US Steel To Restart Illinois Plant Operations: Plans To Call Back 500 Employees....

Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Glad U.S. Steel is hiring.

I just think that levying a 25% tax on steel from Canada to protect American steel will hurt American manufacturing that relies on steel.

But hey- it will play well to the steel voters- to hell with the rest of manufacturing- right?

India just hit Canadian chick peas with a 60% tariff, China hits us with quotas and tariffs, they do the same to America. Canada places tariffs on U.S dairy and we give them subsidies to beat U.S exporters. Ditto for softwood lumber, Bombardier. Hell, there are very few Canadian industries not heavily funded and/or covertly assisted. That's our neo-communist system.

If China floated their currency it would be twice it's value, it's a joke. Quite frankly, Americans are looking at the wrong culprit, themselves. Why? Why do you insist on pissing on America all the time, when it is these socialist and communist rat bast.ards who are crushing your industries?

Guys, listen, I know this game well, I spoke about our violations of NAFTA, this is a one way road of exploitation and it's the long game for Canada and others, the anticipation is eventually you will be full blown socialist and we will all be fine on the debt of America. Get smart. This isn't about "free markets" and "America isn't a free market" you are the most free market in the world, while others screw you over, you have to counter their efforts.

I tell you what, knowing what I know about Canada, I would have hit them with 40% and I wouldn't be giving them 30 day exemptions, I assure you that.
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A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

So are you predicting another Jimmy Carter era?
Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Glad U.S. Steel is hiring.

I just think that levying a 25% tax on steel from Canada to protect American steel will hurt American manufacturing that relies on steel.

But hey- it will play well to the steel voters- to hell with the rest of manufacturing- right?

India just hit Canadian chick peas with a 60% tariff, China hits us with quotas and tariffs, they do the same to America. Canada places tariffs on U.S dairy and we give them subsidies to beat U.S exporters. Ditto for softwood lumber, Bombardier. Hell, there are very few Canadian industries not heavily funded and/or covertly assisted. That's our neo-communist system..

And America hits China and Canada with anti-dumping tariffs on everything from ball bearings to softwood lumber.

Now America will protect our steel industry at the expense of our manufacturing industry. That's our non-Capitalist system.
I've worked for two big steel companies over the past few years that had high hopes after Trump was elected. Both have laid off hundreds of employees since then. I don't see any hope in America's steel industry. More broken promises by this administration.

I am from Wisconsin, and paper mills are/were a way of life here. From my understanding, the Chinese stole our paper making technology and is using it to undercut American paper companies.

China, India, etc, have a shit ton of people, unless we protect our industry, we will become a nation of burger flippers and baby sitters.


Now you have finally identified something real- China does steal technology.

And we should certainly retaliate against that- but Trump has not done anything to address that issue.

Meanwhile- protecting our industry? That is not capitalism- not sure what it is- but its not capitalism.

Gutting our industry should be a matter of national security. And like I stated earlier, we should tariff everyone on earth that uses our military might for protection. There is no level playing field without it.


So who uses our military might for protection- exactly?

Certainly South Korea and Japan and Israel.

But China doesn't- China would happily see us out of the China sea.

How are we going to 'tariff' everyone on earth exactly?

I said everyone on Earth that uses our military might. Which includes most of the countries on Earth.


Exactly how does China or India use our 'military might'?

And Russia- between the three of those countries they make up most of the land mass and people of the world.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

Woo--Hoo 500 jobs while killing the rest of the economy. Starting a trade war in the process.


Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. The offended country will always install their own tariffs on American products. Therefore skyrocketing prices to consumers. The Federal Reserve jumps in raises interest rates to combat inflation. Consumers tuck in on their spending & borrowing and then comes the job layoffs--(across every industry.)

You have elected an ECONOMIC MORON!

The European Union has already responded to this tariff.
EU leader responds to Trump’s tariff plan: ‘We can also do stupid’
Five principles for a Canadian response to U.S. tariffs

What do you people think is going to happen to American exports? You know like General Motors, General Electric and every other corporation that exports products overseas, including lots of farmers?

