US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

Yes, they are the same branch.

The Marines are a Corps under the Navy. That's why they are a Corps, and not a Branch.

The Air Force started out as a Corps under the Army, and was eventually spun out into its own Branch.

The Space Force started out as part of the Air Force, but was spun out into a Branch of its own.

The Marines started out as a Corps under the Navy, and have remained that to this day.
I see you clicked "disagree" on my post, but im not sure how you can disagree with the official VA website that lists the branches. That is next level denialism!

Also, i served in the military. Did you? I was in the Navy in fact, and i worked with Marines. I feel like i would know if we were the same branch of military. :laugh:
Please explain the real reason why "giraffes evolved longer and longer necks"?
I provided a little video that did just that. The question itself is a misunderstanding of biology. It's not why but how. There is no why. Why implies purpose. What happened is random mutations cause some giraffes to have longer necks than others and in an environment where there is an abundance of leaves in tall trees to eat this gave them an advantage over their shorter necked brethren.

JoeB131 denies God, which is the very deepest possible nadir of human folly and hubris; and yet he seems to think that distorted claims about what he says I believe (not knowing shit about what I actually do or do not believe) somehow constitute any kind of argument at all against other unrelated things that I express.

Bob, there are a whole bunch of Gods you don't believe in.

Allah, Krishna, Zeus, Odin, Amaterasu, etc. You don't believe in any of them.
I believe in one less than you do.

Your obsession with transgender people who aren't doing you any harm, is kind of sad.
I provided a little video that did just that. The question itself is a misunderstanding of biology. It's not why but how. There is no why. Why implies purpose. What happened is random mutations cause some giraffes to have longer necks than others and in an environment where there is an abundance of leaves in tall trees to eat this gave them an advantage over their shorter necked brethren.

Right. Random mutations.
So why did random mutations cause "longer and longer necks"?

What happened is random mutations cause some giraffes to have longer necks than others and in an environment where there is an abundance of leaves in tall trees to eat this gave them an advantage

Evolution helped them reach higher leaves.

It appears in your theory giraffes evolved longer and longer necks to help them reach higher and higher leaves in the trees

Look like you're disagreeing with your video.
You think that a man can be a woman. That leaves you in no credible position to call anyone else “delusional”.
I think people can feel like they were born in the wrong bodies because of the particulars of their brain chemistry. I think society can have gendered expectations. And think people can live contrary to those expectations. If you're arguing that I think someone with XY chromosomes can change their chromosomes to XX that is false and imaginary.
I think people can feel like they were born in the wrong bodies because of the particulars of their brain chemistry. I think society can have gendered expectations. And think people can live contrary to those expectations. If you're arguing that I think someone with XY chromosomes can change their chromosomes to XX that is false and imaginary.

I think people can feel like they were born in the wrong bodies

Feelings. Not science.

because of the particulars of their brain chemistry.

Maybe we should work on a fix for their incorrect brain chemistry, instead
of surgically mutilating them?
There is only one God. Citing a litany of false gods does nothing to diminish the reality of the true God, nor the folly of your denial and mockery of Him, nor the eternal consequences thereof.
Your denial and mockery of Zeus will earn you eternal torment in Tartarus. Praise be to Zeus!

At one point, there were more worshippers of Zeus (also known as Jupiter to the Romans) than Yahweh.

Today, only 1/4th of the human race worships the Christian God.
Right. Random mutations.
So why did random mutations cause "longer and longer necks"?
What do you mean by asking why random mutations caused longer and longer necks. Randomness is a feature of nature. Mutations occur at random. If you mean to ask why giraffes with the mutations with longer necks did so better than that's because of the particulars of their environment.
I think people can feel like they were born in the wrong bodies because of the particulars of their brain chemistry.

Do you understand that someone believing something that is objectively and obviously false, due to “the particulars of their brain chemistry”, is pretty much the very definition of mental illness?
I think people can feel like they were born in the wrong bodies

Feelings. Not science.
How are feelings not science? Attraction is a feeling. You don't think there's some biological correspondence to who you're attracted to? I think you're conflating feelings with opinions. Opinions are not facts and science is based on fact, true but we're not talking about opinion. Trans people aren't of the opinion that they're really a woman. The feeling I'm referring to here is as innate a feeling as your sexuality is except in this case we're referring to their sense of self.
because of the particulars of their brain chemistry.

Maybe we should work on a fix for their incorrect brain chemistry, instead
of surgically mutilating them?
Incorrect in what context? Do people who are gay have incorrect brain chemistry that needs fixing?
What do you mean by asking why random mutations caused longer and longer necks. Randomness is a feature of nature. Mutations occur at random. If you mean to ask why giraffes with the mutations with longer necks did so better than that's because of the particulars of their environment.

What happened is random mutations cause some giraffes to have longer necks than others and in an environment where there is an abundance of leaves in tall trees to eat this gave them an advantage

Evolution helped them reach higher leaves.

It appears in your theory giraffes evolved longer and longer necks to help them reach higher and higher leaves in the trees

Look like you're disagreeing with your video.
Do you understand that someone believing something that is objectively and obviously false, due to “the particulars of their brain chemistry”, is pretty much the very definition of mental illness?
I do believe your inability to correctly grasp the argument is evidence of your mental shortcomings.
Evolution helped them reach higher leaves.

It appears in your theory giraffes evolved longer and longer necks to help them reach higher and higher leaves in the trees

Look like you're disagreeing with your video.
It appears that way because you concluded that evolution acted with purpose? You don't see all the lifeforms that evolved mutations that weren't suited for their environments. Want to take a guess why?
How are feelings not science? Attraction is a feeling. You don't think there's some biological correspondence to who you're attracted to? I think you're conflating feelings with opinions. Opinions are not facts and science is based on fact, true but we're not talking about opinion. Trans people aren't of the opinion that they're really a woman. The feeling I'm referring to here is as innate a feeling as your sexuality is except in this case we're referring to their sense of self.

Incorrect in what context? Do people who are gay have incorrect brain chemistry that needs fixing?

How are feelings not science?

Bree feels like he is a woman. Bree is not a woman. His feeling does not make reality

Trans people aren't of the opinion that they're really a woman.

That's exactly where they're at.

Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

Incorrect in what context?

In the context of reality.

Do people who are gay have incorrect brain chemistry that needs fixing?

Probably. In the future, they'll probably find the "gay gene" that causes their
faulty brain chemistry. Then we'll have to see if gay people still support abortion
when it leads to people choosing to abort their gay children.

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