US Steel To Restart Illinois Plant Operations: Plans To Call Back 500 Employees....

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

Well that is a fascinating claim.

Any evidence to back it up?

I mean if there was actual evidence that Chinese steel was being supplied to Canada for nothing- and then Canadians were calling it steel made in Canada- and thereby committing fraud in the United States- I would expect that the Commerce Department would have taken legal action not- both criminal and civil.

Why do you think that Trump's administration would want to cover that up?

Sure, check the map below. Canada is one of, if not the largest, importer of Chinese steel.

"The 22 countries highlighted in the map below represent the top markets for China’s exports of steel, receiving more than 900 thousand metric tons each and accounting for 72 percent of China’s steel exports in 2017."

Uh, Westy? I'm not seeing Canada in this chart. I did see the map where they are one of the 22 countries as you say, but I'm not seeing anything tht suggest Canada is one of the largest importers of Chinese steel. And I did not see Canada listed anywhere in the report. Maybe they used to be but aren't any more?

View attachment 181117

Check the link I provided.

He did- I did- but apparently you didn't.

Canada isn't one of the top 10 importers of Chinese steel.

According to your link.
Why would they 'transship' steel through other countries?

There are no quota's on Chinese steel- no restrictions on imports right now- why would they add additional costs to the transaction by shipping their steel through Australia or some such?

And to those of you who seem thrilled by this tax on Americans- fuck off.'s why and it's not just us who are PISSED about it:

Europe Circles in on Vietnam

A recent Reuters report covers the European Union’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) investigations into whether Chinese companies shipped steel through other countries, known as transshipment to avoid anti-dumping duties.

Apparently, OLAF is looking into several cases where Chinese steel firms shipped the metal to another country, disguised its origin, and then shipped it on to Europe to avoid duties or quota limits from the original producing country. As with the recent China Zhongwang case in the U.S., the transshipment country is again Vietnam. OLAF is investigating 190 shipments of Chinese coated steel coils that arrived in Portugal, Spain and Poland from Vietnam in 2013-2014, the news wire says.

OLAF estimates the shipments via Vietnam were worth about $19 million and that the steel was given Vietnamese certificates of origin, the Vietnamese trade ministry said on its website, and it should be said Vietnamese authorities are cooperating with the E.U. in investigating these allegations.

EU Takes Action Against Transshipped Chinese Steel
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And BTW, for those who posted fake numbers about China only sending us 2% of our steel, fuck off. China makes HALF of the steel produced in the world and trans-ships a lot of it to us through other countries. The real number of Chink steel sent to the US is 25%. If Canuckistan does what we demand on NAFTA, they come off the list...the EU and the rest.....starve for all we care, bitches.

Why would they 'transship' steel through other countries?

There are no quota's on Chinese steel- no restrictions on imports right now- why would they add additional costs to the transaction by shipping their steel through Australia or some such?

And to those of you who seem thrilled by this tax on Americans- fuck off.'s why and it's not just us who are PISSED about it:

Europe Circles in on Vietnam

A recent Reuters report covers the European Union’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) investigations into whether Chinese companies shipped steel through other countries, known as transshipment to avoid anti-dumping duties.

Apparently, OLAF is looking into several cases where Chinese steel firms shipped the metal to another country, disguised its origin, and then shipped it on to Europe to avoid duties or quota limits from the original producing country. As with the recent China Zhongwang case in the U.S., the transshipment country is again Vietnam. OLAF is investigating 190 shipments of Chinese coated steel coils that arrived in Portugal, Spain and Poland from Vietnam in 2013-2014, the news wire says.

OLAF estimates the shipments via Vietnam were worth about $19 million and that the steel was given Vietnamese certificates of origin, the Vietnamese trade ministry said on its website, and it should be said Vietnamese authorities are cooperating with the E.U. in investigating these allegations.

EU Takes Action Against Transshipped Chinese Steel

Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?
Yes, we heard this before......

And BTW, for those who posted fake numbers about China only sending us 2% of our steel, fuck off. China makes HALF of the steel produced in the world and trans-ships a lot of it to us through other countries. The real number of Chink steel sent to the US is 25%. If Canuckistan does what we demand on NAFTA, they come off the list...the EU and the rest.....starve for all we care, bitches.

