US Taxes are too low compared to the rest of the world

Do you care that the US economy is headed for a cliff due to the $23T National Debt?

  • Ignorance is bliss, what happens happens, I don't care about the $23T Debt

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • I do NOT want my taxes raised, we need a Convention of States for Balanced Budget Amendment

    Votes: 8 40.0%
  • The responsible action is to raise taxes and reform entitlements to start paying down the Debt

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I have a better solution, see my post

    Votes: 5 25.0%
  • The GOP solution of "growing the economy" by cutting taxes never works, it just grows the Debt

    Votes: 5 25.0%

  • Total voters
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:

Why is your only "raise taxes" option to "raise taxes and cut entitlements"? Why not "raise taxes and cut the military"?

If the USA isn't going to have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed around the world, how many men and how much equipment do you need? If you're not going to get involved in other people's domestic wars, why do you need to spend ALL of this money on a war machine and then let all of this stuff get rusty.

You're absolutely clueless. Were you always as stupid as you are now? Did it creep up on you or did it pounce all of a sudden or were you simply born stupid and have stayed that way?

So in other words, you've got nothing.

What works in every other first world country is impossible for you. That's why your standard of living in the USA is dropping for everyday people.

Homelessness exists in California because rents are higher than wages. Even white collar workers can't make the rent. This isn't sustainable in long haul.

Unless wages rise dramatically, it's going to get worse. Trump's solution is load more taxes on the middle and working class, and cut more tax breaks for millionaires..

No kidding, the folks shooting up drugs and shitting in the streets have jobs?

The folks living in camper trailers, parked in suburban neighbourhoods, and living in makeshift housing in tents, and camps not only have jobs, some of them are nurses, office workers, and other white colour workers - a lot of them.

When everyday working people with 2 jobs, can't afford a roof over their heads, something is way outta whack. The middle class doesn't need tax breaks, they need raises. Cutting taxes simply increases poverty at the bottom, and wealth at the top. The working middle gets little to nothing.
Greedy Moon Bats want higher taxes (for other people) because they think they will get more free stuff.

Moon Bats love to use the government to force other people to pay their bills. Just the kind of greedy assholes they are.
Greedy? You must mean the huge handouts to the rich that created our huge deficits.

Didn't you vote for that shithead Obama that gave huge handouts to the Wall street banks, failing corporations and failed environmental wacko corporations?

If you are really against "huge handouts" then join fiscal conservatives like me that advocate no welfare, bailouts, entitlements, grants, or subsides. That includes foreign as well as domestic. None. Nada. No farm subsidies and no food stamps. No taking any money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it.

However I don't think you really give a shit. You just want your free shit and you want somebody else to pay for it. Like all dumbass Libtards you blame other people for you not getting the free stuff you think you are entitled to just because you are alive.

Yea, greedy little asshole.,
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:

American taxpayers have been FORCED to fund the filth of the world...we have been FORCED to fund and foster Mexico’s human trash...Americans have grown so pussified they have happily accepted their role as ignorant fool...they pay the world to fuck them over and they smile as they take it in the a$$.
Spending is the problem...PERIOD
The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor and distracting the chumps with tales of Mexicans.

We need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy. We need to tax the rich and invest in education training and infrastructure.

haha...100 million beaners here illegally and or here with illegal roots...there's no need for "tales"...those "tales" are all true.
"We need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy."
How do you accomplish that with an underground underclass expanding at a rate like never seen before?
"We need to tax the rich and invest in education training"
Yeah, there ya go...penalize / FORCE those good, productive citizens to pay to educate those criminal beaners.
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:

American taxpayers have been FORCED to fund the filth of the world...we have been FORCED to fund and foster Mexico’s human trash...Americans have grown so pussified they have happily accepted their role as ignorant fool...they pay the world to fuck them over and they smile as they take it in the a$$.
Spending is the problem...PERIOD
The GOP loves the cheap easily bullied labor and distracting the chumps with tales of Mexicans.

