US to Veto Palestinian Bid for State

Jroc is the only Zionist on this thread who knows that if Obama wins a second term Israel is in for a ruff time.

Obama 2012 :thup:

This is patently untrue.

Obama is an Israeli Uncle Tom. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because otherwise he'd be someone else's toadie, like the Saudi. No wait, he already is. Maybe he's just a friendly guy, he likes to kiss ass.
Jroc is the only Zionist on this thread who knows that if Obama wins a second term Israel is in for a ruff time.

Obama 2012 :thup:

This is patently untrue.

Obama is an Israeli Uncle Tom. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because otherwise he'd be someone else's toadie, like the Saudi. No wait, he already is. Maybe he's just a friendly guy, he likes to kiss ass.

And..that's untrue as well.

What Obama's been doing it to encourage Israel to adopt a more regional friendly foreign policy. They are surrounded by Arab states..and belligerence is definitely not the answer.

However..the Palestinians shot themselves in the foot with this one (No big fucking surprise here).

One day..maybe...they will realize that what they want is going to come incrementally..and not through terrorist activities. That's just going to gum up the works.
Jroc is the only Zionist on this thread who knows that if Obama wins a second term Israel is in for a ruff time.

Obama 2012 :thup:

This is patently untrue.

Obama is an Israeli Uncle Tom. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because otherwise he'd be someone else's toadie, like the Saudi. No wait, he already is. Maybe he's just a friendly guy, he likes to kiss ass.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews -- because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.
"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel

John F. Kennedy...
Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom; and no area of the world has ever had an overabundance of democracy and freedom.

It is worth remembering, too, that Israel is a cause that stands beyond the ordinary changes and chances of American public life. In our pluralistic society, it has not been a Jewish cause - any more than Irish independence was solely the concern of Americans of Irish descent. The ideals of Zionism have, in the last half century, been repeatedly endorsed by Presidents and Members of Congress from both parties. Friendship for Israel is not a partisan matter. It is a national commitment.
John F. Kennedy: Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY
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Even though I am a lifetime Republican.

I will be urging everyone I know to vote for Obama in the next election.

Because in his second term he will not have to kowtow to AIPAC or the Israeli lobby.

And can finally free America from its support of the apartheid Zionist government of Isreal.

allah is a zionist, muhammadan :clap2:
Quran 5:20-21: Remember Moses said to his people: 'O my people! Recall in remembrance the favor of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.

Muhammadan, it's Sunday, why aren't you out committing jihad against the Christian infidels. No love for the 72 virgins in paradise, islamonazi?
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Those opposed to Abbas's statehood bid.

When have Palestinians ever been a nation in history?
Israel has only been around not that long itself.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות*, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות* Megilat HaAtzma'ut), made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the day before the British Mandate was due to expire, was the announcement by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization[1][2] and chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine,[3] that the new Jewish state named the State of Israel had been formally established in parts of what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine and on land where, in antiquity, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had once been.
The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות*, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.
Those opposed to Abbas's statehood bid.

When have Palestinians ever been a nation in history?
Israel has only been around not that long itself.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות*, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות* Megilat HaAtzma'ut), made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the day before the British Mandate was due to expire, was the announcement by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization[1][2] and chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine,[3] that the new Jewish state named the State of Israel had been formally established in parts of what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine and on land where, in antiquity, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had once been.
The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות*, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.

Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

Israel was declared inside Palestine with virtually unanimous opposition of the native population violating their universally recognized right to self determination.
Those opposed to Abbas's statehood bid.

When have Palestinians ever been a nation in history?
Israel has only been around not that long itself.

The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות*, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות* Megilat HaAtzma'ut), made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the day before the British Mandate was due to expire, was the announcement by David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization[1][2] and chairman of the Jewish Agency for Palestine,[3] that the new Jewish state named the State of Israel had been formally established in parts of what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine and on land where, in antiquity, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had once been.
The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות*, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.

jerusalem has always been the jewish capital.

if there was such a thing as a palestinian state (and not a jordanian, which is really what they are)....

1. what was it's capital city?
2. what was its form of government?
3. who were its leaders?
4. what were it's major exports?
5. with whom did they trade?

i'll wait.
This is patently untrue.

Obama is an Israeli Uncle Tom. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because otherwise he'd be someone else's toadie, like the Saudi. No wait, he already is. Maybe he's just a friendly guy, he likes to kiss ass.

