US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

So far, the only delusion you've described is your own, where you imagine yourself capable of medical diagnosis.

Again, trans people aren't delusional. They know what bodies they have. Having an innate sense that you're in the wrong body is no more delusional than having an innate attraction to the same sex.

What gay gene? In your scenario only gay people have gay genes and so only gay people could pass them on. Is that how you see homosexuality working in real life? Do straight parents never have gay kids?

Again, trans people aren't delusional. They know what bodies they have.

Bree isn't delusional for knowing he has a male body, he's delusional for thinking he should have a female body.

What gay gene?

Gay people aren't born that way?

In your scenario only gay people have gay genes

You are incorrect, obviously.

Do straight parents never have gay kids?

They do, sometimes, obviously.

In what sense is a gay gene "successful"? How does it "get passed down"?
Again, trans people aren't delusional.

Again, trans people aren't delusional. They know what bodies they have.

Bree isn't delusional for knowing he has a male body, he's delusional for thinking he should have a female body.
First, what are your qualifications for making these determinations?

Secondly, how can feelings be delusional? If you're defining delusional as believing something that isn't true then that has nothing to do with feelings. The only true or false test for feelings is whether they're genuine or lying about them.
What gay gene?

Gay people aren't born that way?
I'm not sure that's a question that makes much sense. Are you born with sexual attraction? Sexual attraction is something that develops over time as our bodies go through hormonal changes so sexuality certainly has a genetic aspect but environmental aspects could and probably do play a role. Think of things that might of been cultural fads in your formative years as you're going through hormonal changes. For me it's big 80s hair.
In your scenario only gay people have gay genes

You are incorrect, obviously.

Do straight parents never have gay kids?

They do, sometimes, obviously.

In what sense is a gay gene "successful"? How does it "get passed down"?
I don't even know what you mean by successful. You haven't even proven that such a thing as a gay gene exists so how am I supposed to describe its properties to you?
First, what are your qualifications for making these determinations?

Secondly, how can feelings be delusional? If you're defining delusional as believing something that isn't true then that has nothing to do with feelings. The only true or false test for feelings is whether they're genuine or lying about them.

I'm not sure that's a question that makes much sense. Are you born with sexual attraction? Sexual attraction is something that develops over time as our bodies go through hormonal changes so sexuality certainly has a genetic aspect but environmental aspects could and probably do play a role. Think of things that might of been cultural fads in your formative years as you're going through hormonal changes. For me it's big 80s hair.

I don't even know what you mean by successful. You haven't even proven that such a thing as a gay gene exists so how am I supposed to describe its properties to you?

Secondly, how can feelings be delusional?

a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.
Are you born with sexual attraction? Sexual attraction is something that develops over time as our bodies go through hormonal changes so sexuality certainly has a genetic aspect but environmental aspects could and probably do play a role.

Sexual attraction to the opposite sex sounds like a useful trait that can be passed to the next generation.

Sexual attraction to the same sex sounds like a trait that might be more difficult to pass to the next generation.

I don't even know what you mean by successful.

Probably what you meant.

Genes are what evolve and get passed down and the most successful genes are shared across species.

You don't know the difference between a gene conveying an advantage
that is more likely to be passed on and a gene without the advantage being less likely to be passed on? Have you already forgotten the giraffe example?
a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.
First, you ignored my questions about what qualifications you have to make mental health assessments so I'll ask again, what are your qualifications?

Secondly, great, you copy and pasted a definition. Now connect that definition to some sort of argument. You see where it says a false belief or judgement about external reality? That doesn't seem to be describing feelings, which are an internal reality.
Sexual attraction to the opposite sex sounds like a useful trait that can be passed to the next generation.

Sexual attraction to the same sex sounds like a trait that might be more difficult to pass to the next generation.

Probably what you meant.

Genes are what evolve and get passed down and the most successful genes are shared across species.

