US Steel To Restart Illinois Plant Operations: Plans To Call Back 500 Employees....

When China, Europe, and others end their tariffs and restrictions, we can then talk. Till then, Trump is trying to help American Workers out. And they haven't had much help in many years. The Globalists have decimated them. So many quality American jobs have been lost. So i'm grateful we finally have a US President looking out for American Citizens again. Good on Trump.
Their tariffs harm them and help us. The EU has 200 million more people than us, but a lower GDP. That’s in large part because they have higher tariffs and subsidies. Wealth destroyers.

You rubes need to stop pointing to shitty countries and saying you want us to be like them. It won’t convince me to support your tariffs.

Nothing can match the awful decimation Globalists have wrought upon American Workers. It's time to help them out for a change. China, Europe and others have always implemented tariffs and restrictions. They've been doing it for many years. Time for free and fair trade. Go Trump!
Yeah and countless of their people live in absolute shit conditions. That’s what massive tariffs and subsidies do.
I thought you liberals didn't do "shitholes", that is what you are saying, shame on you.
Well the tariffs ended up being a whole lot of nothing like most of what Trump says. Manufacturing is saved, but these 500 people will probably be sent back home.
Well, if anyone knows about a whole lot of nothing it is you, hands down.
Their tariffs harm them and help us. The EU has 200 million more people than us, but a lower GDP. That’s in large part because they have higher tariffs and subsidies. Wealth destroyers.

You rubes need to stop pointing to shitty countries and saying you want us to be like them. It won’t convince me to support your tariffs.

Nothing can match the awful decimation Globalists have wrought upon American Workers. It's time to help them out for a change. China, Europe and others have always implemented tariffs and restrictions. They've been doing it for many years. Time for free and fair trade. Go Trump!
Yeah and countless of their people live in absolute shit conditions. That’s what massive tariffs and subsidies do.
I thought you liberals didn't do "shitholes", that is what you are saying, shame on you.
Well the tariffs ended up being a whole lot of nothing like most of what Trump says. Manufacturing is saved, but these 500 people will probably be sent back home.
Well, if anyone knows about a whole lot of nothing it is you, hands down.

Canada and Mexico exempted.
Going back to the 60’s and continuing up to the Great Recession, the US auto industry asked government to protect them from emission standards and safety features such as seat belts, air bags and ABS. They would increase the cost of vehicles too much. They offered these safety features as pricey options though. Eventually seat belts and air bags became mandatory as their states saw the number of lives they saved, but emissions standards were lax compared to other countries.

This protectionism is a huge part of the reason GM and Chrysler went bankrupt. Because the government protected the industry from strict emissions stardards, Detroit had no need for to design or develop cars with lower emissions but the rest of the world cracked down on CO2. American cars didn’t meet those standards and couldn’t be sold in Europe or Asia.

Protectionism is a proven job killer.
Tariffs cause job loss. Congratulations.
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Yeah, you have been completely wrong since Trump got elected.

They're not called 'Useful Idiots' for nothin. ;)

A 'useful idiots'- the Trump voters.
And those idiots are seeing the policies they voted for advanced. Does it hurt that badly?
Just see Obama's legacy become a bad memory is worth it. Anything else is icing on the cake.

“Obama’s legacy” is a stock market that tripled in 8 years and 72 months of uninterrupted job growth. Trump is well on his way to granting your wish.
View attachment 181104
Yeah, you have been completely wrong since Trump got elected.

They're not called 'Useful Idiots' for nothin. ;)

A 'useful idiots'- the Trump voters.
And those idiots are seeing the policies they voted for advanced. Does it hurt that badly?
Just see Obama's legacy become a bad memory is worth it. Anything else is icing on the cake.

