US to send up to 450 more troops to train Iraqis

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BHO is doing as his advisers and the Iraqis ask, and his opponents whine.
"Iraqi Police Development Played a Key Role in Tribal Engagement Strategy[edit]
One major shortcoming in the efforts to wrest control of Ramadi from the insurgency was the failure of the Iraqi Police to effectively combat the insurgency. As part of the Tribal Engagement Strategy, Ready First developed and implemented a plan to quickly recruit, train, and employ Iraqi Policemen on the streets of Ramadi. COL MacFarland, and LTC James Lechner, Deputy Brigade Commander, successfully developed an Iraqi Police recruiting, training, and employment plan that was implemented by HHC, 2-152 Infantry (Mech), an Army National Guard unit that lived in Iraqi Police Stations and Combat Outposts conducting daily patrols and clearing operations with their counterparts. HHC, 2-152 Infantry, also known in Ramadi as "the 152nd", or the Police Transition Team (PTT) Company would provide the Iraqi Police in Ramadi with the leadership and oversight that proved crucial in re-establishing a police presence in Ramadi to ensure insurgent forces did not return to neighborhoods that had been secured. Consequently, the success of the Iraqi Police program in Ramadi convinced the Ramadi populace that their government could effectively provide for their security needs, a critical element of defeating the insurgency. The 152nd PTT Company's Iraqi Police efforts began in October 2006 and would continue through the departure of Ready First and into the tenure of 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division until the 152nd departed in October 2007. The 152nd was responsible for recruiting, training, and conducting patrols with hundreds of Iraqi Police, and opened several new Iraqi Police stations in the city of Ramadi."

...and then Obama switched sides

Battle of Ramadi 2006 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BHO is doing as his advisers and the Iraqis ask, and his opponents whine.
You're right as usual Jake. Back in the 19th century a town in Texas wired the Ranger Headquarters to send Rangers to stop a mob riot. One Ranger showed up and the mayor asked why only one Ranger was sent. The Ranger replied, "Because there's only one riot." He then proceeded to quell the mob.
Because he will send only 450 troops, Generalissimo Obama will become the greatest military strategy genius the world has ever known. :puke:
Hossfly, you know as well as I that the Iraqis would not sign the SOFA we needed to protect our troops and threw us out.

We cannot do what the Iraqis won't do. Show us they can fight, and we can go from there. If they won't, we don't.
Hossfly, you know as well as I that the Iraqis would not sign the SOFA we needed to protect our troops and threw us out.

We cannot do what the Iraqis won't do. Show us they can fight, and we can go from there. If they won't, we don't.
The Iraqi PM in office now realizes the importance of a SOFA.
450 lives is the highest number he dares to send to their deaths. Less and it's a joke. More, they might have some success. That would be an obama disaster. With 450, the military will be too weak to win. Which means another obama success.
450 lives is the highest number he dares to send to their deaths. Less and it's a joke. More, they might have some success. That would be an obama disaster. With 450, the military will be too weak to win. Which means another obama success.
Why bother??

Hell. The last troops we trained ran. They didn't fight they ran. These will do the same.

No way should we send more troops to Iraq. They wanted us gone and it took them three years to lose it all.

Fuck em. I could care if ISIS takes over the whole middle east. If those Muslims are to cowardly to stop then why should we risk our young men and woman over there??

If ISIS attacks us. Turn the whole place into a glass parking lot. That's what nukes are for.

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