US Steel To Restart Illinois Plant Operations: Plans To Call Back 500 Employees....

Let's see 500 jobs gained but 180,000 risk losing their jobs because of these tariffs. Even with additional steelworkers employed, there will still be a 140,000 net loss in jobs.

I am not a great mathematician like all these pro-Trumpers are, but it seems to me that the American people are getting a raw deal with these tariffs.

However, in the Trumpian age of alternative facts, where up is down and round is square, losing more jobs than you gain by ill-thought out policies is considered a win.

How Many American Jobs Could Be Lost Thanks to Trump's Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
All bullshit. The Trade Partnership from which you "source" this spewage is a globalist leftist think tank that strives for a single world economy. Only communist pukes like these clowns could spin manufacturing our own steel into job loss when, in actually, will net huge gains in the US economy.

Only fascist pukes like yourself could be so ignorant of- and despise Capitalism and American jobs so much to realize that the manufacturing sector that uses steel is vastly larger than our manufacturing sector that makes steel.
And only a communist leftist turd as yourself would suggest that we import the raw materials we need to sustain our own manufacturing base.

You are the communist pig. We have sufficient raw materials to support our manufacturing base.
Those tariffs are not going to last long, the last time it was less than a year and a half or so under Bush in 2002. Could be we'll find out shortly that Canada and Mexico will be exempted if and when the NAFTA is renegotiated. And if the other affected countries agree to stop accepting heavily subsidized Chinese steel into their countries. But too many other jobs could be lost if these tariffs are allowed to continue for very long. Consider what happened when Bush imposed his tariffs on steel:

“Every U.S. state experienced employment losses from higher steel costs,” a 2003 analysis prepared for the nonprofit Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition Foundation determined. In total, it estimated that 200,000 American jobs — a larger number than the entire steel industry employed at the time — were lost as a result."


" But even if tariffs save every one of the 140,000 or so steel jobs in America, it puts at risk five million manufacturing and related jobs in industries that use steel. These producers now have to compete in hyper-competitive international markets using steel that is 20 percent above the world price and aluminum that is 7 percent to 10 percent above the price paid by our foreign rivals.

In other words, steel and aluminum may win in the short term, but the‎ steel and aluminum users and consumers lose. In fact, tariff hikes are really tax hikes. Some of those five million jobs will be put in harm’s way. If they sell less to foreigners, the trade deficit goes up, not down. Since so many of the things Americans consumers buy today are made of steel or aluminum, a 25 percent tariff may get passed on to consumers at the cash register. This is a regressive tax on low income families. "

I think the risk of lost jobs is not as high as some suggest, but the negative aspects are not as insignificant as others say either. However, this may be a case of Trump's negotiating tactics to get better trade deals.
Our nation wins in the long run.

It does not. Consumers will pay more and jobs will be lost. Let's talk about Electrolux's decision to not expand in the US.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans

I wonder why that plant couldn't compete with Canada steel?

Because canada gets their steel from CHINA. For nothing.

No we don’t. We get our steel from Hamilton. Only 7% of Canadian steel comes from China. I haven’t been able to confirm this but logic tells me that most of it probably gets used in British Columbia, where it would be cheaper to buy Chinese steel than it would be to ship Canadian steel from Hamilton.

Canada’s largest steel manufacturer is Dofasco, which is wholly owned by US Steel.

Conservatives: no facts, no intellectual curiosity, no common sense = no clue

You have no clue, steel mills in Canada do some shady stuff and say Chinese steel is theirs.

Re-rolling spools and stuff, yeah, I know all about it.

You are the one who is clueless.
Well fascinating isn't it? Except that there is no anti-dumping on Chinese Steel in the United States.

Why would China tranship to Canada when there is no reason too- and why would the United States allow that fraud?

"fascinating" isn't a word I'd use....ever heard of the WTO? It's the kind of outfit you leftist nitwits adore so I'm curious why you wouldn't admit they are the ones who enforce dumping ie selling below cost to harm domestic industries. Remember how Japan killed our electronics industry? Our musical instrument companies? Damn near our car companies? Wiped out the entire European motorcycle industry? When was the last time you bought a lawnmower of leaf blower made in the US? Did we forget how to make these products after inventing all of them?

All you have to do is seek out responses to know. Wake up America, and please contact Trump and show your support. Contact those who agree with them and show your support. When someone fights him on an issue, contact them and ask them wtf they are doing.

