US State with highest vaccination rate (88%) hit by virus surge

A few facts go to with the fear mongering.

Vermont has the lowest per capita infection and death rate in the nation.

Their "surge" was 174 positive cases in a week.

The "surge" is directly related to schools reopening, as schools have accounted for more than 300 of their new cases.

They are averaging less than 1 death per week from COVID.
A few facts go to with the fear mongering.

Vermont has the lowest per capita infection and death rate in the nation.

Their "surge" was 174 positive cases in a week.

The "surge" is directly related to schools reopening, as schools have accounted for more than 300 of their new cases.

They are averaging less than 1 death per week from COVID.
I read an article yesterday in our biggest local mainstream newspaper, and they said an outbreak happened, with a huge headline... Turned out their "outbreak" was ONE person who tested positive. So yes, 174 is a MASSIVE SURGE!!!!!! lol
Those old geezers who got the vaccines in December and January need booster shots!
Keep pumping that snake juice and destroying the fighter t cells, white blood cells, and immune system. Yeah!!!!
If you are an old geezer, silly one, you're at the highest risk category of dying from covid or barely surviving it with lots of continuing medical problems, if you catch it.

Duh. The old geezers can't take the chance of catching it, and surviving it with minimal damage, to create those T and B cell antibodies etc to protect them from getting sick again, in the future....

Those that are younger, at lower health risk who survive it when caught, were going to survive it...destined to survive it....whether it be their first time catching it or third time catching it, even if they never developed permanent antibodies imo....covid doesn't affect them, for the most part they are asymptomatic cases....or minor common cold symptoms.

(The problem with that, is they are still playing Russian Roulette....they could be the rare exception to that general rule....but their chances are much lower risk of taking the bullet in the head.)

So NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, should old geezers take their chances and get infected with covid, so they can have their own full range of antibodies, if they survived!!! :eek-52:
A simple question.
When the 'vaccine' doesn't work why governments worldwide force you to be vaccinated?

Vermont, the state with the highest vaccination rate in the United States, is experiencing a CCP virus surge at levels not seen since the pandemic’s peak last winter.

Guess you haven't heard. If even one person remains unvaccinated and the virus surges, it is the fault of that one unvaccinated person.
Vermont has the lowest per capita infection and death rate in the nation.
Vermont is a small state, population of maybe Boston , & has a governor who's highly addicted to federal funds, and after almost 2 years of being on the federal teat, will do almost anything to stay on it

which, iirc, means the introduction of a manufactured (dead) antigen.....

Oh a vector vaccine with the current variant and full dead antigen like Covaxin............hmmm

Only India gets that. I think they are first changing it to the delta variant too. But we are on the NU variant after skipping the XI variant because.........well that might offend someone.

Anyways.................lets all get the Alpha jab for the NU variant that doesn't work and by the time it's out we will be at ZEBRA.


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