Why would they 'transship' steel through other countries?

There are no quota's on Chinese steel- no restrictions on imports right now- why would they add additional costs to the transaction by shipping their steel through Australia or some such?

And to those of you who seem thrilled by this tax on Americans- fuck off.'s why and it's not just us who are PISSED about it:

Europe Circles in on Vietnam

A recent Reuters report covers the European Union’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) investigations into whether Chinese companies shipped steel through other countries, known as transshipment to avoid anti-dumping duties.

Apparently, OLAF is looking into several cases where Chinese steel firms shipped the metal to another country, disguised its origin, and then shipped it on to Europe to avoid duties or quota limits from the original producing country. As with the recent China Zhongwang case in the U.S., the transshipment country is again Vietnam. OLAF is investigating 190 shipments of Chinese coated steel coils that arrived in Portugal, Spain and Poland from Vietnam in 2013-2014, the news wire says.

OLAF estimates the shipments via Vietnam were worth about $19 million and that the steel was given Vietnamese certificates of origin, the Vietnamese trade ministry said on its website, and it should be said Vietnamese authorities are cooperating with the E.U. in investigating these allegations.

EU Takes Action Against Transshipped Chinese Steel

Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

Why would they allow that fraud? Depends on what you mean by "allow". Americas allow bribing and interference by Canada in your government and elections, why would this be any different? Which is why as I posted on here, the RCMP laid exactly TWO total charges of bribery over a 15 year period. We use it as a tool to influence governments. During the same period America lead the way with almost 300 such charges, followed by France.

I watch CBC and the speakers flaunt their activities influencing U.S politicians. We had two suggest that there were called made to Wilbur Ross and Mattis in an effort to force Trump to give exemptions to Canada. The reason is, if no exemptions, Canada would most certainly lose a big chunk of the auto industry to America. This is why I said if Trump left NAFTA the U.S economy would grow 5%, I am confident in this. Do you know how many jobs we have in the auto industry in Ontario that would be lost to the U.S? We are talking about good paying jobs. We would even lose jobs in the oil industry as America is a leader there now. Everything from white collar to well paying industrial jobs. We lost 90,000 job in one month just on the fear of NAFTA being ripped up.

These countries are deathly afraid of Trump following through. I mean that, he is their worst nightmare. He is the one guy who is wealthy enough, mentally tough enough and knowledgeable enough to tell the abusers "we are done with your exploitation". Who else could hold off against many socialists?

If he backs down it will be very difficult to find any president who will have the courage to do what is right on behalf of citizens and industry. The same U.S agencies not holding Canada in check will be the first to wonder why they face cutbacks and a precarious credit situation.
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And BTW, for those who posted fake numbers about China only sending us 2% of our steel, fuck off. China makes HALF of the steel produced in the world and trans-ships a lot of it to us through other countries. The real number of Chink steel sent to the US is 25%. If Canuckistan does what we demand on NAFTA, they come off the list...the EU and the rest.....starve for all we care, bitches.

Why would they 'transship' steel through other countries?

There are no quota's on Chinese steel- no restrictions on imports right now- why would they add additional costs to the transaction by shipping their steel through Australia or some such?

And to those of you who seem thrilled by this tax on Americans- fuck off.'s why and it's not just us who are PISSED about it:

Europe Circles in on Vietnam

A recent Reuters report covers the European Union’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) investigations into whether Chinese companies shipped steel through other countries, known as transshipment to avoid anti-dumping duties.

Apparently, OLAF is looking into several cases where Chinese steel firms shipped the metal to another country, disguised its origin, and then shipped it on to Europe to avoid duties or quota limits from the original producing country. As with the recent China Zhongwang case in the U.S., the transshipment country is again Vietnam. OLAF is investigating 190 shipments of Chinese coated steel coils that arrived in Portugal, Spain and Poland from Vietnam in 2013-2014, the news wire says.

OLAF estimates the shipments via Vietnam were worth about $19 million and that the steel was given Vietnamese certificates of origin, the Vietnamese trade ministry said on its website, and it should be said Vietnamese authorities are cooperating with the E.U. in investigating these allegations.

