US Space Force Lt Col Who Thinks He’s a Woman Demands Dignity and Respect While Berating Everyone

What's the difference?
Sex & Gender | Office of Research on Women's Health

Sex is a multidimensional biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. (These components are sometimes referred to together as “sex traits.”)[2] All animals (including humans) have a sex. As is common across health research communities, NIH usually categorizes sex as male or female, although variations do occur. These variations in sex characteristics are also known as intersex conditions.

Gender is relevant only for research with humans (not other animals). Gender can be broadly defined as a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits.[2] Understandings of gender vary throughout historical and cultural contexts.

A person’s gender identity (e.g., woman, man, trans man, gender-diverse, nonbinary) is self-identified, may change throughout their life, and may or may not correspond to a society’s cultural expectations based on their biological sex traits.
His death certificate will say male.

He is a she. That was easy. You certainly put a lot of energy into denigrating this public servant who defends you and your loved ones.

What the fuck is wrong with your sort ?
No, he is still a he. He doesn't want to be a he, he wants to be a she, but he's a he. It doesn't denigrate anyone to be accurate. If I lose a leg or was born without one, demanding that people pretend I have both legs doesn't give me two legs. I can get very proficient in using a prosthetic leg and maybe forget for a while that I'm missing a leg, I might be able to get to the point where I can (mostly) get around like everyone else, but I'm still missing a leg, it's just a fact. This guy is not a woman. He can appear more feminine, but that's it, he can't change his biology. Now if he were to meet me in person and ask me to refer to him as a woman, I would not deliberately antagonize him by calling him a man because I would want to be polite, but that doesn't make him a woman, just like ignoring someone's missing leg does not mean they actually have two legs.

Doctors would not try to do a pap smear, check for ovarian cancer, or do a hysterectomy on him. That would be ridiculous because he's not a woman. If they did, I would question their fitness as medical health professionals.
Sex & Gender | Office of Research on Women's Health

Sex is a multidimensional biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. (These components are sometimes referred to together as “sex traits.”)[2] All animals (including humans) have a sex. As is common across health research communities, NIH usually categorizes sex as male or female, although variations do occur. These variations in sex characteristics are also known as intersex conditions.

Gender is relevant only for research with humans (not other animals). Gender can be broadly defined as a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits.[2] Understandings of gender vary throughout historical and cultural contexts.

A person’s gender identity (e.g., woman, man, trans man, gender-diverse, nonbinary) is self-identified, may change throughout their life, and may or may not correspond to a society’s cultural expectations based on their biological sex traits.

One is science and one is feelings. Thanks!
Sex & Gender | Office of Research on Women's Health

Sex is a multidimensional biological construct based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and hormones. (These components are sometimes referred to together as “sex traits.”)[2] All animals (including humans) have a sex. As is common across health research communities, NIH usually categorizes sex as male or female, although variations do occur. These variations in sex characteristics are also known as intersex conditions.

Gender is relevant only for research with humans (not other animals). Gender can be broadly defined as a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits.[2] Understandings of gender vary throughout historical and cultural contexts.

A person’s gender identity (e.g., woman, man, trans man, gender-diverse, nonbinary) is self-identified, may change throughout their life, and may or may not correspond to a society’s cultural expectations based on their biological sex traits.
‘Gender’ is a made up word to cover a variety of mental illnesses.
‘Gender’ is a made up word to cover a variety of mental illnesses.

I would say hijacked rather than “made up”.

It's a word that has been around for a very long time, describing certain legitimate meanings with relation to culture and language.

The use of the word in modern times, to try to dismiss the biological distinction between male and female, and to push madness as “science”, is relatively recent, and not at all consistent with what the word has historically been used to mean.
I would say hijacked rather than “made up”.

It's a word that has been around for a very long time, describing certain legitimate meanings with relation to culture and language.

The use of the word in modern times, to try to dismiss the biological distinction between male and female, and to push madness as “science”, is relatively recent, and not at all consistent with what the word has historically been used to mean.

Exactly. It's used to muddle the line when people actually are talking about sex.

Plus it allows the 100 other made up definitions that are combined with various made up sexualities.

You are either male or female.
You either like dick, or pussy, or don't care.
I would say hijacked rather than “made up”.

It's a word that has been around for a very long time, describing certain legitimate meanings with relation to culture and language.

The use of the word in modern times, to try to dismiss the biological distinction between male and female, and to push madness as “science”, is relatively recent, and not at all consistent with what the word has historically been used to mean.
God created male and female, so the satanic cultists must attack it.
Gender is relevant only for research with humans (not other animals). Gender can be broadly defined as a multidimensional construct that encompasses gender identity and expression, as well as social and cultural expectations about status, characteristics, and behavior as they are associated with certain sex traits.[2] Understandings of gender vary throughout historical and cultural contexts.


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