We need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy. We need to tax the rich and invest in education training and infrastructure.

haha...100 million beaners here illegally and or here with illegal roots...there's no need for "tales"...those "tales" are all true.
"We need a healthy middle class and working class to have a healthy economy."
How do you accomplish that with an underground underclass expanding at a rate like never seen before?
"We need to tax the rich and invest in education training"
Yeah, there ya go...penalize / FORCE those good, productive citizens to pay to educate those criminal beaners.
there are more like 12 million illegals and they are damn hard workers and they don't get welfare and we need an ID card to stop more coming not a stupid wall. No other economy has ever had a flat tax system like this top disgrace it doesn't work. You people are perfect chumps of the greedy idiot rich GOP. There is no crisis except for asylum-seekers from our GOP war on drugs Central American war zone. Not to mention the GOP led war on global warming LOL
The "Repo" Fiasco; the Fed's Cash Injections Send Stocks Soaring

From the comments on that article;

On the other hand, no private person or institution would be allowed to create $29 trillion of counterfeit money either.

So what’s going on? Is the Fed part of the US government, or an organization subordinate to the US government, or what?

By the way, for anyone who finds sums such as $29 trillion hard to come to grips with… it’s a little north of $87,000 for every US man, woman and child.

Seems to me that a citizen ought to know when someone issues $87,000 of debt in his name.

Questions for Partisans

The Bidens seemed to do OK. So did all of our politicians. They come to DC, stay for decades and leave with tens of millions

I'm sorry, you were saying something about having to raise taxes to fund Lifestyles of the Rich and Representative?
Greedy Moon Bats want higher taxes (for other people) because they think they will get more free stuff.

Moon Bats love to use the government to force other people to pay their bills. Just the kind of greedy assholes they are.
Greedy? You must mean the huge handouts to the rich that created our huge deficits.

Didn't you vote for that shithead Obama that gave huge handouts to the Wall street banks, failing corporations and failed environmental wacko corporations?

If you are really against "huge handouts" then join fiscal conservatives like me that advocate no welfare, bailouts, entitlements, grants, or subsides. That includes foreign as well as domestic. None. Nada. No farm subsidies and no food stamps. No taking any money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitheads that didn't earn it.

However I don't think you really give a shit. You just want your free shit and you want somebody else to pay for it. Like all dumbass Libtards you blame other people for you not getting the free stuff you think you are entitled to just because you are alive.

Yea, greedy little asshole.,
You can’t vote trump and claim to be fiscally conservative. That’s a funny one.
Here's the point, the rest of the world's economies are in the tank while ours is surging ever higher. Now which would you rather have the USA of France? If France the answer is simple, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
We have no surge, was slower last year. You righties ever use facts?
Do you ever use your brain, dumbass?
So you couldn’t find evidence of a surge eh? Didn’t think so.
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:

Why is your only "raise taxes" option to "raise taxes and cut entitlements"? Why not "raise taxes and cut the military"?

If the USA isn't going to have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed around the world, how many men and how much equipment do you need? If you're not going to get involved in other people's domestic wars, why do you need to spend ALL of this money on a war machine and then let all of this stuff get rusty.

You're absolutely clueless. Were you always as stupid as you are now? Did it creep up on you or did it pounce all of a sudden or were you simply born stupid and have stayed that way?

So in other words, you've got nothing.

What works in every other first world country is impossible for you. That's why your standard of living in the USA is dropping for everyday people.

Homelessness exists in California because rents are higher than wages. Even white collar workers can't make the rent. This isn't sustainable in long haul.

Unless wages rise dramatically, it's going to get worse. Trump's solution is load more taxes on the middle and working class, and cut more tax breaks for millionaires..

No kidding, the folks shooting up drugs and shitting in the streets have jobs?