Is 500 jobs that will dramatically slow down the economy worth it? Will there be any people left to buy steel after Trump is done?


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’
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Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Glad U.S. Steel is hiring.

I just think that levying a 25% tax on steel from Canada to protect American steel will hurt American manufacturing that relies on steel.

But hey- it will play well to the steel voters- to hell with the rest of manufacturing- right?

India just hit Canadian chick peas with a 60% tariff, China hits us with quotas and tariffs, they do the same to America. Canada places tariffs on U.S dairy and we give them subsidies to beat U.S exporters. Ditto for softwood lumber, Bombardier. Hell, there are very few Canadian industries not heavily funded and/or covertly assisted. That's our neo-communist system.

If China floated their currency it would be twice it's value, it's a joke. Quite frankly, Americans are looking at the wrong culprit, themselves. Why? Why do you insist on pissing on America all the time, when it is these socialist and communist rat bast.ards who are crushing your industries?

Guys, listen, I know this game well, I spoke about our violations of NAFTA, this is a one way road of exploitation and it's the long game for Canada and others, the anticipation is eventually you will be full blown socialist and we will all be fine on the debt of America. Get smart. This isn't about "free markets" and "America isn't a free market" you are the most free market in the world, while others screw you over, you have to counter their efforts.

I tell you what, knowing what I know about Canada, I would have hit them with 40% and I wouldn't be giving them 30 day exemptions, I assure you that.

You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Your clueless posts about the Canadian economy and NAFTA display a profound ignorance of both our economy and NAFTA and are basically a conspiracy theory.

When NAFTA came into effect, entire industries packed up and moved to the USA. Canadian branch plants of American owned companies moved back to the US and Canada was plunged into recession. Furniture manufacturing, kitchen cabinet manufacturing, textile manufacturing, and heavy equipment manufacturing were hard hit. Some sectors recovered, but it took time.

At the same time, the government passed an 8% Goods and Services Tax to replace the manufacturing tax that was lost when NAFTA passed. The country plunged into a “Made in Canada” recession.

Canada recovered and new jobs were created. Thank you Jean Chrétien and a huge thank you to his Finance Minister, Paul Martin who balanced the budget and got us back on track fiscally. Martin was the best Finance Minister we’ve ever had. He on the become Prime Minister when Chrétien retired, but he really sucked at being PM.

Electro-shocked Canadian says Canada screws the US on softwood lumber. Again this isn’t true. The US has filed multiple grievances with the NAFTA Tribunal at the behest of the powerful timber lobby claiming that low stumpage fees charged for logging on Crown Lands represents an “unfair government subsidy” under NAFTA.
Close to 10,000 logging jobs have been lost in Canada due to this dispute in recent years.

The USA has lost every case at the Tribunal and had to return millions of dollars of duties paid by Canadians in this dispute but SC thinks we’re screwing you. Clearly he has no experience in what constitutes screwing someone over because from where I sit Canada is the aggrieved party here. We’re the ones losing jobs, not you.

There are no secretly funded corporations. Canadian Dairy farmers aren’t subsidized. Dairy Farmers, egg producers and chicken farmers are required to purchase quota and quota is not cheap.

I did a chicken quota purchase two years ago. The farmer paid $300,000 for the chicken quota. A local farmer friend who raises chickens tells me that she can only sell 200 birds per year, without buying quota. The duties charged on US dairy products, is to level the playing field for Canadian farmers who must buy quota. Thats the opposite of a subsidy.

Dairy farming in Canada - Wikipedia

So while Shocked Canadian spews his bulkshit about how Canada is stealing American jobs, and screwing American Farmers, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s really just another batshit crazy conspiracy theorist.
Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Glad U.S. Steel is hiring.

I just think that levying a 25% tax on steel from Canada to protect American steel will hurt American manufacturing that relies on steel.

But hey- it will play well to the steel voters- to hell with the rest of manufacturing- right?

India just hit Canadian chick peas with a 60% tariff, China hits us with quotas and tariffs, they do the same to America. Canada places tariffs on U.S dairy and we give them subsidies to beat U.S exporters. Ditto for softwood lumber, Bombardier. Hell, there are very few Canadian industries not heavily funded and/or covertly assisted. That's our neo-communist system.

