US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

The female of the human species is designed to bear children. That is a true statement. I mean, it's not like men are designed to have them.
That is not a true statement. Humans and living things in general aren't designed at all. Evolution is random, survival is happenstance. It's why I asked you previously in what way is infertility wrong? Machines are designed by us so when they don't operate as we have designed them to then it makes sense in that context to say something has gone wrong. Have you considered whether that context even makes sense for nature? It doesn't take sides in survival or success.
An intersex individual has both male and female sexual organs. They are a rare occurrence and not the ones we're talking about. We're talking about otherwise normal human beings who don't like the face that their bodies are either male or female and want something different. Their identity is innate to them, they just don't like it.
I bring up the intersex to show that mutations and variations in genes can produce bodies that are not quite male or female. If you can accept that it makes me wonder why you seem incredulous that mutations and variations of genes and hormones could cause diverse sex identities in the brain.
Do you show respect to those you think are wrong and who are demanding that you show it to them? One of the quickest ways to lose respect is to childishly demand it.
I was told many, many years ago that respect is earned. These charlatans have earned NOTHING.
That is not a true statement. Humans and living things in general aren't designed at all. Evolution is random, survival is happenstance. It's why I asked you previously in what way is infertility wrong? Machines are designed by us so when they don't operate as we have designed them to then it makes sense in that context to say something has gone wrong. Have you considered whether that context even makes sense for nature? It doesn't take sides in survival or success.

I bring up the intersex to show that mutations and variations in genes can produce bodies that are not quite male or female. If you can accept that it makes me wonder why you seem incredulous that mutations and variations of genes and hormones could cause diverse sex identities in the brain.

Which mutation made that dude feel that he was a woman?
Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram – a man pretending to be a woman – invoking “dignity and respect,” while peevishly insulting his audience by insisting that they should also aspire to pretence – by which I mean habitual dishonesty – that they should abandon probity, disregard the evidence staring them in the face, and become cowed, cartoonish, and absurd. Lest they be denounced as bad people.

From here, it looks an awful lot like an attempt at psychological bullying and demoralisation, a kind of abuse. Which, given the rote intimations of victimhood, is a tad ironic. One might say perverse.

Can you imagine all the people who have to serve under this guy and must take the abuse? Demanding your subordinates LIE is nothing but abuse of power.

Hard to believe the Air Force is short 5,000 pilots.

I never listen to my so called superiors.
That is not a true statement. Humans and living things in general aren't designed at all. Evolution is random, survival is happenstance. It's why I asked you previously in what way is infertility wrong? Machines are designed by us so when they don't operate as we have designed them to then it makes sense in that context to say something has gone wrong. Have you considered whether that context even makes sense for nature? It doesn't take sides in survival or success.
Species are designed to survive. Without such design, none would. What drives your biological imperative to reproduce? It would be much safer for your individual life if you did not.
I bring up the intersex to show that mutations and variations in genes can produce bodies that are not quite male or female. If you can accept that it makes me wonder why you seem incredulous that mutations and variations of genes and hormones could cause diverse sex identities in the brain.
I'm asking simple questions. Why do you assume that a man actually feels like a woman when he has no idea what it feels like to be a woman?

The bottom line, however, remains that a man cannot be a woman. He can make his body appear more feminine, but that's about it.
She seems happy with who she is.


Nothing says being happy with who one is, quite like pretending to be something that one is not, and can never be, and demanding that others demand that one recognize one by that false identity.
You're the one with the demonstrated mental illness…

Says a freak that doesn't know the difference between male and female.

I dont think you understand what Space Force is. While i would imagine that they will have some astronauts to do occasional maintainence on orbiting weapons platforms, the majority of the force will never see space.

You make it sound like they are going to have spaceships. They arent. Space Force's job is to operate and maintain their special offensive and defensive satellites.

Which could have been done by the Air Force. Or NASA.

This was Trump's ego running wild.
Which could have been done by the Air Force. Or NASA.

Or by the Army. We didn't really need to split the Air Force off from them as a whole separate branch. But a point was reached where it made more sense to do so than it did to keep the Air Corps as part of the Army.

Likewise with splitting the Space Force off from the Air Force.
Stryder50 & lantern2814

I see you tagged my post as "Fake News," to which I say... well, duh.

Klingons are fictitious. That means they're not real. This being the case, Trump couldn't have ever been on their ballot.

But I do find it funny that you two thought they were real and had a ballot Trump could be removed from, because that's the only thing that explains why anyone would bother tagging that ridiculous post as "Fake News."
Sarcasm is obviously far beyond your comprehension.
Which could have been done by the Air Force. Or NASA.