The folks living in camper trailers, parked in suburban neighbourhoods, and living in makeshift housing in tents, and camps not only have jobs, some of them are nurses, office workers, and other white colour workers - a lot of them.

When everyday working people with 2 jobs, can't afford a roof over their heads, something is way outta whack. The middle class doesn't need tax breaks, they need raises. Cutting taxes simply increases poverty at the bottom, and wealth at the top. The working middle gets little to nothing.

Great, so you're admitting you lied?
Maybe you don't comprehend the problem. The $23T Debt will eventually cause the whole economy and financial system to collapse.
The US dollar will be worthless. What happens to the poor and middle class when that happens?
The OP showed you that the rest of the world pays higher taxes and don't pay $400b a year in interest on their Debt.
So stop whining about the fucking poor and middle class, and try to see the fucking iceberg dead ahead.

Cut spending.

Look, taxing the rich doesn't work. You can't point to a single country anywhere in the world, which has taxed the rich, and had that plan work.

So you two option if you want to avoid destroying the country with debt.

A: Tax the poor and middle class, like France, which is why they had the Yellow Vest protests.
B: Cut spending. Maybe you can't just afford whatever the heck you want. Maybe you have to grow up, and be an adult, and say we don't have money for this.

Those are your two options. And by the way, option doesn't work. You jack up taxes, and you still don't have the money, which is exactly why France was jacking up taxes when they caused the Yellow Vest protests.

So option A, will eventually lead to option B anyway.

What an ignorant post!

1. Tax the rich;

2. Cut military spending, by half;

3. Transition to single payer, universal health care. Bring Big Pharma to heel;

4. Start investing in infratstructure and education;

5. Make retraining of the unemployed and underemployed production workers a priority;

6. Pass a $15 minimum wage.

OMG, we almost agree on something?!

1. Tax the rich; increase the top rate by 7% above 2018 levels

2. Cut military spending, by half; cut from $750b to $600b and end the endless wars

3. Transition to single payer, universal health care. Bring Big Pharma to heel; Fix Social Security & Medicare from going bankrupt

4. Start investing in infrastructure and education; those are state responsibilities per the Constitution

5. Retrain the unemployed, underemployed, & those entering the job market; free community college & job training i.e. the German model

6. Pass a $15 minimum wage maybe a $15 minimum for heads of households

1. Tax the rich; increase the top rate by 7% above 2018 levels

Does not work. Taxing the rich has never worked. Hasn't worked in Europe, nor anywhere else. Didn't work in US history either.

Increasing taxes on the rich, will merely result in the rich concealing their money, or moving it out of the country, or into other non-productive uses.

2. Cut military spending, by half; cut from $750b to $600b and end the endless wars

Where are these endless wars?
In 2010, you could have cut the military spending to ZERO, and still had social security going broke.
Moreover, you look around Europe, and you see that even with the US funding most of their national defense, they still don't have endless money for pensions. Greece has much higher tax rates than the US, and much lower military spending.... and they still go broke.

By the way, if you cut military spending in half, you can guarantee that world war 3 will break out. As the US has retreated, Russia and China have become more aggressive. This clearly evident.

3. Transition to single payer, universal health care. Bring Big Pharma to heel; Fix Social Security & Medicare from going bankrupt

Impossible. Bringing big pharma to heel, will result in fewer drugs. This is what we've seen in France, and elsewhere in the world. When there isn't a profit motivate to invest in new drugs, fewer new drugs are created.

Moreover, Social Security and Medicare simply can't be "fixed". There is no way to "fix" a system that is built on a ponzi scheme. If there was, then Bernie Madoff and Enron would have found it. You can't fix a system where you take from group B to pay for group A, in hopes that you'll be able to take from group C, to pay for group B. It doesn't work.

You want to "Fix" Social Security, privatize it. You want to fix medicare, Privatize it.

4. Start investing in infrastructure and education; those are state responsibilities per the Constitution

And investing in education is a ridiculous claim. We spend more money than any other country on the face of the Earth, and our kids come out not knowing basic math.