Consider what these sob's have in store for America, and you would have already had been there already if Clinton won:

The EU were going to challenge the LEGALITY of Trump making those tax cuts. Let that sink in ffs and shake your head. Another trade block is questioning U.S sovereignty to make a tax cut in your nation

Roberto Azevêdo of the WTO spoke out against the tariffs Trump announced. Why in the hell would this follow a decision by Trump when no official complaint was made, first of all, secondly, China has 3x the value of tariffs against America, EU at least 2x. Where in the hell is his screaming that ALL WTO members should rid of barriers and tariffs? Easy, he wants CHINA to grow, at Americas expense.

India just announced a 60% tariff on chick peas here. Do you her the WTO? How about the massive subsidies Canada applies to their market, they even have a term for our economic system "supply-management", it's from the 60's ffs, designed to protect our market from America and we aren't giving you a bloody inch in NAFTA talks, The token globalist Obama told Trudeau how to handle Trump, don't worry about that. He will make sure the institutions in the U.S and global will fight Trump and your Executive Powers. Not a peep from the WTO.

But America DARE defend it's economy, workers, industry and confront trade imbalances the world has never seen? Like hell you will, you have no liberty on the world stage.

You sound like an NDPer.

No, I drank from the globalization kool-aid and I support global trade, but you cannot sell your country out to a communist state, or socialist abusers who place massive barriers, and protect their economies, while your workers suffer and American debt, pays for the success of foreign governments.

Do you think this is what Milton Friedman thought globalization would look like? Of course not. This is not apples to apples, this is capitalist America being ripped off by a communist state who is armed to the teeth, wealthy without any value outside of numbers and cheap labor, who spy on America and threaten allies in the region. You have socialists who engage in state run economies, telling America to pay their freight and "stay free" while they don't.

Tariffs are tools of socialists. You apparently are a socialist. This is a assault on the American consumer. There are good paying jobs going begging in this country. Why are we not training people to fill those jobs?
WTO hands Obama victory in U.S.-China steel case

WTO hands Obama win in US-China steel case

Obama files trade complaint against China’s aluminum dumping at WTO

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Record on the Trade Enforcement

'Protectionist' Obama Escalates Trade War, Slams China With Subsidized Aluminum Complaint
President Obama noted he U.S. under his tenure has filed more enforcement complaints in the WTO than any other country and has won every one that’s been decided...

I miss having a president who knew how to win. Now we have orange.

Of course he had wins, he's the most socialist president in U.S history. He doubled U.S debt and was an ardent anti-Israeli, the WTO loved him. So did the UN. They even gave him a Noble Peace prize just for the anticipated socialism he was going to bring to America.

Ask how much of U.S debt China now owns. Who funded the Chinese rise so they can in turn BUY the same debt that YOU used to help them with that rise?

Common sense, it's simple

Republicans passed the biggest tax cut for the rich in history. We called it the Bush Tax cuts.

Then they went to war financed through credit cards.

Then they smashed the economy. Remember when they said let the auto companies go bankrupt?

Then, they handed everything over to Obama.
They handed over debt after making sure revenue sources were gone.
They handed over a ruined economy.

Finally, after 8 years, Obama has brought the economy back and he handed a thriving economy to Trump.

But Bush's and the GOP's crash are blamed on Obama and Obama's success is credited to Trump.

It's like when Obama took down Bin Laden, Republicans said it must have been Bush. The guy who let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him.

Face it. Obama was a better president than any Republican for the last 50 years.

You guys may hate black people second only to gays, but Obama was both a good president and black. No wonder Republicans are apoplectic.

Obama did not bring back the economy. Obama did everything he could to hurt it. It is a prime example of why for the most part Presidents have little to do with the economy. Obama deserves no credit as Trump deserves no credit.

Revenues grew thanks to the Bush tax cuts. When Obama let them expire, the economy did not take off.

Yes the auto companies should have gone bankrupt. There is no one too big to fail. I opposed the bank bailout as well. The fact is that these companies would have gone through a reorganization. They would not have gone out of business.
They are a tool of socialists. It is the government trying to run the economy and is a direct tax on consumers
Homework for ya busy bee...tell me the nation that doesn't have tariffs or taxes on incoming merchandise...
I'll be waiting...
Sorta scary to think we would have to rely on other nations to supply us raw materials, if there was some sort of global conflict. Especially considering that some who we get these metals from aren't exactly our friends.


