US Surgeon-General fired (for being born outside the US)

like i said , send anti gun 'murthy' back to 'india' to teach his third world brothers and sisters where it is proper to POOP !! Supposed to be an ancient and wise civilization and indian apartment dwellers in big cities POOP in the open down by the rail road tracks [chuckle] [POOP is everywhere in 'india' Sur] . Actually its pretty funny , I may get you some video Sur .
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some more info and theres lots out there if you wanted to smarten up . --- Sickening Photos from Shithole* India --- anyway , send 'murthy' back to 'india' to teach proper pooping techniques to his third world brothers and sisters . 'murthy' is an anti gunner and obama appointee if nothing else Sur .
So no connection between the former SG and the problem Sur 'ismoe is complaining about.
a little dance tune for you and 'murthy' Sur !! --- ---

--------------------------------------------------------- heres a link for YOU Sur . And 'murthy' is foreign born , born in anti gun 'england ' and was appointed by 'mrobama' and he probably voted for 'illary' plus he himself is anti gun and probably approves of obamacare . Now get to dancin Sur [chuckle] !!
It's not a really big deal in the context of how twisted the current American government is, and in fact the Surgeon Gen. has little official power. The main point is that his firing is yet another example of the Trump/Bannon 'purge'. Dr. Murthy was on thin ice because he was a) born in the UK and b) brown. It would be odd to attack H-1B visas for 'foreign experts' and have one such heading up a central agency, right?

And of course, in-line with surrounding himself with lowly minions, Trump & Co. appoint a mere nurse as the Surgeon-General, and you can just bet that she will do whatever she is told to do all...the...time. Bark lassie.

Do you have a link, or are you just speculating based on your dislike of President Dump??
as it looks like Anti gun 'murthy' is gone probably due to being foreign born and in anti gun England , As ex surgeon general murthy should head back to 'india' and teach about proper hygiene and pooping in toilets Sur !
Ted Cruz and John McCain were also not born in the U.S.
--------------------------------- lets get rid of 'mkkain' and i've been saying that for the last 30 years . Ted Cruz , i think he was born in 'canada' of an American Mother so i think that he meets requirements . Course , concerning Ted , who i like , get rid of him also , ok with me but like i said , looks like Ted meets requirements . Problem with 'murthy' is his anti gun thinking that i GUESS was acquired in 'england' along with his support for 'national healthcare' or 'obamacare' . Plus , to sum up , murthy is foreign born and has unamerican thinking and points of view XYZ !!
Ted Cruz , i think he was born in 'canada' of an American Mother so i think that he meets requirements .
So you don't want to see his birth certificate?
------------------------------------------------------- sure , make an issue of it . I personally don't think that foreigners should be allowed in the USA let alone vote or run for elected office to shape the USA to their foreign ideals and thinking . Its just that so far Ted talks American and supposedly meets requirement to at least be a 'Senator' as far as i am aware YYZ .
Ted Cruz and John McCain were also not born in the U.S.
--------------------------------- lets get rid of 'mkkain' and i've been saying that for the last 30 years . Ted Cruz , i think he was born in 'canada' of an American Mother so i think that he meets requirements . Course , concerning Ted , who i like , get rid of him also , ok with me but like i said , looks like Ted meets requirements . Problem with 'murthy' is his anti gun thinking that i GUESS was acquired in 'england' along with his support for 'national healthcare' or 'obamacare' . Plus , to sum up , murthy is foreign born and has unamerican thinking and points of view XYZ !!
------------------------------------------------ as far as birth certificates that you mention . mrobama never was or will ever be an american no matter what his birth certificate says . mrobama with his 'murthy' parrot are both unamerican simply because of their advocating for gun control XYZ !!

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