Most colleges enroll many students who aren’t prepared for higher education

We spend way too much on education.

Infrastructure spending, is a waste of money, if you don't have an economy that needs it. Further, if infrastructure spending did help the economy, then why didn't they fix all that infrastructure when Obama blew $800 Billion dollars? If all those things were so important, then why didn't they fix anything? Why was the 2009 recovery the worst economic recovery in the entire history of the US?

5. Retrain the unemployed, underemployed, & those entering the job market; free community college & job training i.e. the German model

Doesn't work. We have nearly free education already. I know 3 people right now, going to school for free. Since we already have it, then why is it not working?

I have a co-worker right now, with a 4-year degree in physics, and he's working in a warehouse. He paid for his education. Why should I be forced to pay taxes, to pay for his degree that he's not using?

You can't just force people to 'retrain'. If they are willing to retrain, they would have paid for it themselves already, just like the rest of us. If they are not willing to retrain, you offering it for free, will just result in a waste of money.

We had retraining programs already. There was a scandal in Ohio, about people using the program to ride the buss around, without learning anything.

Retraining programs do not work.

6. Pass a $15 minimum wage maybe a $15 minimum for heads of households

Again, if you pass a $15 minimum wage, the result will be people simply don't have jobs.

If I hire you to mow my lawn for $40, and the government says that $40 for mowing a lawn is simply not enough, and I have to pay you $100 for mowing my lawn.... I'm not paying you $100 to mow my lawn, I'll buy a mower and enough gas for a year, and mow it myself.
You will simply be unemployed.

That's reality. The value of the labor, does not magically increase to meet your minimum wage. If a cheap fast food low-quality burger is only worth $6 to me... I'm not paying $15 for a burger because government says the minimum wage is $15/hour.

Why do you think a value meal in Denmark is almost $20, when they pay their employees $16/hour? Cause and effect. The prices goes up with the wage. Higher the price, the fewer people buy the stuff, and fewer people are employed.

The worst thing you can do is raise the minimum wage, because it cuts people off the bottom rung of the ladder. How can you claim the income ladder, when you can't even get on it? I know many people who worked their way up from the bottom rung.

In fact the CEO of Walmart today, started off as a warehouse employee. He started off at the bottom rung, and worked his way up.

1. Increasing the taxes on the rich does work as long as there are no loopholes. We're not talking 90% tax rates like in the 1950's, but the top rate needs to increase 7%. If they want to hire tax lawyers and tee it up in court, fine.

2. Cutting military spending from $750b to about $600b is not a drastic cut. The Pentagon needs to do a better job of managing money. Speaking of WW3, it just might be the US military buildup that triggers it.

3. Medicare and SS can be fixed, easily. Read the OP and see the links to the various fixes.

4. Education and Infrastructure spending only when we have a surplus. Those are state responsibilities. Also, I want Universities to pay half of student loans, so if the kids can't repay they have skin in the game.

5. The "German model" gets kids and the unemployed ready for the work-force. They don't go to college for useless Art-History degrees. Two years free at a nearby community college ensures that the workers are trained for the jobs that exist.

6. OK, I agree that the minimum wage cannot be so high as to reduce jobs.

1. Increasing the taxes on the rich does work as long as there are no loopholes. We're not talking 90% tax rates like in the 1950's, but the top rate needs to increase 7%. If they want to hire tax lawyers and tee it up in court, fine.

A: No it doesn't. If I move to Canada, you don't get my money. Game over. You lose. I can run my business in Canada, just as easily as in the US. Many companies have done exactly that. Or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

B: There will never at any point, not be loop holes. Never. Just never. As long as there is one politicians, just one, that is willing to offer deductions for money... some wealthy will be willing to pay up for them.