If China floated their currency it would be twice it's value, it's a joke. Quite frankly, Americans are looking at the wrong culprit, themselves. Why? Why do you insist on pissing on America all the time, when it is these socialist and communist rat bast.ards who are crushing your industries?

Guys, listen, I know this game well, I spoke about our violations of NAFTA, this is a one way road of exploitation and it's the long game for Canada and others, the anticipation is eventually you will be full blown socialist and we will all be fine on the debt of America. Get smart. This isn't about "free markets" and "America isn't a free market" you are the most free market in the world, while others screw you over, you have to counter their efforts.

I tell you what, knowing what I know about Canada, I would have hit them with 40% and I wouldn't be giving them 30 day exemptions, I assure you that.

You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Your clueless posts about the Canadian economy and NAFTA display a profound ignorance of both our economy and NAFTA and are basically a conspiracy theory.

When NAFTA came into effect, entire industries packed up and moved to the USA. Canadian branch plants of American owned companies moved back to the US and Canada was plunged into recession. Furniture manufacturing, kitchen cabinet manufacturing, textile manufacturing, and heavy equipment manufacturing were hard hit. Some sectors recovered, but it took time.

At the same time, the government passed an 8% Goods and Services Tax to replace the manufacturing tax that was lost when NAFTA passed. The country plunged into a “Made in Canada” recession.

Canada recovered and new jobs were created. Thank you Jean Chrétien and a huge thank you to his Finance Minister, Paul Martin who balanced the budget and got us back on track fiscally. Martin was the best Finance Minister we’ve ever had. He on the become Prime Minister when Chrétien retired, but he really sucked at being PM.

Electro-shocked Canadian says Canada screws the US on softwood lumber. Again this isn’t true. The US has filed multiple grievances with the NAFTA Tribunal at the behest of the powerful timber lobby claiming that low stumpage fees charged for logging on Crown Lands represents an “unfair government subsidy” under NAFTA.
Close to 10,000 logging jobs have been lost in Canada due to this dispute in recent years.

The USA has lost every case at the Tribunal and had to return millions of dollars of duties paid by Canadians in this dispute but SC thinks we’re screwing you. Clearly he has no experience in what constitutes screwing someone over because from where I sit Canada is the aggrieved party here. We’re the ones losing jobs, not you.

There are no secretly funded corporations. Canadian Dairy farmers aren’t subsidized. Dairy Farmers, egg producers and chicken farmers are required to purchase quota and quota is not cheap.

I did a chicken quota purchase two years ago. The farmer paid $300,000 for the chicken quota. A local farmer friend who raises chickens tells me that she can only sell 200 birds per year, without buying quota. The duties charged on US dairy products, is to level the playing field for Canadian farmers who must buy quota. Thats the opposite of a subsidy.

Dairy farming in Canada - Wikipedia

So while Shocked Canadian spews his bulkshit about how Canada is stealing American jobs, and screwing American Farmers, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He’s really just another batshit crazy conspiracy theorist.

You're propaganda might work on someone not informed but it wont work with me. We've been dumping softwood on America forever. All the while cutting wood on state owned grounds. Cut comrades cut! More wood!

We use supply management on dairy and the like just as a good Commie would use. Right down the exact amount of supply and the cost. We even limit how much Canadians can bring in from America because we like to control the system so tightly. Communism screwing over its own citizens and our capitalists partners.

Companies like Bombardier are comical. If I were the U.S I'd ask outright "do you use the RCMP within management of Bombardier?". Canada should be in front of a court for this charade, never mind a tribunal. Just as they do often, CBC presents Canada as the nice, little lad being bullied by Boeing. Sure, Boeing wants another excuse for a state business screwing them over as European plane manufacturers did. Talk about a security threat to the U.S.

As with CBC, Banking, telecom, and MANY companies and outright industries in Canada they are full of sea going snitches loyal to the Canadian collective system, while rights of citizens are stepped on. They heavily regulate and are protected from external competition because the last thing a dirty low performing, lazy, state raised Commie wants is options and choices for it's citizens. This issue along should be enough for America to tell Canada to shove NAFTA and their neo-communism up their rotund behinds.