And..that's untrue as well.

What Obama's been doing it to encourage Israel to adopt a more regional friendly foreign policy. They are surrounded by Arab states..and belligerence is definitely not the answer.
However..the Palestinians shot themselves in the foot with this one (No big fucking surprise here).

One day..maybe...they will realize that what they want is going to come incrementally..and not through terrorist activities. That's just going to gum up the works.

Yeah? Regional friendly in the muslim world is no Israel:eusa_eh:

[ame=]outstanding Explanation: Why Israel can't withdraw to its pre '67 borders line - Please Share - YouTube[/ame]
Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Er, Palestine is an English word invented by the British and didn't even exist prior to WW I. :lol:

Israel has existed since 3000 years ago.

Can you provide any archaeological evidence of any Palestinian civilization? Nope, you can't :lol:

Cambridge University Press
In Ottoman times [400 years, prior to WW I], no political entity called Palestine existed. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War, European boundary makers began to take greater interest in defining territorial limits for Palestine. Only since the 1920s has Palestine had formally delimited boundaries, though these have remained subject to repeated change and a source of bitter dispute.
Palestine Boundaries 1833–1947 - Cambridge Archive Editions

Eminent Historian Bernard Lewis...
The adjective Palestinian is comparatively new. This, I need hardly remind you, is a region of ancient civilization and of deep-rooted and often complex identitites. But, Palestine was not one of them. People might identify themselves for various purposes, by religion, by descent, or by allegiance to a particular state or ruler, or, sometimes, locality. But, when they did it locally it was generally either the city and the immediate district or the larger province, so they would have been Jerusalemites or Jaffaites or Syrians, identifying province of Syria

The constitution or the formation of a political entity called Palestine which eventually gave rise to a nationality called Palestinian were lasting innovations of the British Mandate [1948]

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.
The War Against Israel Goes On- by Guy Millière |

Harvard Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel
In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.

Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth. In the end, however, Israel was no match for expansionist Assyria. Samaria, the Israelite capital, fell to the Assyrians in 722 B.C.E.

The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum

PBS Nova...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.
[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]
Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

Israel was declared inside Palestine with virtually unanimous opposition of the native population violating their universally recognized right to self determination.

Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

Can you provide archaeological evidence for any Palestine or Palestinian civilization? No, I didn't think so.

The archaeological record verifies a 3000 year Jewish existence in Israel.

The United States Congressional Record
Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.

Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people has ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland. The land has been ruled by foreigners. Only since the beginning of the modern Zionist effort may it be said that a creative, cultural, and economic force has entered Palestine. The Jewish Nation was forced from its natural home. It did not go because it wanted to.

A perusal of Jewish history, a reading of Josephus, will convince the most skeptical that the grandest fight that was ever put up against an enemy was put up by the Jew. He never thought of leaving Palestine. But he was driven out. But did he, when driven out, give up his hope of getting back? Jewish history and Jewish literature give the answer to the question. The Jew even has a fast day devoted to the day of destruction of the Jewish homeland.

Never throughout history did they give up hope of returning there. I am told that 90 per cent of the Jews today are praying for the return of the Jewish people to its own home. The best minds among them believe in the necessity of reestablishing their Jewish land. To my mind there is something prophetic in the fact that during the ages no other nation has taken over Palestine and held it in the sense of a homeland; and there is something providential in the fact that for 1,800 years it has remained in desolation as if waiting for the return of the people.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Winston Churchill, Nobel Prize for Literature
It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national centre and a National Home...And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?

Tel Dan Stele Verifying [King] Davidic Dynasty 1000 BCE
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans 2000 Yrs Old
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 Yrs Old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

Can you provide archaeological evidence for any Palestine or Palestinian civilization? No, I didn't think so.

The archaeological record verifies a 3000 year Jewish existence in Israel.

The United States Congressional Record
Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military machine and for centuries prevented from returning. At different periods various alien people succeeded them but the Jewish race had left an indelible impress upon the land.

Today it is a Jewish country. Every name, every landmark, every monument and every trace of whatever civilization remaining there is still Jewish. And it has ever since remained a hope, a longing, as expressed in their prayers for these nearly 2,000 years. No other people has ever claimed Palestine as their national home. No other people has ever shown an aptitude or indicated a genuine desire to make it their homeland. The land has been ruled by foreigners. Only since the beginning of the modern Zionist effort may it be said that a creative, cultural, and economic force has entered Palestine. The Jewish Nation was forced from its natural home. It did not go because it wanted to.