2. Cutting military spending from $750b to about $600b is not a drastic cut. The Pentagon needs to do a better job of managing money. Speaking of WW3, it just might be the US military buildup that triggers it.

Ridiculous claim. You know what happens when you realize you can't win? You don't fight. The buildup in the 1980s stopped the Soviet aggression, not caused it.

The whole reason Russia and Syria and Iran were willing to be aggressive, is because they sensed the US pulling back, and did not believe we would confront them. They were right. All three engaged in hostilities, until Trump blew up Irans terrorist commander, and then cried time-out after firing a few missiles.

As far as how much money should go to defense, quite frankly, if we eliminated all constitutional spending, and only spent money on what the constitution says the Federal Government is allowed to spend money on.... We could cut all taxes in half, and still have money left over to pay off the debt.

3. Medicare and SS can be fixed, easily. Read the OP and see the links to the various fixes.

Do you know which countries have funding problems for health care an pensions? Every single country that has government funded health care and pensions.

Only countries like Singapore, and Chili that have privately funded pensions and health care, do not have funding problems.

The only other examples involve near poverty. Germany for example, has government funded health care, and then most of the country has private health insurance on top of their massive taxes. The result is most Germans live relatively poor compared to US citizens.

But everyone else has funding problems. Canada does, France does, UK does, all of them do.

You people, the people like you, who say constantly "easily fixed" all the time, and list off your endless explanations as to your easy fixes...... If there was an "easy fix"... why has not one single country in the world, with a government run health care and pension system, ever once in human history, ever found and used that 'easy fix'?

Where is that country with the easy fix? You realize that Social Security started off as a 1% tax, and now it's at 13%? And it's still going broke. How many of these garbage "easy fixes" have we tried, and not one has worked?

No, there is no easy fix. Your links are just wrong. I've heard that pie in the sky claims hundreds of times. It's not true. There is no easy fix. There likely is no fix to a ponzi scheme at all.

4. Education and Infrastructure spending only when we have a surplus. Those are state responsibilities. Also, I want Universities to pay half of student loans, so if the kids can't repay they have skin in the game.

Huh? Why would a university pay half the student loan? And why should the university have skin in the game?

How is it my job as an educator, to make sure you are successful? Am I supposed to follow you to your job, and make you put your phone away, and get to work? Of course not.

Students that can't pay back their loans, are the ones at fault. Either they paid too much for an education, which is entirely their fault. Or they simply didn't put in the hard work and effort to land a good job, which is also their fault.

The people who succeed, work their butts off. And it does not matter if the college or university does a great job, or a pathetic job at educating. If you don't put in the blood, sweat, and tears to succeed.... then you won't.

5. The "German model" gets kids and the unemployed ready for the work-force. They don't go to college for useless Art-History degrees. Two years free at a nearby community college ensures that the workers are trained for the jobs that exist.

Yeah, that's going to be one heck of a hard time pushing that through.

Teachers unions will not like that. Colleges and Universities, will also oppose that.

That Art History teacher in the Union, does not want their jobs made obsolete. Colleges and Universities make a lot of money requiring endless courses that serve no purpose.

The Nation Education Association, has invested interest in keeping power.

The idea that you are going to turn that entire gravy train over, I'm all for it.... but you have a heck of a fight on your hands.

First I think all corporations should be allowed to open their own schools. Get real training, from people actually in the business world, that know what skills people need to be successful.

Second, I think every state should have vocational training, as an alternative to high school. Go straight into brick laying, pipe fitting, welding, carpentry, and so on.

Just saw a video, where a guy dropped out of high school, in 11th grade, so just 1 year shy of high school diploma. He became an electrician, and was had bought his own home by age 22. His friend who went to university with a degree, at 24 was working fast food, while looking for a job.

Heard the exact same story in real life. The guy who cuts my hair, his wife never went to college. Started working at a bank in high school, worked her way up to being manager of mortgage department, makes 6-figures. Her sister, has a Ph.D in "humanities", and works for $30K as an assistant professor.

