US strikes deal with Al-Qaeda.

With their NDAA now Law, their new Boogeyman Enemy is likely you. God Bless.
Still haven't learned that the MSM aka controlled media doesn't report things like this because if it did the country would be in revolt right now if the truth was told.

The mainstream media reports on the activities of Al Qaeda in Syria. They just don't add any special conspiracy sauce about Al Qaeda being lizard beings who control the Global Elite™ to make us all buy iPods.

i...PODS! Pods, get it? PODS!!!! Aaaaaaaagggghhhhh...

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The powers that be have moved on. 'Radical Muslims' have served their purpose. But now that's been exhausted. They need a new 'War on...(Fill in the Blank). In my opinion it's going to be the 'War on fellow Americans.' You don't just pass a law like the NDAA for nothing. They've likely been planning this new War for a long time. But i know, that's all just 'crazy Conspiracy Theory' stuff. Man, I only wish it was.

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