A perusal of Jewish history, a reading of Josephus, will convince the most skeptical that the grandest fight that was ever put up against an enemy was put up by the Jew. He never thought of leaving Palestine. But he was driven out. But did he, when driven out, give up his hope of getting back? Jewish history and Jewish literature give the answer to the question. The Jew even has a fast day devoted to the day of destruction of the Jewish homeland.

Never throughout history did they give up hope of returning there. I am told that 90 per cent of the Jews today are praying for the return of the Jewish people to its own home. The best minds among them believe in the necessity of reestablishing their Jewish land. To my mind there is something prophetic in the fact that during the ages no other nation has taken over Palestine and held it in the sense of a homeland; and there is something providential in the fact that for 1,800 years it has remained in desolation as if waiting for the return of the people.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Winston Churchill, Nobel Prize for Literature
It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national centre and a National Home...And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?

Tel Dan Stele Verifying [King] Davidic Dynasty 1000 BCE
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans 2000 Yrs Old
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 Yrs Old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

Israel was declared inside Palestine with virtually unanimous opposition of the native population violating their universally recognized right to self determination.

All true. look it up.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

Then why do you post the same crap over, and over, and over again in every thread?
Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

Can you provide archaeological evidence for any Palestine or Palestinian civilization? No, I didn't think so.

The archaeological record verifies a 3000 year Jewish existence in Israel.

The United States Congressional Record

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...

Winston Churchill, Nobel Prize for Literature

Tel Dan Stele Verifying [King] Davidic Dynasty 1000 BCE
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans 2000 Yrs Old
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 Yrs Old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel is a foreign entity in Palestine. Of the 37 people who signed Israel's declaration of independence only one was born in Palestine and he was the son of immigrants.

Israel was declared inside Palestine with virtually unanimous opposition of the native population violating their universally recognized right to self determination.

All true. look it up.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

Then why do you post the same crap over, and over, and over again in every thread?

Palestine is an English word and is a recent European invention created by the British after WW I around 1920. Not so ancient and not so Palestinian, after all.:lol:

Cambridge University Press
In Ottoman times, no political entity called Palestine existed. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War, European boundary makers began to take greater interest in defining territorial limits for Palestine. Only since the 1920s has Palestine had formally delimited boundaries, though these have remained subject to repeated change and a source of bitter dispute.
Palestine Boundaries 1833–1947 - Cambridge Archive Editions

Eminent Historian Bernard Lewis...
The adjective Palestinian is comparatively new. This, I need hardly remind you, is a region of ancient civilization and of deep-rooted and often complex identitites. But, Palestine was not one of them. People might identify themselves for various purposes, by religion, by descent, or by allegiance to a particular state or ruler, or, sometimes, locality. But, when they did it locally it was generally either the city and the immediate district or the larger province, so they would have been Jerusalemites or Jaffaites or Syrians, identifying province of Syria

The constitution or the formation of a political entity called Palestine which eventually gave rise to a nationality called Palestinian were lasting innovations of the British Mandate [1948]

Israel was established by the Jewish People 3000 years ago, verified by the archaeological record, where Jews have lived to today.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

PBS: Civilization and the Jews
The interaction of Jewish history and Western civilization successively assumed different forms. In the Biblical and Ancient periods, Israel was an integral part of the Near Eastern and classical world, which gave birth to Western civilization. It shared the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia and the rest of that world with regard to it’s own beginning; it benefited from the decline of Egypt and the other great Near Eastern empires to emerge as a nation in it’s own right; it asserted it’s claim to the divinely promised Land of Israel...
PBS - Heritage

University of Chicago Oriental Institute---Empires in the Fertile Crescent: : Israel, Ancient Assyria, and Anatolia
Visitors will get a rare look at one of the most important geographic regions in the ancient Near East beginning January 29 with the opening of "Empires in the Fertile Crescent: Ancient Assyria, Anatolia and Israel," the newest galleries at the Museum of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

The galleries showcase artifacts that illustrate the power of these ancient civilizations, including sculptural representations of tributes demanded by kings of ancient Assyria, and some sources of continual fascination, such as a fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls--one of the few examples in the United States.

"Visitors begin in Assyria, move across Anatolia and down the Mediterranean coast to the land of ancient Israel. The galleries also trace the conquests of the Assyrian empire across the Middle East and follow their trail to Israel."

