US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

To get respect, you first have to respect yourself.

Dignity is a quality a person has that encourages others to respect them.

These people have no dignity which is why they get no respect.

It's why they are picked on, laughed at, mocked, and bullied.
To get respect, you first have to respect yourself.

Dignity is a quality a person has that encourages others to respect them.

These people have no dignity which is why they get no respect.

It's why they are picked on, laughed at, mocked, and bullied.
Which professional institutions of physical or mental health respects the opinions of you bigots on the right? It's you deplorables who get looked down and made fun of by the mainstream of society.
Speaking of professional institutions of mental health, why can't they help these people?

Why don't you lefties help your fellow citizens?

Increasing Reports of Suicidal Thoughts Among LGBTQ Youth
Why don't you learn to read you ignorant bigot? :dunno: :laugh:

As I told you before the mainstream isn't down with your ignorant bigotry which why linking to respected sources doesn't do you stupid bigots any favors. Not that you'd know that because again, you're too fucking stupid to even read the things you yourself link to.


LGBTQ youth face unique stressors that could exacerbate mental health concerns. Conservative state lawmakers have introduced a surge of bills targeting LGBTQ youth in the past two years, and roughly 240 anti-LGBTQ bills have been filed in 2022 alone, with roughly half specifically targeting trans people, according to a March 20 NBC News analysis. Lawmakers have particularly focused on trans youth, and 15 states have banned trans students from playing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. Two states have passed laws banning classroom instruction about sexual orientation and gender identity in certain grade levels. Three states have banned young people from accessing gender-affirming care. In March, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott directed state officials to investigate the families of trans youth who’d received such care for child abuse.

LGBTQ advocates warn such laws could have dangerous consequences. “We also hear from young people who are not in the states that are impacted by these laws yet, but who are just worried that there are so many people in the country who are using their time to attack LGBTQ kids,” says Paley. The report found that 60% of LGBTQ youth who wanted mental health care in the past year reported not being able to access it.

The data suggest taking steps to create an affirming home or school environments could be crucial suicide-prevention tools. The report found that fewer than 1 in 3 trans and nonbinary youth felt affirmed in their gender at home, and LGBTQ youth who felt high social support from their family reported attempting suicide at less than half the rate of those who felt low or moderate social support. The survey found that LGBTQ youth who reported their school to be LGBTQ-affirming also reported lower rates of attempting suicide. “Sometimes people look at a broad social trend like this, and they think about laws that need to change, policies that need to change, and those do need to happen,” Paley says. “But every single person has the ability to create a different experience for the young people in their life.”

The worsening mental health concerns for LGBTQ youth fit into a broader trend in the country. In December 2021, the U.S. surgeon general issued a rare public warning that young Americans are facing a “devastating” mental health crisis driven by the particular challenges of their generation, including two years of a global pandemic that exacerbated isolation and loneliness. But even before the pandemic, in 2017, 13% of U.S. teens ages 12 to 17 said they’d experienced a major depressive episode in the past year, up 8% from 2007, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
To get respect, you first have to respect yourself.

Dignity is a quality a person has that encourages others to respect them.

These people have no dignity which is why they get no respect.

It's why they are picked on, laughed at, mocked, and bullied.

Why not just leave them in peace?
Why don't you learn to read you ignorant bigot? :dunno: :laugh:

As I told you before the mainstream isn't down with your ignorant bigotry which why linking to respected sources doesn't do you stupid bigots any favors. Not that you'd know that because again, you're too fucking stupid to even read the things you yourself link to.

Why don't you help your fellow citizens with their problems?

You don't give two shits, that's why.
And the story you linked to says the way to help is to create affirming home and school environments. Is that what you're doing Duke?

The story I linked to shows a mental health crisis happening among the lgbtq community.

Not interested in what the activists thinks.

LGBTQ advocates warn such laws could have dangerous consequences.
I'm saying feelings aren't external. How are you still confused by this, Short Bus?

No shit.

Again, no shit. You don't have to be gay to produce gay children that should clue you into something about the nature of genes. Randomness and chance play their natural role.

I'm saying feelings aren't external.

Who said feelings were external? Where?
I'm not confused about that guy's delusion.

You don't have to be gay to produce gay children

Obviously. Now, back to your claim that gay people are passing on their genes.
To get respect, you first have to respect yourself.

Dignity is a quality a person has that encourages others to respect them.

These people have no dignity which is why they get no respect.

It's why they are picked on, laughed at, mocked, and bullied.

Only men like Trump mock and bully the less fortunate.
The story I linked to shows a mental health crisis happening among the lgbtq community.

Not interested in what the activists thinks.

LGBTQ advocates warn such laws could have dangerous consequences.
If you're not interested in what the story says why are you linking to it?
The story I linked to shows a mental health crisis happening among the lgbtq community.

Not interested in what the activists thinks.

LGBTQ advocates warn such laws could have dangerous consequences.
It also says....

The report found that fewer than 1 in 3 trans and nonbinary youth felt affirmed in their gender at home, and LGBTQ youth who felt high social support from their family reported attempting suicide at less than half the rate of those who felt low or moderate social support. The survey found that LGBTQ youth who reported their school to be LGBTQ-affirming also reported lower rates of attempting suicide.

Learn to read you ignorant fucktard. :laugh:
I'm saying feelings aren't external.

Who said feelings were external? Where?
I'm not confused about that guy's delusion.

You don't have to be gay to produce gay children

Obviously. Now, back to your claim that gay people are passing on their genes.

Lots of gay men marry and have children.
I'm saying feelings aren't external.

Who said feelings were external? Where?
I'm not confused about that guy's delusion.
What delusion? You have continually failed to describe one. The definition of delusion you gave references external reality. What external reality are you accusing trans people of being delusional about?

a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions.
That's you with your definition. Now explain how your argument satisfies it.
You don't have to be gay to produce gay children

Obviously. Now, back to your claim that gay people are passing on their genes.
Why, when that isn't my argument? My argument is that the genetic predisposition for homosexuality gets passed down in humans whether gay people procreate or not by the obvious fact of its steady representation in the population.
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I said the activist smart guy.
That's the part you chose to focus on, Snowflake. It also gave you data that suggests affirming environments reduce the risk of suicide and mental health issues. You ignored that like the cowardly bigot you are because it didn't suit your argument. But that's your problem isn't it? No respect source does.
I guess you would like to let the people who have a high suicide rate dictate how to deal with their mental problem.

It's no wonder these people are so fucked up.
Geee.... I wonder why people doubt the sincerity of your concern... :laugh:

Who is the pretending for? Your own mental frailty? Do you have a difficult time accepting that you're a disgusting bigot?
Which report smart guy?
The one you linked to that says data shows affirming environments lower suicide risks.

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