US to hit Iran with major new sanctions on Monday


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
US to Hit Iran with ‘Major’ New Sanctions Monday: Trump

President Donald Trump said Saturday that the United States would impose “major” new sanctions on Iran in two days — a move sure to exacerbate tensions with the Islamic republic inflamed by the downing of a US spy plane.

We are like yo-yo's on a rubber band yeah that sound about right LOL..........
US to Hit Iran with ‘Major’ New Sanctions Monday: Trump

President Donald Trump said Saturday that the United States would impose “major” new sanctions on Iran in two days — a move sure to exacerbate tensions with the Islamic republic inflamed by the downing of a US spy plane.

We are like yo-yo's on a rubber band yeah that sound about right LOL..........

Barry and Kerry had to kiss the Iranian's asses for years just to get them to agree to a deal that netted them how many billions of dollars? The Iranians don't give a fuck because everytime they call the Great Satan's bluff, we fold like a cheap suit. Had we shot down one of their drones, you can bet they'd be lobbing rockets at us and crashing into our ships. They would NOT be measuring their response saying: "Well, 150 dead in collateral damage is just too much."

The difference between Persians and Arabs and the rest of the world, is that they act on principle no matter what the cost, they simply don't take no shit, while the rest of the world worries about if they can afford to get into a fight, acting on the cost no matter the principle. Or as the Indians used to say, "White man speaketh with forked tongue--- --- you can't trust anything they tell you.

Until we slap these people silly every which way come Sunday until they don't know what fucking day of the week it is, they will continue to give us the finger. If you are going to start screwing with Iran again, first break the nuclear treaty, then bracket them in with all kinds of military, then sanction their asses, then fly drones where there isn't enough room for international waters, you better be prepared and committed to taking the fight all the way or don't do it at all.

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