US spends billions to fund terrorists in Syria, but can't rescue girls from Afro Mob?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
US spends billions to fund terrorists in Syria, but can not track down and rescue abducted girls from an African mob? GTFO - all the demo republican supporters of US system are beyond help morally - their hypocrisy is evident to the whole world.

Boko Haram leader: 'I will sell' kidnapped Nigerian girls -

I kidnaped your girls, 'I will sell them,' Boko Haram leader says


If 200 people was our threshold for sending money or putting boots on the ground, we would have to put every American in uniform and run the money printing press 24/7.

There were tens of thousands killed in Syria before we intervened.
If 200 people was our threshold for sending money or putting boots on the ground, we would have to put every American in uniform and run the money printing press 24/7.

There were tens of thousands killed in Syria before we intervened.
US intervened BEFORE the crisis escalated, just like they did in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.
My question is this: will the US use it's available tools and resources to find the kidnappers and bring them to justice, or will it continue focusing on helping terrorists in places like Syria and their efforts to create instability in Ukraine by inviting the unelected banker to the white house and calling him a leader? It's a simple question really.
The ignorance of these types of facts, the inactivity of these types of discussions, and the American moaning about things like the 4 killed in Benghazi several years ago where US also was militarily involved by a peace prize winner president, reveals that USA is nothing but a clan of hyena hypocrites. I live in America, I could call myself American, but I think I'd rather not.

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