US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

Plus it allows the 100 other made up definitions that are combined with various made up sexualities.

I wonder what portion of those who fall for this “gender” bullshit understand about imaginary and complex numbers?

To be honest, the first time an instructor mentioned the concept in front of me, I was certain that he was trying to make some kind of joke.

But it is a legitimate mathematical concept.

In the realm of real numbers, a negative number has no square root, nor any root with any other even exponent. There is no real number that you can multiply by itself and get a negative number. There is no real number that you can raise to any even power, and get a negative number. If you multiply any negative number by any negative number (even itself), you always get a positive number. If you raise a negative number to an even power, you get a positive number.

So, enter the Imaginary Unit, usually represented by the letter i, which is defined as being the square root of negative one. Any multiple of i is an imaginary number, not a real number.

And building on that are complex numbers, which are the sum of a real number and an imaginary number. And all of this is part of legitimate math, leading to solutions to mathematical problems that cannot be solved using real numbers alone.

Now, getting back to “gender”, all of us who are sane know that there are only two that are real, male and female. Any other “genders are imaginary.

So it would be incorrect to speak of a hundred “genders”. Rather, you should speak of 2+98i “genders”.
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Feelings don't change him into her.
Except it does. Him and her are gendered phrases and the science link just told you those can change. It's chromosomes that you can't change. We can change some physiology through hormone blockers and hormone treatments but for the most part it's biological traits that can't be changed not gendered identities. Those can be.
Except it does. Him and her are gendered phrases and the science link just told you those can change. It's chromosomes that you can't change. We can change some physiology through hormone blockers and hormone treatments but for the most part it's biological traits that can't be changed not gendered identities. Those can be.

He is he, even if he feels he's she. Science.
Why do leftists hate science so much?

They love “science” when they can twist it into a distorted mockery of itself, use that mockery to promote an agenda that is absolutely irreconcilable with genuine science, as well as with basic common sense and common decency; and then accuse anyone who opposes that agenda of being “anti-‘science’”.
No, he is still a he. He doesn't want to be a he, he wants to be a she, but he's a he. It doesn't denigrate anyone to be accurate. If I lose a leg or was born without one, demanding that people pretend I have both legs doesn't give me two legs. I can get very proficient in using a prosthetic leg and maybe forget for a while that I'm missing a leg, I might be able to get to the point where I can (mostly) get around like everyone else, but I'm still missing a leg, it's just a fact. This guy is not a woman. He can appear more feminine, but that's it, he can't change his biology. Now if he were to meet me in person and ask me to refer to him as a woman, I would not deliberately antagonize him by calling him a man because I would want to be polite, but that doesn't make him a woman, just like ignoring someone's missing leg does not mean they actually have two legs.

Doctors would not try to do a pap smear, check for ovarian cancer, or do a hysterectomy on him. That would be ridiculous because he's not a woman. If they did, I would question their fitness as medical health professionals.
And she is still on that wall protecting you and your loved ones.
What do you want ? To exterminate all trannys ? What the fuck is wrong with you weirdo bastards ?
Except it does. Him and her are gendered phrases and the science link just told you those can change. It's chromosomes that you can't change. We can change some physiology through hormone blockers and hormone treatments but for the most part it's biological traits that can't be changed not gendered identities. Those can be.
Some people think they’re dogs too. So your superior orders you to treat him like a dog and one slip means demotion and you’re happy with the idea.
Impossible to have a rational discussion with someone who claims humans change sex on a whim.
What's impossible is having a rational conversation with cowards and morons who have to make things up.

Which is pretty much the same thing that Weatherman2020 just said.

Your problem is that you fail to understand that you fall under both of those descriptions, equally and fully, while Weatherman2020 does not fall under either of them.
What do you want ? To exterminate all trannys [sic] ? What the fuck is wrong with you weirdo bastards ?

And again, a fucked-up freak that takes the side of perverts and lunatics against that of human beings, is calling those of us who recognize this perversion and lunacy for what it very clearly is, “weirdo bastards”.


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