US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Fuck israel
A lawsuit has been filed in a US court seeking to stop non-profit groups from sending billions of dollars worth of tax-exempt donations to support illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli army.

A group of American citizens filed the suit on December 21 against the US Department of Treasury, claiming about 150 non-profits have sent an estimated $280bn to Israel over the past two decades.

The lawsuit claims the donations were "pass-throughs" and "funnels" to support the Israeli army and the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements
Interesting read
So, 911 - and AlQueda - cheering Al-Jazeera site would sponsor a Jew-Bashing article criticizing the United States. :rolleyes:

A lawsuit has been filed in a US court seeking to stop non-profit groups from sending billions of dollars worth of tax-exempt donations to support illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli army.

A group of American citizens filed the suit on December 21 against the US Department of Treasury, claiming about 150 non-profits have sent an estimated $280bn to Israel over the past two decades.

The lawsuit claims the donations were "pass-throughs" and "funnels" to support the Israeli army and the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements
Interesting read

There are a number of flaws in this article, first one must accept that whichever townships or groups received this money intended it for illegal purposes. Second you'd have to prove that the treasury knew of its illegal intent and is somehow culpable. Also the suets author claims its an effort to obtain damages. In which case cause, intent and knowledge of those damages must be proven, against the US treasury. Which is going to be nigh on impossible.

I see it as another staged act attempting to impose the palestinian revisionist narrative on the US court system. I predict the whole thing gets thrown out for lack of evidence
¨A group of American citizens¨ filed the suit

"For 30 years at least, the US taxpayer has been funding and/or subsidising criminal activities overseas, ie murder, arson, malicious property destruction, assault and battery and ethnic cleansing and international terrorist acts," it said.

The attorney for the plaintiffs, Martin F McMahon, said the US Department of Treasury should not just end the tax exemption, but should also recoup hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes.

"The lawsuit seeks to hold accountable the tax-exempt entities by revoking their nonprofit status," McMahon told Al Jazeera.

The lawsuit said: "These charities' agenda is to rid the West Bank and EJ [East Jerusalem] of all non-Jews, consistent with perceived biblical imperatives. They have been very successful in that endeavour, as detailed herein, primarily because of the Treasury's abject and long-standing failure to monitor and prevent their criminal activities for at least the last 30 years."
¨A group of American citizens¨ filed the suit

"For 30 years at least, the US taxpayer has been funding and/or subsidising criminal activities overseas, ie murder, arson, malicious property destruction, assault and battery and ethnic cleansing and international terrorist acts," it said.

The attorney for the plaintiffs, Martin F McMahon, said the US Department of Treasury should not just end the tax exemption, but should also recoup hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes.

"The lawsuit seeks to hold accountable the tax-exempt entities by revoking their nonprofit status," McMahon told Al Jazeera.

The lawsuit said: "These charities' agenda is to rid the West Bank and EJ [East Jerusalem] of all non-Jews, consistent with perceived biblical imperatives. They have been very successful in that endeavour, as detailed herein, primarily because of the Treasury's abject and long-standing failure to monitor and prevent their criminal activities for at least the last 30 years."

I directed a nonprofit for one year and the stipulations for maintaining nonprofit status under the typical 501(c)3 are pretty ambiguous, about the only real requirement is that they not engage in politics and not sell a product. As I recall, its been a while.

I don't think their NPO status is in any danger here. Nor is their ability to take collections for an outside organization. IE they are allowed to engage in fundraising both for themselves and for others without being necessarily responsible for the use of those funds once they are delivered.

The suet is barking up the wrong tree.

No way this is anything more than an attempt to impose the palestinian narrative on the US court system.
Love it and its about time: These illegal non profits should be closed and also no more tax exempt charities.

The lawsuit claims the donations were "pass-throughs" and "funnels" to support the Israeli army and the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In the US Internal Revenue Code, these organisations are identified as "501(c)(3)", and donors are given tax-exempt status and allowed to claim a tax deduction on their gift.

Sheldon Adelson, an American casino magnate, and several other wealthy pro-Israeli businessmen were named in the lawsuit as donors but not as defendants.
¨A group of American citizens¨ filed the suit

"For 30 years at least, the US taxpayer has been funding and/or subsidising criminal activities overseas, ie murder, arson, malicious property destruction, assault and battery and ethnic cleansing and international terrorist acts," it said.

