US Steel To Restart Illinois Plant Operations: Plans To Call Back 500 Employees....

And BTW, for those who posted fake numbers about China only sending us 2% of our steel, fuck off. China makes HALF of the steel produced in the world and trans-ships a lot of it to us through other countries. The real number of Chink steel sent to the US is 25%. If Canuckistan does what we demand on NAFTA, they come off the list...the EU and the rest.....starve for all we care, bitches.

Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't think anybody is saying that, maybe you could elaborate a little on what you mean. And can the vitriol BTW, it ain't really going to help make your case any.
No elaboration needed. If you call that vitriol you are a little to delicate.

So you don't know what you're talking about either. Look, you've been around for awhile so you ought to know better than this: don't be riding in, take a cheap shot without really aiming at anybody, and then ride out. So cut the crap and explain what you mean, who are you saying is against getting or keeping a job? I don't see anybody saying that.
I do. Every time it happens, and Trump takes credit, they act like Trump is hurting people by creating jobs. And the guy I did that to is famous for it.

Ok, so you're saying that these tariffs will create jobs in the steel and aluminum producing industries, got that. I take it you're not seeing the job losses in the steel and aluminum consuming US industries. Say you make a product that is made in the US at least partly with steel, and you're competing with foreign companies who make the same thing, but your product prices are going to go up some due to those new tariffs, so you lose some business to your competitors. Or your profit goes down, stockholders generally don't like that. Maybe to avoid that you make changes to cut costs somewhere else, maybe in labor costs. Some people say the increase in the cost of steel is minimal but others say it's more than minimal. So, if we look at the last time e did steel tariffs under Bush in 2002 we find that there were indeed jobs losses in steel consuming industries on the order of couple hundred thousand and that ain't minimal IMO.
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Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't think anybody is saying that, maybe you could elaborate a little on what you mean. And can the vitriol BTW, it ain't really going to help make your case any.
No elaboration needed. If you call that vitriol you are a little to delicate.

So you don't know what you're talking about either. Look, you've been around for awhile so you ought to know better than this: don't be riding in, take a cheap shot without really aiming at anybody, and then ride out. So cut the crap and explain what you mean, who are you saying is against getting or keeping a job? I don't see anybody saying that.
I do. Every time it happens, and Trump takes credit, they act like Trump is hurting people by creating jobs. And the guy I did that to is famous for it.

Ok, so you're saying that these tariffs will create jobs in the steel and aluminum producing industries, got that. I take you're not seeing the job losses in the steel and aluminum consuming US industries. Say you make a product that is made in the US at least partly with steel, and you're competing with foreign companies who make the same thing, but your product prices are going to go up some due to those new tariffs, so you lose some business to your competitors. Or your profit goes down, stockholders generally don't like that. Maybe to avoid that you make changes to cut costs somewhere else, maybe in labor costs.

Or other countries push back with large tariffs on our grain stocks we ship all over the world and a major part of the Ag sector goes under. How many jobs will that cost the US?
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

That's already been happening for many years. The numerous terrible Globalist trade deals saw to that. So many quality American Jobs were lost as a result. It's time to turn that around. Time to help our fellow Americans for a change.

Make no mistake about it, the people complaining about this, are the same people who threw our American Workers overboard many years ago. They're greedy Un-American Globalists. So good on Trump.

Bullshit. The wealth of the USA is built on globalism and international trade starting with supplying defence weapons for the Allies in WWII.

Protectionist policies and trade wars exaserbated and extended the Great Depression.

Protectionism and the Great Depression

Post WWII, America supplied a shattered Europe with equipment, machinery and consumer goods until European countries were able to rebuild their factories and manufacturing capability. This was the basis of American prosperity in the 50’s.

During and after WWII tariffs were dropped and trade encouraged. So many factory were bombed and destroyed in hopes of destroying the ability of the other side to wage war or to supply their citizens, that Europeans were eager for American goods.

In the 80’s Americans expanded their businesses in Canada, Europe and Asia. McDonald’s Wal-Mart, Apple, Marshall’s, Victoria’s Secret, Home Depot, New York Fries, KFC. Any American walking through a mall in Canada would feel right at home.

So if the US wants to start a trade war, the rest of the world will just stop patronizing American owned businesses.

There’s more people in the rest of the world to boycott American goods and services than there are in the US to provide them.
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I don't think anybody is saying that, maybe you could elaborate a little on what you mean. And can the vitriol BTW, it ain't really going to help make your case any.
No elaboration needed. If you call that vitriol you are a little to delicate.

