US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

How does a man, who has never been a woman, never had a woman's unique maturation experiences, never known what it really means to be a woman, know what it feels like to be a woman? At best, he can only WANT to be a woman and simulate the reality, he cannot claim to really be a woman.
Yep, men who decide to put on a dress and think they are a woman cheapen what it means to be a woman. I don’t blame them because they are mentally ill and beyond that they tend to suffer poor self esteem issues and are dissatisfied with their sex and some how believe the grass is greener.

I feel bad for those with mental illness. This guy is obviously not secure in what he is because he needs others to validate his beliefs. I hope he gets the help he needs.
How does a man, who has never been a woman, never had a woman's unique maturation experiences, never known what it really means to be a woman, know what it feels like to be a woman? At best, he can only WANT to be a woman and simulate the reality, he cannot claim to really be a woman.
I think those are different questions. I'm not arguing that you can know what's it's like to mentrate if you've never menstrated. What I'm arguing is that there are sex differences in the brain that inform our sense of self. Would not being able to menstruate and have that experience make you feel like less of a woman, and should it? Some women can't menstruate because they were born without working sex organs. Should they feel less than because they can't experience that?
I need a link or a rational argument from you explaining what biological sex has to do with gender identities. You don't even know the right terms. The biological designations are male and female.

I already said one is science, one is feelings.
Your feelings don't change the science.
Your feelings don't oblige me to agree with your delusions.
I think those are different questions. I'm not arguing that you can know what's it's like to mentrate if you've never menstrated. What I'm arguing is that there are sex differences in the brain that inform our sense of self. Would not being able to menstruate and have that experience make you feel like less of a woman, and should it? Some women can't menstruate because they were born without working sex organs. Should they feel less than because they can't experience that?
I know that most female women menstruate and no transgender women have ever menstruated, I know most female women can give birth, transgender women do not.

On a side note, your avatar is very cute.
I think those are different questions. I'm not arguing that you can know what's it's like to mentrate if you've never menstrated. What I'm arguing is that there are sex differences in the brain that inform our sense of self. Would not being able to menstruate and have that experience make you feel like less of a woman, and should it? Some women can't menstruate because they were born without working sex organs. Should they feel less than because they can't experience that?
His birth pains will be horrific.
I already said one is science, one is feelings.
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own. Your identity come from your brain chemistry, not your sexual anatomy. That's shown by the people who only discover much later in life that their chromosomes and anatomy aren't entirely male or female. Just saying science really isn't informing me how you imagine science connects to your argument.
Your feelings don't change the science.
What science are you accusing me of trying to change?
Your feelings don't oblige me to agree with your delusions.
What delusion?
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own. Your identity come from your brain chemistry, not your sexual anatomy. That's shown by the people who only discover much later in life that their chromosomes and anatomy aren't entirely male or female. Just saying science really isn't informing me how you imagine science connects to your argument.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?

What delusion?
Does the coroner fill out death certificates by the feelings of the deceased?
I know that most female women menstruate and no transgender women have ever menstruated, I know most female women can give birth, transgender women do not.

On a side note, your avatar is very cute.
Thank you. To address your argument, those weren't really my questions, were they? It's all well and good to answer the questions you want to but it's in reconciling the questions we can't answer that we manage to learn something new.

Now, you do understand that, naturally, some girls (a small percentage) will be born without the ability to menstruate or have kids, yes? Does this make them less of a woman? And if you think so, why? I guess then we have to discuss what it means to be a woman.
And feelings don't deserve respect? You've kind of lost me on what your argument is.
My feelings, and those of others here, are that this person has serious mental health issues which need treatment. Otherwise it is not fit for leadership/command.
However you and a few others here don't give my feelings the respect they deserve, so makes you (and them) hypocrites.
I think those are different questions. I'm not arguing that you can know what's it's like to mentrate if you've never menstrated. What I'm arguing is that there are sex differences in the brain that inform our sense of self. Would not being able to menstruate and have that experience make you feel like less of a woman, and should it? Some women can't menstruate because they were born without working sex organs. Should they feel less than because they can't experience that?
The nature of a woman in a certain age range is to menstruate and bear children, and when they can't, we rightly say something is wrong. A man simply cannot either menstruate or bear children, no matter how hard he wishes he could, so we say something is wrong. What's wrong is that he's not a woman. The bottom line is that he's just not comfortable being a man. That doesn't mean that he becomes a woman just because he thinks he wants to, any more than putting a prosthetic leg on makes an amputee whole.
My feelings, and those of others here, are that this person has serious mental health issues which need treatment. Otherwise it is not fit for leadership/command.
Ok, that's a good place to start then. Why do your feelings matter on this issue? Are you educated in mental health?
However you and a few others here don't give my feelings the respect they deserve, so makes you (and them) hypocrites.
Well one set of people is just asking for the respect to address them as they want to be addressed. You're asking me to respect your assessment of someone else's mental health and for they I need to understand your qualifications
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