This was Trump's ego running wild.
Yeah, and the Army, Navy and Marines could all be in one military wing too, but thats not how we organize our military. :dunno:
And I'm pointing out that all identities are based in feelings, including your own.

Your feelings (identity) don't change the science of biology.
I haven't suggested that they do.
Even if you wear a spiffy uniform and want everyone to know your pronouns.

What science are you accusing me of trying to change?

How exactly am I trying to change biology?
What delusion?

That the dude is a woman.
You're the one refusing to acknowledge the difference between biological sex and sociological gendered roles. Science has recognized these differences for a while now. Here's an explanation of the history of thus emerging scientific area of study from Yale's school of medicine.

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?

In 2001, a committee convened by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), a nonprofit think tank that took on issues of importance to the national health, addressed the question of whether it mattered to study the biology of women as well as men.

The IOM, now embedded within the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), concluded there was more than sufficient evidence that, beyond reproductive biology, there were major differences in the biology of women and men that greatly affected their health and influenced treatment and prevention strategies.

Importantly, the committee emphasized that neither the health of women nor men is simply a product of biology but is also influenced by sociocultural and psychological experience. To differentiate between these broad areas of investigation, the members created working definitions of “sex” — when referring to biology — and “gender” — when referring to self-representation influenced by social, cultural, and personal experience.

The committee advised that scientists use these definitions in the following ways:

  • In the study of human subjects, the term sex should be used as a classification, generally as male or female, according to the reproductive organs and functions that derive from the chromosomal complement [generally XX for female and XY for male].
  • In the study of human subjects, the term gender should be used to refer to a person's self-representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to by social institutions on the basis of the individual's gender presentation.
  • In most studies of nonhuman animals, the term sex should be used.

These working definitions were a good start in recognizing the value of studying sex and gender and their interactions, yet they were always meant to evolve. Now, we are learning more about ourselves and so must adapt our terminology to be inclusive, respectful, and more accurate.

For example, while most people are born biologically female or male, rare biological syndromes can result in genital ambiguity. Or a resistance to a sex hormone can result in traits typical of the opposite biological sex.

Moreover, while an individual’s internal sense of gender can be female or male, some people identify as nonbinary — neither female nor male. Other individuals can identify as a gender that is the same as (cisgender) or different from (transgender) the one assigned at birth. These terms are separate from an individual’s sexual orientation, which describes a person’s emotional, romantic and/or physical attachments (such as straight, lesbian, gay, asexual, bisexual, and more).

Now I get that this is Yale so we are talking about higher education that maybe hasn't reached your neck of the woods yet. Maybe I'm giving you too much benefit of the doubt assuming you've gone beyond an elementary understanding of these concepts. :dunno:

What is a woman?
A woman can be anyone who presents themselves along the more feminine gendered roles of society. Another more common example of this that wasn't at all controversial when I was growing up (at least from the perspective of a child, maybe their parents were more concerned) was the term tomboy, referring to females who engaged and behaved in what society would consider more masculine behavior and/or way of dressing.
Which mutation made that dude feel that he was a woman?
I'm not entirely sure if the science has gotten there yet but this link discusses a plethora of studies looking into possible varying differences in the brain between cisgendered and transgendered people.
Yeah, and the Army, Navy and Marines could all be in one military wing too, but thats not how we organize our military. :dunno:

Except no one felt a need for a "Space Force" when we had an actual space program and rockets and shuttles and stuff.
Yeah, and the Army, Navy and Marines could all be in one military wing too, but thats [sic] not how we organize our military. :dunno:

The Marines and the Navy are the same branch. The Marines are a Corps, under the Navy.

The Air Force started out as a Corps under the Army, but was eventually spun out into a branch of its own. I don't know that the Air Force ever had a single, designated Corps that was dedicated to space-related stuff, but all of that ended up falling under the Air Force, and it made sense, under Trump, to spin that all out into a new branch, hence the Space Force.
Except no one felt a need for a "Space Force" when we had an actual space program and rockets and shuttles and stuff.
oh iduuno Joe......seems many of us would like to see some of these fools launched ......

A woman can be anyone who presents themselves along the more feminine gendered roles of society. Another more common example of this that wasn't at all controversial when I was growing up (at least from the perspective of a child, maybe their parents were more concerned) was the term tomboy, referring to females who engaged and behaved in what society would consider more masculine behavior and/or way of dressing.

Back then, a man “who presents themselves along the more feminine gendered roles of society” was not called a woman. If he claimed to be a woman, then what he was called was a freak, a nutcase, a lunatic. And rightly so.

And nobody believed that a tomboy was, in any meaningful sense, a boy and not a girl.

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