EU Takes Action Against Transshipped Chinese Steel

Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

Prior to this announcement (the Trump tariffs), the U.S. had already implemented trade taxes on different types of imported steel from China. In 2016, the Obama administration imposed duties on some Chinese steel imports by more than 500 percent, causing Chinese imports to the U.S. to drop by quite a bit. So, China tranships their steel through a 3rd party country. What i do not know for sure is if Canada is one of those countries, but it does look tht way.
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.
It's amazing how many so-called conservatives don't understand how free market capitalism works.

If they did, they wouldn't be cheering this thread.

Milton Friedman would be embarrassed.

Milton Keynes would applaud.
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.

No, I drank from the globalization kool-aid and I support global trade, but you cannot sell your country out to a communist state, or socialist abusers who place massive barriers, and protect their economies, while your workers suffer and American debt, pays for the success of foreign governments.

Do you think this is what Milton Friedman thought globalization would look like? Of course not. This is not apples to apples, this is capitalist America being ripped off by a communist state who is armed to the teeth, wealthy without any value outside of numbers and cheap labor, who spy on America and threaten allies in the region. You have socialists who engage in state run economies, telling America to pay their freight and "stay free" while they don't.
WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case

WTO hands Obama win in US-China steel case

Obama files trade complaint against China’s aluminum dumping at WTO

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Record on the Trade Enforcement

'Protectionist' Obama Escalates Trade War, Slams China With Subsidized Aluminum Complaint
President Obama noted he U.S. under his tenure has filed more enforcement complaints in the WTO than any other country and has won every one that’s been decided...

I miss having a president who knew how to win. Now we have orange.
WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case

WTO hands Obama win in US-China steel case

Obama files trade complaint against China’s aluminum dumping at WTO

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Record on the Trade Enforcement

'Protectionist' Obama Escalates Trade War, Slams China With Subsidized Aluminum Complaint
President Obama noted he U.S. under his tenure has filed more enforcement complaints in the WTO than any other country and has won every one that’s been decided...

I miss having a president who knew how to win. Now we have orange.

Of course he had wins, he's the most socialist president in U.S history. He doubled U.S debt and was an ardent anti-Israeli, the WTO loved him. So did the UN. They even gave him a Noble Peace prize just for the anticipated socialism he was going to bring to America.

Ask how much of U.S debt China now owns. Who funded the Chinese rise so they can in turn BUY the same debt that YOU used to help them with that rise?

Common sense, it's simple
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.

No, I drank from the globalization kool-aid and I support global trade, but you cannot sell your country out to a communist state, or socialist abusers who place massive barriers, and protect their economies, while your workers suffer and American debt, pays for the success of foreign governments.

Do you think this is what Milton Friedman thought globalization would look like? Of course not. This is not apples to apples, this is capitalist America being ripped off by a communist state who is armed to the teeth, wealthy without any value outside of numbers and cheap labor, who spy on America and threaten allies in the region. You have socialists who engage in state run economies, telling America to pay their freight and "stay free" while they don't.

Milton Friedman would be embarrassed by today's "conservatives" who support statist government intervening protectionism. You have no idea if you think otherwise.

You sound exactly like the CAW statists who support the NDP. Just admit that you are now a leftist and be done with it.

I can't imagine a real Canadian cheering for an economic theory discredited 200 years ago while Canadians are thrown out of work.
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.

No, I drank from the globalization kool-aid and I support global trade, but you cannot sell your country out to a communist state, or socialist abusers who place massive barriers, and protect their economies, while your workers suffer and American debt, pays for the success of foreign governments.

Do you think this is what Milton Friedman thought globalization would look like? Of course not. This is not apples to apples, this is capitalist America being ripped off by a communist state who is armed to the teeth, wealthy without any value outside of numbers and cheap labor, who spy on America and threaten allies in the region. You have socialists who engage in state run economies, telling America to pay their freight and "stay free" while they don't.

Milton Friedman would be embarrassed by today's "conservatives." You have no idea if you think otherwise.

You sound exactly like the CAW statists who support the NDP. Just admit that you are now a leftist and be done with it.

