up the greatest military power the world has ever seen. Just like his Chinese handlers paid him to do.
Thank you. To address your argument, those weren't really my questions, were they? It's all well and good to answer the questions you want to but it's in reconciling the questions we can't answer that we manage to learn something new.

Now, you do understand that, naturally, some girls (a small percentage) will be born without the ability to menstruate or have kids, yes? Does this make them less of a woman? And if you think so, why? I guess then we have to discuss what it means to be a woman.
Not less of an adult female because she was born a female and grew into womanhood. A guy that dons a dress is not a female and I refuse to pretend they are something the are not.

A woman is an adult female, that is the definition of a woman.
That's what you said. I never said any such thing. In what context do you mean wrong?

Not all women's bodies. Some women don't have the ability to conceive.
The female of the human species is designed to bear children. That is a true statement. I mean, it's not like men are designed to have them.
Did they decide? Did you decide your identity or is it innate to you?
An intersex individual has both male and female sexual organs. They are a rare occurrence and not the ones we're talking about. We're talking about otherwise normal human beings who don't like the face that their bodies are either male or female and want something different. Their identity is innate to them, they just don't like it.
Stryder50 & lantern2814

I see you tagged my post as "Fake News," to which I say... well, duh.

Klingons are fictitious. That means they're not real. This being the case, Trump couldn't have ever been on their ballot.

But I do find it funny that you two thought they were real and had a ballot Trump could be removed from, because that's the only thing that explains why anyone would bother tagging that ridiculous post as "Fake News."
Well, I'm still wondering why the "Space Force" is a thing, when the US doesn't even have a current shuttle program and has to rely on private contractors to get into space.
I dont think you understand what Space Force is. While i would imagine that they will have some astronauts to do occasional maintainence on orbiting weapons platforms, the majority of the force will never see space.

You make it sound like they are going to have spaceships. They arent. Space Force's job is to operate and maintain their special offensive and defensive satellites.
Stryder50 & lantern2814

I see you tagged my post as "Fake News," to which I say... well, duh.

Klingons are fictitious. That means they're not real. This being the case, Trump couldn't have ever been on their ballot.

But I do find it funny that you two thought they were real and had a ballot Trump could be removed from, because that's the only thing that explains why anyone would bother tagging that ridiculous post as "Fake News."
I see your hubris is a bit high today.
Blame the limited selection offered.
"Fake News" is closet thing to :rolleyes:
Well, I'm still wondering why the "Space Force" is a thing, when the US doesn't even have a current shuttle program and has to rely on private contractors to get into space.
Obama canceled the Space Shuttle the only thing that pissed me off about that is there was no US built alternative and we had to rely on Russia. Private contractors are better anyway. The Shuttle cost $30k per pound to launch things into space now SpaceX is doing it for $10k and that price is steadily decreasing.
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own. Your identity come from your brain chemistry, not your sexual anatomy. That's shown by the people who only discover much later in life that their chromosomes and anatomy aren't entirely male or female. Just saying science really isn't informing me how you imagine science connects to your argument.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?

What delusion?

And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own.

Your feelings (identity) don't change the science of biology.
Even if you wear a spiffy uniform and want everyone to know your pronouns.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?


What delusion?

That the dude is a woman.
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own.

Your feelings (identity) don't change the science of biology.
Even if you wear a spiffy uniform and want everyone to know your pronouns.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?


What delusion?

That the dude is a woman.

I don't have a problem with him thinking he's a woman. He has nothing to do with my life. I don't know about "respect"... That doesn't make much sense.

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