But here's what you need to understand. The education establishment is going to fight this the entire way. From the NEA all the way down, and they are going to say the Republicans are trying to make people stupid (because I guarantee you the Democrats will not go for your plan).

And the reason why is simple.... if you show that people can succeed in life without all the teachers and the degrees and Ivy League educations.... then you don't need those people.... and if you don't need them, then they'll lose money. Professor wages will fall. Teacher wages will fall. Supply and Demand. Your system will reduce demand. Price goes down... And Teachers unions will go absolutely insane.

Just saying. You have a hard road, trying to covert us to that model.

6. OK, I agree that the minimum wage cannot be so high as to reduce jobs.

Any minimum wage, will reduce jobs.

Remember, people in Alabama are poor. They can't afford what those in New York City can.

You raise the minimum wage even one dollar.... yeah, won't cause a problem in New York, where they are already paying a ton more for a burger and fries.... but in Alabama, where wages are super low, they can't afford to pay a bit more for a burger and fries. Result: Jobs are lost.

You need to think about how your "one size fits all" solution, doesn't fit all.
The real point is that the debt-to-gdp ratio is going down, or at least it was until Trump LOL.... Obama's debt was used to avert a full-blown 1930's style depression. Why we have debt in supposedly Good times under Reagan bush and Trump is another question. What a scam... Only the brainwash makes this mess possible.

Obama's debt was used to avert a full-blown 1930's style depression.

For his first 6 months. What was it used for after the recession ended in June 2009?

I don't even believe that. I don't believe that Obama's spending averted anything.

Iceland didn't bailout anyone. The banks simply went bankrupt, they went into court, and profitable areas were sold off, the unprofitable areas were liquidated, and just like any other bankruptcy, after everything was finished..... life went on.

In fact, the crash was much worse in Iceland, because those 3 major banks, made up a much larger chunk of the Icelandic economy, than our banks did.

And the only reason the Iceland government didn't bail them out, was simply because they couldn't. They simply didn't have the money to bail anyone out.

What was the result? The Icelandic economy recovered, and grew faster than any of the other countries that did bailout their banking system.

Left-wingers are so schizophrenic on this issue. They want to complain that we gave money to private banks... but then turn right around and claim that giving money to private banks was a great policy that improved everything.

They want it both ways. Bash giving tax money to companies, and then proclaim themselves wonderful for giving tax money to companies.
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:
How about we stop spending so fucking much ?
That trump military increase really pushed up deficits, plus he hurt revenue with his tax cuts.
Security of the US is never a bad thing its the other shit that Trump has spent on that is an issue. Cutting taxes means a better economy which means more jobs. More people feeding the pig.
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:
How about we stop spending so fucking much ?
That trump military increase really pushed up deficits, plus he hurt revenue with his tax cuts.
Security of the US is never a bad thing its the other shit that Trump has spent on that is an issue. Cutting taxes means a better economy which means more jobs. More people feeding the pig.
Who is going to attack us?

No the economy hasn’t gotten better actually, slowed last year...
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:
How about we stop spending so fucking much ?
That trump military increase really pushed up deficits, plus he hurt revenue with his tax cuts.
Security of the US is never a bad thing its the other shit that Trump has spent on that is an issue. Cutting taxes means a better economy which means more jobs. More people feeding the pig.
Who is going to attack us?