Canada is being exposed and I'm doing more than my part to help them. We are outright neo-communist. Centrally controlled, directed and guided. Tampering in HR departments of U.S corporations. Intimidating and violating God given rights of citizens, like I have experienced, and crushing ambitions so that their low performing, under developed adult kids can inherit a position of privilege as a "public servant". Look at how many operatives and government agents are making $100k+ a year for plushy, inefficient positions. Loyal to no one but the free ride on the backs of the serfs who only wish they experienced capitalism.

Trump needs to hit Canada with tariffs. If Paul Ryan and McConell are compromised and lobbied up by Canada, they need to move into another role. This is a critical time, and Canada has two goals: outlast Trump and drag NAFTA negotiations out as long as possible so that nothing at all changes.

It's why the Brits paid for the dossier, it's why an Aussie who started the RUssian Probe on a "tip" had given the Clinton Foundation $25M and why McCain met with the dossier owner Steele in Canada. This is the "Five Eyes" Trudeau is promoting as an "alliy" of National Security or America?! All helping to undermine American democracy and no MSM willing to do anything but the bidding of their globalist pals.

How about we get all of the sob's involved in these issues into a courtroom in America or in front of the U.S government and have them questioned? The Canadian system and our global, socialist masters will do anything to harm the U.S as long as we can continue the exploitation of her and her taxpayers. Then when Chinas military surpasses Americas (already nearly on par) and their spy agencies operate against the West, the U.S will not be able to afford the buffer needed.

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump! Don't let these "allies" take advantage of America anymore. Time for legitimate fair trade and not some weak kneed foreign state driven violation of American sovereignty and economic prosperity.
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Our country is not centrally controlled or dominated. It is capitalist to the core. We have more personal freedoms than the USA and a higher quality of life. We live longer too.

Those marketing boards are run by farmers, not politicians. They ensure that supply doesn’t exceed demand so that prices remain stable. If a farmer wants to increase production he or she simply buys more quota

Like I said, you’re living on the public purse while biting the hand that feeds you. CSIS isn’t destroying your life, you are. You can’t get a job because employers think you’re crazy.
Our country is not centrally controlled or dominated. It is capitalist to the core. We have more personal freedoms than the USA and a higher quality of life. We live longer too.

Those marketing boards are run by farmers, not politicians. They ensure that supply doesn’t exceed demand so that prices remain stable. If a farmer wants to increase production he or she simply buys more quota

Like I said, you’re living on the public purse while biting the hand that feeds you. CSIS isn’t destroying your life, you are. You can’t get a job because employers think you’re crazy.

Right. Sell that to a naive Canadian.

The covert police in Canada who have destroyed what little liberties Canada has and the reputation with our allies who now more than ever look at trade and business with Canada with suspicion, thank you for your efforts. You've fallen well short however, and the consequences for Canada couldn't be more severe. You're a Good Little German though.

Canada will get a 30 day exemption, and will need to reapply to avoid tariffs. When it's clear that Canada is not serious about NAFTA and is simply dragging their feet to maintain the status quo, which is by any definitions a National Security threat to America; I hope Trump decisively kicks the tariffs in and makes the necessary decision to withdraw from NAFTA. Of course maybe Canada comes to their senses and tried to enter the 20th Century with a fair negotiated agreement, but thus far there is no reason to believe this. These central controllers and theri communism don't let go of their fossilized ideas easily.

There may be plenty of covert police watching me and interring in my life, but rest assured, I would be quite surprised if America and others aren't doing the same to the Canadian economy and government apparatus. One would hope that he U.S didn't lose so many good citizens to Communism to want to further sponsor it in another country.

#justice #payback
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Our country is not centrally controlled or dominated. It is capitalist to the core. We have more personal freedoms than the USA and a higher quality of life. We live longer too.