The attorney for the plaintiffs, Martin F McMahon, said the US Department of Treasury should not just end the tax exemption, but should also recoup hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes.

"The lawsuit seeks to hold accountable the tax-exempt entities by revoking their nonprofit status," McMahon told Al Jazeera.

The lawsuit said: "These charities' agenda is to rid the West Bank and EJ [East Jerusalem] of all non-Jews, consistent with perceived biblical imperatives. They have been very successful in that endeavour, as detailed herein, primarily because of the Treasury's abject and long-standing failure to monitor and prevent their criminal activities for at least the last 30 years."

I directed a nonprofit for one year and the stipulations for maintaining nonprofit status under the typical 501(c)3 are pretty ambiguous, about the only real requirement is that they not engage in politics and not sell a product. As I recall, its been a while.

I don't think their NPO status is in any danger here. Nor is their ability to take collections for an outside organization. IE they are allowed to engage in fundraising both for themselves and for others without being necessarily responsible for the use of those funds once they are delivered.

The suet is barking up the wrong tree.

No way this is anything more than an attempt to impose the palestinian narrative on the US court system.
The document says different very specifically.
Most of these non profits are tax havens for the donors to use money as they wish, they need to be stopped.
¨A group of American citizens¨ filed the suit

"For 30 years at least, the US taxpayer has been funding and/or subsidising criminal activities overseas, ie murder, arson, malicious property destruction, assault and battery and ethnic cleansing and international terrorist acts," it said.

The attorney for the plaintiffs, Martin F McMahon, said the US Department of Treasury should not just end the tax exemption, but should also recoup hundreds of millions of dollars in back taxes.

"The lawsuit seeks to hold accountable the tax-exempt entities by revoking their nonprofit status," McMahon told Al Jazeera.

The lawsuit said: "These charities' agenda is to rid the West Bank and EJ [East Jerusalem] of all non-Jews, consistent with perceived biblical imperatives. They have been very successful in that endeavour, as detailed herein, primarily because of the Treasury's abject and long-standing failure to monitor and prevent their criminal activities for at least the last 30 years."

I directed a nonprofit for one year and the stipulations for maintaining nonprofit status under the typical 501(c)3 are pretty ambiguous, about the only real requirement is that they not engage in politics and not sell a product. As I recall, its been a while.

I don't think their NPO status is in any danger here. Nor is their ability to take collections for an outside organization. IE they are allowed to engage in fundraising both for themselves and for others without being necessarily responsible for the use of those funds once they are delivered.

The suet is barking up the wrong tree.

No way this is anything more than an attempt to impose the palestinian narrative on the US court system.
The document says different very specifically.

Of course it does but that doesn't make it the more accurate statement. The suet can claim whatever it wants, but its what they can prove in court that matters. They are suing the treasury, not the churches. They don't stand a chance.

The suet will be thrown out as soon as it hits the judges desk.
We will have to wait and see. However, the State Department released this statement concerning the suit.

"This administration, like every administration before it since 1967, views settlement activity as illegitimate and counterproductive to the cause of peace, The United States has never defended or supported settlements and activity associated with them and, by extension, does not pursue policies that would legitimize them."

The lawsuit said: "These charities' agenda is to rid the West Bank and EJ [East Jerusalem] of all non-Jews, consistent with perceived biblical imperatives. They have been very successful in that endeavour, as detailed herein, primarily because of the Treasury's abject and long-standing failure to monitor and prevent their criminal activities for at least the last 30 years."

Ironic, given that the Palestinians leaders

Oh lord spelling again, yeah yeah yeah, english isn't my first language so yeah. My spelling sucks

So how do you spell it then because spell check says its good

Use "plaintiff" for the one doing the suing. And "defendant" for the one being sued. (And your language skills are very good, don't sweat it.)
A lawsuit has been filed in a US court seeking to stop non-profit groups from sending billions of dollars worth of tax-exempt donations to support illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli army.

A group of American citizens filed the suit on December 21 against the US Department of Treasury, claiming about 150 non-profits have sent an estimated $280bn to Israel over the past two decades.