Its like you are just parroting the Trump talking points.

You do realize we produce steel and aluminum in the United States? Right?

But we don't produce much in the way of rare metals- that mostly come from China?

I have read articles that show our steel/aluminum capabilities are way down, and why wouldn't they be if we can get the stuff cheaper from other countries. If that doesn't concern you, it should.


???? So if we can get 'stuff' from other countries cheaper- that should concern me?

That is the global economy.

We sell corn to the world cheaper than anyone else. Does that mean Mexico should slap big tariff's on corn to protect their agriculture?

Again I will ask- why exactly is it that American steel cannot compete with Canadian steel?

Why does American steel need to have Canadian steel priced 25% higher to compete with Canadian steel?

If things deteriorate on this planet for any reason, we NEED the ability to manufacture our own goods. I would hate to think that our enemies could control access to vital resources during a time of need.

As to your question, I have no idea why. But, my main concern is security, not trade.


I hardly think our enemies are going to invade Canada and Mexico. This has nothing to do with security. Trump is abusing his authority.
They are a tool of socialists. It is the government trying to run the economy and is a direct tax on consumers
Homework for ya busy bee...tell me the nation that doesn't have tariffs or taxes on incoming merchandise...
I'll be waiting...

This is a tax on consumers and a threat to the 40 million or so workers who work in steel using industries. Or Caterpillar and Boeing who will face higher costs in selling their products overseas. You need to do some economic homework. Start with Smoot Hawley.
Here's the deal, The fact that U.S. Steel is hiring is bad news to the anti-American crazy radical left but a bimbo named Stormy Daniels is the crazy left's new hero. Go figure.

Glad U.S. Steel is hiring.

I just think that levying a 25% tax on steel from Canada to protect American steel will hurt American manufacturing that relies on steel.

But hey- it will play well to the steel voters- to hell with the rest of manufacturing- right?

India just hit Canadian chick peas with a 60% tariff, China hits us with quotas and tariffs, they do the same to America. Canada places tariffs on U.S dairy and we give them subsidies to beat U.S exporters. Ditto for softwood lumber, Bombardier. Hell, there are very few Canadian industries not heavily funded and/or covertly assisted. That's our neo-communist system.

If China floated their currency it would be twice it's value, it's a joke. Quite frankly, Americans are looking at the wrong culprit, themselves. Why? Why do you insist on pissing on America all the time, when it is these socialist and communist rat bast.ards who are crushing your industries?

Guys, listen, I know this game well, I spoke about our violations of NAFTA, this is a one way road of exploitation and it's the long game for Canada and others, the anticipation is eventually you will be full blown socialist and we will all be fine on the debt of America. Get smart. This isn't about "free markets" and "America isn't a free market" you are the most free market in the world, while others screw you over, you have to counter their efforts.

I tell you what, knowing what I know about Canada, I would have hit them with 40% and I wouldn't be giving them 30 day exemptions, I assure you that.

We know what you would do and you are a idiot. Your knowledge of economics is non-existent.

You have no idea what you are talking about. China has had to intervene in the currency markets to prevent their currency from going lower. This is about free-markets.
This is a tax on consumers and a threat to the 40 million or so workers who work in steel using industries. Or Caterpillar and Boeing who will face higher costs in selling their products overseas. You need to do some economic homework. Start with Smoot Hawley.
So you can't find any nation on the planet that does not impose a tariff on goods? So why would you be against us doing it? Are you a foreign agent or something? Or are you a globalists like the Bush's and the establishment GOP? and wall street?
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.

Those millions of people who work in steel using industries are American citizens too in case you haven't noticed. Why should their jobs be threatened? Those consumers who will see prices go up are American citizens. Apparently you hate them., You are in-American as is Trump.
This is a tax on consumers and a threat to the 40 million or so workers who work in steel using industries. Or Caterpillar and Boeing who will face higher costs in selling their products overseas. You need to do some economic homework. Start with Smoot Hawley.
So you can't find any nation on the planet that does not impose a tariff on goods? So why would you be against us doing it? Are you a foreign agent or something? Or are you a globalists like the Bush's and the establishment GOP? and wall street?

See the problem with so many, and I can't deny that I was somewhat like them years ago; is they go into influx mode of "tariffs bad, free markets good". Without understanding that this is only the case in apples to apples. There are very few options a nation has against abusers, socialists and communists, tariffs is a major one.