You don't know the difference between a gene conveying an advantage
that is more likely to be passed on and a gene without the advantage being less likely to be passed on? Have you already forgotten the giraffe example?
Well first, I explained to you homosexuals aren't infertile. But more than that sexuality isn't just binary. There's a spectrum with people who have attractions throughout. The advantage to homosexuality or polyamorous individuals could be in forming social bonds. We see homosexuality throughout the animal kingdom and even other primates who use sex as conflict resolution.
First, you ignored my questions about what qualifications you have to make mental health assessments so I'll ask again, what are your qualifications?

Secondly, great, you copy and pasted a definition. Now connect that definition to some sort of argument. You see where it says a false belief or judgement about external reality? That doesn't seem to be describing feelings, which are an internal reality.

Well first, I explained to you homosexuals aren't infertile. But more than that sexuality isn't just binary. There's a spectrum with people who have attractions throughout. The advantage to homosexuality or polyamorous individuals could be in forming social bonds. We see homosexuality throughout the animal kingdom and even other primates who use sex as conflict resolution.

First, you ignored my questions about what qualifications you have to make mental health assessments so I'll ask again, what are your qualifications?

What assessment is needed? Dude thinks he's a lady. That's a delusion.
Do you need me to post the definition, again?

You see where it says a false belief or judgement about external reality? That doesn't seem to be describing feelings, which are an internal reality.

His false belief (internal reality) doesn't change incontrovertible external reality.

Well first, I explained to you homosexuals aren't infertile.

Their fertility doesn't help them pass on their genes if nothing gets fertilized.

The advantage to homosexuality or polyamorous individuals could be in forming social bonds.

How is that "advantage" passed to following generations?
First, you ignored my questions about what qualifications you have to make mental health assessments so I'll ask again, what are your qualifications?

What assessment is needed? Dude thinks he's a lady. That's a delusion.
Do you need me to post the definition, again?
I need you to connect the definition to an actual argument because when you do we see how misleading it is. Trans people aren't delusional about what body parts they have. Your definition mentioned external reality, not internal reality and why you probably need some sort of higher education to make these assessments is because simple differences like that elude you.

Mental Health assessments aren't something you're qualified to make. Are you delusional about that fact?
You see where it says a false belief or judgement about external reality? That doesn't seem to be describing feelings, which are an internal reality.

His false belief (internal reality) doesn't change incontrovertible external reality.
I haven't claimed his internal beliefs change external, objective facts. I'm pointing out to you that feelings and external objective facts aren't the same thing.
Well first, I explained to you homosexuals aren't infertile.

Their fertility doesn't help them pass on their genes if nothing gets fertilized.
Well thats a big If right there ain't it. Like I said sexuality is a spectrum and bisexuality is the majority among LGTBQ.
The advantage to homosexuality or polyamorous individuals could be in forming social bonds.

How is that "advantage" passed to following generations?
You don't know how more social bonds are an advantage to fewer social bonds?
I need you to connect the definition to an actual argument because when you do we see how misleading it is. Trans people aren't delusional about what body parts they have. Your definition mentioned external reality, not internal reality and why you probably need some sort of higher education to make these assessments is because simple differences like that elude you.

a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.

Bree feels he's a woman. His false belief about external reality is held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. As the definition says, it occurs especially in mental conditions.
Mental Health assessments aren't something you're qualified to make. Are you delusional about that fact?

I haven't claimed his internal beliefs change external, objective facts. I'm pointing out to you that feelings and external objective facts aren't the same thing.

Well thats a big If right there ain't it. Like I said sexuality is a spectrum and bisexuality is the majority among LGTBQ.

You don't know how more social bonds are an advantage to fewer social bonds?

I haven't claimed his internal beliefs change external, objective facts.


I'm pointing out to you that feelings and external objective facts aren't the same thing.

You're pointing out that his delusions don't make him a woman. Thanks!

Well thats a big If right there ain't it.

If a gay dude doesn't have children, his gay genes aren't passed on.
Genes that aren't passed on can't pass an advantage to future generations.
a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.

Bree feels he's a woman. His false belief about external reality is held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. As the definition says, it occurs especially in mental conditions.

I haven't claimed his internal beliefs change external, objective facts.

Your debate skills are deteriorating before my eyes. :laugh: Nice attempt at objective debate but you can't quite make it over the hump.
I'm pointing out to you that feelings and external objective facts aren't the same thing.