Those marketing boards are run by farmers, not politicians. They ensure that supply doesn’t exceed demand so that prices remain stable. If a farmer wants to increase production he or she simply buys more quota

Like I said, you’re living on the public purse while biting the hand that feeds you. CSIS isn’t destroying your life, you are. You can’t get a job because employers think you’re crazy.

The Trumpists object to America being a capitalist country.

They want Big Brother to protect select American industries from competition to enrich those share holders and provide jobs to a select few- at the expense of others.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
You libs do love big gubmint forcing you to buy what they want
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Liberals want to see the USA fail.....if it means job losses so be it.
Tariffs cause job loss. Congratulations.
View attachment 181104
Yeah, you have been completely wrong since Trump got elected.

They're not called 'Useful Idiots' for nothin. ;)
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
You libs do love big gubmint forcing you to buy what they want

Like insurance? You have not got a leg to stand on. Trump is shrinking government. That is why he is not filling positions, he is eliminating those positions.
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Liberals want to see the USA fail.....if it means job losses so be it.
Tariffs cause job loss. Congratulations.
View attachment 181104
Yeah, you have been completely wrong since Trump got elected.

They're not called 'Useful Idiots' for nothin. ;)
You do realize that most of the people only qualify for the last part of useful idiots.
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
You libs do love big gubmint forcing you to buy what they want

Like insurance? You have not got a leg to stand on. Trump is shrinking government. That is why he is not filling positions, he is eliminating those positions.
Yes, Trump’s tariff is very much like the ACA mandate. Congratulations, lib.
I am from Wisconsin, and paper mills are/were a way of life here. From my understanding, the Chinese stole our paper making technology and is using it to undercut American paper companies.

China, India, etc, have a shit ton of people, unless we protect our industry, we will become a nation of burger flippers and baby sitters.


Now you have finally identified something real- China does steal technology.

And we should certainly retaliate against that- but Trump has not done anything to address that issue.

Meanwhile- protecting our industry? That is not capitalism- not sure what it is- but its not capitalism.

Gutting our industry should be a matter of national security. And like I stated earlier, we should tariff everyone on earth that uses our military might for protection. There is no level playing field without it.


So who uses our military might for protection- exactly?

Certainly South Korea and Japan and Israel.

But China doesn't- China would happily see us out of the China sea.

How are we going to 'tariff' everyone on earth exactly?

I said everyone on Earth that uses our military might. Which includes most of the countries on Earth.


Exactly how does China or India use our 'military might'?

And Russia- between the three of those countries they make up most of the land mass and people of the world.

What confuses you about this?

I said everyone on Earth that uses our military might. Which includes most of the countries on Earth.

Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
You libs do love big gubmint forcing you to buy what they want

Like insurance? You have not got a leg to stand on. Trump is shrinking government. That is why he is not filling positions, he is eliminating those positions.
Yes, Trump’s tariff is very much like the ACA mandate. Congratulations, lib.
Really, it has gone all the way to the Supreme court and I missed it?
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

Woo--Hoo 500 jobs while killing the rest of the economy. Starting a trade war in the process.


Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. The offended country will always install their own tariffs on American products. Therefore skyrocketing prices to consumers. The Federal Reserve jumps in raises interest rates to combat inflation. Consumers tuck in on their spending & borrowing and then comes the job layoffs--(across every industry.)

You have elected an ECONOMIC MORON!

The European Union has already responded to this tariff.
EU leader responds to Trump’s tariff plan: ‘We can also do stupid’
Five principles for a Canadian response to U.S. tariffs

What do you people think is going to happen to American exports? You know like General Motors, General Electric and every other corporation that exports products overseas, including lots of farmers?

Is 500 jobs that will dramatically slow down the economy worth it? Will there be any people left to buy steel after Trump is done?


The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Obama tariffed China in 2014. Was he an economic moron as well? And one more thing, if a country is dealing unfairly with us, and you were president, would you put tariffs on them?

A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

Why will our economy be failing in a year from now?

The rabid haters are desperately hoping the Economy collapses. It's only 'Party before Country' for them. They don't care about their fellow Americans. That's where the Democratic Party is these days. It's much more interested in placating Non-Citizens. It's very sad seeing what that Party has become.

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