The Israelites, who emerged as the dominant people of that region in about 975 B.C. are documented by many objects of daily life, a large stamp engraved with a biblical text and an ossuary (box for bones) inscribed in Hebrew.
Probably the most spectacular portion of the Megiddo gallery, however, is the Megiddo ivories. These exquisitely carved pieces of elephant tusks were inlays in furniture, and a particularly large piece was made into a game board.

Oriental Institute | Museum

Harvard Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel
In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.
Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth. In the end, however, Israel was no match for expansionist Assyria. Samaria, the Israelite capital, fell to the Assyrians in 722 B.C.E.

The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology: Canaan and Ancient Israel
The first major North American exhibition dedicated to the archaeology of ancient Israel and neighboring lands, "Canaan and Ancient Israel" features more than 350 rare artifacts from about 3,000 to 586 B.C.E., excavated by University of Pennsylvania Museum archaeologists in Israel,
Artcom Museums Tour: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia PA

Yale Law School Faculty Scholarship Series: Ancient Land Law in Israel, Mesopotamia, Egypt
This Article provides an overview of the land regimes that the peoples of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Israel created by law and custom between 3000 B.C. and 500 B.C

A look at land regimes in the earliest periods of human history can illuminate debate over the extent to which human institutions can be expected to vary from time to time and place to place.
"Ancient Land Law: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel" by Robert C. Ellickson and Charles DiA. Thorland

Yale University Press: Education in Ancient Israel
In this groundbreaking new book, distinguished biblical scholar James L. Crenshaw investigates both the pragmatic hows and the philosophical whys of education in ancient Israel and its surroundings. Asking questions as basic as "Who were the teachers and students and from what segment of Israelite society did they come?" and "How did instructors interest young people in the things they had to say?" Crenshaw explores the institutions and practices of education in ancient Israel. The results are often surprising and more complicated than one would expect.

Education in Ancient Israel - Crenshaw, James L - Yale University Press

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press

Cambridge University Press: The World of Ancient Israel
The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel - Academic and Professional Books - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press: Wisdom in Ancient Israel
Wisdom in Ancient Israel - Academic and Professional Books - Cambridge University Press

PBS Nova...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.
[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]
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I really don't care if there is a Palestinian state or not. The Palestinians want a country? Then they need to renounce terrorism and work with the ONLY democracy in the middle east and that is Israel.

Here is a tiny country sitting in the middle of a group of nations that have several times, tried to wipe them off the map and have got their asses handed to them time and time again. They have resorted to shelling Israeli settlements and blowing up school children. They take international aid and they put it into Swiss bank accounts so that they can live high off the hog, while they show footage of the Palestinian people wallowing in refugee camps on Al Jazeera. Then in an act of incredible stupidity, they invite Iranian puppets into their government in the form of Hamas and Hezbollah, and can't understand why the United States is hesitant to recognize a Palestinian right to self rule. Jeeze... I can't imagine why. It just gets more stupid every day. Can you say Third World Shithole?

Barry isn't making things any better. He has from the beginning of his administration, done everything that he can to embarrass and belittle the Jewish leaders and the state of Israel. I'm not going to go into details, but suffice it to say that even an Evangelical Christian like me can see the crap that Barry is shoveling when it comes to the Jews. They ARE God's chosen people, whether you like it or not. They ARE our allies. They ARE one of the only good allies that we have and Barry treats them worse than he treats any one else. American Jews and the Israelis aren't stupid. American Jews sent a very clear and a very LOUD voice to Washington with the election of a Republican in New York's 9th District. Barry should wise up... but he won't. You can't fix stupid.

Sympathy for the Palestinians? Yeah, okay... I'll get right on that.
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In ancient times the Jews were the “Chosen People”

But they broke their contract with Yahweh and he abandon them.

Thus they are nothing special.

Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East. Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. are all democracies.

Israel is far from being one of our allies. In fact Israel is an enemy to the United States.

Obama is aware of this and wants to change our misguided foreign-policy favoring the fascist state of Israel.

Hopefully, Obama will win reelection in 2012

And will cut off all aid and weapons sales to the Zionist scum who rule Israel.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
In ancient times the Jews were the “Chosen People”

But they broke their contract with Yahweh and he abandon them.

Thus they are nothing special.