So you don't know what you're talking about either. Look, you've been around for awhile so you ought to know better than this: don't be riding in, take a cheap shot without really aiming at anybody, and then ride out. So cut the crap and explain what you mean, who are you saying is against getting or keeping a job? I don't see anybody saying that.
I do. Every time it happens, and Trump takes credit, they act like Trump is hurting people by creating jobs. And the guy I did that to is famous for it.

Ok, so you're saying that these tariffs will create jobs in the steel and aluminum producing industries, got that. I take it you're not seeing the job losses in the steel and aluminum consuming US industries. Say you make a product that is made in the US at least partly with steel, and you're competing with foreign companies who make the same thing, but your product prices are going to go up some due to those new tariffs, so you lose some business to your competitors. Or your profit goes down, stockholders generally don't like that. Maybe to avoid that you make changes to cut costs somewhere else, maybe in labor costs. Some people say the increase in the cost of steel is minimal but others say it's more than minimal. So, if we look at the last time e did steel tariffs under Bush in 2002 we find that there were indeed jobs losses in steel consuming industries on the order of couple hundred thousand and that ain't minimal IMO.

I am saying that any job anyone gets supports their families and that is a good thing. If the jobs last or don't last is irrelevant to those who need the money. You seem hellbent to make something I did not say the topic.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

That's already been happening for many years. The numerous terrible Globalist trade deals saw to that. So many quality American Jobs were lost as a result. It's time to turn that around. Time to help our fellow Americans for a change.

Make no mistake about it, the people complaining about this, are the same people who threw our American Workers overboard many years ago. They're greedy Un-American Globalists. So good on Trump.

Bullshit. The wealth of the USA is built on globalism and international trade starting with supplying defence weapons for the Allies in WWII.

Protectionist policies and trade wars exaserbated and extended the Great Depression.

Protectionism and the Great Depression

Post WWII, America supplied a shattered Europe with equipment, machinery and consumer goods until European countries were able to rebuild their factories and manufacturing capability. This was the basis of American prosperity in the 50’s.

During and after WWII tariffs were dropped and trade encouraged. So many factory were bombed and destroyed in hopes of destroying the ability of the other side to wage war or to supply their citizens, that Europeans were eager for American goods.

In the 80’s Americans expanded their businesses in Canada, Europe and Asia. McDonald’s Wal-Mart, Apple, Marshall’s, Victoria’s Secret, Home Depot, New York Fries, KFC. Any American walking through a mall in Canada would feel right at home.

So if the US wants to start a trade war, the rest of the world will just stop patronizing American owned businesses.

There’s more people in the rest of the world to boycott American goods and services than there are in the US to provide them.
My God, even a dingbat must realize that the US is 25% of the world's market.
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Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?
I don't think anybody is saying that, maybe you could elaborate a little on what you mean. And can the vitriol BTW, it ain't really going to help make your case any.
No elaboration needed. If you call that vitriol you are a little to delicate.

So you don't know what you're talking about either. Look, you've been around for awhile so you ought to know better than this: don't be riding in, take a cheap shot without really aiming at anybody, and then ride out. So cut the crap and explain what you mean, who are you saying is against getting or keeping a job? I don't see anybody saying that.
I do. Every time it happens, and Trump takes credit, they act like Trump is hurting people by creating jobs. And the guy I did that to is famous for it.

Ok, so you're saying that these tariffs will create jobs in the steel and aluminum producing industries, got that. I take it you're not seeing the job losses in the steel and aluminum consuming US industries. Say you make a product that is made in the US at least partly with steel, and you're competing with foreign companies who make the same thing, but your product prices are going to go up some due to those new tariffs, so you lose some business to your competitors. Or your profit goes down, stockholders generally don't like that. Maybe to avoid that you make changes to cut costs somewhere else, maybe in labor costs. Some people say the increase in the cost of steel is minimal but others say it's more than minimal. So, if we look at the last time e did steel tariffs under Bush in 2002 we find that there were indeed jobs losses in steel consuming industries on the order of couple hundred thousand and that ain't minimal IMO.

I am saying that any job anyone gets supports their families and that is a good thing. If the jobs last or don't last is irrelevant to those who need the money. You seem hellbent to make something I did not say the topic.

Actually I'm trying like hell to figure out what you did say. And I am hereby giving up.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

No we don’t. We get our steel from Hamilton. Only 7% of Canadian steel comes from China. I haven’t been able to confirm this but logic tells me that most of it probably gets used in British Columbia, where it would be cheaper to buy Chinese steel than it would be to ship Canadian steel from Hamilton.

Canada’s largest steel manufacturer is Dofasco, which is wholly owned by US Steel.

Conservatives: no facts, no intellectual curiosity, no common sense = no clue
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

Well that is a fascinating claim.