You're drunk. Milton's policies like Rand Pauls and those I inherently agree with only work in TRUE free markets. Certainly markets far more free domestically and definitely Internationally

Why are you so angry at U.S tariffs, but you think China, Canada and EU protectionism is ok. Wouldn't Milton Friedman be embarrassed by these countries?

You wonder why N Korea is so emboldened? You can thank China. Who rewarded China? America.

I'm not Chamberlain, I can see where this is headed you already see the massive borderless nations who are willing to hand over the globe to the Chinese government.
Economic illiteracy used to be dominated by the Left.

But now it's the Right who show no clue about how economics works.

One of the first things you learn in Econ 101 is that tariffs are a net destroyer of jobs. They create or protect jobs in the favored industry of the politicians but destroy jobs everywhere else while making the economy less efficient. That’s why conservative economists have argued against tariffs for centuries.

This study estimates that Trump’s tariffs would cost 146,000 jobs.

Does Import Protection Save Jobs? The Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports of U.S. Steel and Aluminum (2018) | TRADE PARTNERSHIP WORLDWIDE, LLC
Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.
"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.

No, I drank from the globalization kool-aid and I support global trade, but you cannot sell your country out to a communist state, or socialist abusers who place massive barriers, and protect their economies, while your workers suffer and American debt, pays for the success of foreign governments.

Do you think this is what Milton Friedman thought globalization would look like? Of course not. This is not apples to apples, this is capitalist America being ripped off by a communist state who is armed to the teeth, wealthy without any value outside of numbers and cheap labor, who spy on America and threaten allies in the region. You have socialists who engage in state run economies, telling America to pay their freight and "stay free" while they don't.

Milton Friedman would be embarrassed by today's "conservatives." You have no idea if you think otherwise.

You sound exactly like the CAW statists who support the NDP. Just admit that you are now a leftist and be done with it.

You're drunk. Milton's policies like Rand Pauls and those I inherently agree with only work in TRUE free markets. Certainly markets far more free domestically and definitely Internationally

Why are you so angry at U.S tariffs, but you think China, Canada and EU protectionism is ok. Wouldn't Milton Friedman be embarrassed by these countries?

You wonder why N Korea is so emboldened? You can thank China. Who rewarded China? America.

I'm not Chamberlain, I can see where this is headed you already see the massive borderless nations who are willing to hand over the globe to the Chinese government.


You are whoring for a statist US President, and rationalizing your whoring because you can't admit that you support policies that the NDP have advocated for decades.

You have no clue. Milton Friedman would be embarrassed by you and the other right-wing statists who traffic in nutty, bizarre John Bircher conspiracies. Friedman worked for decades to expunge the crazy conspiracy theorists out of the conservative movement. Now, they are front and center in today's administration, and you are cheerleading for them.
Economic illiteracy used to be dominated by the Left.

But now it's the Right who show no clue about how economics works.

One of the first things you learn in Econ 101 is that tariffs are a net destroyer of jobs. They create or protect jobs in the favored industry of the politicians but destroy jobs everywhere else while making the economy less efficient. That’s why conservative economists have argued against tariffs for centuries.

This study estimates that Trump’s tariffs would cost 146,000 jobs.

Does Import Protection Save Jobs? The Estimated Impacts of Proposed Tariffs on Imports of U.S. Steel and Aluminum (2018) | TRADE PARTNERSHIP WORLDWIDE, LLC

Ok, you follow the "experts". Ask these experts at what point the U.S dollar loses all value, your budget deficit cannot be paid, your trade deficit collapses the market. Go ahead and ask.

Ask how many future entitlements your citizens are willing to "sacrifice" for the sake of the global socialists. That's what is be used as collateral when the dollar is worth nothing in the face of massive inflation.

There's no such thing as a free lunch, and eventually you have to pay the bill. You can read these "experts", I will use simple logic and historic precedent. Debt isn't infinite.
Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Here's the deal.

You right-wing statists who have no clue about how economics and capitalism work and cheering this left-wing, statist, government interventionist policy that is no better than what happened under Obama.

But because you are a partisan hack, you cheer on your statist President for using government power to pick winners and losers in the global economy.

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