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Among Time magazine's 100 men and women whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world
All the useful scientific books that you have today are theirs [the Jews] the fruit of their free and creative thinking. The Jews have come from the tragedy of the Holocaust and forced the world to respect them with their knowledge not with their terror, with their work not their crying and yelling.

Humanity owes most of the discoveries and science of the 19th and 20th centuries to Jewish scientists. 15 million people scattered throughout the world united and won their rights through work and knowledge.
[ame=]Arabs for Israel - Muslims for Israel - Wafa Sultan - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Jews and Muslims-Nobel Prize List (Latest) - YouTube[/ame]
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In ancient times the Jews were the “Chosen People”

But they broke their contract with Yahweh and he abandon them.

Thus they are nothing special.

Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East. Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. are all democracies.

Israel is far from being one of our allies. In fact Israel is an enemy to the United States.

Obama is aware of this and wants to change our misguided foreign-policy favoring the fascist state of Israel.

Hopefully, Obama will win reelection in 2012

And will cut off all aid and weapons sales to the Zionist scum who rule Israel.

Iran is a democracy?? Wow, and the hundreds that were killed in the street by the mullahs when Achmodenajad(SP??) was re-elected were Zionist agents I suppose??

Eygpt is currently run by a council supported by the military. Lebanon hasn't been a democracy in years and years and is afraid to fart if Hamas and Hezbollah hasn't given their blessing. Iran assasinated the last freely elected Prime Minister who wasn't happy that they were messing in their business. Turkey has always been secretly run by the military. When they don't like the outcome of the elections, one of the generals usually steps in and makes the necessary 'corrections.' And Iraq is a democracy because those Americans standing on the street corners holding M-4's says its a democracy for now.

You know, in the United States, one of the most sacred rights is the freedom of religion. I take that to heart and believe it with everything that I am. You want to worship door knobs? I got no problem with that and I think that you should be free to do so without any problems. Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Mormons, Christians, or Atheists... whatever. It is your right and it is non-negotiable.

But Israel is the ONLY truly free democracy in the middle east that sustains that democracy with a strong constitution. It a very good ally. I vote for those representatives that remember that AND I support their campaigns financially. The fact that the Muslim jihadists want everyone to return to the 7th century is a fact. All of the saying it isn't so and the propaganda that you put out, like saying Iran is a democracy, is a bunch of crap.

Partner, in Oklahoma, you can put a bonnet on a pig and call it Lucy, but in the end it's still a freakin pig.
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In ancient times the Jews were the “Chosen People”

But they broke their contract with Yahweh and he abandon them.

Thus they are nothing special.

Israel is not the only democracy in the Middle East. Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, and Iran. are all democracies.

Israel is far from being one of our allies. In fact Israel is an enemy to the United States.

Obama is aware of this and wants to change our misguided foreign-policy favoring the fascist state of Israel.

Hopefully, Obama will win reelection in 2012

And will cut off all aid and weapons sales to the Zionist scum who rule Israel.

Iran is a democracy?? Wow, and the hundreds that were killed in the street by the mullahs when Achmodenajad(SP??) was re-elected were Zionist agents I suppose??

Eygpt is currently run by a council supported by the military. Lebanon hasn't been a democracy in years and years and is afraid to fart if Hamas and Hezbollah hasn't given their blessing. Iran assasinated the last freely elected Prime Minister who wasn't happy that they were messing in their business. Turkey has always been secretly run by the military. When they don't like the outcome of the elections, one of the generals usually steps in and makes the necessary 'corrections.' And Iraq is a democracy because those Americans standing on the street corners holding M-4's says its a democracy for now.

You know, in the United States, one of the most sacred rights is the freedom of religion. I take that to heart and believe it with everything that I am. You want to worship door knobs? I got no problem with that and I think that you should be free to do so without any problems. Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Mormons, Christians, or Atheists... whatever. It is your right and it is non-negotiable.

But Israel is the ONLY truly free democracy in the middle east that sustains that democracy with a strong constitution. It a very good ally. I vote for those representatives that remember that AND I support their campaigns financially. The fact that the Muslim jihadists want everyone to return to the 7th century is a fact. All of the saying it isn't so and the propaganda that you put out, like saying Iran is a democracy, is a bunch of crap.

Partner, in Oklahoma, you can put a bonnet on a pig and call it Lucy, but in the end it's still a freakin pig.

You're learning quickly that the IQ of skinheads and nazis and islamonazis in this chat room is not very high.
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