No the economy hasn’t gotten better actually, slowed last year...
Nobody. That's the point. Unemployment is low which means more people working which means...
The US keeps borrowing money, $23T and counting, and that is "unsustainable" as reported by the GAO.
National debt of the United States - Wikipedia

The rest of the world appears to be more responsible.
How do US taxes compare internationally?
View attachment 304081

So to Balance the Budget and start paying down the Debt the US needs to seriously revamp the tax code. Here are my recommendations for a return to fiscal sanity:
A. Hire another "Grace Commission" to audit and fix the Federal budget deficit

B. Cut Spending $625b a year
1. Cut defense to 2017 levels of $600b until the Debt is reduced, saving $150b
2. Cut foreign aid $55b (until Debt is paid we can't borrow to give money away)
3. Cut Welfare $200b & Medicaid $200b (about half)
4. Cut education $20b (state responsibility)

US Government Defense Spending History with Charts - a briefing
Current US Defense Spending:
Year Military Veterans Foreign Aid Total Defense

2017 $598.70 billion $178.00 billion $46.30 billion $823.00 billion
2018 $631.20 billion $180.40 billion $49.00 billion $860.50 billion
2019 $684.60 billion $202.10 billion $54.30 billion $941.00 billion
2020 $737.90 billion $219.20 billion $53.10 billion $1.00 trillion

C. To cover the $900b budget deficit the following taxes need to be raised:
1. Raise the top tax rate about 7% above 2016 levels +$400b
2. Implement a new 3% Fed sales tax +$400b (aka VAT)
3. Implement a new transaction tax on all stocks & bonds
Impose a Tax on Financial Transactions | Congressional Budget Office +$100b (stops hi-frequency traders)
4. Implement a new remittances tax/fee on all money sent out of the US 2% of $140b is +$3b a year

D. Reform entitlements, Medicare & Social Security, currently projected to be insolvent:

Social Security will be unable to meet obligations (not technically "bankrupt") in 2034, paying only 79% of owed benefits, while it will be actually bankrupt around 2090.
Social Security fixes:

Medicare will be insolvent in 2026
Medicare Fixes:
How about we stop spending so fucking much ?
That trump military increase really pushed up deficits, plus he hurt revenue with his tax cuts.
Security of the US is never a bad thing its the other shit that Trump has spent on that is an issue. Cutting taxes means a better economy which means more jobs. More people feeding the pig.
Who is going to attack us?

No the economy hasn’t gotten better actually, slowed last year...
Nobody. That's the point. Unemployment is low which means more people working which means...
Yes nobody.

unemployment was low before the cuts.
The real point is that the debt-to-gdp ratio is going down, or at least it was until Trump LOL.... Obama's debt was used to avert a full-blown 1930's style depression. Why we have debt in supposedly Good times under Reagan bush and Trump is another question. What a scam... Only the brainwash makes this mess possible.

Obama's debt was used to avert a full-blown 1930's style depression.

For his first 6 months. What was it used for after the recession ended in June 2009?

I don't even believe that. I don't believe that Obama's spending averted anything.

Iceland didn't bailout anyone. The banks simply went bankrupt, they went into court, and profitable areas were sold off, the unprofitable areas were liquidated, and just like any other bankruptcy, after everything was finished..... life went on.

In fact, the crash was much worse in Iceland, because those 3 major banks, made up a much larger chunk of the Icelandic economy, than our banks did.

And the only reason the Iceland government didn't bail them out, was simply because they couldn't. They simply didn't have the money to bail anyone out.

What was the result? The Icelandic economy recovered, and grew faster than any of the other countries that did bailout their banking system.

Left-wingers are so schizophrenic on this issue. They want to complain that we gave money to private banks... but then turn right around and claim that giving money to private banks was a great policy that improved everything.

They want it both ways. Bash giving tax money to companies, and then proclaim themselves wonderful for giving tax money to companies.

I don't believe that Obama's spending averted anything.

I agree. Only idiots with no understanding of economics can claim that Obama stopped a depression, with anything he did between Jan-Jun 2009.

Iceland didn't bailout anyone.

Correct, foreign depositors in Icelandic banks lost tons of money.

And the only reason the Iceland government didn't bail them out, was simply because they couldn't.

They could have, but felt, politically, it was safer to screw foreign depositors than to spend tax dollars to repay foreign depositors.

They want to complain that we gave money to private banks...

They often confuse short term loans with gifts to the banks.

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