The lawsuit claims the donations were "pass-throughs" and "funnels" to support the Israeli army and the illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
US sued over donations for illegal Israeli settlements
Interesting read
It is about time. The US needs to stop all funding in the Middle East including all money to Israel
Most of the money we give Israel goes straight back to the US economy. Its almost entirely used to purchase weapons or ammo, from us. Then there is also the joint developmental programs which both US and Israel uses to develop better weapons. Lots of cooperation going on in this theater. However on the other hand, most of the money given to the Arab states goes straight into the pockets of their politicians with very little of it actually going to the humanitarian aid its intended for.
Most of the money we give Israel goes straight back to the US economy. Its almost entirely used to purchase weapons or ammo, from us. Then there is also the joint developmental programs which both US and Israel uses to develop better weapons. Lots of cooperation going on in this theater. However on the other hand, most of the money given to the Arab states goes straight into the pockets of their politicians with very little of it actually going to the humanitarian aid its intended for.

Don't confuse the Jew Haters with the facts ! One of the conditions for US aid is that Israel is mandated to spend the majority of aid in self defense; Unlike other Countries who we give aid to unconditionally
Most of the money we give Israel goes straight back to the US economy. Its almost entirely used to purchase weapons or ammo, from us. Then there is also the joint developmental programs which both US and Israel uses to develop better weapons. Lots of cooperation going on in this theater. However on the other hand, most of the money given to the Arab states goes straight into the pockets of their politicians with very little of it actually going to the humanitarian aid its intended for.

Don't confuse the Jew Haters with the facts ! One of the conditions for US aid is that Israel is mandated to spend the majority of aid in self defense; Unlike other Countries who we give aid to unconditionally

Israel is the only country that can spend U.S. aid for other than purchases of U.S. goods.

  • Israel is the largest recipient of US Foreign Military Financing.
  • For FY2015, President Barack Obama’s funding request for Israel would account for more than 55% of FMF worldwide.
  • Annual FMF grants account for up to 25% of Israel’s defense budget.
  • Israel is allowed to use FMF to purchase weapons produced in Israel. No other country receives this benefit.
  • In 2010, the US and Israel agreed to allow Israel tol purchase 19 F-35s at a cost of $2.75 billion. Israel will pay for this entirely using FMF grants supplied by the United States.
  • Under negotiated agreements, Israel may purchase an additional squadron of F-35s, up to 75 aircraft, costing a total of $15.2 billion.
  • As part of the deal, the U.S. has pledged to spend $4 billion purchasing equipment from Israel’s defense industries.
  • In the summer of 2012, the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin finalized a $450 million agreement to modify the baseline F-35 model to accommodate electronic warfare and munitions systems for Israel’s future F-35 squadrons.
  • For FY2015, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $10 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2015 request for joint U.S.- Israeli programs is $96.8 million. The Administration also is requesting $175.9 million for Iron Dome.
Most of the money we give Israel goes straight back to the US economy. Its almost entirely used to purchase weapons or ammo, from us. Then there is also the joint developmental programs which both US and Israel uses to develop better weapons. Lots of cooperation going on in this theater. However on the other hand, most of the money given to the Arab states goes straight into the pockets of their politicians with very little of it actually going to the humanitarian aid its intended for.

Don't confuse the Jew Haters with the facts ! One of the conditions for US aid is that Israel is mandated to spend the majority of aid in self defense; Unlike other Countries who we give aid to unconditionally

Israel is the only country that can spend U.S. aid for other than purchases of U.S. goods.

  • Israel is the largest recipient of US Foreign Military Financing.
  • For FY2015, President Barack Obama’s funding request for Israel would account for more than 55% of FMF worldwide.
  • Annual FMF grants account for up to 25% of Israel’s defense budget.
  • Israel is allowed to use FMF to purchase weapons produced in Israel. No other country receives this benefit.
  • In 2010, the US and Israel agreed to allow Israel tol purchase 19 F-35s at a cost of $2.75 billion. Israel will pay for this entirely using FMF grants supplied by the United States.
  • Under negotiated agreements, Israel may purchase an additional squadron of F-35s, up to 75 aircraft, costing a total of $15.2 billion.
  • As part of the deal, the U.S. has pledged to spend $4 billion purchasing equipment from Israel’s defense industries.
  • In the summer of 2012, the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin finalized a $450 million agreement to modify the baseline F-35 model to accommodate electronic warfare and munitions systems for Israel’s future F-35 squadrons.
  • For FY2015, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $10 million in Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2015 request for joint U.S.- Israeli programs is $96.8 million. The Administration also is requesting $175.9 million for Iron Dome.
It's a part of the very generous "Hellfire Missile Early Retirement Program for Islamist Terrorists" that we participate in. The US supplies the technology and hardware and Israel uses that in testing and verification.

Here ya' go, sweetie. Check it out:


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