Any evidence to back it up?

I mean if there was actual evidence that Chinese steel was being supplied to Canada for nothing- and then Canadians were calling it steel made in Canada- and thereby committing fraud in the United States- I would expect that the Commerce Department would have taken legal action not- both criminal and civil.

Why do you think that Trump's administration would want to cover that up?
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

I've been wondering that myself. We slapped a big tariff on Chinese steel a few years back I think, so it ain't them. I do know that Canada imports a lot of cheaper Chinese steel, are they using it or selling it to us? Why are other countries buying the cheaper Chinese steel? The steelworkers union there (Canada) is the same one that we have here, so are their steelworkers paid the same as ours? In a world where there's already a glut of steel out there from over production, how is it that the cost of US steel is so high in the US?

Yeah- its pretty easy to understand how Chinese steel could be cheaper- but Canadian steel?

Are Canadians just that more productive than Americans?

Highly doubt that. I have yet to see any other answer to your question though.

It does seem like the question that should be asked doesn't it?

Rather than protecting American industry from competition- perhaps find out why American industry isn't competitive with your neighbor who has the same unions and the same language and is on the same continent?
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Liberals want to see the USA fail.....if it means job losses so be it.
Tariffs cause job loss. Congratulations.

Yeah, you have been completely wrong since Trump got elected.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

Well that is a fascinating claim.

Any evidence to back it up?

I mean if there was actual evidence that Chinese steel was being supplied to Canada for nothing- and then Canadians were calling it steel made in Canada- and thereby committing fraud in the United States- I would expect that the Commerce Department would have taken legal action not- both criminal and civil.

Why do you think that Trump's administration would want to cover that up?

Sure, check the map below. Canada is one of, if not the largest, importer of Chinese steel.

"The 22 countries highlighted in the map below represent the top markets for China’s exports of steel, receiving more than 900 thousand metric tons each and accounting for 72 percent of China’s steel exports in 2017."
Let's see 500 jobs gained but 180,000 risk losing their jobs because of these tariffs. Even with additional steelworkers employed, there will still be a 140,000 net loss in jobs.

I am not a great mathematician like all these pro-Trumpers are, but it seems to me that the American people are getting a raw deal with these tariffs.

However, in the Trumpian age of alternative facts, where up is down and round is square, losing more jobs than you gain by ill-thought out policies is considered a win.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
Let's see 500 jobs gained but 180,000 risk losing their jobs because of these tariffs. Even with additional steelworkers employed, there will still be a 140,000 net loss in jobs.

I am not a great mathematician like all these pro-Trumpers are, but it seems to me that the American people are getting a raw deal with these tariffs.

However, in the Trumpian age of alternative facts, where up is down and round is square, losing more jobs than you gain by ill-thought out policies is considered a win.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
All bullshit. The Trade Partnership from which you "source" this spewage is a globalist leftist think tank that strives for a single world economy. Only communist pukes like these clowns could spin manufacturing our own steel into job loss when, in actually, will net huge gains in the US economy.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

Well that is a fascinating claim.

Any evidence to back it up?

I mean if there was actual evidence that Chinese steel was being supplied to Canada for nothing- and then Canadians were calling it steel made in Canada- and thereby committing fraud in the United States- I would expect that the Commerce Department would have taken legal action not- both criminal and civil.

Why do you think that Trump's administration would want to cover that up?

Sure, check the map below. Canada is one of, if not the largest, importer of Chinese steel.

"The 22 countries highlighted in the map below represent the top markets for China’s exports of steel, receiving more than 900 thousand metric tons each and accounting for 72 percent of China’s steel exports in 2017."

So Canada is one of the largest importers of Chinese steel?

Really? Because your document doesn't even list Canada in the top 10

And where is the evidence that China provides steel to Canada at 'no cost'?
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

Well that is a fascinating claim.

Any evidence to back it up?

I mean if there was actual evidence that Chinese steel was being supplied to Canada for nothing- and then Canadians were calling it steel made in Canada- and thereby committing fraud in the United States- I would expect that the Commerce Department would have taken legal action not- both criminal and civil.

Why do you think that Trump's administration would want to cover that up?

Sure, check the map below. Canada is one of, if not the largest, importer of Chinese steel.

"The 22 countries highlighted in the map below represent the top markets for China’s exports of steel, receiving more than 900 thousand metric tons each and accounting for 72 percent of China’s steel exports in 2017."

But thanks for the links- that took me to this paper:

Oddly enough- guess who is the largest exporter of steel to Canada?

The United States- 59% followed by a very distant second China at 9%

Why does American steel need to be protected from Canadian steel again?

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