“Obama’s legacy” is a stock market that tripled in 8 years and 72 months of uninterrupted job growth. Trump is well on his way to granting your wish.
Part time job growth. Obama also counted temporary workers each time they changed where they worked as new jobs, not the agency where they were employed. Cooked books from a traitor president.
They're not called 'Useful Idiots' for nothin. ;)

A 'useful idiots'- the Trump voters.
And those idiots are seeing the policies they voted for advanced. Does it hurt that badly?
Just see Obama's legacy become a bad memory is worth it. Anything else is icing on the cake.

“Obama’s legacy” is a stock market that tripled in 8 years and 72 months of uninterrupted job growth. Trump is well on his way to granting your wish.
Part time job growth. Obama also counted temporary workers each time they changed where they worked as new jobs, not the agency where they were employed. Cooked books from a traitor president.

The way jobs are counted is exactly the same under Trump as it was under Obama as it was under Bush II...

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Gutting our industry should be a matter of national security. And like I stated earlier, we should tariff everyone on earth that uses our military might for protection. There is no level playing field without it.


So who uses our military might for protection- exactly?

Certainly South Korea and Japan and Israel.

But China doesn't- China would happily see us out of the China sea.

How are we going to 'tariff' everyone on earth exactly?

I said everyone on Earth that uses our military might. Which includes most of the countries on Earth.


Exactly how does China or India use our 'military might'?

And Russia- between the three of those countries they make up most of the land mass and people of the world.

What confuses you about this?

I said everyone on Earth that uses our military might. Which includes most of the countries on Earth.


I am not confused by your statement. I know what you are saying. I am saying that claim that most of the countries on earth uses our military might is pure fantasy.

So Germany, Japan, Poland, Great Britain, France, etc., etc., etc., don't use our military might as a shield against Russia and China?

We have 800 military bases in 70 countries.

Everyone knows that the US is the worlds policeman, everyone except you. it appears.

Like insurance? You have not got a leg to stand on. Trump is shrinking government. That is why he is not filling positions, he is eliminating those positions.
Yes, Trump’s tariff is very much like the ACA mandate. Congratulations, lib.

When China, Europe, and others end their tariffs and restrictions, we can then talk. Till then, Trump is trying to help American Workers out. And they haven't had much help in many years. The Globalists have decimated them. So many quality American jobs have been lost. So i'm grateful we finally have a US President looking out for American Citizens again. Good on Trump.
Their tariffs harm them and help us. The EU has 200 million more people than us, but a lower GDP. That’s in large part because they have higher tariffs and subsidies. Wealth destroyers.

You rubes need to stop pointing to shitty countries and saying you want us to be like them. It won’t convince me to support your tariffs.

Nothing can match the awful decimation Globalists have wrought upon American Workers. It's time to help them out for a change. China, Europe and others have always implemented tariffs and restrictions. They've been doing it for many years. Time for free and fair trade. Go Trump!

And by 'free and fair trade' you mean America unilaterally imposing tariff's to protect favored American industries at the expense of other American industries- i.e. instead of Capitalism.

Hmm. Interesting twitter response to Trump from Elon Musk:

For example, an American car going to China pays 25% import duty, but a Chinese car coming to the US only pays 2.5%, a tenfold difference

Another one:

Also, no US auto company is allowed to own even 50% of their own factory in China, but there are five 100% China-owned EV auto companies in the US

Yepper, to the globalists, this is "fair trade".

Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

This is a bullshit story. Unless they're talking about Temp workers to get the automated machines back online and then truck drivers for deliveries -- those plants use 2-14 workers per shift. It's now all mostly automated.

Trust me, they will not be employing 500 new people to do maintenance on the robots that make the steel. The robots maintain themselves, silly.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

what's good about it? A tariff was one of the causes of the great depression; pretty much every economist says it's a disaster. why would we think that people like Donald, who don't know anything about economics except how to file bankruptcy, should be going against the educated recommendations of the people who DO know what they're doing?
Yes, Trump’s tariff is very much like the ACA mandate. Congratulations, lib.