So when you ask others, "how would you deal with the massive debt imbalance, lost jobs and industries", they have no answer or very few, but are quick to criticize.

Unless you abandon these industries, which some have, foolishly I might add, you have to re-educate and toss government money at the problem. Why not PROTECT as CHina and others do, and allow your citizens to get back to work. They will appreciate the efforts and compete patriotically, don't just toss them away because it's easy to blame the secret and invisible market forces.
This is a tax on consumers and a threat to the 40 million or so workers who work in steel using industries. Or Caterpillar and Boeing who will face higher costs in selling their products overseas. You need to do some economic homework. Start with Smoot Hawley.
So you can't find any nation on the planet that does not impose a tariff on goods? So why would you be against us doing it? Are you a foreign agent or something? Or are you a globalists like the Bush's and the establishment GOP? and wall street?

Because I don't waste time with your drivel because it is irrelevant. I can see why Putin wanted Trump to be President. You are just a communist stooge. Ronald Reagan believed in free trade and he was a conservative.
Wow, a US President actually looking out for American Citizens?! That hasn't happened in awhile. WTG Trump! :clap:

United States Steel Corp. said it would restart a blast furnace in Illinois to handle the higher demand it expects from President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on foreign steel.

The steelmaker said it also plans to call 500 employees back to work at the Granite City mill. U.S. Steel idled its blast furnaces there two years ago as a flood of cheap imports pushed down domestic steel prices. Steel producers have been hurt in recent years by increasing competition from foreign competitors, particularly China, that have ramped up production at lower prices...

U.S. Steel to Restart Illinois Plant Operations Amid Trump’s Tariff Plans
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.

Those millions of people who work in steel using industries are American citizens too in case you haven't noticed. Why should their jobs be threatened? Those consumers who will see prices go up are American citizens. Apparently you hate them., You are in-American as is Trump.
50 dollars more for a major appliance is not going to bankrupt anyone. Do you want a strong middle class or do you prefer bringing up the bottom at their expense?
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.
You libs do love big gubmint forcing you to buy what they want

Like insurance? You have not got a leg to stand on. Trump is shrinking government. That is why he is not filling positions, he is eliminating those positions.
Yes, Trump’s tariff is very much like the ACA mandate. Congratulations, lib.

Show your ignorance. Obama did not invent the mandate. The CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation created the mandate to fight freeloaders. People who buy insurance only when they get sick. They drive up healthcare premiums.
A little protectionism might just be a good thing. We need to maintain our ability to produce steel and Al. Also, cheep prices are only good for those that have good jobs.
US made steel will be critical for WW3
Well. Not THAT critical but it's a feel good move. This time you lose. Like you can not even fathom.....
.‘Alas, alas, that great city , in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate.’
Oprah will cover it
Carrier plant bringing back jobs 2.0 :rofl:
Gotta love you people who think anyone getting or keeping a job is terrible. What the fuck is wrong with you?

We’re not stupid, like you. The steel industry has 160,000 jobs. US Steel is adding 500 more. Big whoop!

US manufacturing companies using steel have 5,000,000 jobs. Trump is prepared to throw those 5,000,000 jobs under the bus to benefit the 160,000.

The figure I’m seeing consistently is that 5 jobs will be lost for every job that’s gained.

Realizing that you Russian bots are hired for you English skills not your math, let me clarify: Those 500 new steel jobs mean that 2,500 manufacturing jobs will be lost.

Does that sound like “winning” to you?

Trump is trying to revive the US Steel Industry. It'll take awhile to overcome the Globalist decimation though. It's refreshing having a US President actually looking out for American Citizens. We haven't had that in a long time.

Those millions of people who work in steel using industries are American citizens too in case you haven't noticed. Why should their jobs be threatened? Those consumers who will see prices go up are American citizens. Apparently you hate them., You are in-American as is Trump.
50 dollars more for a major appliance is not going to bankrupt anyone. Do you want a strong middle class or do you prefer bringing up the bottom at their expense?

How nice of you to make the decision for all Americans. When you start getting hit from all sides with price increases on products made with steel and aluminum it adds up. When Boeing and Caterpillar lose sales from that expensive steel and aluminum that their competition doesn't have, they will either shed workers or move overseas.

I do object. It will not make a strong middle class. You are the one who wants to be at the bottom.

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