You're pointing out that his delusions don't make him a woman. Thanks!
What delusion? You keep posting a definition about external reality. Do you need me to define external for you?

The only one delusional here is you, who cant accept the external fact that you're not a qualified mental health professional and so incapable of professional diagnosis.

Let me help you out since you seem rather incapable. This is from the people who literally write the diagnositic manual on mental health diagnosis.

It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.

See what it says in bold there fan fiction expert? Or do you prefer cosplay expert?
Well thats a big If right there ain't it.

If a gay dude doesn't have children, his gay genes aren't passed on.
Genes that aren't passed on can't pass an advantage to future generations.
That's still a big If. Your argument is shit when it starts off with IF and still not how procreation works. You don't clone yourself during procreation, you give your child half your DNA and they get the other half from their partner and what you get is a brand new person with a combination of those genes with some of their own mutated versions.
Expecting that others share one's internal, intimate "feelings" is not psychologically sound.
Expecting that others share one's internal, intimate "feelings" is not psychologically sound.
Well no shit. You can't feel what other people are feeling because their feelings are a result of their own biochemistry. You can try to understand where they are coming from though by relating it to similar and feelings and things in your own life, that's called empathy. Have you heard of it?
Your debate skills are deteriorating before my eyes. :laugh: Nice attempt at objective debate but you can't quite make it over the hump.

What delusion? You keep posting a definition about external reality. Do you need me to define external for you?

The only one delusional here is you, who cant accept the external fact that you're not a qualified mental health professional and so incapable of professional diagnosis.

Let me help you out since you seem rather incapable. This is from the people who literally write the diagnositic manual on mental health diagnosis.

It is important to note that gender identity is different from gender expression. Whereas gender identity refers to one’s psychological sense of their gender, gender expression refers to the way in which one presents to the world in a gendered way. For example, in much of the U.S., wearing a dress is considered a “feminine” gender expression, and wearing a tuxedo is considered a “masculine” gender expression. Such expectations are culturally defined and vary across time and culture. One’s gender expression does not necessarily align with their gender identity. Diverse gender expressions, much like diverse gender identities, are not indications of a mental disorder.

See what it says in bold there fan fiction expert? Or do you prefer cosplay expert?

That's still a big If. Your argument is shit when it starts off with IF and still not how procreation works. You don't clone yourself during procreation, you give your child half your DNA and they get the other half from their partner and what you get is a brand new person with a combination of those genes with some of their own mutated versions.

What delusion? You keep posting a definition about external reality. Do you need me to define external for you?

Please do. A delusion is when you have a false belief about external reality.

See what it says in bold there fan fiction expert?

You're claiming he dresses like a woman, he doesn't feel like he's a woman?

That's still a big If.

A gay person not passing on their genes because they have only gay sex is an "If"?

and still not how procreation works.

Dudes fucking dudes isn't how procreation works.

You don't clone yourself during procreation, you give your child half your DNA and they get the other half from their partner and what you get is a brand new person with a combination of those genes with some of their own mutated versions.

And when your partner is the same sex, that doesn't happen.
Well no shit. You can't feel what other people are feeling because their feelings are a result of their own biochemistry. You can try to understand where they are coming from though by relating it to similar and feelings and things in your own life, that's called empathy. Have you heard of it?
You beat me to it.
What delusion? You keep posting a definition about external reality. Do you need me to define external for you?

Please do. A delusion is when you have a false belief about external reality.

See what it says in bold there fan fiction expert?

You're claiming he dresses like a woman, he doesn't feel like he's a woman?
I'm saying feelings aren't external. How are you still confused by this, Short Bus?
That's still a big If.

A gay person not passing on their genes because they have only gay sex is an "If"?

and still not how procreation works.

Dudes fucking dudes isn't how procreation works.
No shit.
You don't clone yourself during procreation, you give your child half your DNA and they get the other half from their partner and what you get is a brand new person with a combination of those genes with some of their own mutated versions.

And when your partner is the same sex, that doesn't happen.
Again, no shit. You don't have to be gay to produce gay children that should clue you into something about the nature of genes. Randomness and chance play their natural role.

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