When China, Europe, and others end their tariffs and restrictions, we can then talk. Till then, Trump is trying to help American Workers out. And they haven't had much help in many years. The Globalists have decimated them. So many quality American jobs have been lost. So i'm grateful we finally have a US President looking out for American Citizens again. Good on Trump.
Their tariffs harm them and help us. The EU has 200 million more people than us, but a lower GDP. That’s in large part because they have higher tariffs and subsidies. Wealth destroyers.

You rubes need to stop pointing to shitty countries and saying you want us to be like them. It won’t convince me to support your tariffs.

Nothing can match the awful decimation Globalists have wrought upon American Workers. It's time to help them out for a change. China, Europe and others have always implemented tariffs and restrictions. They've been doing it for many years. Time for free and fair trade. Go Trump!

And by 'free and fair trade' you mean America unilaterally imposing tariff's to protect favored American industries at the expense of other American industries- i.e. instead of Capitalism.

Hmm. Interesting twitter response to Trump from Elon Musk:

For example, an American car going to China pays 25% import duty, but a Chinese car coming to the US only pays 2.5%, a tenfold difference

Another one:

Also, no US auto company is allowed to own even 50% of their own factory in China, but there are five 100% China-owned EV auto companies in the US

Yepper, to the globalists, this is "fair trade".


A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

I'll keep saying it until the sun burns out: America flourished and grew into an industrial powerhouse under an ardently protectionist trade policy from Lincoln through Harding, and largely protectionist trade policy from Harding through Eisenhower.

Too many conservatives have swallowed the globalists' free-trade arguments because those arguments seem conservative on their face. But when you look at them a bit more carefully, they are basically arguing to allow numerous countries to continue to enjoy grossly unfair trade advantages and to force our factories and businesses to compete against foreign factories and businesses that are heavily subsidized and/or that have much lower labor and regulatory costs.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

That could happen if Democrats seize control.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

If the Globalists are upset, you know it's a great move by Trump. It's time to help American Workers out for a change. They've been completely thrown overboard by US Globalists. It's about time they got some help.
Just get your excuses ready when a year from now the economy has been hit with layoffs, unemployment and inflation. Fat lot of "help" it's gonna do us, is what the economists say.

That could happen if Democrats seize control.
Tariffs are leftist policies. Trump is embracing them, so no need to wait for the Democrats.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.

I'll keep saying it until the sun burns out: America flourished and grew into an industrial powerhouse under an ardently protectionist trade policy from Lincoln through Harding, and largely protectionist trade policy from Harding through Eisenhower.

Too many conservatives have swallowed the globalists' free-trade arguments because those arguments seem conservative on their face. But when you look at them a bit more carefully, they are basically arguing to allow numerous countries to continue to enjoy grossly unfair trade advantages and to force our factories and businesses to compete against foreign factories and businesses that are heavily subsidized and/or that have much lower labor and regulatory costs.

I would say 'free trade' should include a country's ability to impose tariffs. I think Trump is correct when he calls it 'fair trade' or 'equitable trade.'
Doesn’t matter. Big gubmint is forcing people to buy from this plant now. Maybe they’ll hire some of the people that get laid off from manufacturing because of this tariff.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
Doesn’t matter. Big gubmint is forcing people to buy from this plant now. Maybe they’ll hire some of the people that get laid off from manufacturing because of this tariff.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
Are you joking? What the hell do you think a tariff does? You think buyers are happily choosing to overpay for a product they used to be able to get easily and cheaply?
Tariffs are leftist policies. Trump is embracing them, so no need to wait for the Democrats.

How are tariffs 'leftist policies' please explain.
Big gubmint stepping in, forcing you to buy overpriced products... you thanks that’s small government conservatism? :cuckoo:

You explanation is way to broad IMO. We are not talking about a broad-brush 'overpriced products' argument...We are talking specifically about other countries exporting cheap metal to the U.S. thereby undermining our economy. One of the reasons China is able to do this is their complete ignoring of so-called environmental regulations and cheap unsafe labor. One would think that the leftists would abhor 'free trade' that harms people and the Earth.

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